Bruce Springsteen

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Perth second gig on the 8th and Adelaide on the 12th I would think.

I reckon he will do back to back at the bigger venues. He did RL 2and 3 and HR 1 and 2 back to back.
From greasy lake I got these 2 tweets which were back in June.

Julian Garcia
Producer of Springsteen-related documentary that will be done late 2013/early 2014. Newspaper editor/reporter/writer.
New Jersey

  1. Julian Garcia@JulianG922 20 Jun
    #bruce's next album comes out in Sept. and is "hard rock" with electric version of GOTJ on it, according to friend who nailed Wrecking Ball
    1. Julian Garcia@JulianG922 20 Jun
      friend has a friend who works at Sony and was on the mark the last time. Says this album is heavy and has Tom Morello all over it.

      Follow up 13 hours ago after Greasy Laker asked him if its still on for a September release
      1. Julian Garcia@JulianG922 13h
        @CasinoNancy doesn't seem like it will be September but maybe soon after. Either way - new music!!!

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I'd be surprised if there's a second AAMI Park show. It's a stadium and he's just played 5 shows in the area. Market approaching saturation? Although they've certainly left room in the schedule for it.

I've decided to get tickets for Brisbane and Auckland initially and reassess from there. A second Melbourne show would probably be a goer as well. Going to cut short the first US leg of my year-long North America trip and spend up on Bruce. Second Brisbane show would give me three shows in four days to kick-off my trip :thumbsu:
Me too, just a more intimate place, it's big but Bruce makes it like a club or theatre. I'll spew if I end up 100 metres from the stage at AAMI.
30) Spirit In The Night
Album: Greetings from Asbury Park (1972)
Previous rank: 34 (UP 4)

The funny thing about Spirit In The Night is that I didn’t really like the full band version. I will probably get slated for it, but I just felt there was too much going on. Maybe I didn’t like the beat, I don’t know. However…. I warmed to it this tour and this is why it sits here at number 30. The horns are great, the whole vibe of the song is so loose you forget about any worries in the world and you’re caught up in the whole song. Seeing it live is an experience in itself and you can’t help but get lost with everything that’s happening.

The solo version of Spirit from Bruce in Barcelona, is also awesome. The melody sits just as well, and the whole tempo of the song just flows better in my opinion. And you would think with just the piano, it would seem more intimate and take the fun away from the song. But no, the fun remains front row, center.

You feel compelled to sing because of the Spanish crowd (bless those Europeans), and it adds to the fun of the performance. For a song that is solely on the piano, it just doesn’t feel like it because of the crowd. They get involved and make you feel like you’re there with them.

What is also unique about Spirit is the large list of characters
- Crazy Janey
- Wild Billy
- G-Man
- Hazy Davy
- Killer Joe

Wild Billy may well be Bruce, with Crazy Janey being a love interest when he was younger.

And we danced all night to a soul fairy band
and she kissed me just right like only a lonely angel can


Me and Crazy Janey was makin' love in the dirt singin' our birthday songs


29) Wrecking Ball
Album: Wrecking Ball (2012)
Previous rank 28 (down 1)

I remember thinking when Wrecking Ball came out, if it was anything to go by, we were in for one Hell of an album, thankfully it lived up to my expectations by delivering.

This shows he hasn’t lost it. It is typical Springsteen. I can’t express my love for it enough. It really is a brilliant I have absolutely no affiliation with New Jersey, or the Giants Stadium at all and this brings tears to my eyes at times.

The song starts with just Bruce quickly strumming his guitar with the momentum staying at a solid rate. The lyrics are awesome, gives you a real feeling of nostalgia, and you can hear the passion in Bruce’s voice as the tempo slowly builds. Max comes in, and eventually the full band is introduced. Curt Ramm delivers a fine performance on the trumpet, and it adds something different to this song. It really has you moving during the chorus.

Bruce has always been good at writing lyrics that supply the listener with great imagery, I mean,

Now my home was here in the Meadowlands, where mosquitoes grow big as airplanes
Here where the blood is spilled, the arena's filled, and Giants play the game

You can imagine the players giving it the all for their team, putting their lives on the line and doing whatever they can to get the win for their side.

And then there are these three lines;

And your game has been decided, and you're burning the clock down
And all our little victories and glories, have turned into parking lots
When your best hopes and desires, are scattered through the wind

I have this image in my head of an American Football team keeping the ball because the score is close and they want to desperately win, people cheering like crazy when the final whistle is blown and celebrating like no tomorrow. Then you’ve got that final line, which signifies the end. The stadium is gone, it’s reduced to dirt.

