Black Diamond AFL

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Some interesting statistics.

Another few interesting statistics include

Only 3 clubs- Gosford, Wyong and Lake Macquarie are to play a finals series in 1st grade

Only 1 club hasnt played in finals in senior grades (reserves and 1sts) since the inception of the BDAFL. That club is Gosford.

Savage Hotdog (or Usingtheforce, I think youre the same person. Hmmmmmm) what do you have to say about that stat?

Sorry to disappoint you weaglesman but i dont need a second username to hide behind. If i have something to say I will use the name evereyone knows. Am not afraid like some who hide behind their keyboards. If someone has a problem with anything I post, they know who i am and can come chat to me at a game if they feel that strongly about it. Just been watching the posts on here and some of you just have no idea whats going on at some clubs. Can be good banter and thats what supporting your club is all about but really some stuff is pure rubbish of late.
Just been watching the posts on here and some of you just have no idea whats going on at some clubs. Can be good banter and thats what supporting your club is all about but really some stuff is pure rubbish of late.

Ok UTF fill us in on what is going on at Gosford. Have they lost or gained anyone for next year?

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Just been watching the posts on here and some of you just have no idea whats going on at some clubs. Can be good banter and thats what supporting your club is all about but really some stuff is pure rubbish of late.

Ok UTF fill us in on what is going on at Gosford. Have they lost or gained anyone for next year?
Well lets see hmmmm well you already know 2 items that are official things in new 1st Grade Coach and Kyall Walford playing for Sandringham in the VFL in 2009, other than that you will just have to wait and see wont you. The rest of what you read on here, well its up to you if you believe it or not, but you will make you own opinions. Good try though
Ok UTF fill us in on what is going on at Gosford. Have they lost or gained anyone for next year?

Hmmmm bit early to spectulate, but Ok I'll talk onbehalf of Gosford for a second here. Training hasnt officially began yet (unless you've been slogging yourself like me since September ;)) so Its difficult to gauge the situation with new players. I can tell you however thatthe lies and rumurs started on here by bitter Warners Bay and Nelson Bay fans are incorrect!

HAviong said that I'll keep you updated. Like I said before, with a coach of the calibre of Peter Free I wouldnt be surprised if a hand ful of Sydney blokes followed him though. And a couple of interstaters that have traditionally gone to KV and Terrigal to swing our way based on his reputation and experience with Sydney Repsides at state carnivals. I have no doubts he'll whip us into shape, seems pretty strict. Apparently there is a no boardshort policy for training. Should sort the pretenders from the contenders
[The rest of what you read on here, well its up to you if you believe it or not, but you will make you own opinions. Good try though

So UTF there is no truth to that some tigers will be making the trek north this week. We will just wait and see wont we.
Elvis your another wyong HACK just like noodles ede and big fletch.
Wyong you guys are bigger hacks then Gosford.HACKS

My name is Troy Delaney. im a terrigal hack. We have something in common

Stop trying to sound like an upper class citizen from terrigal, Your team is based at Boganville Re: East Gosford. Still remember you HACKS taking the paint on the AFL footy show to paint a clubhouse that wasnt yours (Avoca sharks RU) instead of big money to gamble at the crown casino i'm sure 99.9% of others here would have taken the money at the crown, instead one of your fellow bogans has a freshly pained house or maybe you all sniffed it for the end of season trip.

How about you stop calling everyone a hack and get on with talking about footy, cause thats what we are all here for. I have had enough of your rubbish and the rubbish underneath your playing surface.
Sorry to disappoint you weaglesman but i dont need a second username to hide behind. If i have something to say I will use the name evereyone knows. Am not afraid like some who hide behind their keyboards. If someone has a problem with anything I post, they know who i am and can come chat to me at a game if they feel that strongly about it. Just been watching the posts on here and some of you just have no idea whats going on at some clubs. Can be good banter and thats what supporting your club is all about but really some stuff is pure rubbish of late.

You have no Idea whats going on At Gosford either. Your a liar your a PEST your a rodent that never goes away. your an overweight insecure pain in the arse and has destroyed the good name Gosford once had with the crap and slop you write on this website. I think the the life Members that built the club up with all there hard work has been destroyed by all the crap you have said. The club would be alot better if you left. I think the couple of players at Gosford i talk to would all agree.
The Stats that Matter, from statman101.

Over the 9 seasons of the BDAFL

Warners Bay, in all grades:

u18s - 0 grand final appearence(s) for 0 win(s)
1st div - 1 grand final appearence(s) for 1 win(s)
first grade - 0 grand final appearence(s) for 0 win(s)

Lake Maquarie, in all grades:

u18s - 0 grand final appearence(s) for 0 win(s)
1st div - 1 grand final appearence(s) for 0 win(s)
first grade - 0 grand final appearence(s) for 0 win(s)

Statman101's assessment:

Warners Bay are crap.

