Society & Culture Awkward Situations

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Good mate of mine calls me up yesterday. After bout half an hour on the phone, he asks if my sister works at Peter Mac, as he thought he saw her in the foyer.

I reply jokingly, "what, do you have cancer?". Obviously an incredibly idiotic thing to say in hindsight and I regretted it almost instantly.

He replied his dad has cancer. As you can imagine, I felt like a ****wit for replying as I did and said, "does he?".

To which he replied that his dad had passed away a fortnight earlier. In shock at the news, I didn't know what to reply (never do in such situations). It only compounded how much of an idiot I felt and all I could say was "Promise?" (don't ask). He thought I'd knew as he saw my brother after his dad passed away but my bro never bothered to relay the message.

As you can imagine, it was a genuine conversation killer. After I gave him my condolences there wasn't really anywhere for the conversation to go so we ended it there.

I always try to hold them in my left hand when im out because of it, but almost always forget after a minute or two.

I'm left-handed, I don't have this problem. :p

I can't make the first move unless I know there is genuine interest beforehand.

THIS. 1,000,000 x this.
I referee soccer, usually do Men's State League but couple of years ago got called up at short notice to to cover for a Women's Premier League knockout game. Get out onto the field and find out that my ex-girlfriend from a particularly bad breakup is playing for one of the sides.

Not pleasant trying to awkwardly explain to two coaches why you can't officiate the game, with a decentish sized crowd looking on wondering what the issue is.

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when someone talks in your vicinity without the speech being directly aimed at you. Most of the time , you don't know whether to reply or stay silent.
Being caught in the act with a pair of scissors while snow dropping by your 60+ neighbor with her finest silk on your head. Awkwardness then turns to blackmail. :eek:
This may have been said. When someone, especially a hot girl, says a hi in your general direction, only for you to reply back with a enthusiastic hi of your own and then realise they were actually talking to the person behind you.

I have been caught out here a couple of times, not just involving a hot bird, but also just general people standing behind me. :eek:
This may have been said. When someone, especially a hot girl, says a hi in your general direction, only for you to reply back with a enthusiastic hi of your own and then realise they were actually talking to the person behind you.

Definitely had this one happen quite a few times too. Often it's at work but sometimes it happens out on the street too. The nice looking chick version of this occurence is definitely the worst though.
Yea a similar thing happened to me when I first met a guy I'm now quite good friends with. Seeing an odd, big brown mark on his stomach I launched into a "Haha man what the **** is that ugly thing on your stomach, wipe it off or something this instant" at which point he politely informed me it was his birth mark and wouldn't come off.
Some genuine classics in this thread. I just killed 30 mins at work reading that. Got a strange look when I snorted after reading about the fatty spewing on herself. :thumbsu:

You go to use the loo at a mates house/work/a party, anywhere populated with people you know... You start pissing only to find piss (not yours) all over the place and realise that you have to bloody clean it up to prevent whoever is following you (likely a chick) thinking that it was you.

It isn't awkward, more an annoyance while trying to avoid awkwardness. Pisses me off, I cant let it go.

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Yea a similar thing happened to me when I first met a guy I'm now quite good friends with. Seeing an odd, big brown mark on his stomach I launched into a "Haha man what the **** is that ugly thing on your stomach, wipe it off or something this instant" at which point he politely informed me it was his birth mark and wouldn't come off.

haha that does remind me. at a family day/clinic/some such club event in about 2004, someone i know was going to get julian rowe's autograph, and was on the verge of saying 'gee, you got a nice bunch of fives', before realising at the very last second, it's a birth mark. :eek::eek:
Lol, really putting your foot in ya mouth or being caught backstabbing someone...

1. At xmas looking thru the fridge and cracking this shits over mum making a "fruit flan"... um, my aunt had brought it over.

2. walking up the stairs to my house, completely backstabbing my neighbours saying good riddance (they were about to go to live OS).. and fair dinkum that neighbour opening the front door to me.

3. Again, more backstabbing- a friend this time- complaining she only came over to my house to play the computer (this was absolutely correct tho) and just slagging her off- and she was around the corner listening to every word.

-yeah i really need to learn to shut my mouth from time to time- :eek:
Just finished a client interview with a young couple, and noted that the girl's top didn't actually say Coca Cola, but some designer brand written in the same stylised lettering.

Started as a passing comment, before she proceeded to brush her hands down her t-shirt (to make it straight so I could read it.....but also suggestively curved).....for about 15 seconds.

I had allready started the shutdown procedure on the computer, so was kind of blindly staring into space....directly at her top. Around this time, her partner "coughed", and decided it might be time for us to say our goodbyes.

...I'm still not 100% it's not all just in my head, but the doubt is enough to make our next meeting awkward.
This may have been said. When someone, especially a hot girl, says a hi in your general direction, only for you to reply back with a enthusiastic hi of your own and then realise they were actually talking to the person behind you.

...I sometimes do the opposite too.

I a hot girl will say hi and I wont respond, assuming they are talking to someone else. They then repeat the greeting, leaving me feeling very stupid.

And whoever said changing the music to stuff you listen to. That one second of anticipation to see what you've put on is a killer.

Voodoo People is a song everyone likes though, so I felt pretty safe afterwards.
one situation that made me a bit awkward a few weeks ago was when a guy came up and interupted a conversation i was having with someone then him and the guy started talking in there own for a few minutes as i just stood there, i eventually just walked off.
I was at the Hawthorn vs. Geelong Grand Final and me and my Uncle were trying to get a WEG poster. I was standing in the line, just in casual clothes, and I turn to my uncle to say that "there is some falfwit in a Cats jumper getting a WEG poster." He was about 20 metres away and couldn't here me so I knew I was safe.

Then this big fat bloke in front of me turns around in a Geelong polo. I just kind of turned around all red faced and pretended it wasn't me.....
It's very awkward when you're with someone and there is silence for a couple of minutes and then at the exact same time you both start to say something. Then further awkwardness follows not knowing which one of you two should continue then following a usually rushed sentence the inevitable " what were you going to say" question comes then the "ahh nothing that interesting" type of answer.
When my credit card declined and I had to leave all my shopping at the store to pay later.

Mates and I bought a dildo and a signed Richmond guernsey for our best mate birthday present and we didn't realise it was a family gathering as well as a friends gathering. Anyway, After dinner he started to unwrap the presents and when he unwrapped the guernsey and held it up for everybody to see, the dildo fell out. There was a collective gasp from everybody around the table and it was the most awkwardest 20 second of our life when the birthday boy glared at us angrily.

Replying to a long thread in Bigfooty and you can't be ****ed reading the whole thing and saying something that's already been said.

Asking females if they are pregnant - but it turns out they have just put on some weight.

Standing in a lift lobby on your own so you think it is safe to drop a fart. Only the lift arrives straight after and the smell follows you in there.

I was having a private conversation on the phone at work. After I hung up a colleague I don't really like asked me about what I had been saying. I just stared at him.
I mentioned this on another thread ages ago, but I was once introduced to a young woman called Tennille and I made the following errors of judgement:

1. I thought it would be a good idea to make the "Where's the Captain?" joke.
2. I based my reasoning on the assumption that girls called Tennille love this joke, and never tire of hearing it.
3. I made the "Where's the Captain?" joke.
4. I laughed at the joke as I said it.

I was nearly turned to stone by her icy glare.
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