Being a 'gentleman'

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Norm Smith Medallist
Aug 7, 2006
Glenroy, Vic
AFL Club
I'm guilty of this and I always find myself questioning why I do it. Most of the girls I act nice to I will never ever meet again, and even if I did, there's no way that they'd remember who I was.

- I give up my seat on trains and trams for females of any age.
- I hold doors open for females and let them walk before me.
- I don't swear like I do round my mates when I'm in front of women.
- There are still 'men's' jobs in domestic affairs.

I'm sure you guys can think of more, but regardless of how many stupid things we do, my point is, even though women want equality and wanted to be treated just like us, they often expect men to act like 'gentlemen' and get shirty if they don't.

I tried a few things the other day just as social experiments to see what would happen.

- A girl was on the same train as me and all the seats were taken. She came and stood next to where I was sitting and kept looking at me like I'd get up and give her my seat. Maybe she knows me as 'that sucker who always gives his seat up'? On this occassion though, I didn't. I sat there and she kept looking at me and making 'hmph', snuffling sounds.

- I walked into a newsagent and there was a girl a few metres behind me. Normally I'd stop and hold the door for her until she was in the door, but this time I just let it swing shut on her. She came up and stood next to me at the counter and told me that 'that wasn't very nice'. I just told her I didn't see her. I wanted to ask her why I should hold the door for her, but I didn't want to make a scene.

Why are we expected to act like this?

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I'm guilty of this and I always find myself questioning why I do it. Most of the girls I act nice to I will never ever meet again, and even if I did, there's no way that they'd remember who I was.

- I give up my seat on trains and trams for females of any age.
- I hold doors open for females and let them walk before me.
- I don't swear like I do round my mates when I'm in front of women.
- There are still 'men's' jobs in domestic affairs.

I'm sure you guys can think of more, but regardless of how many stupid things we do, my point is, even though women want equality and wanted to be treated just like us, they often expect men to act like 'gentlemen' and get shirty if they don't.

I tried a few things the other day just as social experiments to see what would happen.

- A girl was on the same train as me and all the seats were taken. She came and stood next to where I was sitting and kept looking at me like I'd get up and give her my seat. Maybe she knows me as 'that sucker who always gives his seat up'? On this occassion though, I didn't. I sat there and she kept looking at me and making 'hmph', snuffling sounds.

- I walked into a newsagent and there was a girl a few metres behind me. Normally I'd stop and hold the door for her until she was in the door, but this time I just let it swing shut on her. She came up and stood next to me at the counter and told me that 'that wasn't very nice'. I just told her I didn't see her. I wanted to ask her why I should hold the door for her, but I didn't want to make a scene.

Why are we expected to act like this?

You don't, I can open my own doors & often hold it open for a guy to go through first & I don't expect a man to give me his seat, only school kids of either sex.

Try again, it's all in your head.
I don't really care if its a girl or a guy, I always hold the door open for someone, it's just common courtesy. Giving up my seat however is a different story. I'd only give it up for an old frail person who is visibly weak, no way in hell I'd give it up for just an average person.
i never swear in front of my GF and try not to around women
I always hold doors open for females, sometimes I get a weird look
The toilet seat always goes back down
I always take the bins out on bin night, its been my job since i was 6 and now its just something I do.
I never eat until everyone has their meal in front of them, I hate seeing people start eating when someone hasn't got their meal and its just RUDE!
I pay for most things when out with the GF, she went to pay for lunch today I turned and said "it's mine and don't you even think about it"

If I'm buying a few things at a store and someone has 1 thing I'll let them go first no matter what. No use holding them up.

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Because they pay half fare & I am going to work to pay taxes which go towards their education. :rolleyes:
Ur lucky i never caught trains with you when i was at school.
I would have put you back in your box if you told me to give up my seat.

First in, best dressed.
Mind you in saying that i used to do all this stuff when i was real younger but now im a bit older (19) you begin to realise that nice guys finish last.
Ur lucky i never caught trains with you when i was at school.
I would have put you back in your box if you told me to give up my seat.

First in, best dressed.
Mind you in saying that i used to do all this stuff when i was real younger but now im a bit older (19) you begin to realise that nice guys finish last.

Concession ticket holders are supposed to give up their seat for full-fare paying customers.

i never swear in front of my GF and try not to around women
I always hold doors open for females, sometimes I get a weird look
The toilet seat always goes back down
I always take the bins out on bin night, its been my job since i was 6 and now its just something I do.
I never eat until everyone has their meal in front of them, I hate seeing people start eating when someone hasn't got their meal and its just RUDE!
I pay for most things when out with the GF, she went to pay for lunch today I turned and said "it's mine and don't you even think about it"

If I'm buying a few things at a store and someone has 1 thing I'll let them go first no matter what. No use holding them up.

I do most of those things, but I've never really thought about letting people ahead of me in a queue.
WTF is a prep? If you are talking 5 year olds, they shouldn't be travelling alone on public transport. Their parents should be smacked in the head, for not taking them to school & picking them up.

Do you have any friends? You seem to hate everyone in human society. Why are you so negative and grumpy? You must lead a miserable life
What about a senior on welfare? He's paying concession and your taxes are putting food on his table.

What if a kid has a sore ankle?

Also, I think you should take into account that based on your age alone, you get paid a lot more than these kids. They earn 8 bucks an hour, while someone doing the same job that's 20+ wil be paid double. Half the wage, half the fare. Seems fair to me.
In regards to being a gentleman, I'll hold a door open for someone if they're close enough, or give up my seat to someone who looks like they're struggling a bit irrespective of gender.
Occasionally I get guys (usually of the older variety) holding a door open for me or letting me on the bus first if we're standing side-by-side when it pulls up, etc., and I always make sure I thank them because I know some women can be utter cows about the least little act of courtesy, but I certainly don't expect them to do these things for me just because they have a penis and I don't. Equally so, I always keep the door open if I know someone's behind me and, in general, don't try and push or shove my way past anyone. Just being courteous, or attempting to at least.
I don't really care if its a girl or a guy, I always hold the door open for someone, it's just common courtesy. Giving up my seat however is a different story. I'd only give it up for an old frail person who is visibly weak, no way in hell I'd give it up for just an average person.

Same here. Mantis, what about a fully grown adult who is wearing a school uniform?
Because they pay half fare & I am going to work to pay taxes which go towards their education. :rolleyes:

You can't be serious? What irrelevant drivel. Would you therefore expect an elderly pensioner to forfeit their seat to you for the mere fact that they are rightfully entitled to a concession ticket that is much cheaper than full fare? :rolleyes:

Why should students have to pay full fare, given a vast majority will have lowly paying casual jobs anyway and will be earning much less than someone who has a full time job and pays full fare. You can't expect students to fund their own education expenses individually, so why should they be expected to fund their own transport - which would be used predominantly to travel to and from school anyway.

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Being a 'gentleman'

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