Brett Burton

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First off you don’t know who the player was talking to and in what setting.
Second the player didn’t know his comments would make it on to Big Footy.
Third what purpose does it serve to name him? You either believe DJ75 or you don’t.

If you think a player criticising the incompetent GM who ruined their season is a bigger issue than Burton’s boy club appointment and the arse covering since, I don’t know what to tell you.
He was speaking at a venue. Therefore he was representing the club, whether it be an official or unofficial capacity.

He told people at the venue after a few drinks.

In any other setting, that employee would be stripped over the coals, potentially sacked.

This isn’t about whether Burtons done a good job or not

It’s whether we are a united club all pulling together.

If this player (a supposed leader) has an issue I’m sure he can talk to Tex or Fages or Roo about it.

What’s telling a few boozed up gossips going to achieve to help the Crows?

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Noble's problem was getting involved with list management where he is completely hopeless. We've seen at both Adelaide and Brisbane that he's made some bizarre moves at the trade table when involved, plus some poor contracting choices.

But he was certainly much better than Burton in other areas
Imo Noble's main weakness was with trade negotiations (compared to Reid), but everything else he was very competent.

If we had Noble instead of Burton with Reid, we would be in very good hands.

There is nothing that can convince me that Burton will ever be competent in his current role & a professional organisation would move him on.
Imo Noble's main weakness was with trade negotiations (compared to Reid), but everything else he was very competent.

If we had Noble instead of Burton with Reid, we would be in very good hands.

There is nothing that can convince me that Burton will ever be competent in his current role & a professional organisation would move him on.

Personally I think as head of football he still held too much control over our trade/list decisions. For example, Reid was appointed ahead of the 2015 season and worked under Noble. In 2015, our trading was questionable. Noble left in 2016 and Reid managed the 2016 trade period, where we begun improving in that area.

But yes in other aspects he was competent. If he was still here, we would have needed to reign in his influence with list management.
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He was speaking at a venue. Therefore he was representing the club, whether it be an official or unofficial capacity.

He told people at the venue after a few drinks.

In any other setting, that employee would be stripped over the coals, potentially sacked.

This isn’t about whether Burtons done a good job or not

It’s whether we are a united club all pulling together.

If this player (a supposed leader) has an issue I’m sure he can talk to Tex or Fages or Roo about it.

What’s telling a few boozed up gossips going to achieve to help the Crows?
Do you think he was on stage telling the venue? He was most probably having a conversation with people he knows.

Again what purpose besides helping your curiosity does naming the player here achieve? What if it was Tex, Sloane or Talia, do you want them sacked? That would surely unite the club.

Talk to Fages and Roo about it? You don’t think the senior players havent already? You can’t be serious.

Fages and Roo have put protecting their boys club appointment ahead of worrying about club unity. In any other organisation Burton would have been sacked by now.
Noble was a “no fuss” trader who took the longer term view when it came to trading. He wasn’t going to squabble over a trade for risk of compromising his ultimate goal. As a manager he was a very good operator, very safe though and I think whilst his philosophies make a very good football team, I think at times they could also hold that side back.

I think it was time for us to move Noble on and for him to move onto bigger and better opportunities, the issue is we replaced him with our high performance manager who was already still very junior for that role, let alone head of football, especially with a non-football background CEO.

The current status quo is such that Burton has his role because he’s mates with Roo. He and Roo have devised a plan for the AFC and have been installing their mates into key positions throughout the club. It’s not all bad, I think Reid is a good football manager and Pyke is an extremely good operator as coach and I wonder if we’ll transition him to Football manager at some point, he’s probably taking on a lot of the roles anyway. But as an example, Reid was Roo’s player manager, Hass was Burton’s underling, Pyke was midfield coach when Roo was captain, oh and guess who Steve Saunders is mates with? (Name also alliterates)

I’m not saying it’s all bad and I’ve no doubt Roo, Burton and co have the clubs best interests at heart, but the current approach is born out of the 90’s. It has the potential to make things a lot worse.
That’s an insightful post.

Your overall view on Nobles time at Crows? Deemed a success? if so, do you understand the hatred the man seems to inspire?
Imagine a combo of Reid and Noble - Reid organising trades and contracts, Noble running the wider football department

Yes please
Yep. So much this. And Burton in an office somewhere counting rubberbands and testing their elasticity.
That’s an insightful post.

Your overall view on Nobles time at Crows? Deemed a success? if so, do you understand the hatred the man seems to inspire?

I think you don't understand what hatred is.

Most if not all of us liked Noble (outside of one area), but the general consensus was we had gotten all we could of out of him as a manager.

The exception is trading/list management. He's atrocious with that.
Do you think he was on stage telling the venue? He was most probably having a conversation with people he knows.

Again what purpose besides helping your curiosity does naming the player here achieve? What if it was Tex, Sloane or Talia, do you want them sacked? That would surely unite the club.

Talk to Fages and Roo about it? You don’t think the senior players havent already? You can’t be serious.

Fages and Roo have put protecting their boys club appointment ahead of worrying about club unity. In any other organisation Burton would have been sacked by now.
Of course not. But he’s told someone he shouldn’t because now it’s here.

What good is it telling Mrs Mangles here?
Why was a senior player getting boozed up 1 week into pre season training?