Done live, the song really takes off to a whole different world. The crowd thrive off it and especially when the song it’s that first chorus, the euphoria displayed is outstanding.

****ing brilliant song.

28) Night
Album: Born To Run (1975)
Previous rank :26 (down 2)

Hell all day they're busting you up on the outside

This is brutal from the get go. It’s in your face from the start, begging to be played at full blast while you play air drums or tap your feet to it. Then there’s the air guitar bit during the intro too.

I never really liked Night on the Barcelona DVD, I’m not sure why, it just never grabbed me. As for Live in Hyde Park though, wow! I was hooked and reeled in to a front row, centre seat (standing spot?) when I heard it for the first time. It really grabbed my attention and shook me internally. It made me want to play it again, and even louder than the first time.

I was really obsessed with it a few years backI’d just play it over and over. The drum beat is fast, and merciless. You can’t help but love Clarence’s sax through Night either.

Would have to be one of the most intense songs when Bruce plays it live too, there’s no letting up!

27) Roll of the Dice
Album: Human Touch (1992)
Previous rank: 15 (down 12)

Cuuurrrrrrvvvvvvvveeeeeeee baaaaallllllllll!

I bet nobody picked this to be this high. I was trawling YouTube one afternoon back in 2006 or something and I stumbled across this. And I freakin loved it. It was fun, and I could not stop smiling the whole time it was on.

A lot of you are probably wondering why this is so high. Listen to it, and you’ll see why. It is really a great song that receives nowhere near the recognition it deserves. The piano work is top notch, Max shows no remorse on his drum kit, and the outro, where Clarences shines really takes the song to a whole new level. The trade offs between Steve and Bruce are also a highlight. If you’re ever feeling down, whack this on, and I guarantee you, five seconds in, you’ll have a smile from ear to ear that nobody will be able to wipe off your face. Nobody.

As mentioned some time ago, not many positives were brought about when Bruce broke up the ESB and formed a new band to record new music. Again, this is an exception to that, just like Human Touch and Better Days.

Plenty of gambling references about throwing sixes and nines, rolling snake eyes and we can’t forget the title of the song. Lady luck gets a mention too.

The music was actually written by Roy, and it was the first song Springsteen had not written by himself.


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26) Land of Hope and Dreams
Album: Live In NYC/Wrecking Ball (2001/2012)
Previous rank: 16 (down 10)

The new song released on the NYC DVD. What a spectacle it is. Nearly 10 minutes of Bruce and The E-Street Band at their cohesive best.

It’s a song that really only started receiving the plaudits it deserved due it’s release on Wrecking Ball. Having said that, I prefer the arrangement on the Live in NYC DVD compared to the recent version on Wrecking Ball.

That riff Bruce plays during the intro is great, Steve’s work on the banjo is something different, Clarence has a solo, but when this song reaches its climax musically is Max’s solo towards the end. It’s about 30 seconds of him showcasing his talent, or rather what Bruce has written, but nonetheless it’s great. You can’t help but drum away to yourself and pretend you’re Mighty Max and you are driving the beat of this magnificent song. Max’s solo is awesome, unrelenting bashing on that drum kit and he doesn’t let up. Great to watch.

This is about leaving all the bad behind and getting to enjoy the good parts of life. Forgetting about the negatives, and going to a place that is full of positives.

So, I’ll see you all, in the Land Of Hope and Dreams.

25) Maria’s Bed
Album: Devils and Dust
*New entry*

The first time I heard Maria’s Bed I was disappointed in myself I had not heard it sooner. I don’t even remember where I heard it, although I think stumbled across it on YouTube.

Initially this was going to be all the way back in the 60s. Then I listened to it and realized how much I actually love it. I have always held a fond place for it ever since I heard it.

For me, it has that relaxing feel throughout the first portion of the song, where you can just sit there and enjoy it while doing nothing. Then the band jump in, without becoming overpowering, but you can still find a way to get bopping.

Another song that has not been given the exposure it deserves. Would be awesome to see it done with the full band rather than just at a pre show with Bruce by himself. Yet another gem that doesn’t see the light of day enough.

It is by far my favourite track off D&D.

24) Tenth Avenue Freeze Out
Album: Born To Run (1975)
Previous rank: 24 (SAME)

The fourth song to appear from BToR. The story of how Bruce met Clarence on that day back in the 70s in Jersey while playing at the Stone Pony

Bruce of course being ‘Scooter’ and Clarence ‘The Big Man’

When the change was made uptown
And the Big Man joined the band

When Scooter and the Big Man bust this city in half
With a Tenth Avenue freeze-out, Tenth Avenue freeze-out

What a Tenth Avenue Freeze Out exactly remains to be seen, but this is one catchy track.. You just can’t help but get up and dance.