Warners Bay are slightly less crap than Lake Macquarie.

Wyong have appeared in more u18s and 1st Div Grand Finals.

Gosford have appeared in more u18s Grand Finals.

anyone can throw up facts but we will all agree that a club that wins only res. grade games, whist still a good thing, will only gain so much respect. the only way any club, including my own, will gain the respect of the opposition clubs and the leagues is by conducting themselves in a professional manner and winning games. as far as i'm concerned, half of the comp has the winning games part down well but a lot of clubs, and it can be shown in this forum at times, have a bit to be learned about proffessionalism. i think this is directly derived from the leadership of the black diamond board which, at times, has been sadly lacking. if the league is to be successful going ahead the clubs need to stop taking pot shots at each other and try to work together for the betterment of the game in this area. most clubs do have a good relationship with each other so why not use it to everyones advantage, not just narrow minded officials looking out for their own interests

yes, very long winded, feel free to shoot me down. but have a think about it
You have no Idea whats going on At Gosford either. Your a liar your a PEST your a rodent that never goes away. your an overweight insecure pain in the arse and has destroyed the good name Gosford once had with the crap and slop you write on this website. I think the the life Members that built the club up with all there hard work has been destroyed by all the crap you have said. The club would be alot better if you left. I think the couple of players at Gosford i talk to would all agree.
Ahhh they let you outta the cage again did they. Seems like you have to re-use your old material again and again, personal attacks and baggin me. If that allows you to puff up your chest and feel like a man, mate go your hardest. You never seemed to take the challenge up and reveal who you are so it shows the level of individual you are. As for your comments about the players, mate they are the paying members of the club so they have the voting rights so if they want me gone how about you tell your so called friends to vote and get it over and done with or is it all huff and puff with you. If not get back in your cage and let the rest of us talk footy and banter about our teams we support. Now i await your reply full of childish personal insults and trash, but serious get a life.
Just reading the BDAFL website and the article regarding player registration fees for 2009. Does anyone think that their proposal that after round 4 if you havent paid your fees to the club the league will remove your permission to play. Will this cause a dramtic drop in player numbers to the point of clubs having to call off games?
Just reading the BDAFL website and the article regarding player registration fees for 2009. Does anyone think that their proposal that after round 4 if you havent paid your fees to the club the league will remove your permission to play. Will this cause a dramtic drop in player numbers to the point of clubs having to call off games?

I just read the BDAFL website and I beleive that you are a fairy!

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Ahhh they let you outta the cage again did they. Seems like you have to re-use your old material again and again, personal attacks and baggin me. If that allows you to puff up your chest and feel like a man, mate go your hardest. You never seemed to take the challenge up and reveal who you are so it shows the level of individual you are. As for your comments about the players, mate they are the paying members of the club so they have the voting rights so if they want me gone how about you tell your so called friends to vote and get it over and done with or is it all huff and puff with you. If not get back in your cage and let the rest of us talk footy and banter about our teams we support. Now i await your reply full of childish personal insults and trash, but serious get a life.

I'm going to agree with Usingtheforce on this. Fatman the personal insults are highly unimaginative, tactless and above all, really unfunny. I don't think I've ever laughed at any of your comments, where as with usingtheforce, every now and then you get a bit of a laugh (whether its with you/at you is not important).

This forum of late has been filled with some of the most lacklustre, boring and dull gags to the point where it is no longer relevant. No wonder the KFC zinger has lain dormant for so long.

If this forum doesn't smarten up I'm out of here.
I'm going to agree with Usingtheforce on this. Fatman the personal insults are highly unimaginative, tactless and above all, really unfunny. I don't think I've ever laughed at any of your comments, where as with usingtheforce, every now and then you get a bit of a laugh (whether its with you/at you is not important).

This forum of late has been filled with some of the most lacklustre, boring and dull gags to the point where it is no longer relevant. No wonder the KFC zinger has lain dormant for so long.

If this forum doesn't smarten up I'm out of here.

And don't think people at City have forgotten what you said you mug. Wrong on two counts. Keep trying

I'm glad you haven't forgotten...You might have won, and good on ya. He still can't kick straight! You should write that on the wall of your club rooms for motivation every time you play Warners Bay.
Re: big dog #1

Hey guys, big dog #1 here.

Just thought I'd share my predicitions for next season:

Warners Bay - definitely a chance for triple premierships. Building on foundations laid this season. Has an abundance of talented players and will reign supreme in 2009.

Newcastle City - will probably be finals contenders, maybe even grand finalists, but will run out of steam in the last quarter due to their staple diets of salad and cappacinos.

Cardiff - will be the pretenders to the throne (rather than contenders - pun most certainly intended). The hawks (more like dorks) will once again back up a successful season with a pathetic finals campaign. My guess is they will lose a couple more grand finals before they win one.

