Black Diamond AFL

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I dont mind a good sledge and even some minor abuse directed against a senior player (especially if its funny), but what did leave me feeling uncomfortable last Saturday was the level and tone of abuse directed at the under 18's.

You're spot on Dave. friendly rivalry and barracking should add to the enjoyment of the game, not detract from it. Banter from rival groups of supporters can and should be fun. Having a few beers is no reason to degenerate into verbal abuse. 99% of fans, whether from Cardiff, Warners or Terrigal share a common love of AFL, and are decent people.

Hopefully on Saturday the different supporter groups will have the good sense to tell any of their own who go too far to pull their heads in so everyone can enjoy the game.
Josh. Yeah I see that most Saturdays as well but that isnt really putting the game out to the people.

On the Coast Central Coast sport is on the radio stations but in Newcastle nothing.

BDAFL need to start promoting the game themselves and not ride on the coattails of the AFL to expect people to turn up.

There's also a miniscule article (we're talking seriously tiny) about the games in the Hunter sport section of the Sun-Herald evey weekend. I believe Jimmy Newburn from WB also has a regular radio interview (2HD?) every Saturday morning but it's far too early and I'm never out of bed to hear it.
So, you wouldn't say the league is doing a stellar job of promotion.
There's also a miniscule article (we're talking seriously tiny) about the games in the Hunter sport section of the Sun-Herald evey weekend. I believe Jimmy Newburn from WB also has a regular radio interview (2HD?) every Saturday morning but it's far too early and I'm never out of bed to hear it.
So, you wouldn't say the league is doing a stellar job of promotion.

The interview you refer to is at around 7-35am on 2HD. Miss BD, the day is half over by then;) Cheers!!!

Seriously though, you are right. The league does not do a lot by the way of promotion

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It is fine to wonder why the crowds don't bother to turn up, but is it due in no short measure to the language that is being thrown about, is this normal behaviour at matches in the B.D.A.F.L ?, I have been to a handfull of matches and the language is pretty gross.

I have been asked to look after my Grandson on the weekend but it is hardly the environment to take a young kid along to (Let alone your wife) if the same type of language is going to flow at the Grand Final.

Being new to the town I was looking at some form of involvement but it is starting to put me off after witnessing the unruly behaviour of some spectators at the matches I have attended.

If it is not pulled into line the BDAFL will have nothing to promote, not even a competiton to play in, fancy your Board running an advertising program for people to come and see the circus that carries on outside of the field of play.

Sure, invite the press along and allow them to listen to the nonsense and the language and I am sure that they will not come back nor will they promote the game you guys profess to love.

It is time for some common deceny and manners.
It is fine to wonder why the crowds don't bother to turn up, but is it due in no short measure to the language that is being thrown about, is this normal behaviour at matches in the B.D.A.F.L ?, I have been to a handfull of matches and the language is pretty gross.

I have been asked to look after my Grandson on the weekend but it is hardly the environment to take a young kid along to (Let alone your wife) if the same type of language is going to flow at the Grand Final.

Being new to the town I was looking at some form of involvement but it is starting to put me off after witnessing the unruly behaviour of some spectators at the matches I have attended.

If it is not pulled into line the BDAFL will have nothing to promote, not even a competiton to play in, fancy your Board running an advertising program for people to come and see the circus that carries on outside of the field of play.

Sure, invite the press along and allow them to listen to the nonsense and the language and I am sure that they will not come back nor will they promote the game you guys profess to love.

It is time for some common deceny and manners.
I think its just the way people behave nowdays, not to cast judgement here but i know if i spoke to my parents and or authority figures the way most teenagers do now i woulda been knocked into next month, and for each generation this changes, not sure if this is the cause or what the solution may be but thats just my thoughts.
thats a good point made.. why should such behaviour be promoted? obviously its the minority, but even the smallest of negatives that get promoted, ruin a sport or player. The nrl is guilty of it.

but there isnt really much that can be done i suppose. However the league has said they wont be allowing alcohol from outside the grounds, inside. This is a start...

on other note, im guessing there will be a presentation after every match.. can anyone confirm?
To whom it may concern,

I am truly concerned at the absolute gayness of this forum. Too many people have been agreeing on swearing at the footy lately. I mean get the fu ck over yourselves. Its fu cking footy for god sake! I remember the glory days of this forum. I used to actually want to read it. Why is everyone discussing a gay Utopia where everyone agrees that swearing is affecting the marketing of the game?

Is there anyone out there that can help?



I'd love to help you out but since Usingtheforce has stoppped posting I'm affraid its been slim pickings. If his drought continues, joey-jerk-offs like myself might actually die off.

I'd love to be able to help but sorry...

-pp salsher
Can someone tell me where the BDAFL gains the power for vehicles to be searched that wish to enter the ground tomorrow???

