Team Captain
Ahh new it wouldnt be long before the usual belters got back from holidays and started the trash talk and like little nancy boys love dishing it out but hate getting it back. This forum is meant to be about footy not a bunch of Warners Bay hacks getting on here and as per usual talking themselves up for what?? Nothing because no other team in this comp wants a bunch of bogans taking out the comp. I also believe that the Coach of Warners Bay told his players not to get on here and write the crap that they have. Im glad that they show respect for him. He is going to have a long season.
As for making predictions. Geez get serious will you. Noone has played a game yet so noone can be talking up anyones chances. If people think that certain clubs are going to rise well they better start getting up to the level of City and Cardiff going by what they showed last year and quickly.
shut up chewy teeth im sick of seeing ur dirty posts on here!!! all u need to know is city train 3 days a week and have a record attendance of 63