Obviously the whole song took on a brand new meaning after the death of Clarence and it is the perfect song to pay homage to The Big Man. You can’t help but feel moved with the images of Clarence up on the big screen during his time with the ESB. A great way for fans to pay their respects.

There’s a lot of different versions of 10th Avenue. My favourite used to be the Reunion Tour version, but then I heard normal versions from the WOAD Tour, and thanks to the Jungleland site…. I found an acoustic version, which is my favourite of the song.

And this is how you own a stage!

Clarence. Bless him.

It’s so much more intimate, I LOVE it.

23) Drive All Night
Album: The River (1980)
Previous rank: 24 (SAME)

Another rare addition from The River.

There is something about Drive All Night that you can’t really describe without actually listening to it. I’m not sure if it’s the melody, or how well written it is, or how beautiful the song actually sounds, but there is something about that you just can’t pinpoint without listening to it. You all know what I mean.

A near 10 minute ballad when performed live. Clarence’s sax solo takes us to a great height like most of his solos do.

It’s sung with great emotion, you can really feel that the character would drive all night for his girl. Remember, this was written before computers and everything we find so convenient was around today.

“I swear I’ll drive all night just to buy you some shoes”
The character Bruce has written about really loves his girl. He’d do anything for her, the line above tells us so. This is true love at its finest.

If beautiful were a song, it would be Drive All Night.

I’ll let the music do the rest of the talking…

Love the bit at the very end. I won’t spoil it!

22) Atlantic City
Album: Nebraska (1982)
Previous rank: 52 (UP 30)

The original version, which appears on Nebraska, is of course an acoustic. Fast forward to the Reunion Tour and we see a full band version, to which I prefer. The acoustic is okay, but I think the band version owns this song. There is the Sessions Band version too, but I am just not a fan of anything of that album (sorry). It makes you wonder what an electric Nebraska album would sound like after listening to this, the potential is huge.

Max commands our full attention to open the song. Snare/bass/snare/bass and so on. Bruce strums a few chords and he unleashes his vocals with Max’s beat backing him. Then when we hit the chorus, the rest of the band comes in and we are in for a real treat. This song is meant to be angry and that’s exactly what you get. You can feel the anger flowing through his veins and the band only help enhance it. Listen to the bass, it adds heaps to the song.

Seeing this live, even though I wasn’t in the pit was freakin’ awesome. Max’s drum sounded amazing and the ferocity in Bruce’s vocals kicked some major ass. The song obviously hits new heights when performed live and especially on European crowds. During this current tour he has had to silence them a few times because they keep going da da da da to the beat of the song after the bridge. It would be insane to experience.

Random fact: The Chicken Man mentioned in the first line was about a Mafia Boss who was killed back in 1981 after a nail bomb exploded on his porch after he walked out there.

21) New York City Serenade
Album: The Wild, The Innocent & The E-Street Shuffle (1973)
Previous rank: 13 (down 7)

Number 21 sees the first entry from The Wild, The Innocent & The E-Street Shuffle, since entry 51 brought us The E-Street Shuffle.

A 10 minute+ epic that honestly doesn’t get enough plays. I only discovered this song a few years ago, but when I found it, I immediately loved it.

The long piano intro that teases you, but captivates you the longer it goes on, a rarity with Bruce on acoustic guitar and for 10 minutes he gives us his all and controls that stage like it wasn’t even a challenge.

The song sort of has a bit of a jazz influence to it as well. The lyrics are amazing, we are introduced to characters such as Billy, Diamond Jackie and the Fish Lady. A lot of references to Manhattan too, I could imagine walking the streets of NYC one night and listening to this, I think it would be a pretty amazing feeling.

What’s even more amazing he was 23 when he wrote this. Brilliant. The song is practically faultless.

20) It’s Hard To Be A Saint In The City
Album: Greetings from Asbury Park (1973)
Previous rank: 22 (UP 2)

Oh my God. The power of Saint is unreal. It’s very fast paced, doesn’t really let you catch your breath, it’s not very long either and before you know it, it’s finished.

You know when a song makes a Marlon Brando reference, you know it’s going to be good, and Saint definitely delivers. The lyrics are like something out of a rap song but with good music.

A lot of Greetings was written with a rhyming dictionary, and you can tell during this song especially.

