Entertainment & Music Best Band Names of All-Time

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I found that tidbit interesting ^^

But this responds to your post....


King signed the band to his UK Records label in July 1972 and dubbed them 10cc. By his own account, King chose the name after having a dream in which he was standing in front of the Hammersmith Odeon in London where the boarding read "10cc The Best Band in the World". A widely repeated claim, disputed by King and Godley, but confirmed in a 1988 interview by Creme, and also on the webpage of Gouldman's current line-up, is that the band name represented a volume of semen that was more than the average amount ejaculated by men, thus emphasising their potency or prowess.

Yes, that is the story I heard many years ago. Well before 1988.

Probably around the time of Dreadlock Holiday:

I don't like cricket
Oh no
I love it.
don't like long band names, I reckon keep it short as possible and it should represent something about the actual band.


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For the most part, 10cc featured two strong songwriting teams, one "commercial" and one "artistic", but both teams injected sharp wit into lyrically dextrous and musically varied songs. Stewart and Gouldman were predominantly pop-song-writers, who created most of the band's accessible songs. By way of contrast, Godley and Creme were the predominantly experimental half of 10cc, featuring an Art School sensibility and cinematic inspired writing.
I remember reading about the "Consequences" album in Peter Cook's biography. Sounded like a hilarious shambles. A little digging and Ive found Godley's recollections..
"Most of the time we spent during that album we were stoned out of our minds on various substances, both Lol Creme, myself and Peter... We were never totally in sync because Lol and I would work until quite late, one, two or three in the morning, and get up quite late. Peter was an early riser, he'd be up and around by eight, bathed, showered, fresh as a daisy. And he'd be in the studio ready to boogie by the time we staggered downstairs for breakfast at half-eleven, looking like shit. By the time we finally came to, he was going out of it, because he'd start drinking around midday. He was going down as we were coming up, so we'd meet for maybe an hour in the middle."
More commentary on "Consequences"..
Certainly Consequences was a commercial and critical flop. Kevin Godley is quoted as saying that the Sex Pistols and punk invalidated the entire project: '...it was such an incredible failure that that it forged a sort of bond between the people involved.' Peter Cook remained fiercely loyal to the project, asking a hostile Dutch journalist what he did with his time. 'Nothing' said the journalist. Cook said 'Well f*** off home and do it'.

Cookie always wanted to be a pop star bloated on excess and success. He understood the psychology and machinations of pop music all too well.
Which brings me to another nomination for great band names..

"...you fill me with inertia..." :thumbsu:

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