Boomers vs the rest

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Brownlow Medallist
Aug 28, 2014
Adelaide, South Australia
AFL Club
'Boomer' is one of the latest terms being bandied around, along with 'woke'. It's taken on a broader meaning than the traditional classification of the Baby Boomer generation, born roughly from 1946 to 1964.

It's now being applied to people from Generation X or even Generation Y or Millennials, effectively anyone old enough to be made fun of by teenagers. It's come to mean more than a generation - it's a physical appearance, a lifestyle, a mindset.

The hallmarks of what people call a boomer:

  • Old enough for grey hair and no longer keeping up with clothing fashion
  • Inept with, or sceptical of, the latest technology
  • Holds ideas about the world that are seen as outdated, like getting married before having kids, or rent being wasted money, humans are not changing the climate, or mending things rather than throwing them away
  • The standalone house is paid off or almost paid off, worth five or ten times more than they paid for it - a boomer is financially established overall.

'Boomer' has become a byword for generational divides, a single word to express what has been going on for a long time: generations having a hard time understanding each other's issues.
Dont forget they blame "Boomers' for all their problems, including the property affordability problem. Which is the most ******ed thing ever.

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Do you agree on my take on what the word means these days? What are your thoughts on the intergenerational disagreements in Australia? Did older generations have it easier?
1. Yes it's a fun, bantery insult against anyone who exhibits the traits of an old fogie. I cop it, and I use it. In fun mostly.

2. Old as time itself.

3. Yes in many ways, unless they were non-European and non-white, or female, or non-Christian, or very poor, in which case they almost certainly faced one or more of discrimination, abuse, more chance of poverty, dispossession, unfair incarceration or other limits on their freedom.
Maybe true up until now.
No growth when your head is divided between being stuck up ya bum or in your phone.
The great regression!

Most people are destined to live small scale lives, there is no shame in that. Being a good partner, parent and member of the community are noble and honourable goals.
Most people are destined to live small scale lives, there is no shame in that. Being a good partner, parent and member of the community are noble and honourable goals.
There are too many nuffies floating around these days who think they're an entrepreneur in waiting. Points for trying, but the economy can only support so many small businesses in the same niche.
A Hahahahaha
Millennial will see the world end because of plastic in the ocean.
They will blame us.
And we won't be alive to take responsibility.
A Hahahahaha suffer Millennials.
The great deserved material waste of space you are.
So basically, millennials are bad. Ok.

That begs the obvious question. Why were your generation such shit parents?

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So basically, millennials are bad. Ok.

That begs the obvious question. Why were your generation such s**t parents?

They were raised by people who knew almost nothing but surging success, then knew that too.

The young people today will raise children with stories of war and hardship such that they won't need to invent struggles for themselves
So basically, millennials are bad. Ok.

That begs the obvious question. Why were your generation such s**t parents?
I find that a lot of people who hang shit on "Millennials" aren't actually targeting the Gen Y generation (anyone between 1981 and c.1995), but anyone who's young. A lot of ranting about "Millennial culture" often refers to Gen Z. The oldest Millennials are in their early 40s, and the youngest are a shit load closer to 30 than they are 20.
Did older generations have it easier?

I guess it's all relative.

I've researched my family history. The 1901 census in a small town in Ireland shows 11 people living in a two room single storey terraced house. I can't imagine how they all lived and slept together. They didn't have electricity. One stinky fire to keep warm. The main employer in the town shut down so they had to move to England. Your brothers and sisters would commonly die around you. Then the males of adult age were conscripted into WWI - to be slaughtered or return home with devastating injuries.

Older generations didn't have it easier.
I guess it's all relative.

I've researched my family history. The 1901 census in a small town in Ireland shows 11 people living in a two room single storey terraced house. I can't imagine how they all lived and slept together. They didn't have electricity. One stinky fire to keep warm. The main employer in the town shut down so they had to move to England. Your brothers and sisters would commonly die around you. Then the males of adult age were conscripted into WWI - to be slaughtered or return home with devastating injuries.

Older generations didn't have it easier.
That we are better off than people at the beginning of the twentieth century is uncontroversial, I think. The controversy is around whether Australians born after (say) 1985 are worse off than the immediately preceding generations ('the first generations to be worse off than their parents'). It goes to things like climate change and job security as well as real estate prices.
Sometimes I wonder what people ever did before the internet and Netflix and wotnot. Must have been a boring life.

I asked my 11 brothers and sisters, they don't know either.
I find that a lot of people who hang s**t on "Millennials" aren't actually targeting the Gen Y generation (anyone between 1981 and c.1995), but anyone who's young. A lot of ranting about "Millennial culture" often refers to Gen Z. The oldest Millennials are in their early 40s, and the youngest are a s**t load closer to 30 than they are 20.
anyone older then me = boomer
anyone younger then me = millennial
Climate change?
Really ???
Not disputing it, but come on....
Multiple past generations would give a limb to be all curled up in a corner about climate change!
They were too busy fighting wars and depression and shitty opressive government policies.
Climate change?
Really ???
Not disputing it, but come on....
Multiple past generations would give a limb to be all curled up in a corner about climate change!
They were too busy fighting wars and depression and shitty opressive government policies.
Good to see you're not a simp for "the good ol' days".
Did older generations have it easier?

Overall I say no.

You can live and barely leave your home these days if you want to.

Too bad 20-30 years ago if you were anti social or had anxiety , you still had to go out to do a lot of things.

Young people have all the information and knowledge at their fingertips. older generations had to rely on what teachers taught them and what was available in the libraries.

It might be harder to find a job but job seeking is more convenient and easier to do.

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Boomers vs the rest

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