Rumour ben cousins been missing for 1 month...

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Think it’s definitely a case of the club not wanting to know my brother has lived in Perth for twenty years it was nothing at the time to see west coast players out to all hours regularly it was common knowledge at the time around Perth that there were a number of players that also happened to be stars that were completely out of control I mean you have a guy that swims across a river to avoid police and it doesn’t ring alarm bells for the club I find it difficult to believe the club didn’t know what the rest of Perth knew!
Just this year havn't we had a player crash into 4 parked cars and flee the scene. One beat up multiple girlfriends. One Caught walking the streets almost naked and shit faced while supposedly in quarantine. Sexual Assault's. Caught with drugs in a car. And that's not even going into rumors ! Have these clubs changed the way their doing things or given stars more then a little time off ? Imagine what some of these clubs highly suspect is going on but do nothing about.
Just this year havn't we had a player crash into 4 parked cars and flee the scene. One beat up multiple girlfriends. One Caught walking the streets almost naked and sh*t faced while supposedly in quarantine. Sexual Assault's. Caught with drugs in a car. And that's not even going into rumors ! Have these clubs changed the way their doing things or given stars more then a little time off ? Imagine what some of these clubs highly suspect is going on but do nothing about.
All from the same club?

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Ben is a junkie and his behaviour will not be consistent. He is the person being controlled by court orders. But due to his drug taking, he can barely control himself at times from minute to minute.
I agree and I have no sympathy for Ben whatsoever.
But I also have no sympathy for her - she is manipulating Ben, manipulating the children and manipulating the system.
Cuz is a full on bloke that was slipping for years and has now crashed... like many many have.

I'm not condoning drug use whatsoever..

This guy tore up prelims and the G when it counted on the big stage, as good as that team was he carried them on his back.. gotta love that.
Naive, but serious question: will he get drugs in prison? I've got no idea. Would he get heaps, or the odd hit? How does it work?
Had his chance at parole revolked at one point as he tested positive whilst in jail. Our jails are full of drugs but it dried up somewhat during covid restrictions as they weren’t allowing visitors. Stuff still gets through. Find it incredible that it can get in but the guards probably don’t care. It probably makes their jobs easier, imagine a place full of junkies that can’t get any gear and it would be bedlam

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Had his chance at parole revolked at one point as he tested positive whilst in jail. Our jails are full of drugs but it dried up somewhat during covid restrictions as they weren’t allowing visitors. Stuff still gets through. Find it incredible that it can get in but the guards probably don’t care. It probably makes their jobs easier, imagine a place full of junkies that can’t get any gear and it would be bedlam
The junkies get methadone though.

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Rumour ben cousins been missing for 1 month...

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