BigFooty Family Feud

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Norm Smith Medallist
Jan 3, 2015
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
I hate it when Mum and Dad fight, it makes me want to hide under my bed and cry :(:(:cry::cry:

My Psychologist (recommended by HodgePodge) has told me that I should share my feelings with my friends. As we all know, hanging out on an internet forum is a clear sign I have no friends so please dear Bay 13 floggos, bare with me as I recall some of my family's more horrific arguments :(
Mum and Dad were discussing the Crows the other night when all of a sudden, they started bickering....

Mum said:
Just look inside your own pea brain.

Dad said:
Speaking of trash - you're back.Sobered up hero?

Mum said:
You're the real hero mate, wanting "your" team to lose a final, threating violence over the internet like the weak coward you are. Have you watched the replay of the elimination final yet?

Dad said:
Quick someone's have a go at Mike - I better jump on their band wagon. I'm gonna git me a Smyth - soooeee.

Cmon little man you can do better than this - hit me with some more of your late night pm's

Mum said:
You make it easy. You shit on the club on here constantly, you have done all year without justification, I can understand and relate to getting upset during a game, but all you do is bag the club, in a year where our coach was murdered, we played some kids and showed a shift in gameplan, eventually winning an away final. It is pretty piss weak mate, of course you can post your opinion, but you can expect to fairly cop it for your soft efforts.


Luckily, Mum and Dad made up. However it didn't last long. Dad turned on the TV and James Hird was on and another argument erupted...

Mum said:
If there is one person who can hold the club together after Hirds' departure it's Jobe and you want to get rid of him? o_O

Dad said:
Sorry mate, but as a leader Jobe has failed.

I love the guy and he's possibly in my top 10 of all time favourite Essendon players but as a Captain he has failed. He even admitted that last night.

If I had a choice I'd keep him but I'd also make it know to the whole world that everyone is available for the right price and see what we can get.

Mum said:
Not sure if trolling, or stupid.

Dad said:
Regardless of what has transpired, our captain, in the middle of our most trying time as a club, broke down and could barely play the game. You see it as a blip, I see it as not strong enough leadership.

I grew up where no matter what happened the leader did not show any weakness.

.. oops, forgot Hird. He's been under more duress than anyone and been battered behind the scenes but still stood strong this whole time and never flinched.

Mum said:
His leadership is not questioned by you despite being the one in control but Jobes is ? WTF

You really do live in fairy land!

Dad said:
Huh, what has getting Dank and Robinson to do with leadership? Doc Reid, wtf. You are using the Caro argument, just add stuff that has no relevance but looks bad.

Its what you do in adversity that shows where you stand.

Mum said:
I give up.

Dad said:
Welcome to Essendon. You're a perfect candidate. Multiple positions available.

Mum said:
What a bunch of tripe ... Go support the Bulldogs then .... Last thing we need is a Hird apologist crying about everything .

Seriously go support the Bulldogs

If you're like me and hear, witness or notice any family arguments on Club Boards, please report them below and together as a Bay community, we can heal as one :(:(:(

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Last night my friend Glorious couch life heard Dad mention Richmond. All of a sudden, Mum flew off the handle....:(:(:(:cry::cry::cry:
Mum said:
admins xxxx up clubs bc they don't have the competence to administer ,financially run the club and they don't employ the correct people to run the joint professionally.
Believing Sacking coaches was our downfall is idiots fodder and if they hadn't been removed the club would just automatically improve :$ .We would be in WA today as no one would have supported a regime that wreaked of continual failure.Members would just walk.
Our last two Admins got the finances right first in case on field failure continued .Both Wright and some citizens left with Terry,but Blair and Casino lasted with a few others plus people like Peggy and other board members stayed in the new regime.The footprints of stability were already there and upgraded with Benny and better staff. Why bc the financial foundations were in place.Yes Benny took it up a cog .This is nothing to do with Sacking coaches as you say .
or even with employing them .The coach bigger than the admin and a club is for the naive and incompetent business thinkers.Benny is the boss and he can pull the trigger on DH anytime if he feels there is better men available.This is what strong clubs and businesses do to become super powers.Not sit around and make 33 yr old excuses.
Yeah keep convincing yourself. I will forgive if you have never run any form of business:oops:

Dad said:
I never claimed that sacking coaches caused our financial problems.

That would be to confuse the symptom with the cause.

The problem was always poor administration.

That poor administration was caused by people who were responsible for a whole range of other problems of which the poor handling of the coaching appointments was one and poor financial management another.

But that much should have been obvious when I separated the two issues in my previous post.

That Benny can dismiss Dimma in favour of a better option isn't at issue -- but nobody has yet suggested, on this board, who that better option might be.

