I agree with aspects of your take on events, but I think you're being a bit harsh overall. It started off shambolically when we started the search in a typical Carlton fashion speaking to prospects and making promises without everyone on the same page. And I'd add I loved it, I reckon I wanted Ross more than anyone, even over Clarko.I too would not have selected Voss, but now he is appointed I will support unconditionally.
But I do need to make a final comment that IMHO the process was shambolic and chaotic.
In my opinion at the outset RTB got told he had the job if Clarko didn't want it, and he had already said no. RTB, went ahead and sounded out his assistants only to get a call from Sayers saying mate I can't get you across the line with the Board.
RTB hung out to dry because he was allegedly involved in an incident, which didn't go before the Courts and had been resolved. Yet, days later the AFL is happy to parade former criminal Ben Cousins out on the red carpet.
The hypocrisy is palpable.
Now we get to a press conference appointing Voss, and we have Cook answering questions about offering the role to a different coach in the days before.
And let's also acknowledge the handcuffs the committee had placed on them by the President stating we will appoint an experienced coach. Poor old Kingsley, he didn't have a chance.
I'm all in, but don't tell me we ran a proper process, and let's hope it all works out.
But there was a clear change, they established a panel and sounded out highly regarded candidates. To say they weren't willing to hire somebody without experience isn't true as Kingsley was right at the pointy end.
Cook came in late, did the same thing the panel did initially. He sounded out others and asked the question. Have to remember this sounding out occurred before the final interviews which I believe is important.
The Cook appointment and the fact he got both Kingsley and Voss to interview in front of him has given me confidence in the appointment (it took me a couple of days to get here).
Voss the Boss