Bring back OutbackJack and Maccas no1!

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portentous said:
Are you slandering to me?

Go ahead, make my slander......:D :p

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crazy_big_al said:
i know that Jedi Master. But to give some a second cahnce to see if they can grow up and respect our board would be fair i think.

Giving Jack and no1 a second chance would be like trying to teach a pig to sing.

It wastes your time and annoys the pig.
I've no interest in seeing them back BUT if the majority of Port posters here want to see them back then I'd re-consider.

As Porthos mentioned it wasn't just for breaking the rules a couple of times it was for continuously breaking the rules (of the site not just our board in regards to personal abuse) after quite a few warnings/suspensions but some people will never learn.

portentous - as you seem to be the only person that really wants them back perhaps you could point us to some posts by these two on other boards that have actually been constructive (positive or negative) about our club as I'm yet to have seen one in my time here.

It's not my (or the other moderators) vote you have to win but the majority of Port posters on this board as it was the majority of posters here that wanted them banned after numerous warnings. This board will always follow what the majority of Port posters here want and if you really like seeing people abuse each each other and post absolute garbage I don't think you'll be winning too many votes here.
outback jack is a knob, has no idea about the game of football.
dont let him/her back.

i got banned from the crows board for calling them chokers,so lame they are.............
after all they are the regning chokers of south australia....

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Dont let them back!:thumbsdown: I have been and still am banned from the cow board for calling them chokers! (truth hurts)(alas that was sept05). I have enquired why im still banned to no avail???:confused: So give OBJ no more chances considering i didnt even get a single warning from the Mods on the cow board.
Portentous, OBJ can't even get himself in order on the Crows board so he has no chance of making an appearance on this board anytime soon.

As for macca_no1, well I can't comment on him too much as I am unaware of why he was banned. However I am sure the reason for his banning (especially considering the length of it so far) was more than warranted and should remain.

I suggest that if you can't find enough to post about on this board, that you maybe check out some of the other boards where these two are free to post.
IIRC Maccas_No_1 got banned for his language more than anything else.
That was a long time ago though and everybody gets parole sooner or later.
Well pardon me for asking.

I wasn't around when Maccas got banned and have no idea why he's been banned for so long.

As for OBJ, well I just take much of what he posts with a grain of salt.

I thought it might be an improvement to have a more diverse range of opinions on here but I guess I was wrong.

You don't know if you don't ask.
portentous said:

As for OBJ, well I just take much of what he posts with a grain of salt.

As far as Crow supporters starting the odd troll thread on here, I see nothing wrong with that in particular during the off season as long as it doesn't get abusive. I do not recall Jack getting personally abusive. I could be wrong, but I also do not recall PK getting personally abusive on the Crows board.

The only thing annoying about OBJ posting on the Port board was that just about every single thread he posted on got hijacked and eventually died.
That meant that instead of making the board more interesting it had the opposite effect.
If he can curb that, then yes let him back as variety is the spice of life.
Can anyone present a post by maccasno1 that is a post you would consider worth having on the Port board, that is about the PAFC, its players or its supporters?
Porthos said:
Can anyone present a post by maccasno1 that is a post you would consider worth having on the Port board, that is about the PAFC, its players or its supporters?
Haven't seen much of maccas_no1. I wouldn't really care if he was on this board or not. The little I have seen he doesn't seem to be dirt dumb but is not terribly bright either. Seems to be able to see the funny side of things a bit. I doubt he'd have anything much valuable to contribute.

As for Jack, his motto seems to be:- "People care enough to get stuck into me, therefore I am".
Bombers 2003 said:
"I want to be president of the Adelaide Football Club and them to have a premiership" by Michealangelo Rucci
If you want to ban someone off the board, this dipsht is a perfect candidate. And you can add Arabian Goggles, purplesoul, Sexiano Ronaldo, Frankston Rover, afc9798 and NorthBhoy to the list as well as morons that should be permanently banned from here - and in fact, the site as a whole, for their continual diatribes of unwarranted personal abuse.

As for the two in the OP - Outback Jack is probably best dealt with by way of the ignore function IMO. He doesn't personally abuse anyone, just rambles on with meaningless tripe.

In contrast, maccas no1 does sink into personal abuse on occasion so AFAIAC his ban should remain.

I am of the opinion bans should be reserved for those posters who frequently resort to personal abuse, hence the list of names above.
maccas was banned as far as I know for his intense trolling when we lost against Sydney in 2003. He went overboard. I dont particularly want him back. Considering most of his posts about us consist of "I ******** hate the ******** ******, I wish they were all ******** dead" then I hardly see what sort of positive output he would add here. He has also said in the past he doesnt want to post back here. Hes happy bragging that hes banned here.

I dont mind jack. I take him for what he is. A stirrer. A very good one at that. He may add a different opinion but I hardly see how having every thread on here being turned into a 300 post thread filled with arguments is a good thing. Jack can think what he likes about Tredrea, Chad Cornes etc. its the 4-5 people on here that just continuously reply to every little bait he throws out that is the problem. If all Jack is gonna do though is turn every thread into a player x is overrated argument, and 4-5 people are gonna reply 50 times to him then its not really worth it. Leave that for the main board.

As far as I can see....not too many, if any people at all have been banned here for simply posting a constructive opinion. Its always been for consistent abuse or consistent ******** stirring so I dont know where you are coming from portentous. Both were banned for repeatedly breaking the team board rules. I also can hardly see how you can have a go at the moderators on the suggestions forum for not being allowed to voice your opinion. As for that particular thread, if you have a problem with anyone at a different board, I dont see why it should be brought up here. Keep it off the boards. Comments like the one you wrote obviously wont be kept around too long. Its not protecting anyone. Its not being biased. I dont think anyone cares. Its about genuine respect and not wanting this board to get into a ******** fight with another board - which has happened with other boards on bigfooty before.

So thats my stance. Feel free to pm me if you have any problems with that portentous...or anyone else.
portentous said:
You don't know if you don't ask.

;) you've asked before.

Knowing Marty quite well, he isn't to bad now, but he did some stupid stuff/said some disrespectful things in the past. We're doing well enough without him, if he wishes or even Outbackjack wishes to debate or stir up Port stuff, they can take it to the main board where everyone can see what crap they can bring up.

Outbackjack is one of those posters that loves attention - if you ignore him he will keep at it. Keep ignoring him he goes onto the next person. He has some football knowledge but sometimes you can't debate your opinions with "because I said so" or "stats don't mean anything he takes contested marks more than tredrea". I don't find the boards dull without either of them - actually a lot of the trolling from not only other supporters but a few port supporters made me turn away from theses boards. But with most of them calming down and/or leaving its bring me back somewhat :thumbsu:
Macca19 said:
I dont mind jack. I take him for what he is. A stirrer. A very good one at that.

Exactly, but christ it's monotonous.

If you did a keyword seach for the words "Port; Power; Tredrea; Cornes" he'd be batting at over 70% of his entire back catalogue I reckon.

If he's over the age of 18 you'd have to question his motives for such incessant and repeated trolling over such a long period. At some stage you'd have to get bored, or tired, or have your attention swayed at some point.

There couldn't be a woman in his life, could there? :confused:

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Bring back OutbackJack and Maccas no1!

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