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If all else fails, use the race card.

Chappelle's exact act.

I find your responses so amusing. Only gives further credence to my view that these two are way overhyped. Simply cant accept that others have different tastes.

"Is it just me, or are black comedians like Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle totally overrated?

"Take out the constant swearing and these black (American) comedians have nothing"

It is you that introduced race by categorising all black comedians and unfunny who swear a lot, by using only two examples, and ignoring the rest.

That makes you the racist bigot. You even managed to throw in a generalisation about americans. I bet you stereotype everything in your life.
I find your responses so amusing. Only gives further credence to my view that these two are way overhyped. Simply cant accept that others have different tastes.

Your idiocy and hypocrisy astounds me, because it is you that cannot accept other people's taste, eg Eddie Murphy or Dave Chappelle. I would love for you to show me where I haven't accepted other people's tastes. All I've said is why I don't laugh at say Seinfeld's standup, yet explained why he deserves credit. If anything, this is accepting other people's tastes despite not necessarily enjoying it myself.

There are some fantastic black comedians, and there are some unfunny black comedians. I find your responses amusing because you're basing your opinion on a racial stereotype that doesn't hold true.

For example, I like Chappelle, but I don't like Chris Rock. Completely different comedians, yet both are black and very popular. There are white comedians I like, there are Asian comedians I like.

There is no racial trend amongst the comedians that I'm a fan of. The only similarity between them all is that none of them play the politically correct, family-friendly line.

Care to actually write a sensible response addressing what I've written, or would you just like to continue your condescendingly ignorant approach?

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Gabriel Iglesias is the funniest comedian I've seen in a long time. Not too sure if many people would have heard of him before. I remember seeing him on Last Comic Standing (guess you could say it's like an Idol style show but with comedians) a while ago. He was awesome on that but got kicked off for breaking some rules.

Anyway, if you have a spare hour or so, check out all 6 parts of 'Hot and Fluffy'. Starts off pretty slow but once it gets going there's plenty of laugh out loud moments. Might come across as annoying to some people, but IMO the different voices and sound effects he pulls off are awesome.

It is you that introduced race by categorising all black comedians and unfunny who swear a lot, by using only two examples, and ignoring the rest.

That makes you the racist bigot. You even managed to throw in a generalisation about americans. I bet you stereotype everything in your life.

So quick to jump on the "racist" bandwagon I see. That says more about you than it ever could about me.
Your idiocy and hypocrisy astounds me, because it is you that cannot accept other people's taste, eg Eddie Murphy or Dave Chappelle. I would love for you to show me where I haven't accepted other people's tastes. All I've said is why I don't laugh at say Seinfeld's standup, yet explained why he deserves credit. If anything, this is accepting other people's tastes despite not necessarily enjoying it myself.
There are some fantastic black comedians, and there are some unfunny black comedians. I find your responses amusing because you're basing your opinion on a racial stereotype that doesn't hold true.

For example, I like Chappelle, but I don't like Chris Rock. Completely different comedians, yet both are black and very popular. There are white comedians I like, there are Asian comedians I like.

There is no racial trend amongst the comedians that I'm a fan of. The only similarity between them all is that none of them play the politically correct, family-friendly line.

Care to actually write a sensible response addressing what I've written, or would you just like to continue your condescendingly ignorant approach?
Right. I never said anything about your tastes. I dont give two shits about your tastes. I said YOU couldnt accept OTHER TASTES. Thats it.

I love how you go on to say how racially inclusive you are of comedians. Goes a long way to explain why you defend them so. Me, I just look for a funny comedian, without the politics.

The fact is, I started out simply stating that black comedians like Murphy and Chappelle, who are so stupid as to limit their material to black stereotypes, are simply not funny IMO, and you then go and make a big racial statement about it. I would have stopped at saying that I just didnt like like Chappelle or Murphy because I believe they are simply very limited comedians, but you had to take it further.

The politically correct line? They play it to a tee. BET is very popular in the US, if you didnt already know.

I think it says so much about our society. That critisism of minorities is simply not accepted, in any way, shape or form. Very sad.
I said YOU couldnt accept OTHER TASTES. Thats it.

Please show me where I've done this. Please.

The fact is, I started out simply stating that black comedians like Murphy and Chappelle, who are so stupid as to limit their material to black stereotypes, are simply not funny IMO

Limited to black stereotypes, yet the youtube video I posted proves this wrong.

The politically correct line? They play it to a tee. BET is very popular in the US, if you didnt already know.

BET being popular does not mean that everything appearing on it is politically correct.

a) show me where I didn't accept other people's tastes
b) explain how the chappelle video I posted is limited to a black stereotype

Again, address these points, otherwise your argument = failed.
Dave Cross
Bill Hicks
Dave Chapelle
Steve Coogan (more for his character based stuff)

Hicks was easily my favourite for a long time until a friend introduced me to David Cross. He has a similar style in that he addresses social situations and subjects that most comedians would deem too risky and takes it to another level with some of his opinions. Cross tends to go a bit more extreme than Hicks using wit alone, rather than going on abusive, angry rants (as funny as they are). He's also still alive, which helps.
David Cross also played this man
If all else fails, use the race card.

Chappelle's exact act.

I completely agree. I too find it incomprehensible that a man brought up in a city with a 60% black population, a lot of them poor, which also happens to be the supposed US bastion of freedom, would draw on his experiences and racial tension in his act. How bizarre.