Everything they did last week fitness wise has become a waste of timer if they are drinking at this time.
Imagine a combo of Reid and Noble - Reid organising trades and contracts, Noble running the wider football department

Yes please
Or, is Reid the next Football Manager in waiting ??
Why was a senior player getting boozed up 1 week into pre season training?

Everything they did last week fitness wise has become a waste of timer if they are drinking at this time.
I don't think the original poster gave a time that this information came to hand
He said "recently"
That could be weeks ago

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How does it not fit here?
Because no player has publicly criticised Burton and we don't really know the context of the conversation that took place. Lets say a player makes an off the cuff remark in private and it gets out as a rumour on a message board, how does that count as public criticsim from a player?
The fact that Burton somehow survived 2018 is absolutely baffling to me. He is the sole reason I'm having a hard time feeling optimistic about 2019.

Noble was a fantastic GM though a little weak at the trade table. I'd take him over Burton in a heart beat.
I’ve worked in large organisations where a single individual can be such a cancer that it’s destroys what was a previously well functioning machine. Amazingly these individuals seem to survive too as they tend to manage upward very well whilst destroying theirs peers and subordinates.
This whole “I know something but can’t say who said it” rubbish is the sort of crap we put up with all year from Pig Face McLure and Caro.

Who is the player?

Put up or shut up.
Seriously, I’m sick of dick comments like this destroying anyone who brings any intel to this site. Over the past couple of years people like you have destroyed this board by jumping down the throat of anyone with any real world insights to share.

It’s shit like this why I rarely bother posting anymore.
Anyone happy to fess up and admit how incredibly wrong they were in bagging Noble? Silence will probably be deafening

Its not that Noble wasnt bad , its that Burton is worse

I dislike this post. Very much.

How in the hell was Noble bad?

Seriously how anyone can honesty say Noble was a failure defies any form of logic or fact checking.
I dont care one iota how much you dislike the post. I never said he was a failure either. I bagged Noble for his time in List Management. I also felt his job juggling many balls meant he didnt cover off all things. You also may need to revisit your silence will be deafening as people have said their pieces.

I think I'd rather a third option. Noble was good but to me felt like we had gone as far as we could have with him in that role. Burton is an idiot from everything we've seen from the last few years.
Again this is a good indicator of my position.

Trying to compare Noble and Burton is a waste of time. Compare Noble and Balme? Or Noble and say Sumich? Nobles issue was the size of his plate.

Burtons plate is a biscuit plate and he has already broken it
He was speaking at a venue. Therefore he was representing the club, whether it be an official or unofficial capacity.

He told people at the venue after a few drinks.

In any other setting, that employee would be stripped over the coals, potentially sacked.

This isn’t about whether Burtons done a good job or not

It’s whether we are a united club all pulling together.

If this player (a supposed leader) has an issue I’m sure he can talk to Tex or Fages or Roo about it.

What’s telling a few boozed up gossips going to achieve to help the Crows?
You have absolutely NFI how large organisations work, so you.

Many large companies have moved to anonymous reporting helplines because you can’t just go and talk to senior management about this shit. These are boys clubs that protect each other. They have a vested interest I retainign a central power base.
Personally I think as head of football he still held too much control over our trade/list decisions. For example, Reid was appointed ahead of the 2015 season and worked under Noble. In 2015, our trading was questionable. Noble left in 2016 and Reid managed the 2016 trade period, where we begun improving in that area.

But yes in other aspects he was competent. If he was still here, we would have needed to reign in his influence with list management.
List management seems to be going ok at Brisbane
List management seems to be going ok at Brisbane
People always criticise the incumbant ....until they see what that Manager can do at another club

But lets also realise these people develop over the years .....Noble wasn't as good as he is now, 10 years ago ....nor will Burton be as bad as he is now, in another 3 years
List management seems to be going ok at Brisbane
Like I said, I'd question his trading for Cameron and trading out their 2019 1st. Not sure about their contract situation, I don't follow that side of Brisbane's list management. No doubt their drafting has been fine but that's not Noble's domain
Because no player has publicly criticised Burton and we don't really know the context of the conversation that took place. Lets say a player makes an off the cuff remark in private and it gets out as a rumour on a message board, how does that count as public criticsim from a player?

He did?

You are the one wanting him outed, what’s worse?

Read the OP again. The player was not speaking "privately", and remarks weren't "off the cuff" (which is no excuse anyway).
You have absolutely NFI how large organisations work, so you.

Many large companies have moved to anonymous reporting helplines because you can’t just go and talk to senior management about this shit. These are boys clubs that protect each other. They have a vested interest I retainign a central power base.
I have plenty of FI how large organisations work. Particularly successful ones. They don't succeed because staff act like whiney little bitches and moan about others in the organisation to a bunch of schoolgirls who can't wait to pass it on purple monkey dishwasher
Noble was list manager and heavily involved in that aspect as well as being head of football for the 2014 and 2015 seasons. During that period we lost Dangerfield for unders and gave hefty contracts to Mackay, Henderson, Menzel and Hampton.

It's no coincidence that some of our worst trading/contracting was done during the 2014-15 period where Noble had the most influence

Now at Brisbane he spent overs for Cameron and bizarrely traded out their 2019 1st in a weird move for Neale.
Fail to see how that trade for Cameron isn’t worth it given the list needs of Brisbane

They are also very lucky to get Neale , especially now without Beams ... they’ve used many early draft picks and it’s time for them to top up

The tactics are correct

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Brett Burton

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