Ben Cousins in Intensive Care

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Good news for cuzzy, but geez, next time you feel you need sleeping tablets go for the low strength ones!

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Ben Cousins is a Asthmatic , so every side affect from medication would be multiplied to a degree ! Some consideration should be given to his condition but I think Ben should stay in Hospital because the media questions will be a worse result .

Ben has checked himself out , this is another chapter for the book :)
Being in my mid 40's and a bit overweight, and a bit high blood pressure, and a bit high cholesterol, I suffered a stroke like episode earlier this year, probably ( but as yet undetermined ) due to a blood clot from my heart caused by abnormal heart beats.

It was a monday after a late Sunday night ( with plenty booze ) and I had probably had 6 or 7 strong cofee's.

I mentioned to my doctor that I had been on a health kick and had actually lost a few Kg over the last few months, and he gave me an analagy where if he banged his water bottle against the door long enough it might splinter the door. If he then took some of the water out of the bottle so it didn't hit so hard it can still be doing damage to the already splintered door.

Ben Cousins isn't a fat old bastard like me but apparently has a history of taking stuff that is known to be bad for you, and it may be that there is damage done. It may not in his best interests to be hitting the caffeine so heavily, and it may just as easily not be a problem for the vast majority of players.

I hope he comes through this OK ( whether or not he plays footy again )and it becomes a wake up call for him for him like it did for me, because no doubt he is a very naughty boy, he's hardly Evil in an Osama Bin Laden way and to me the worst outcome from these sorts of things can be worse than death.

On the other hand it could be a reaction to a sleeping tablet, some of them can have pretty weird affects.
I sincerely hope Cousins is ok. I hope he recovers and gets back to a full and happy life.

What I find funny about this thread though, is that people are criticising others for speculating about Ben Cousins' behaviour. He has a well documented problem with drugs and it is normal for people to speculate in this situation.
From - "Toxicology reports clear Richmond veteran Ben Cousins of having taken illicit drugs or alcohol."

Great news Benny :)

To all you people who straight away assumed and jumped to conclusions, made a joke about the guy or were just complete idiots in this thread, shame on you. You are the kind of people that don't deserve the oxygen you breathe and are as bad, if not worse than the media, full of hate and no compassion for a fellow member of your nation.

You people make me sick. :thumbsdown:
Deledio - Suspected broken arm, back on the filed 10 mins later

Collins - "knocked out cold" (according to channel 7 commentators) - kicks two match winning goals 5 mins later

Cuz - Overdosed on drugs, Boozed to the eyeballs, raping and pillaging, single handedly caused the oil spill in the gulf. - Good chance to play on Sat night.


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It's a stimulant, no matter how well rested you are a dose of caffeine will increase your alertness and reaction time.

What I was asking in a roundabout way was why are people so reliant on stimulants (eg. caffiene) and other artificial substances (eg. alcohol, sleeping tablets, nicotine) to get them through their sporting games or their lives? Is it that hard for people to function without these things?

If an individual person had and exercised the absolute power and control over people's lives and their actions that things like caffiene, nicotine and alcohol do, they'd be considered a more evil and reprihensible dictator than Hitler. That people allow these substances to have such a deathly grip on their lives and allow them be so dictative of their actions and activities is indicative of how weak-minded and weak-willed many humans are.
Didn't his girlfriend state he'd had a few red wines?

Report was probably done 15 hours later so maybe they were out of his system by then.

And did she? or was that one of those ever so professional media guys interpretation.

It may well by Hutchy-Barrett syndrome
Didn't his girlfriend state he'd had a few red wines?
I believe the media said that his girlfriend said that he had a few red wines. I could not understand why they would have announced the toxicology findings unless they figured that people were about to figure out that one of the pathetic journalists that is covering this story was full of crap.

It is easy to get carried away with what the media says, it is always in your face but I hope this incident will show a few very very poor people to not judge a book on what the media has said
Deledio - Suspected broken arm, back on the filed 10 mins later

Collins - "knocked out cold" (according to channel 7 commentators) - kicks two match winning goals 5 mins later

Cuz - Overdosed on drugs, Boozed to the eyeballs, raping and pillaging, single handedly caused the oil spill in the gulf. - Good chance to play on Sat night.


hahaha, quality post :D:thumbsu:
Report was probably done 15 hours later so maybe they were out of his system by then.

And did she? or was that one of those ever so professional media guys interpretation.

It may well by Hutchy-Barrett syndrome

Yeah, hard to know these days. Pretty pointless test and statement though really - if he'd had the wines the night before, I'm not sure how long they'd stay in his system if he'd only had 2 or 3.
Yeah, hard to know these days. Pretty pointless test and statement though really - if he'd had the wines the night before, I'm not sure how long they'd stay in his system if he'd only had 2 or 3.
I wouldn't say the test was pointless, illicit drugs would still be in his system and there was a LOT of people around this country saying he had fallen back into his old ways. 2 or 3 glasses of wine might have not stayed in his system, but he came back clean of any wrong doing.
I Cuz was admitted at 11am, then he could have drank an entire bottle of wine and it would have been out of his system by then. Takes an hour to get rid of a standard drink. Bottle of wine has 8 or nine standard drinks.
Deledio - Suspected broken arm, back on the filed 10 mins later

Collins - "knocked out cold" (according to channel 7 commentators) - kicks two match winning goals 5 mins later

Cuz - Overdosed on drugs, Boozed to the eyeballs, raping and pillaging, single handedly caused the oil spill in the gulf. - Good chance to play on Sat night.


I wouldn't say the test was pointless, illicit drugs would still be in his system and there was a LOT of people around this country saying he had fallen back into his old ways. 2 or 3 glasses of wine might have not stayed in his system, but he came back clean of any wrong doing.

Oh, the drugs side of it is fine (pretty much everything would be detected in that timespan). The alcohol side - pointless.
Good news but the Media continue to be a concern.
I'm sure that the results of any tests would only be released to Cousins.
Either Cousins has leaked the results himself, or the "Sources" named by the HUN have illegally released confidential medical records. Will there be an investigation into this?

I am getting bloody sick of the media jumping on the moral high ground all the time for any little thing that happens with a football player while they use morally questionable means to gain information.

And if you wanted to find drug users I'd suggest that you'd find far far more in a major TV company than you would in a major footy club.
It is easy to get carried away with what the media says, it is always in your face but I hope this incident will show a few very very poor people to not judge a book on what the media has said

Mate, I've been pushing that message for longer than I care to remember. I reached the statge where I simply don't believe a word they say or write. There are some very nasty people working in the media and I've been hoping that one day the AFL would call for tougher standards in the media.

My club tried taking a stand against the media a couple of years ago and have been their whipping post ever since because we won't play the game by their rules. I just wish the other clubs had done the same. Pity. We've got the media we deserve.

BTW ... great to hear Cousins will be okay :)

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Ben Cousins in Intensive Care

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