Player Watch Brayden Maynard

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I have never seen anything like it. All this outcry simply because of who was bumped. That's it. The AFL puts out a long statement lauding the sacred Brayshaws and the concern for his health.
How do you think Jakob Ryan's family feels when they watched their son get knocked out on debut by an errant knee to the head?

Where was the outrage and remorse?

But the past and present players who continue to gob off long after the event when the excuse of emotions and passions overcoming reason is no longer a valid explanation is astonishing.

Without being hyperbolic or overly tribal it really does reek of a deep resentment toward the Collingwood footy club.

Our boys, from Maynard and others like Howe and Sidey through to our coach have been empathetic and classy with their comments as was Graham Wright after the hearing.

The football world has become unhinged and it is disturbing.

Brayshaw's silence continues to disgust me. He is clearly signalling his support of all the outrage and personal attacks on Maynard.

Goodwin is another hypocrite and his words on the night if the incident were also disgraceful particularly given the actions of Pickett earlier in the year and Van Rooyen on the night.

This circus is a joke.

Utter BS. Most past players called it no case to answer from the get go. Callbackers a bit different.

Don’t be a baby.

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I have never seen anything like it. All this outcry simply because of who was bumped. That's it. The AFL puts out a long statement lauding the sacred Brayshaws and the concern for his health.
How do you think Jakob Ryan's family feels when they watched their son get knocked out on debut by an errant knee to the head?

Where was the outrage and remorse?

But the past and present players who continue to gob off long after the event when the excuse of emotions and passions overcoming reason is no longer a valid explanation is astonishing.

Without being hyperbolic or overly tribal it really does reek of a deep resentment toward the Collingwood footy club.

Our boys, from Maynard and others like Howe and Sidey through to our coach have been empathetic and classy with their comments as was Graham Wright after the hearing.

The football world has become unhinged and it is disturbing.

Brayshaw's silence continues to disgust me. He is clearly signalling his support of all the outrage and personal attacks on Maynard.

Goodwin is another hypocrite and his words on the night if the incident were also disgraceful particularly given the actions of Pickett earlier in the year and Van Rooyen on the night.

This circus is a joke.
The whole Melbourne club are hypocrites
For all the hand wringing on the Melbourne FC board, the hypocrisy is laughable.
BaliDemon is one such peanut. He posted how he hopes the Dees make it to the Grand Final and play Collingwood just so someone can KO Maynard. He said it would be worth the 3 or 4 wks.
So much for all the bleating about duty of care and preventing concussions.
He’s since deleted the post or the mods have taken it down.
Carlton board would have celebrated like crazy when Cripps got off. When Maynard got charged, apparently all they cared about was brayshaw and concussion. Didn’t show the same compassion to Cripps opponent. No hypocrisy there.

Melb? That club are angels. None of their players have ever hurt an opponent because they care and are concerned about concussion. Pickett? 2 week ban for leaving earths orbit to hip and shoulder smith. Van rooyen? 1 week for elbow to the head. But again, their players care about concussion and wrap their arms around brayshaw. None of their players would ever target a players head. The same club that cares about Grundy, making him play vfl.

I could go on. It’s quite laughable and has got me through the week tbh.
Interesting in the AFL statement that they say they will be closely examining the incident in regard to high contact rules in the off season. Not sure how they are going to legislate against an accident? If they go down the 'if you jump to smother but accidentally concuss a player in the process, you're responsible and will be suspended' road then... I don't see how they can then not apply that to jumping for marks or going back with the flight etc.
It’s a thought bubble. Organisations have them all the time.
Only 1% of them ever come to fruition.
The AFL have been embarrassed by the tribunal result. So they have to make a statement that doesn’t condemn the tribunal but reinforces that they were right in taking this to the tribunal.
How better to save face than to say they will look at the incident weeks/months/years down the track.
The implications of changing the rules to ban smothering, and by extension any action that could result in concussions, is a reality even they don’t want to face.
When the media storm dies down this thought bubble will die it’s natural death.
I just got blocked from replying in the main board thread on Maynard due to "de-railing it".

I'm not sure that calling dimwits out for posting BS is "de-railing" a thread but whatever.

