Ben Cousins arrested

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Smoking meth in a cell can't be much fun.

He'd be climbing the walls. No where to par-tee.
Smoking meth in a cell can't be much fun.

He'd be climbing the walls. No where to par-tee.
I've known meth heads to entertain themselves for hours on end doing crosswords... funnily enough 'partying' is often about the last thing they actually do.
look, I'm all for not judging people based solely on their drug use. But we're talking parenting, and I think it's a pretty ****ing long bow to suggest a meth habit won't get in the way of doing even a passable job as a father.

I mean, surely he's not being just victimised. Didn't he get done for violating an AVO? Stalking? Not sure how you can dress that up as mere victimisation. For ****s sakes, the guy recently tried to break into a military base for whatever paranoid drug ****ed reason he'd dreamed up.

Again, I'm not big on judging people based on their drug use. But ice has the specific purpose of inhibiting sleep. Lack of sleep is what turns people into ranting paranoid messes. If you're talking about someone having the occasional toot on the pipe when they have some friends over or whatever, yeah maybe. But if you're talking about having a habit - that is, a daily habit, then **** NO it ain't alright as a parent

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THe problem isn't drugs, it's his unfair treatment by the police and media. Ben can be a perfectly fine father regardless of whether or not he uses meth.
the police forced him to breach AVOs and to engage in stalking? And to drive unlicensed? And to break into military bases?

Yeah man, drugs no problem, police and media the issue
the police forced him to breach AVOs and to engage in stalking? And to drive unlicensed? And to break into military bases?

Yeah man, drugs no problem, police and media the issue

The latest charge which he is in remand for, includes 7 breaches of an AVO, aggravated stalking and possession of 8 gms of ice.

Plus he has a trial booked for mid year to answer more charges of breaching the AVO and possession, I think he will stay inside for a while yet. He turned up to the kids school unsupervised as per the conditions of the AVO.

As others have noted being fried on Ice means he isn't thinking rationally and who knows when he decides to play in the freeway again, hence why he must be supervised on the days he can visit the kids.
The latest charge which he is in remand for, includes 7 breaches of an AVO, aggravated stalking and possession of 8 gms of ice.

Due to the amount (2 grams+), he'll be charged with 'possession with intent to sell or supply'. Its a more serious charge.

As others have noted being fried on Ice means he isn't thinking rationally and who knows when he decides to play in the freeway again, hence why he must be supervised on the days he can visit the kids.

Exactly. I dont know the progress of the family court matter (and its an offence to discuss it outside of the proceedings) but as a family court lawyer, I would be shocked if he was getting anything other than supervised contact.

I work in a community legal centre and I can tell you meth is absolutely everywhere, and it is ruining lives. The principal registrar of the Family Court last year in a seminar I attended stated that nearly 40 percent of all matters before the family courts re parenting/ family breakdown involve Meth.

40 percent. Think about that for a bit.
Due to the amount (2 grams+), he'll be charged with 'possession with intent to sell or supply'. Its a more serious charge.

Exactly. I dont know the progress of the family court matter (and its an offence to discuss it outside of the proceedings) but as a family court lawyer, I would be shocked if he was getting anything other than supervised contact.

I work in a community legal centre and I can tell you meth is absolutely everywhere, and it is ruining lives. The principal registrar of the Family Court last year in a seminar I attended stated that nearly 40 percent of all matters before the family courts re parenting/ family breakdown involve Meth.

40 percent. Think about that for a bit.

Last time we discussed this you mentioned he might be able to talk his way out of the intent part due to his heavy use, has that been taken off the table ?

I read about his supervised visits in an online article I have no idea of the nature of the aggravated stalking charge other than it sounds rather serious

And yes 40% is a ludicrously high number, shows how bad the ice epidemic really is
Last time we discussed this you mentioned he might be able to talk his way out of the intent part due to his heavy use, has that been taken off the table ?

He tries to talk himself out of the 'sell/ supply' at trial. WAPOL will charge him with possession with intent to sell/ supply. If you have 2 grams plus of meth, your intent to sell or supply the drug is presumed (but the presumption is rebuttable by the accused).

At the trial, the State have to prove (beyond reasonable doubt) all the elements of the offence other than Bens intent to sell or supply.

Assuming they prove the other elements of the offence (or the offence is admitted) Ben then has to prove (on the balance of probabilities) that he was not intending to sell or supply the drugs to others (and if succesful he gets done for mere possession).

And yes 40% is a ludicrously high number, shows how bad the ice epidemic really is

Thats literally thousands of families destroyed by meth each year in WA alone.

Leaving aside the personal tragedy of that number, the economic costs to the State would be in the tens if not hundreds of millions. Add in the inevitable VRO's (Magistrates court time and costs), policing costs, Legal Aid, loss of work (tax revenue), Department of Child Protection costs, etc and the cost to the State is massive.
Lol, it's worse than Heroin mate, a decent percentage of Heroin addicts can function, as in hold a job and relationship, not many Ice addicts can.

