Had my toughest battle to date last night
My party was level 11. Not sure if waiting until L12 would have made it a bit more manageable.Taking on the mother superior in the temple of Shar at the end of Shadowheart’s quest.
It’s a pretty tough battle with lots of minions who can do heaps of damage under darkness.
I had several attempts and getting but I kept getting wiped, although got close with only a few remaining.
It was a bit cheesy the way I survived. I thought my whole party had been wiped but Gale was unconscious not dead and he woke up in jail.
Escaped from prison and went back to camp, rezzed everyone and went back and took out mother superior and the rest of her minions.
same thing happened to me but instead it was only wyll who got arrested (who was downed but not dead)
funny how it worked, that's a tough fight but spamming AOE spells (like cloudkill, blade barrier, cloud of flies etc) all made it fairly easier
funny how it worked, that's a tough fight but spamming AOE spells (like cloudkill, blade barrier, cloud of flies etc) all made it fairly easier