Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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Another example of best to analyse the facts, rather than listening to who screams the loudest...


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So funny but you’ll have to do a whole lot better than that.

Keep deflecting tho which is something you are an expert at.
No way is that deflecting, both major parties are as guilty as each other, it's the same in most democratic countries unfortunately.
Sun knocked off and disappeared over the horizon and wind not anywhere near cutting the mustard tonight and the battery, the less said there the better....Black coal and the dirty Victorian brown coal keeping SA from total darkness LOL

SA's renewables and gas/battery can't even produce half of SA's demand. Hopefully the wind picks up tomoz..


Sun knocked off and disappeared over the horizon and wind not anywhere near cutting the mustard tonight and the battery, the less said there the better....Black coal and the dirty Victorian brown coal keeping SA from total darkness LOL

SA's renewables and gas/battery can't even produce half of SA's demand. Hopefully the wind picks up tomoz..

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****iing insightful Bicks... just like last night & the night before, the sun doesn't produce solar at night.

Who would have thought...
The near future...
You've been conned banana benders

Aircon: 8000 Qld homes sweat as cooling cut off​

Thousands of sweltering Queenslanders have had the cooling function on their airconditioners turned off remotely by their energy provider.

More than 8000 Queensland households had the cooling function on their airconditioner turned off remotely by Energex on a sweltering Sunday earlier this month – the fifth Big Brother-style intervention of the year.
In total, aircons have been automatically throttled back about 210,000 times in the Sunshine State so far in 2024 to ease pressure on the power grid, according to information obtained from the government-owned power company.

The most recent instance was during the early evening of December 8, when over 8300 households across Logan and Ipswich had the compressors of their aircon disabled.

Energex was trying to manage surging electricity demand after temperatures reached as high as 36 degrees celsius.
The affected households were part of the PeakSmart “demand response” scheme.

They joined PeakSmart in return for a rebate of as much as $400 on purchasing an air conditioner. The quid pro quo was that a signal receiver was installed in the unit.

The receiver allows Energex or Ergon – depending on the location – to remotely control power supply to the air conditioner to cap its energy consumption during times of heavy demand.

Energex calls these times “PeakSmart events.”
Oh dear no wind of any note still in SA at 9.55AM Monday


RegionBlack CoalBrown CoalGasLiquid FuelOtherHydroWindLarge SolarSmall SolarBattery StorageTotal
New South Wales3,11341015692463,3752,95209,811
South Australia83002227496901,348
Western Australia5435780934411549002,079


RegionDemand (AEMO Operational)Demand (Pumping Hydro)Demand (Battery Charging)Demand (Other)Demand (Met by Rooftop Solar)Total
New South Wales5,76812314502,9528,989
South Australia6324909691,650
Western Australia1,589004902,079

And further to the Qlders getting conned your mate Mali is getting prepared by the looks...

No problems as long as it's Kano and Kirky's abodes that are at the front of the queue if it's required...🤣😂

The other PeakSmart event type is a DRM3, when an aircon’s consumption cannot exceed 75 per cent of its maximum. That was last used in 2017.

Nowhere else in the nation uses demand response as actively as southeast Queensland.

But other states are watching and preparing to follow suit.

In 2023, South Australia made it mandatory for new air conditioners to be enabled for demand response. But SA currently has no plan to send signals to the receivers to reduce the load on its grid.

And further to the Qlders getting conned your mate Mali is getting prepared by the looks...

No problems as long as it's Kano and Kirky's abodes that are at the front of the queue if it's required...🤣😂

The other PeakSmart event type is a DRM3, when an aircon’s consumption cannot exceed 75 per cent of its maximum. That was last used in 2017.

Nowhere else in the nation uses demand response as actively as southeast Queensland.

But other states are watching and preparing to follow suit.

In 2023, South Australia made it mandatory for new air conditioners to be enabled for demand response. But SA currently has no plan to send signals to the receivers to reduce the load on its grid.
South Australia has had less of these power surge issues since many households have gone solar, as solar has flattened the peak hot demand days as more is going into the grid.

Used to be a far regular occurrence before solar in Summer on 35+ degrees days.