True af. One of the best motorbike mechanics I ever have known (now retired) in terms of knowledge and expertise was a fully functioning heroin addict, twice a day and he was good, bit more on weekends. His work and punctuality was near perfect. But he lived 100% FOR his before work and after lunchtime hit. Its sad, but he was resigned to it and got what little life he could out of it. You could tell he was an addict from a mile away as well, so never really dealt that much with customers.
Meth is a whole other game and so much harder to keep in line.
True af. One of the best motorbike mechanics I ever have known (now retired) in terms of knowledge and expertise was a fully functioning heroin addict, twice a day and he was good, bit more on weekends. His work and punctuality was near perfect. But he lived 100% FOR his before work and after lunchtime hit. Its sad, but he was resigned to it and got what little life he could out of it. You could tell he was an addict from a mile away as well, so never really dealt that much with customers.
Meth is a whole other game and so much harder to keep in line.
Imagine fronting up to work Monday morning and you haven't slept since Thursday night, not a pretty picture, some of the bad fiends go over a week without sleep.
How can you not sleep for a week?

Must be powerful stuff.

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look, I'm all for not judging people based solely on their drug use. But we're talking parenting, and I think it's a pretty ******* long bow to suggest a meth habit won't get in the way of doing even a passable job as a father.

I mean, surely he's not being just victimised. Didn't he get done for violating an AVO? Stalking? Not sure how you can dress that up as mere victimisation. For ****s sakes, the guy recently tried to break into a military base for whatever paranoid drug ****** reason he'd dreamed up.

Again, I'm not big on judging people based on their drug use. But ice has the specific purpose of inhibiting sleep. Lack of sleep is what turns people into ranting paranoid messes. If you're talking about someone having the occasional toot on the pipe when they have some friends over or whatever, yeah maybe. But if you're talking about having a habit - that is, a daily habit, then **** NO it ain't alright as a parent
Exactly....drug addicts forfeit their rights as a parent. Totally unacceptable.
Read that Worsfold has said he hopes Cousins can break out of the current cycle that has seen him locked up
Well John seeing as just about everyone in Perth knew about Cousins party boy lifestyle.Why didn't you do something about it a decade ago?

What do you think should of been done?
Counselling or an intervention might have avoided the train wreck happening now

The onus is and has always been on Ben - we aren't ever going to know but I don't think it would of helped. A year out of the game wasn't enough to keep him off the gear even though he was hankering to get back. The guy is an extremist and rather than free falling or some other extreme sport he chose drugs to get his high

In saying that - I agree the club didn't do enough but they weren't the only club knee deep in drugs
Counselling or an intervention might have avoided the train wreck happening now
Have you not followed the story? He's been to rehab in the States, interventions have been tried. He's been to court demanded counselling, but until Ben decides he has hitbottom and wants help, it won't work. It's too easy to blame the hangers on. He's a grown man for gods sake, it's his responsibility. From the doco and other reports his family tried everything they could except tying him to a tree in the middle of nowhere. As a parent, you just pray you never have to watch your child go through something like this and not be able to help them, no matter how hard you try.
Have you not followed the story? He's been to rehab in the States, interventions have been tried. He's been to court demanded counselling, but until Ben decides he has hitbottom and wants help, it won't work. It's too easy to blame the hangers on. He's a grown man for gods sake, it's his responsibility. From the doco and other reports his family tried everything they could except tying him to a tree in the middle of nowhere. As a parent, you just pray you never have to watch your child go through something like this and not be able to help them, no matter how hard you try.
The question was what could have been done in 2005/6 or even earlier.

You may well be right that he was so deep already that it may have been too late, but for me it was the continued playing of Ben at a time when it must have been obvious something wasn't right.

Whats the term? The club 'enabled' Ben by using him for his talent and not looking at him as a human
The question was what could have been done in 2005/6 or even earlier.

You may well be right that he was so deep already that it may have been too late, but for me it was the continued playing of Ben at a time when it must have been obvious something wasn't right.

Whats the term? The club 'enabled' Ben by using him for his talent and not looking at him as a human

You honestly think he would have been better off without football? Your bitterness over a couple of prelim losses is pretty apparent
You honestly think he would have been better off without football?
I don't think I said that. I implied the club treated Ben as a commodity instead of as a human. There are many steps they could have taken. Suspension is one option. He said in his doco ' my reward for playing was getting on the gear' . Take away the playing and suddenly the reward tastes bitter

I also accept it did not affect his playing.

Your bitterness over a couple of prelim losses is pretty apparent
Fairly simple easy deflection to make. Unfortunately its not true. But you keep punching champ.

Maybe , just maybe I have compassion for someone whose life will be over in 5 years if he doesn't take a serious look in the mirror. But you keep pretending its about Prelims
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