Its my understanding that there is no such power and as such any searches may be illegal. The only search power is for police and that is in the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002. Security guards dont have a power to search. As far as I know they can only ask if they can search your car and if you refuse well in you drive.
Can someone tell me where the BDAFL gains the power for vehicles to be searched that wish to enter the ground tomorrow???

Its my understanding that there is no such power and as such any searches may be illegal. The only search power is for police and that is in the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002. Security guards dont have a power to search. As far as I know they can only ask if they can search your car and if you refuse well in you drive.

The same comment was made last week, when they apparently checked a few cars, would be great to get a legal clarification.
The same comment was made last week, when they apparently checked a few cars, would be great to get a legal clarification.

well have just searched and looked at the Security Indusrty Act, Licensing Act and Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act and cant find anything there relating to vehicles being searched for the purposes of finding alcohol.

All search powers in LEPRA are for the search of items relating to the commission of an offence. I couldnt find anything relating to alcohol in what is classed as a licenced premise.
I think its just the way people behave nowdays, not to cast judgement here but i know if i spoke to my parents and or authority figures the way most teenagers do now i woulda been knocked into next month, and for each generation this changes, not sure if this is the cause or what the solution may be but thats just my thoughts.

I know you're not intending to generalise but I don't think it's an age issue at all. Most of the people I've heard inciting players to violence and swearing have been what you'd call 'middle aged'.

It probably makes me sound incredibly pious but I also think alcohol is a significant contributing factor. That aspect of the issue is by no means confined to football games; I think it's indicative of a wider trend in Australian society. Binge drinking is an acceptable and expected part of social occasions and without changing this you're always going to have those individuals who drink too much and say things they probably wouldn't if they were sober.
I know you're not intending to generalise but I don't think it's an age issue at all. Most of the people I've heard inciting players to violence and swearing have been what you'd call 'middle aged'.

It probably makes me sound incredibly pious but I also think alcohol is a significant contributing factor. That aspect of the issue is by no means confined to football games; I think it's indicative of a wider trend in Australian society. Binge drinking is an acceptable and expected part of social occasions and without changing this you're always going to have those individuals who drink too much and say things they probably wouldn't if they were sober.

yeah without getting too deep into the politics of whats socially acceptable in our society in this day and age, yeah alcohol definately adds to the problem, anyways lets hope that nobody suffers from heat stroke or passes out 2morrow, should be 3 awesome matches.

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well have just searched and looked at the Security Indusrty Act, Licensing Act and Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act and cant find anything there relating to vehicles being searched for the purposes of finding alcohol.

All search powers in LEPRA are for the search of items relating to the commission of an offence. I couldnt find anything relating to alcohol in what is classed as a licenced premise.
Hey Wherethecrowflies, i think if you check the Enclosed Lands Act which is what all security personal operate under when doing gate duties and patrolling grounds, i think you will find what your looking for.
Basically they can request as a condition of entry to look in bags, cars etc. If you refuse which you have the right to do, then they can refuse you entry under the powers of the Act. If you then come onto the property after you have been refused entry, it becomes a trespass issue and Police can be called and 9 times out of 10 your in trouble and can get a fine. Hope that helps seeya at the game.
Hey Wherethecrowflies, i think if you check the Enclosed Lands Act which is what all security personal operate under when doing gate duties and patrolling grounds, i think you will find what your looking for.
Basically they can request as a condition of entry to look in bags, cars etc. If you refuse which you have the right to do, then they can refuse you entry under the powers of the Act. If you then come onto the property after you have been refused entry, it becomes a trespass issue and Police can be called and 9 times out of 10 your in trouble and can get a fine. Hope that helps seeya at the game.

I have had legal advice on this issue, and what UTF says is substantially true, you have the right to refuse to have your car or bag searched on entry, however that gives them the right to refuse entry to you. However, once allowed inside (legally), security have absolutely no right to search cars or persons for any reason. Even police must be able to show probable cause before requiring a search.

If security tell me they are going to search my car, I will video my refusal, and inform them that if they open my car they are breaking the law but leave my doors unlocked. My opinion is that this will be an invasion of privacy and a direct breach of civil liberties.

Security powers are limited to where they suspect I have illicit grog they inform the police to request a search.

ps I won't have any alcohol in the car, so my subsequent complaint will be interesting. George Orwell got it wrong, we do have personal freedoms.
I have had legal advice on this issue, and what UTF says is substantially true, you have the right to refuse to have your car or bag searched on entry, however that gives them the right to refuse entry to you. However, once allowed inside (legally), security have absolutely no right to search cars or persons for any reason. Even police must be able to show probable cause before requiring a search.

If security tell me they are going to search my car, I will video my refusal, and inform them that if they open my car they are breaking the law but leave my doors unlocked. My opinion is that this will be an invasion of privacy and a direct breach of civil liberties.