So as usual you have nfi!
South Australia has had less of these power surge issues since many households have gone solar, as solar has flattened the peak hot demand days as more is going into the grid.

Used to be a far regular occurrence before solar in Summer on 35+ degrees days.

So as usual you have nfi!

And Queensland has less rooftop solar even though it is more conducive climate to have it than even SA.

Also power is owned/controlled by the government owned utility in Queensland.

Our old country mate is like a dog with a bone, he won’t give up.

The funny thing is fossil fuels are generally required after sun goes down at this point of the transition. Imagine what will be achieved over the next 10 years with technology advances and further investment in renewables and batteries, storage etc. At the moment, more than 2/3 of power at the moment is being driven renewables.

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The near future...
You've been conned banana benders

Aircon: 8000 Qld homes sweat as cooling cut off​

Thousands of sweltering Queenslanders have had the cooling function on their airconditioners turned off remotely by their energy provider.

More than 8000 Queensland households had the cooling function on their airconditioner turned off remotely by Energex on a sweltering Sunday earlier this month – the fifth Big Brother-style intervention of the year.
In total, aircons have been automatically throttled back about 210,000 times in the Sunshine State so far in 2024 to ease pressure on the power grid, according to information obtained from the government-owned power company.

The most recent instance was during the early evening of December 8, when over 8300 households across Logan and Ipswich had the compressors of their aircon disabled.

Energex was trying to manage surging electricity demand after temperatures reached as high as 36 degrees celsius.
The affected households were part of the PeakSmart “demand response” scheme.

They joined PeakSmart in return for a rebate of as much as $400 on purchasing an air conditioner. The quid pro quo was that a signal receiver was installed in the unit.

The receiver allows Energex or Ergon – depending on the location – to remotely control power supply to the air conditioner to cap its energy consumption during times of heavy demand.

Energex calls these times “PeakSmart events.”

Cry me a river.

8,000 homes out of how many? A million or perhaps 1.5 million dwellings.

Ah well, the Coalition government in Queensland will fix the problem. Wont they?
You guys unfortunately argue as if the energy discussion is and black & white discussion .....purely a matter of which political party you follow

And damn if any of you will change your POV's because of your political views ......it's such a dumb platform to argue from

Do yourself a favour and watch this video:

1. India has surpassed China as having the biggest population .....now 1 in 3 people on the earth are from either China or India

2. Whilst most of the english speaking world has halved coal usage .....China builds a new Coal plant every week ....and India is following

3. There is no such thing as renewables !!!
Everything wears out, quicker than people think .....where's wind farm blades go? .......Lithium Batteries go ?
Every component has to be mined, and transported .....using guess what ?

So, it's a very complicated issue, and Australia is a makes zero difference to the planet's future .....in fact our exports have the opposite effect & are destroying the planet

And Queensland has less rooftop solar even though it is more conducive climate to have it than even SA.

Also power is owned/controlled by the government owned utility in Queensland.

Our old country mate is like a dog with a bone, he won’t give up.

The funny thing is fossil fuels are generally required after sun goes down at this point of the transition. Imagine what will be achieved over the next 10 years with technology advances and further investment in renewables and batteries, storage etc. At the moment, more than 2/3 of power at the moment is being driven renewables.

And it's been almost wall to wall ALP Governments in Queensland since 1989 with 2 brief interludes.

34.Wayne Keith GossALP07 Dec 198919 Feb 19966 years, 2 months, 12 days
35.Robert Edward BorbidgeNational/Liberal19 Feb 199626 Jun 19982 years, 4 months, 7 days
36.Peter Douglas BeattieALP26 Jun 199813 Sep 20079 years, 2 months, 18 days
37.Anna Maria BlighALP13 Sep 200726 Mar 20124 years, 6 months, 13 days
38.Campbell NewmanLiberal National26 Mar 201214 Feb 20152 years, 10 months, 19 days
39.Annastacia PalaszczukALP14 Feb 201515 Dec 20238 years, 10 months, 1 day
40.Steven MilesALP15 Dec 202328 Oct 202410 months, 13 days
41.David CrisafulliLiberal National28 Oct 2024
Why on earth do you need airconditioners when evaporative cooling is a much better option in a climate like Adelaide?

