Ben Cousins in Intensive Care

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Deledio - Suspected broken arm, back on the filed 10 mins later

Collins - "knocked out cold" (according to channel 7 commentators) - kicks two match winning goals 5 mins later

Cuz - Overdosed on drugs, Boozed to the eyeballs, raping and pillaging, single handedly caused the oil spill in the gulf. - Good chance to play on Sat night.


Essendon lose by 80 plus.

Commentators-"well they had a few out,they will be better"

Richmond lose by 80-"oh,they were terrible,future is hopeless for the Tigers"

Brumby carrying on about the caffeine and sleeping pills too on the radio.

If it was a Collingwood player,he wouldn't have uttered a word.
The biggest concern for Cousins is the choice of Valium. It's a proven bad drug (which remains useful in a few scenarios - such as pre op calming). It is absolutely not a good choice as a sleeping pill.

Valium IS extremely popular among amphetamine users. It works pretty well as a downer from an amphetamine high. Unfortunately one of the many shortcomings of Valuim is that people who take it tend to easily develop an increasing tolerance to it, and require higher and higher doses.

I'm NOT suggesting that Valium use is evidence that Cousins is back on the good stuff. However. With his past it's very likely that he has abused Valium and has a high tolerance. Dangerous. A doctor with knowledge of his past should not be prescribing it.

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PMI, but where did you hear it was valium?

BTW, I totally agree with you post.

A few valium and alcohol is a nice buzz, or so I hear.

and ridiculously dangerous.

alcohol + valium "may also slow both the heart and breathing, which can cause you to pass out, have difficulty breathing, or even lead to death."
And if he has lapsed is it in his interests for no one to know? The records should be released to the AFL doctor. It has to be looked into.

You are all so 'worried' about him, what if he has relapsed? Would it be in 'his' interests for it to not come out?

Funnily enough Cousins agrees with me and wants to be tested.

Good on him, unlike the hysterical fools here, he understands the lay of the land and the innuendo it throws up.
Funnily enough Cousins agrees with me and wants to be tested.

Good on him, unlike the hysterical fools here, he understands the lay of the land and the innuendo it throws up.

Only because of hysterical fools like you who throw the aspersions around in the first place and want nothing more than to see him fall flat on his face so you can yell for all to hear "I told you so".
I sincerely hope Cousins is ok. I hope he recovers and gets back to a full and happy life.

What I find funny about this thread though, is that people are criticising others for speculating about Ben Cousins' behaviour. He has a well documented problem with drugs and it is normal for people to speculate in this situation.
Sorry to break your little bubble there mate, but myself and all of the people I know that used to be heavily into shit, but not anymore, would like to say a big **** YOU to people like you that will be so quick to judge a person based on some past errors.

It's downright pathetic when people cast immediate judgement without full facts, regardless of who they are judging.
Sorry to break your little bubble there mate, but myself and all of the people I know that used to be heavily into shit, but not anymore, would like to say a big **** YOU to people like you that will be so quick to judge a person based on some past errors.

It's downright pathetic when people cast immediate judgement without full facts, regardless of who they are judging.

how the hell did you get that out of his post :confused:
Sorry to break your little bubble there mate, but myself and all of the people I know that used to be heavily into shit, but not anymore, would like to say a big **** YOU to people like you that will be so quick to judge a person based on some past errors.

It's downright pathetic when people cast immediate judgement without full facts, regardless of who they are judging.

how the hell did you get that out of his post :confused:

See it can do irreparable damage. :eek:

Wow !

Well it is good to see that it has not done you any long term damage. You clearly are in control of all of your faculties.

As I said, I hope he is ok. He is a massively high profile footballer and person. He has had a very public problem with drugs. People will speculate. It is only normal.

Loved his opening remark to the press yesterday. " Geez, I didn't have this many people at my 21st." A very cool operator in front of the camera.
From - "Toxicology reports clear Richmond veteran Ben Cousins of having taken illicit drugs or alcohol."

