Bluemour Melting Pot XXXII - Reaching fever pitch! 🔥 🔥 🔥

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As per the Bluemour File OP, this is a thread for discussing Carlton related rumours.

Rumour posters should post their rumours in both threads for those that like just to read rumours and for those that like to have get lost in their rumour files.

Remember ... #Bluemour

Continued from here ...

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‘most’ depending on who’s online at the time, and rarely in moderation. 😉😀
I know. Too many peanuts trying to cut people down because they are bored. It's a rumour forum. Geez. take it all with a grain of salt and stop biting the hands of the ones that feed us. If people think is rubbish, scroll past. :rolleyes:. We are all anxious regarding what the hell is happening and hope something comes out soon. Keep it up, keep sharing what you can.

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Could also be that he's angling for a regular gig on Fox?

Someone had mentioned yesterday (I think) that Clarkon's management had the feelers out re prospective media roles for 2022 - wouldn't be outrageous to suggest he's lined up a gig with Fox Footy, with an agreement to informally/unofficially kick this off with an appearance on 360 in grand final week.
How does that differ to other ITT's posting gifs/emojis? I've made a few bold calls in the bluemour thread but thinking more on this recently i'd prefer people to hear the announcement first from the club and not spoil a surprise. There is also a chance that my information doesn't always come to fruition. All i said yesterday was that there is some truth in the below post (which is most likely a lucky guess from NOTSOS). This was much clearer than a duck emoji or gif, so not sure why you're just calling me out.

Going forward, might still drop a few hints when i hear things but my postings going forward will mostly be as a passionate blues supporter.

Happy Friday all & Go blues!!!
Please don't stop feeding us tip bits for the naysayers - we have lost too many ITK posters to people who don't like what they're hearing. We do appreciate what you give us!

Thank you again AB!

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By no means saying this is the case but what's to say they are not completely aware that they'll be doing an apprenticeship under a more senior coach

You will notice my post was technically a question - this would be a good answer if true.
Is anyone else concerned about the suggestion that people within the club still think we are getting Clarkson?

No, nothing that I've read in this thread concerns me other than seeing people lose their minds over nothing. I'm very happy with the club saying nothing until ready to announce who our next coach will be. I read what people say with interest and take it for what it is, rumous based on morsels of information and opinions. This is how rumours work, this isn't a fact file.
How does that differ to other ITT's posting gifs/emojis? I've made a few bold calls in the bluemour thread but thinking more on this recently i'd prefer people to hear the announcement first from the club and not spoil a surprise. There is also a chance that my information doesn't always come to fruition. All i said yesterday was that there is some truth in the below post (which is most likely a lucky guess from NOTSOS). This was much clearer than a duck emoji or gif, so not sure why you're just calling me out.

Going forward, might still drop a few hints when i hear things but my postings going forward will mostly be as a passionate blues supporter.

Happy Friday all & Go blues!!!
Don't let em get you down.
No, nothing that I've read in this thread concerns me other than seeing people lose their minds over nothing. I'm very happy with the club saying nothing until ready to announce who our next coach will be. I read what people say with interest and take it for what it is, rumous based on morsels of information and opinions. This is how rumours work, this isn't a fact file.
I wasn't commenting on the rumours here - I know most of it is BS - I was commenting on the suggestion that those within the club still think we are getting Clarkson. I think that's highly concerning.
I wasn't commenting on the rumours here - I know most of it is BS - I was commenting on the suggestion that those within the club still think we are getting Clarkson. I think that's highly concerning.

How do we know its true or not and id imagine that even at the club there are very few who know exactly what's going on.
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