Security powers are limited to where they suspect I have illicit grog they inform the police to request a search.

ps I won't have any alcohol in the car, so my subsequent complaint will be interesting. George Orwell got it wrong, we do have personal freedoms.
Always remember though Merksaywhat, that the Enclosed Lands Act is always in play. If you have been let into the grounds and then at a later stage, a security person is of the belief that you may now have alcohol in your car, they can request to search. Remember it is a request not an order and again you have the right to refuse. But if it is a condition of entry and refuse they can ask you to leave the grounds or premises. Once they do ask you to leave, if you do not. Then it becomes a trespass issue and Police can be called to remove you and/or fine you. Anyway I think we have covered the issue now and we are all going to be good spectators to watch we we hope is a great days footy.
Just like to say it was awesome to see warners win ressies today and it was awesome to see Cardiff have their pants pulled down and get absolutely walloped in just that 2nd quarter. Both Clarkes were terrible, especially Adam, fitness doesn't make you a good Footballer. Flynn was his usual overated self, Ryan was kept well quiet. Orton had that massive GONE MISSING tag next to his name all day Oh and Wold - what a hack. If it wasn't for Gibson the margin would have been far greater. All credit to city they took all their chances, especially in that first half. The 1st quarter against the hurricane was a solid effort and every player gave something big, not much can be said about their opposition I wouldn't hold my head very high after a performance like that.
Just like to say it was awesome to see warners win ressies today and it was awesome to see Cardiff have their pants pulled down and get absolutely walloped in just that 2nd quarter. Both Clarkes were terrible, especially Adam, fitness doesn't make you a good Footballer. Flynn was his usual overated self, Ryan was kept well quiet. Orton had that massive GONE MISSING tag next to his name all day Oh and Wold - what a hack. If it wasn't for Gibson the margin would have been far greater. All credit to city they took all their chances, especially in that first half. The 1st quarter against the hurricane was a solid effort and every player gave something big, not much can be said about their opposition I wouldn't hold my head very high after a performance like that.

This has come from a bloke who probably can't play the game at all. Always very easy bagging blokes after they have lost a gf. Weak as piss w***er. Well done to City.
Don't see how I'm as weak as piss just said what I thought of the game and of the way Cardiff's players played. These blokes have been talked about all year on how good they are and they played as well as they could which I thought was awful, especially their so called "GUNS". They went 18-0 and choked. I'm giving an honest opinion of what I watched, which was City dominate. Were you there Southern Crust??? Tell me what you thought of the game??
My opinion of todays game. Missed 18's so can anyone give a report and arrived to watch the last quarter of the ressies. Warners well done from what i saw.

1st Grade- City players seems to have a lot of space to work in from 1/4 time on. Great tussle in 1st quarter with i believe city taking the points for that 1/4 containing Cardiff to a few goals with the aid of a howling breeze. City rampant 2nd 1/4 and says something for home ground knowledge and the use of the strong wind. Long 50 -60m goals were the highlight of the 1/4. 3/4 quarter great fight back from Cardiff to get within a couple of goals but reckon the team would have wanted more like one of their big quarters during the season to at least stand a chance of holding out City in the last with the wind. 1st goal in last vital and it went to City and Cardiff seemed to drop their heads and stopped chasing either fatigue or from disappointment of another that was getting away. Well done City good game to watch.
Glad to see that it doesnt take long for people to come on here and give it to Cardiff calling them chokers. City played a great game but look at the conditions. As soon as you got the lead the other team had to work their backsides off in the heat and just knocked the losing team around and made it hard to work.

I think everyone played well and the only downside of the day I feel was the Warners Bay spectators. Good on people for cheering their team but when it comes to threatening to jump the fence and assault players, using foul language towards players and during the presentation heckling the Cardiff players and telling them to look at the scoreboard. Pure bad sportsmanship. City and Cardiff have a great rivalry but I didnt see City carrying on like that.

Other then that a great day out.
Don't see how I'm as weak as piss just said what I thought of the game and of the way Cardiff's players played. These blokes have been talked about all year on how good they are and they played as well as they could which I thought was awful, especially their so called "GUNS". They went 18-0 and choked. I'm giving an honest opinion of what I watched, which was City dominate. Were you there Southern Crust??? Tell me what you thought of the game??

Tell me exactly which blokes from Cardiff have been talking themselves up. A lot of Cardiff blokes have played in 3 or 4 flags, some more. Every right to go in confident. They went down to a better side on the day, simple as that. Well done to City. Doesn't mean they all didn't give 100%. Gives me shits blokes bagging other blokes after they have just lost. For the record how many bog's have you got in grand finals?
Have we hit a nerve southern crust? I think going through a season undefeated only to lose 2 finals, one being the gf, leaves you pretty open to criticism.
i believe city planned pretty well for the conditions by hiring ice vests for the players to wear in the breaks. that would have had more benifits than the massage parlour set up on cardiffs bench.
the conditions were trying but i cant see an argument that they favour a leading team. both had the gale behind them for half a game of footy. the team that played against it best won the game and deservedly so!
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