Great news Benny :)

To all you people who straight away assumed and jumped to conclusions, made a joke about the guy or were just complete idiots in this thread, shame on you. You are the kind of people that don't deserve the oxygen you breathe and are as bad, if not worse than the media, full of hate and no compassion for a fellow member of your nation.

You people make me sick. :thumbsdown:
um you are aware that people abuse sleeping pills to get high yeah? seriously, the only ones who overdose on sleeping pills are these people. i'm betting it was stilnox.

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um you are aware that people abuse sleeping pills to get high yeah? seriously, the only ones who overdose on sleeping pills are these people. i'm betting it was stilnox.

It was stated in the press that it was neither Temazepam or Stilnox. Not sure if you saw that (and certainly not holding the print media up as the purveyors of truth, but not sure why they'd make that up?).

um you are aware that people abuse sleeping pills to get high yeah? seriously, the only ones who overdose on sleeping pills are these people. i'm betting it was stilnox.

Yes, most of us would love to think it was simply an accident, but in the clear light of day when practicality takes over, we suspect otherwise. Come on Ben, get it together mate.
It was stated in the press that it was neither Temazepam or Stilnox. Not sure if you saw that (and certainly not holding the print media up as the purveyors of truth, but not sure why they'd make that up?).

the only mention i heard was at his press conference when he refused to disclose what the sleeping pills were. I can understand it's a private matter, and perhaps some legal issues involved too, but otherwise you'd think it'd be helpful to others taking the same pills to know - so they don't end up in an ambulance on their way to intenvise care too. the story simply does not add up.
I am a bit confused still as to what happened. I heard a report on SEN that used the phrase "Cousins had an adverse reaction to a drug overdose". Wouldnt the adverse reaction to a drug overdose be no reaction at all?
Cant be bothered reading through the pages, but is it confirmed the cause was an overdose or an adverse reaction? Or nothing confirmed but heaps of people in here assuming the facts?
the only mention i heard was at his press conference when he refused to disclose what the sleeping pills were. I can understand it's a private matter, and perhaps some legal issues involved too, but otherwise you'd think it'd be helpful to others taking the same pills to know - so they don't end up in an ambulance on their way to intenvise care too. the story simply does not add up.

He did say on Nova this morning that it wasn’t one of those you have fun with referring to what NRL guys were doing with red bull and stillnox I presume.
He said it was the first time he had used it , prescribed to him because of his situation. If had told us what it was imagine the headlines! [FONT=&quot]He would have been suffering anything from depression, anxiety, [/FONT][FONT=&quot]schizophrenia.
[FONT=&quot] Like he said ,the medication he’s on is between him and his doctor.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] He did say it was 2am, he wanted to sleep he made an error with the dose.
[FONT=&quot] Unlike Heath Ledger he was very lucky. It seems that he is under a lot of stress, pressure with his book, being at the end of his career and whatever.
[FONT=&quot] I know I wouldn’t want to be Ben Cousins.[/FONT] Who knows if he’s happy being Ben Cousins at 2am.

He did say on Nova this morning that it wasn’t one of those you have fun with referring to what NRL guys were doing with red bull and stillnox I presume.
He said it was the first time he had used it , prescribed to him because of his situation. If had told us what it was imagine the headlines! [FONT=&quot]He would have been suffering anything from depression, anxiety, [/FONT][FONT=&quot]schizophrenia.
[FONT=&quot] Like he said ,the medication he’s on is between him and his doctor.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] He did say it was 2am, he wanted to sleep he made an error with the dose.
[FONT=&quot] Unlike Heath Ledger he was very lucky. It seems that he is under a lot of stress, pressure with his book, being at the end of his career and whatever.
[FONT=&quot] I know I wouldn’t want to be Ben Cousins.[/FONT] Who knows if he’s happy being Ben Cousins at 2am.


Like it isn't that Benny has ever lied to cover up his adddiction. :rolleyes:

Cut him loose at the end of the year Tigers.
Overdosed on a concoction of prescription drugs ..yep Benny is really on the straight and narrow and setting a fine example for the young blokes at Richmond ..great role model .

You should learn not to throw stones in glass houses;)

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Ben Cousins in Intensive Care

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