Brent Prismall interview - 774

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[QUOTE="blackcat, post: 43761538, member: 9236" i reckon the mclachlan brothers would pull your pants down in a chukka evo[/QUOTE]

The old Bombay Mix.
Pretty sure that Caro said the same thing on Open Mike; that while Hird knew about the program - was in it "up to his ears" - she didn't think that he knew that the players could have been given banned substances. Mike actually followed upon this with her saying, words to the effect of, "so Hird didn't know" and she agreed before saying that what she objected to was the experimental nature of the program, which then turned out to be a drugs in sport issue.
It still reeks a bit though.

He knew about AOD. Claims to know about Thymomodulin.
Dank claims he injected Hird with a banned drug and Hird knew what it was.

So Hird sort of plays this poor naive guy role that knew nothing when it suits him, but when it doesn't suit he seems to know quite a lot and even reckons he read spreadsheets about who got what.

As per usual in this saga, it just doesn't quite add up.
So Hird sort of plays this poor naive guy role that knew nothing when it suits him, but when it doesn't suit he seems to know quite a lot and even reckons he read spreadsheets about who got what.

Don't worry, most people have learnt not to believe a word Hird says. He's changed his story so often he can't possibly be telling the truth.

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The below comments from Zaharakis just don't match up with any explanation given as to why no player thought it neccesary to declare the drugs they were taking:

"It got explained to us what they were going to do and I just didn't want to be a part of it," he said.

"Normally any club, you take supplements, as in tablets and that kind of thing, and that's just protein, so you were part of that but you weren't a part of the injection regime."

Asked about whether he had chosen not to participate out of concern for his health, Zaharakis indicated it may have played a part in his decision.

"Taking supplements and tablets is one thing, but just, another thing, it's just a personal choice me, I just don't like things getting injected into me," he said.

"You get cortisone or something like that and that's normal, I just didn't like the other side of it."

It just doesn't sound like the type of thing that would just slip your mind whilst being tested for PEDs, does it?

jodhpurs are evos favourite. he has flights of fancy he can take it up to the boys in a chukka at the portsea polo. i reckon the mclachlan brothers would pull your pants down in a chukka evo
evo please leave the yeoman out of ur sport of kings

The 77-year old claims he is fighting for his reputation after being accused of running a "personal campaign of half-truths and innuendo" against Mr Colquhoun-Denvers and the Federation

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evo please leave the yeoman out of ur sport of kings

Horse racing is the sport of kings. Polo is for the non athletic sorts with double barrelled surnames who still refer to mummy at the age of forty. Typically their only redeeming feature is that they are known on occasion give the odd hunt protester a decent thrashing with their riding crop (not Gil though, probably has a tofu and hemp riding crop)
It still reeks a bit though.
He knew about AOD. Claims to know about Thymomodulin.
Dank claims he injected Hird with a banned drug and Hird knew what it was.
So Hird sort of plays this poor naive guy role that knew nothing when it suits him, but when it doesn't suit he seems to know quite a lot and even reckons he read spreadsheets about who got what.
As per usual in this saga, it just doesn't quite add up.
If Hird didn't know it was banned stuff, then why did he tell the players not to tell the ASADA people what they took?

Oh, and who else?

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Brent Prismall interview - 774

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