All I've seen so far is a call to sack the coach.

Which suggests to me that we're not talking about sound business decisions -- we're not talking about moving aside one person for somebody who can do the job better. We're talking about making a decision with ZERO idea of what comes next.

So you can carry on till you're blue in the face about "naive and incompetent business thinkers" -- all I'll say is that when it comes to who's "naive and incompetent" we sit on opposite sides of that question as well.

Mum said:
exactly so why the bull dust about the sacking coaches spin over 33yrs?Also there are a plethora of assistants and state coaches out there you just need the right staff
bad admins tip over all industries.Bad workers are moved on
This is where you fail to read arguments in context to the argument;
So you can carry on till you're blue in the face about "naive and incompetent business thinkers" -- all I'll say is that when it comes to who's "naive and incompetent" we sit on opposite sides of that question as well

Dad said:
It was actually your stupidly constructed and personal one liner.

Mum said:
i'm sorry you misunderstood me

Dad said:
Your acceptance of mediocrity is an inspiration to us all.

Actually, even better, it's a LACK of inspiration -- and we lovers of mediocrity love nothing more than a good lack of inspiration! :)

Mum said:
That shows how pathetic you are. Sit here and troll even though you may or may not believe DH is the right man
You're a xxxxxxx TROLL or 33 years of mediocrity has left you insipid

Dad said:
Hey! Ease up there big fella. Unnecessary.
Not even directed at you.

Mum said:
Are you abusing me on line??? Careful there.
You understand nothing IMO, your opinion is worthless but I do uphold your right to have it and post it, I won't put you on ignore because it makes threads hard to follow at times but it would be in both of our best interests to not respond to each other.
I'll sniff my flowers and you can wallow in your bile. :)

Mum said:
No but you are a joke bc you basically bob up to ruin threads.
Bye bye Mrs DH


*NOTE: DH refers to Damian Hardwick, not Tiggy Tiger quotes

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Mum and Dad were fighting again last night :(:(:cry::cry:

Mum said:
Porked go to your room
Porked said:
But Mum.....
Dad said:
Right now Porked you little flog f***er

I went to my bed and heard Mum and Dad yelling at each other.....

Mum said:
Stop worrying about what people want you to be. Be true to yourself.

Dad said:
Then why don't you lot stop accusing me of being someone I'm not.

Mum said:
"You lot" doesn't imply you did. It's a collective term.

Dad said:
This is good to hear.

Mum said:
Just got another text...we are looking at Scott Selwood. Honest.,

Dad said:
Move out from under the bridge and play in the sun like most of the rest of us.

Mum said:
I like the indoors.

Dad said:
Ok it's been a big day - but there's an elephant in the room so a straight forward question with no conequences;

Smithtastic33 were you the prolific poster Alex was on Fire or something close to that username?

Mum said:
No I am not but I don't think you would believe me anyway.

Dad said:
did you just learn how to read?

Mum said:
Why did you even ask? you had your mind made up before hand.

Dad said:
I think this sudden burst of hot weather has affected everyone's brains today

Mum said:
This arguing is tearing this family apart :cry::cry:

Then Dad stormed out of the house......:(:(

Dad said:
Please delete my account and remove my email from the system. Thank you in advance.
Too many ******s on the Adelaide board.

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Trouble in Hawfie paradise :)
Button Masher said:
Apostrophe must have money on Tazbot not winning FOTY to make this recent charge.

FOTY 2014 said:
Don't worry about Bayer shutting up.

The real question is "any chance of him getting his nose out of Jose bum"

Button Masher said:

Bwark! You agree with Jose's meme so you must be in cahoots with him! Squawk!

FOTY 2014 said:
The button masher has melted. :eek:

Button Masher said:

FOTY 2014 said:
Mash Mash. :thumbsu:

Button Masher said:

Tazhawk has gone mad Tazhawk has gone mad Tazhawk has gone mad Tazhawk has gone mad Tazhawk has gone mad
Tazhawk's gawn completely mad!!!

FOTY 2014 said:

I can feel a mash coming. :eek:
Listen Porked04, Grant Denyer here!

This is a bloody outrage! This is the biggest rip off since that time I gave that degenerate schmuck Ricky Nixon $50 to pick me up some fresh splinters and he spent it on a sheet of LSD and spent 36 hours straight on the ghost train at Lunar Park!

Just FYI, you're in direct violation of copyright and my employer 7mate will be in contact with you for compensation! And if you don't cease and desist immediately they will send some hired goons around to take care of you.

And we asked 100 people what would be the best physical punishment if you choose not to cease and desist immediately, and the survey says:

Beat your hamstrings bloody with a spiked bat!


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BigFooty Family Feud

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