It's actually made me feel pretty special.
God, they’ve never read any thread on the Collingwood board then. De-railing is our speciality.
They’re absolutely filthy because they were certain they’d beat us last week.
The fact they finished 4th but got a G final, they thought they had it in the bag.
And winning this game was huge for either side. Don’t leave the G. Straight to prelim.
Avoid carlton semi and Brisbane prelim.
They are FILTHY they lost!
Absolutely. This game was as big for Pies/Dees as it was for Lions at the GABBA.
  • (last) Thursday: Michael Hibberd (Melb defender) played exceptionally well on Elliott, save for early-doors Q1, when Elliott got away on the lead a couple times.
  • Post-game: Hibberd was asked about 'that' smother and said “it was just one of those freak footy accidents”.
  • Sunday: Hibberd announces his retirement at EOY.
  • Wednesday (today): word on the street .. Hibberd might be dropped for this week's game.
2+2 = 5!
  • (last) Thursday: Michael Hibberd (Melb defender) played exceptionally well on Elliott, save for early-doors Q1, when Elliott got away on the lead a couple times.
  • Post-game: Hibberd was asked about 'that' smother and said “it was just one of those freak footy accidents”.
  • Sunday: Hibberd announces his retirement at EOY.
  • Tuesday (today): word on the street .. Hibberd might be dropped for this week's game.
2+2 = 5!
Dees are a pack of dicks.

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Now Shaun Smith is calling Maynard “thug” and the verdict “disgusting”

I’m getting tired of the constant digs on either the player or the club and it’s becoming fast distasteful and disrespectful.

Time people like Smith, Schofield and H. Brayshaw etc started pulling what’s left of their heads in.
Yep but if Melbourne beat Carlton, I bet he, and every other Melbourne supporter, will have no issue in Brayshaw playing against the Lions.
Even after he was knocked out for 2 minutes. I wonder how concerned they really are for their player…
So much mayo. The AFL dragged nobody through the mud. They followed their processes. The media =/= the AFL.
They didn’t follow processes. They sought cover their backsides. They referred to the tribunal knowing full well that there was no case to answer.

Had the AFL succeeded they would have undermined and destroyed the very game they are supposed to be nurturing.

Had they succeeded the game would have been changed for ever.

Morally corrupt, clear as day. Maynard was the scape goat, just like the Pies were for their stand against racism…nothing from Hawthorn, Ted Walker is all Australian…Eddy cancelled.
Shaun Smith having a sook on social media, but he's been concussed for most of his life so we'll cut him some slack.

But these words are from Peter Jess, a legal type who has some portion of brain matter but would prefer to let hysteria do his talking:

“The tribunal’s decision is flawed in so many aspects that it begs the question whether a complete reset of the process and rules need to be urgently undertaken to firmly enforce safety,” Jess said on Wednesday.

“To allow a player to collide at force to create an event that leaves the victim unconscious and potentially brain damaged is simply unacceptable on all levels.

Sport cannot be isolated from societal expectations of how you treat your fellow human beings. Maynard’s behaviour outside the football field would be totally unacceptable.

What do these people see when they watch a football game? How much of a football game would be allowed off-field?

Even so, doesn't society and its 'expectations' still allow for notions of mistake and accident?

How do you 'enforce safety' without obliterating the game itself?


These people are shrill and devoid of critical thought.

I can't help but wonder how much of this stupidity is driven by the fact that Maynard looks like an inkless bikie.
Can’t argue with this. If I was walking down Collins St, would be unacceptable to have a guy run at me and jump in the air with his arms up high only to then land and knock me over.
The correct decision in the end. The bottom line is, AFL is a dangerous and tough sport. Players put their body on the line. I guess that's why we all bloody love this game.

Although I do feel a sense of elation that Maynard is free, there is a uneasiness about the whole thing. Hearing that Brayshaw was knocked out cold for two minutes and the fact that he wears the helmet for his mum, gives me chills. One concussion is scary let alone repeat concussions.

Hope now the verdict is in, this media circus can stop and we can focus on the most important thing, Brayshaw's health which I think is largely lost in all of this.

I heard after his previous concussion, Brayshaw had to spend 8 weeks in his room with the lights off and no sound in the house
Can’t argue with this. If I was walking down Collins St, would be unacceptable to have a guy run at me and jump in the air with his arms up high only to then land and knock me over.

Nor do old people like being shouldered aside when getting into a train carriage. They can be really sensitive about it.

Bloke dropped his man bag the other day, and both of us went in hard for the loose satchel, but I went lower and more fierce. Handed back to him and the thankless prick called me a mad a-hole.
I heard after his previous concussion, Brayshaw had to spend 8 weeks in his room with the lights off and no sound in the house
Who did you hear that from?
Turned on this new Channel 7 footy show expecting a train wreck and that's exactly how it's panning out.

But of course they've started with the Maynard incident so it's going even worse than I imagined.

It's clear anyone with any affiliation to the matter (a Melbourne supporter or relative) can't comprehend that the incident was an accident. Old Uncle Jim understandably concerned about his nephew but give me a spell.

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Player Watch Brayden Maynard

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