I had skin like leather and the diamond-hard look of a cobra
I was born blue and weathered but I burst just like a supernova
I could walk like Brando right into the sun
Then dance just like a Casanova
With my blackjack and jacket and hair slicked sweet
Silver star studs on my duds like a Harley in heat
When I strut down the street I could hear its heartbeat

Brilliant writing considering how young Bruce was too when he wrote this. Then there is the musical side of it, that guitar duel with Steve is nothing short of shit hot. Love Max’s work on the cymbals during the bridge too. And let’s not forget Roy’s work on this. Tenacious on the piano!

29) Wrecking Ball
Album: Wrecking Ball (2012)
Previous rank 28 (down 1)

I remember thinking when Wrecking Ball came out, if it was anything to go by, we were in for one Hell of an album, thankfully it lived up to my expectations by delivering.

This shows he hasn’t lost it. It is typical Springsteen. I can’t express my love for it enough. It really is a brilliant I have absolutely no affiliation with New Jersey, or the Giants Stadium at all and this brings tears to my eyes at times.

The song starts with just Bruce quickly strumming his guitar with the momentum staying at a solid rate. The lyrics are awesome, gives you a real feeling of nostalgia, and you can hear the passion in Bruce’s voice as the tempo slowly builds. Max comes in, and eventually the full band is introduced. Curt Ramm delivers a fine performance on the trumpet, and it adds something different to this song. It really has you moving during the chorus.

Bruce has always been good at writing lyrics that supply the listener with great imagery, I mean,

Now my home was here in the Meadowlands, where mosquitoes grow big as airplanes
Here where the blood is spilled, the arena's filled, and Giants play the game

You can imagine the players giving it the all for their team, putting their lives on the line and doing whatever they can to get the win for their side.

And then there are these three lines;

And your game has been decided, and you're burning the clock down
And all our little victories and glories, have turned into parking lots
When your best hopes and desires, are scattered through the wind

I have this image in my head of an American Football team keeping the ball because the score is close and they want to desperately win, people cheering like crazy when the final whistle is blown and celebrating like no tomorrow. Then you’ve got that final line, which signifies the end. The stadium is gone, it’s reduced to dirt.

Done live, the song really takes off to a whole different world. The crowd thrive off it and especially when the song it’s that first chorus, the euphoria displayed is outstanding.

******* brilliant song.

It's just a frickin' unreal song live. I found that I was absolutely screaming the "whoah's" at the end as loudly as I possibly could and with every single bit of energy that I could muster. Left me spent at the end of the song each time. The song takes you to that level where you just need to let everything out at the end.

I love it and it's also probably both my kids' favourite song (although Jungleland has just about taken over top spot now).
Still remember walking to my first Boss gig (Melbourne 2 this year) and as I entered Yarra Park and started walking towards/around the MCG, Wrecking Ball came on. It was at the point I said to myself "This night's gonna be something special".
It's just a frickin' unreal song live. I found that I was absolutely screaming the "whoah's" at the end as loudly as I possibly could and with every single bit of energy that I could muster. Left me spent at the end of the song each time. The song takes you to that level where you just need to let everything out at the end.

I love it and it's also probably both my kids' favourite song (although Jungleland has just about taken over top spot now).
I remember going absolutely nuts. Song takes off live, everyone in the pit went absolutely bat shit, it was nuts.

Still remember walking to my first Boss gig (Melbourne 2 this year) and as I entered Yarra Park and started walking towards/around the MCG, Wrecking Ball came on. It was at the point I said to myself "This night's gonna be something special".
Melbourne 2 was a solid show. Loved hearing Downbound Train, My City of Ruins and of course, Rosie.

Thoughts on these current 10?
Spirit is no. 1 :thumbsu: Loooove 10th Avenue. Every time they got to it on the tour this year, those horns man, that groove. Just had to dance.

Just had a thought. The girl I met at HR2 from NZ who recently moved to Melbourne who spent two weeks rent on her ticket, and had no idea what she was going to do the following week, will get the chance to see him again. Good stuff.

Counting the seconds until tickets go on sale. So anxious. I wish a venue map for Auckland would go up so I can see why A Reserve seating is $50 more than front standing GA??? :confused:
Spirit is no. 1 :thumbsu: Loooove 10th Avenue. Every time they got to it on the tour this year, those horns man, that groove. Just had to dance.

Just had a thought. The girl I met at HR2 from NZ who recently moved to Melbourne who spent two weeks rent on her ticket, and had no idea what she was going to do the following week, will get the chance to see him again. Good stuff.

Counting the seconds until tickets go on sale. So anxious. I wish a venue map for Auckland would go up so I can see why A Reserve seating is $50 more than front standing GA??? :confused:

Well this is a map for Coldplay the same place.


Maybe it's just the way the venue prices?

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Bruce Springsteen

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