Club Mgmt. Board of Directors as led by President Dave Barham

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They’ve publicly committed to the external review now so they must follow through. It simply must be done and must be done properly.

Despite the almost comically bad start, if Barham can achieve that and follow through then I will see his tenure as a success and certainly much more transformative than little, tanner, brasher ever were.

He’s had a bad start, but I feel he’s doing what he thinks is in the best interests of the club, more so than I think his predecessors can claim.
They’ve publicly committed to the external review now so they must follow through. It simply must be done and must be done properly.
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Brasher can't come back, his tenure as a director is up in May and he was going to step down at the end of 2022 so that we could have STABILITY under a new President (Peter Allen, his VP) to keep the strategy of Rutten as coach and rebuilding the list and the culture going into the new year.

My belief is that he was brought in because he and other members of the board wanted an external review, and they got the numbers to do that. It is notable that this was on the cards before Sunday's loss, and isn't a direct response to it. Brasher agreed to step down before that game was played.

Additionally, Peter Guerra from VCCI was apparently going to mount a challenge to the board if Barham wasn't made president. I assume Guerra wanted something, I don't know if that was an external review. I suspect this is part of where the Clarkson push came from, as several people with links to various coteries and such like have been saying that Clarkson was interested in our list for a while. Why they wait until Round 22 to do that idk, evidently it was too late and all looks a bit insipid now.

The external review is said to be focused on the administrative side of the club, in addition to the internal review of the football department. He has dressed it up in the press conference as being about 'seeing what other clubs are doing in this area' and 'why is Geelong winning 8 prelims in 12 years and we can't even win a final, what are they doing differently?' – I suspect that Campbell is in the gun one way or another.

When something outside of football is untenable you don't wait for the media to write articles featuring that particular adjective before taking action. Hence no need to use it.

In particular to the bold, I haven't been keeping up the spreadsheet this comes from, but I spent a few minutes last night adding our margins against other teams, with clubs in ladder order. Looks like this:

View attachment 1483310

After round 23 last year it looked like this:

View attachment 1483314

Last year we beat up the bottom sides, this year we didn't. But we've also had double ups against two of the top four teams (and we beat both of them the second time we met!), instead of three of the bottom six teams as with last year.

Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

Which is funny because the last internal review told him to stick in his lane and not interfere with the football department so much.

Admitting where you're wrong is a good start. Walking the talk seems to be the hard part though.

Not convinced about Campbell leaving. He's survived changes before. Good to hear the players sticking up for Truck though. So they should too! Indicates most or all of them are in his corner.

Fans are appalled, Tim.

Pretty sure Barham mentioned in the press conference that Clarkson had expressed interest in coaching Essendon previously to him becoming president and that he would be 'derelict in his duty' not to reach out.


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I am very wary of new posters when things are bad but giving you the benefit of the doubt, I am basically the same. I actually havent decided if I will watch Saturday's game because there will be 100 comments made about the difficult week and Truck etc etc. Following this club has become emotionally draining for too little return. I cant get my kids into it because we arent all that successful (they watched the end of the Pies game with me and there was just silence after it) and the players I tried to get them to really follow were Joe, Fanta and then Walla. Oops.

I never watch pre game or post game stuff as i dont care what the commentators have to say after all these years, i dont watch any of the footy shows as they are all nuffies that change with the breeze or have an agenda.

After whatever is to happen on Sunday, I think i will try and take a AFL detox and check back in at the end of trade week as I dont think i would make it through the ebbs and flows of it otherwise.
I feel the same. Thankfully my daughter isn’t old enough to know Essendon are * shit.
We are at rock bottom. The only way now is up, up and away.
Nah, rock bottom was the SAGA! We had one foot on the bottom rung of the ladder then (metaphorically speaking) with the other dangling into the abyss.

We may have climbed a few rungs up this ladder since, but, we sought out the messiah to use his magical rope to pull us up said ladder.

It was too late when 1. We realised that this magical rope was nothing but an illusion and 2. The ladder had been so neglected over the last 20 years, that a couple of rungs below us just disintegrated, leaving us just one rung above the SAGA.

I am so disillusioned with the club atm. With the SAGA, I was all for the fight, the us against them mentality. Now, it seems that we are fighting ourselves.☹

So we finally announce an external review, will likely sack our coach before the review is finished, have no viable options to replace him with besides ex Essendon people, who may be employed without due process, just because Essendon.

Meanwhile, those that failed to maintain the ladder and believed in the messiahs mythical rope, will continue to carry on and bring this club to its knees.☹

They've nearly snuffed out my interest in footy, not completely, cause here I am posting shit on BF, but nearly.

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Club Mgmt. Board of Directors as led by President Dave Barham

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