And uses less power as well (therefore cost) and is healthier for you as well.
Evap coolers are a dumb option now. New splits are super efficient and heat + cool. Splits can also dehumidify.

The stupid thing is how we build houses. We build shit boxes with no thought of the sun. Orient your house properly and insulate. Use way less electricity and have a much more comfortable house. We focus way too much on the supply side
And Queensland has less rooftop solar even though it is more conducive climate to have it than even SA.

Also power is owned/controlled by the government owned utility in Queensland.

Our old country mate is like a dog with a bone, he won’t give up.

The funny thing is fossil fuels are generally required after sun goes down at this point of the transition. Imagine what will be achieved over the next 10 years with technology advances and further investment in renewables and batteries, storage etc. At the moment, more than 2/3 of power at the moment is being driven renewables.
Qld has huge solar penetration. I don't think they're far behind SA.

Also, only the networks are government owned. It's very questionable that having government corporations as networks is a good thing. Go read Ergon Energy's recent overspend. There doesn't seem to be much care about overspending.
Evap coolers are a dumb option now. New splits are super efficient and heat + cool. Splits can also dehumidify.

The stupid thing is how we build houses. We build shit boxes with no thought of the sun. Orient your house properly and insulate. Use way less electricity and have a much more comfortable house. We focus way too much on the supply side
Yeah, I'm going to look to double glaze my Westen side of the house as should make a big difference.
Yeah, I'm going to look to double glaze my Westen side of the house as should make a big difference.
Western side will do almost nothing unfortunately. Even double glazed doesn't stop much of the direct sun. Need to shade them from outside.

E.g. A minimum standard wall on a new build has an R value of 2 (higher the better). A decent double glazed window has an R value of around 0.6. Triple glazed around 1. Single glazed around 0.16. Long story short even good windows are bad at stopping sun coming in.
Western side will do almost nothing unfortunately. Even double glazed doesn't stop much of the direct sun. Need to shade them from outside.

E.g. A minimum standard wall on a new build has an R value of 2 (higher the better). A decent double glazed window has an R value of around 0.6. Triple glazed around 1. Single glazed around 0.16. Long story short even good windows are bad at stopping sun coming in.
I have too much glass, so should significantly help... but so did building verandah which blocks most of the direct sun. Every bit helps.
I have too much glass, so should significantly help... but so did building verandah which blocks most of the direct sun. Every bit helps.

We built an energy efficient home.

Look at UPVC frames or thermally broken aluminium frames, much better overall window thermal performance than a standard double glazed aluminium frame.
Western side will do almost nothing unfortunately. Even double glazed doesn't stop much of the direct sun. Need to shade them from outside.

E.g. A minimum standard wall on a new build has an R value of 2 (higher the better). A decent double glazed window has an R value of around 0.6. Triple glazed around 1. Single glazed around 0.16. Long story short even good windows are bad at stopping sun coming in.
When the early Australians without all these modern building practices worked out keeping the sun off the walls with all round verandas was a smart move in places where summer heat was a major factor with the added factor of more catchment for the rain to be utilised., unfortunately now most of the new builds I see in Ballarat don't even have eaves, look out if the ever get a blocked gutter.

Problem now is the people seem to want big houses on small blocks, most around ballarat don't even have room for the Aussie icon the Hills Hoist so they use the energy guzzling clothes dryers either at home or at the laundromats.. Very few even have rainwater tanks so the rainwater just pisses out into the street gutters.
When the early Australians without all these modern building practices worked out keeping the sun off the walls with all round verandas was a smart move in places where summer heat was a major factor with the added factor of more catchment for the rain to be utilised., unfortunately now most of the new builds I see in Ballarat don't even have eaves, look out if the ever get a blocked gutter.

Problem now is the people seem to want big houses on small blocks, most around ballarat don't even have room for the Aussie icon the Hills Hoist so they use the energy guzzling clothes dryers either at home or at the laundromats.. Very few even have rainwater tanks so the rainwater just pisses out into the street gutters.
Clothes dryer, never owned one never will
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