Game bAyFLX (Beta 5.7 Update) Brand New Innovations

Who will win bAyFLX 2025?

  • Orange Crush

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Rainbow Power

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Electric Slime

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Pink Tank

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Lemon Squeeze

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Brown Streak

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black Ice

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blue Steel

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Big Red

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Killer Vanilla

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Purple Pain

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Grey Nurses

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .

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Final Quarter - The Coconut Effect
  • (00:00) The final quarter begins with a surprising twist: Elmer_Judd of Purple Pain enters the field juggling a bunch of coconuts, much to the amusement of the virtual crowd.
  • (00:30) The game resumes, and Judd, coconuts in hand, manages to tap the ball to dockshark while simultaneously entertaining the fans with his coconut antics.
  • (01:00) dockshark takes advantage of the distraction, dashing forward and kicking a long goal. (Purple Pain 107 - Gray Blades 86)
  • (02:15) Gray Blades' frggr, no longer with his magic wand, watches as Judd's coconuts seem to multiply. Each coconut Judd drops turns into a ball, causing momentary confusion on the field.
  • (03:00) Amidst the coconut chaos, Geoff for Gray Blades seizes a real ball and makes a break for it, scoring a quick goal. (Purple Pain 107 - Gray Blades 92)
  • (04:20) The match intensifies as Purple Jesus intercepts a pass, his focus unaffected by the coconuts rolling around the field.
  • (05:00) Purple Jesus kicks truly, and it's another goal for Purple Pain. (Purple Pain 113 - Gray Blades 92)
  • (06:30) frggr rallies his team, urging them to ignore the coconuts and concentrate on the game. Lunchlady Doris responds with a powerful kick that results in a goal. (Purple Pain 113 - Gray Blades 98)
  • (07:45) Elmer_Judd now uses the coconuts to Purple Pain's advantage, setting them up as obstacles. MadMundy weaves through them and scores another goal. (Purple Pain 119 - Gray Blades 98)
  • (08:50) The coconuts become a symbol of Purple Pain's unpredictable playstyle, as Maybenextyear uses one to fake a pass, then scores a sneaky goal. (Purple Pain 125 - Gray Blades 98)
  • (09:55) As the first 10 minutes of the last quarter come to an end, the coconuts have added an element of whimsy and strategy to the game.
  • (10:30) The game continues with the score at Purple Pain 125, Gray Blades 98. The virtual field is tense as Elmer_Judd and frggr eye each other with competitive fire.
  • (11:00) Elmer_Judd, coconuts forgotten, charges towards frggr. They meet in the center with a clash that sends a shockwave through the virtual stadium.
  • (11:30) The ball is loose, but all eyes are on the captains. Judd swings a virtual fist, frggr counters with a digital dodge. It's a battle worthy of the grandest stages.
  • (12:00) Teammates rush to separate them, but the captains are relentless. Judd attempts a tackle, frggr sidesteps and makes a dash for the ball.
  • (12:30) Amidst the chaos, frggr scoops up the ball and launches it towards the goals. It's a desperate kick, but it's accurate. GOAL for Gray Blades! (Purple Pain 125 - Gray Blades 104)
  • (13:45) The game resumes, but the tension between Judd and frggr simmers. They circle each other, looking for an opening.
  • (14:10) Judd makes a break for the ball, but frggr is quick to intercept. They collide again, this time Judd comes out on top, snatching the ball away.
  • (14:35) With a burst of speed, Judd evades frggr and kicks towards the goal. It's a long shot, and it's a GOAL! (Purple Pain 131 - Gray Blades 104)
  • (15:50) The captains' duel has become the heart of the match. frggr, not to be outdone, regains possession and with a look of determination, he aims for the goals.
  • (16:20) His kick is powerful, slicing through the defense, and it's another GOAL for Gray Blades. (Purple Pain 131 - Gray Blades 110)
  • (17:30) The virtual crowd is roaring, the energy is electric. Elmer_Judd and frggr go head-to-head once more, their virtual avatars locked in an epic showdown.
  • (18:00) This time, it's frggr who outmaneuvers Judd, stealing the ball with a swift move. He kicks, and it's straight through the posts. GOAL! (Purple Pain 131 - Gray Blades 116)
  • (19:30) As the next 10 minutes wind down, the match has turned into a personal battle between two titans of the game. Their rivalry is pushing both teams to their limits.