As far as great comics go, Daniel Kitson is a current one who hasn't been mentioned enough in here.

I completely agree. I too find it incomprehensible that a man brought up in a city with a 60% black population, a lot of them poor, which also happens to be the supposed US bastion of freedom, would draw on his experiences and racial tension in his act. How bizarre.

As far as great comics go, Daniel Kitson is a current one who hasn't been mentioned enough in here.


My favourite British comedian, and that's saying a lot. :thumbsu:

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Read most of the posts above and agree with bits and pieces:

- Definitely think that US comedians are overrated (especially Black comedians who base a lot of there material on black "ghetto" culture and swear constantly). Many US comedians speak loudly and aggresively to try mkae their jokes funnier... but it isn't to my taste.

- I prefer clever and/or satirical comedians (normally Brittish/Scots/Irish are the best along with Seinfeld). A few lesser known US/Canadians are good in this style too.

- Billy Connelly is great but he is more of a funny story teller then a straight out comedian.

- Eddie Murphy is severally overrated and well past it. Yes, Raw and Delirious were great and all the rage in the 80s... but that stuff is so old now... and he hasn't come up with anything since.

- Ricky Gervais is great but I can see how he isn't to everyone's taste.

Although I do have a theory on comedians... I don't like seeing the same comedian 'live' twice. Most to some extent rehash material. Seeing it the 1st time is great... with each subsequent viewing (even if they only re-use 10% of their original material) it deteriates.

So anyway a few of my favourites over the years:

- Bill Cosby: one of the few black US comedians who didn't revert to excessive swearing and ghetto jokes.
- Jimeoin: still holds up pretty well despite rehashing some material.
- Jimmy Carr: Underrated comedian... To a pack US/Can audience "I don't speak with an accent... this is how English is suppose to sound"
- Ricky Gervais: see above.
- Seinfeld: a lot of clever material... now I know why we took a car to the moon.

Finally, for some reason I don't find female comedians as funny. Can't stand Judith "I hate men" Lucy, and many others just don't have funny material. Fiona O'loughlin or... crap forget her name now (Kiwi chick on radio and Thank God Your Here etc)... anyway they're only ones noteable but still crap.
Adam Hills, Peter Helliar, Dave Hughes and Rove are my favourites. But for one.I do not think Ross Noble is funny. I can not see how people think this guy is funny. Also that guy from Forgetting Sarah Marshall is not funny at all!!!
Adam Hills, Peter Helliar, Dave Hughes and Rove are my favourites. But for one.I do not think Ross Noble is funny. I can not see how people think this guy is funny. Also that guy from Forgetting Sarah Marshall is not funny at all!!!

Hmmmm, OK. I would have Helliar, Hughes and Rove on my most unfunny list, but I guess we all have different tastes.
Adam Hills, Peter Helliar, Dave Hughes and Rove are my favourites. But for one.I do not think Ross Noble is funny. I can not see how people think this guy is funny. Also that guy from Forgetting Sarah Marshall is not funny at all!!!
For your sake I hope you are still in high school, otherwise you just totally fail at humour

not gonna get too much into everyones political views here

prior had some hilarious stories about himself and had amazing timing

love chappelle, his how old is 15 really, is up there with the stuff that i truly like, which is social commentary splashed with humor

hicks and carlin were the personification of what i really love, talking about society and the government and censorship

mitch just seemed like a funny dude who stumbled his way onto stage, and i really dug it

aussie comedians have been a major let down for me generally speaking
"black comedians talk about being black too much and they always talk about the ghetto and they swear and they sometimes yell really loud"

Man, some of you guys are total pussies.

Oh, and there are so many great comedians, but the funniest thing I've seen or heard from a comedian recently was english comic Stewart Lee's perfect one-sentence summary of Dan Brown's prose: The famous man looked at the red ball.

BAM. Nailed him.
I like quite a few of the ones posted in this thread; Hedberg and Carlin are probably my two favourites.

As for something that hasn't been posted Derek and Clive are awesome. For anyone that doesn't know them, two english dudes who used to get pissed, and record very random material. They were hyperactive and ridiculous.


I like quite a few of the ones posted in this thread; Hedberg and Carlin are probably my two favourites.

As for something that hasn't been posted Derek and Clive are awesome. For anyone that doesn't know them, two english dudes who used to get pissed, and record very random material. They were hyperactive and ridiculous.



The "provocative ****er" line in the 'Bloke Came Up to Me' sketch is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Pete and Dud said funny things. Today's alleged comedians want to hold a mirror up to life, so their audience recognises themselves in the material.

I want comedians to make me laugh by saying the thing I least expect, not things I'm already living. If I wanted that, I'd go to see a documentary made in Broadmeadows. It might be called 'Kath and Kim'.

Speaking of which, who is the hopeless bastard who keeps telling female comedians they are funny. I think the longest I've lasted at a standup gig by an Australian female comic was ten minutes. Funnily enough (not), my departure usually coincided with the first menstruation joke/whinge.
I am a fan of Wayne Brady. Seen his act live and it is very funny and smart to. Some of his improv stuff is amazing.

Dane Cook and Russell Peters are good as well. The first time I saw Russell Peters I was in stiches. Tapsombong :D

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