Lake Macquarie - Continue to be a mystery to big dog #1. I don't expect great things, but they make a pretty good bacon and egg roll on grand final day.

Nelson Bay - Will bask in the success of Craig Bird. Their webpage will continue to be a shrine to his brilliance.

Terrigal - Will at least prove to be entertaining if they still have that coach that tries to start fights with everyone that tackles him (what was his name again?). Running at a definite handicap due to a lack of youth in their ranks, they will still be a shadow of their former selves.

Killarney Vale - will show the rest of the league what time it is! (with their big clock I mean). Who knows really, once again will probably have a pretty decent team on paper but struggle to play their best footy every week. Hopefully have a bit more depth than in 2008.

Gosford - Training in November?!? They'll probably be worn out by round one. What has this league come to? The new coach will have a lot to prove. There's some not so pleasent things written about him on the sydney afl board... but then again it may be tall poppy syndrome. I reckon the blokes that don't flee the club will have a crack, but they will still be a step behind the rest of the league.

Wyong - Still celebrating all those reserve grade premierships they won a couple of years back. Big Dog #1 doesn't expect too much from the fagpies unless of course they get that bloke from 2007 back who was 3 metres tall... but he was crap anyway.

Singleton - What they lack in numbers, skill, co-ordination, fitness and healthy lungs, they make up in passion. They may not win the game, they'll do their best to hurt you in the process. 2009 will bring another year of league records: most ciggarettes consumed at half time, most tattoos in one team and still the biggest sundial in the southern hemisphere.

NCC Umpires Association - they'll be back as always. Probably fewer in numbers as they cull the weak and ethical from their ranks, but with bigger ego's and more hidden agenda's than a preist at sunday school. Never the less they will get the job done and let you know who's boss.

An interesting appraisal of each team. I guess time will tell.

I am confused with your comments re the NCCUA. "cull the week and ethical" I would have thought ethical people is what they want?

"Bigger ego's" & hidden agenda's" What hidden agenda's would the NCCUA have? I don't think they care who wins what. Surely you are not suggesting the umpires "fix" games?
Re: big dog #1

An interesting appraisal of each team. I guess time will tell.

I am confused with your comments re the NCCUA. "cull the week and ethical" I would have thought ethical people is what they want?

"Bigger ego's" & hidden agenda's" What hidden agenda's would the NCCUA have? I don't think they care who wins what. Surely you are not suggesting the umpires "fix" games?

Yeah, I don't think theres much point bagging the umpires... There going to make bad decisions and their going to make good decisions... That's just the way it is... The umps are trying their best... As long as we have them it saves us, the players from officiating (which is the case with some of the reserve grade club umpires) and leave us, the players to concentrate on playing footy which is fine with me...
Ahhh they let you outta the cage again did they. Seems like you have to re-use your old material again and again, personal attacks and baggin me. If that allows you to puff up your chest and feel like a man, mate go your hardest. You never seemed to take the challenge up and reveal who you are so it shows the level of individual you are. As for your comments about the players, mate they are the paying members of the club so they have the voting rights so if they want me gone how about you tell your so called friends to vote and get it over and done with or is it all huff and puff with you. If not get back in your cage and let the rest of us talk footy and banter about our teams we support. Now i await your reply full of childish personal insults and trash, but serious get a life.

Here we go again another year (utf) destroying the good name gosford once had.
i wonder who would be the other team to drop is , i havent heard anything of that nature, rumours i can that have come true mr summers and b deitz are now in the kennel not sure why they left but doesnt look good for the tigers not hold ing onto any good talent, this other rumour of a possible ex afl player the bombers might be true but they need more than that as they continue on there 07 hangover
i wonder who would be the other team to drop is , i havent heard anything of that nature, rumours i can that have come true mr summers and b deitz are now in the kennel not sure why they left but doesnt look good for the tigers not hold ing onto any good talent, this other rumour of a possible ex afl player the bombers might be true but they need more than that as they continue on there 07 hangover
Surely it would be the crows, as the Bay beat them this year and theyre going to 2's.
KV would of announced any big signings on their website if true, you would think.
Did Deitzy and Summers train tonight? :D
All this talk of "signings'" , im yet to see or hear of anyone signing anything other than a transfer and that wont happen till after new years so i would take little notice of big signings as if any club had recruited any cattle we will know soon enough.
What do you guys think of starting training iin Nov- xmas break seems to undo any fitness work- comraderie can benefit if numbers are good but who would get 20 or more b4 xmas?
Heard some rumours from the Hawks today...don't know how true they are-

Mick Ryan to play a coach/captain role next year
Mick Krake back after a couple of years away
Simmo to return after chomping at the bit on Grannie Day not being out there. Possibly Big Ben coming back along with Simmo too.
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