### Approaching the Final Siren
- (20:00) The score is now Purple Pain 21.5.131, Gray Blades 17.4.116. The final minutes are upon us, and the outcome hangs in the balance. Will Elmer_Judd's Purple Pain hold their ground, or will frggr lead the Gray Blades to a stunning comeback?
  • (20:30) The final moments of the match are upon us, and the atmosphere is electric. Elmer_Judd and frggr stand at the center, their virtual eyes locked in a fierce gaze.
  • (20:45) The ball is bounced, and they leap into action. Judd wins the tap, but frggr is quick to react, snatching the ball from the clutches of the Purple Pain midfielders.
  • (21:00) frggr charges forward, the goal square in sight. He kicks, and the ball flies towards the goals. It's a tense moment as the ball bounces on the line...
  • (21:15) GOAL for Gray Blades! The score narrows. (Purple Pain 131 - Gray Blades 122)
  • (21:45) With the clock ticking down, Purple Pain's dockshark gathers the ball from the kickoff. He's tackled, but not before he handballs to Purple Jesus.
  • (22:00) Purple Jesus evades a tackle, takes a shot at goal... and it's a GOAL! (Purple Pain 137 - Gray Blades 122)
  • (22:30) The Gray Blades are relentless. Lunchlady Doris finds the ball and with a swift kick, it's another GOAL. (Purple Pain 137 - Gray Blades 128)
  • (23:00) The siren is imminent. Elmer_Judd picks up a stray coconut, tossing it aside as he focuses on the game. He receives a pass from MadMundy and takes a shot...
  • (23:30) It's a GOAL! The Purple Pain jumpers light up in a dazzling display of purple. (Purple Pain 143 - Gray Blades 128)
  • (24:00) frggr, not giving up, leads a final charge. He dodges, weaves, and with a mighty kick, the ball sails through...
  • (24:30) GOAL for Gray Blades! The jumpers flash briefly, but time is running out. (Purple Pain 143 - Gray Blades 134)
  • (24:50) The tension is unbearable. Players from both teams are giving their all, the virtual crowd is on its feet, and the seconds are slipping away.
  • (25:00) The siren sounds, and the match is over. Purple Pain's jumpers erupt in a symphony of light, celebrating their victory. The Gray Blades, though defeated, have played valiantly.

### Final Score
- Purple Pain 143, Gray Blades 134

The Purple Pain players embrace, their jumpers still aglow with the light of triumph. Elmer_Judd and frggr meet at the center of the field, their rivalry set aside as they shake hands, acknowledging the incredible match they've just played.

The bAyFLX Virtual Showdown at The Patch will be remembered for its drama, its magic, and the unforgettable clash between two formidable captains. Congratulations to Purple Pain on their FIRST victory!

PURPLE PAIN: 4.3 9.4 16.5 23.7 (143)
GRAY BLADES: 2.1 6.2 13.4 21.8 (134)

Purple Pain Best:

- Elmer_Judd (C)
- Goals: 4
- Assists: 2
- Marks: 8
- Coconuts juggled: 12

- dockshark
- Goals: 3
- Assists: 1
- Marks: 5
- Tackles: 4

- Purple Jesus (DVC)
- Goals: 3
- Marks: 7
- Interceptions: 3
- Spectacular Leaps: 6

- MadMundy
- Goals: 2
- Assists: 3
- Marks: 4
- Coconut Obstacle Courses Created: 1

- Maybenextyear
- Goals: 2
- Marks: 3
- Clever Disguises with Coconuts: 2
- Sprints: 5

- Sttew
- Goals: 1
- Assists: 2
- Marks: 6
- Defensive Blocks: 3

- serial_thrilla
- Goals: 1
- Assists: 4
- Marks: 2
- Tackles: 7

Gray Blades Best:

- frggr (C)
- Goals: 4
- Assists: 1
- Marks: 6
- Magic Spells Cast: 5

- Geoff (VC)
- Goals: 3
- Assists: 2
- Marks: 5
- Ethereal Glides: 4

- Lunchlady Doris
- Goals: 3
- Marks: 4
- Tackles: 3
- Magical Assists: 2

- RegHickeyStand
- Goals: 1
- Assists: 3
- Marks: 7
- Leadership Points: 8

- The Majestic
- Goals: 1
- Marks: 5
- High-Flying Marks: 3
- Stormy Skies Created: 1

- Reginald Perrin
- Goals: 1
- Assists: 1
- Marks: 2
- Zigzag Kicks: 2

- GetDimmaBack
- Goals: 1
- Marks: 3
- Tackles: 4
- Last-Minute Sprints: 1
Last edited:

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Is this in addition to my grappling hook, or does this magnet replace it?
They are designed to be certain power ups you can deploy at critical times in the game. Once deployed, it takes time to power up again. They are designed to use sparingly.

All players can build their inventories but there is limits and certain items may cancel out others. It's all in beta but it's still on target for a October - January kick off.
They are designed to be certain power ups you can deploy at critical times in the game. Once deployed, it takes time to power up again. They are designed to use sparingly.

All players can build their inventories but there is limits and certain items may cancel out others. It's all in beta but it's still on target for a October - January kick off.

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