Bruce Springsteen

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Did 3 hours 46.

Knew during the day he was doing BToR. Flood was amazing, Growin' Up, Spirit, just wow. As soon as he hit those opening notes on the harmonica for Thunder Road I bawled my eyes out. I don't even have words for Backstreets. Sydney bound soon. Just wow.

I hope everybody can experience the joy I felt last night some point in their lives doing whatever they love. Backstreets was the greatest moment of my entire life.

I was 162 last night and was two from the centre platform to Bruce's left.

Backstreets as I said is easily the greatest moment of my life.

During Seeds. Night one.








You guys should have seen Cruyff14 last night. He was beside himself.

I hung around up the back of the pit last night with my friend. Found some randoms to dance with when dancing was required. Had a great time! Didn't match the energy of the first show IMO, but then again, being in two completely different spots I'm sure makes a difference (was on the rail in front of Tom for night one).

Was great to hear Backstreets, first time I've seen it live.

A few days to recover now (and actually eat proper food, and go to the gym, and sleep more than 2 hours a night) and then off to the Hunter.

Oh, went back to Bruce's hotel after last night's show, there were heaps of fans in the bar, nobody really got a pic with him though - he was talking to his girls majority of the time. Stevie was there too for a while. Was cool to see Bruce there but I must say I'd feel very uncomfortable going up to him and asking for a photo in those circumstances. With Tom it was okay because there were only a couple of other fans there, but someone did it last night and it turned into open slather. After that, Bruce went into the private section for a while then left. I'd rather respect the man's privacy than hassle him, all for the sake of meeting him for 15 seconds.
MWNM, I saw your thoughts that last night seemed to be a dedication to Clarence....

Maybe it was moreso for Bill?

Jake might have to leave the tour shortly to return home....?
There's been no new developments regarding Bill that I've heard.
There's been no new developments regarding Bill that I've heard.
Not sure how much this is 'new'......

Status Update
By Boss Talk
Please keep Bill Clemons in your prayers ♥
Praying for you Bill Clemons
Bill is no longer in a drugged induced coma or on pain meds or a paralytic now for two days and other than some eye movement under his lids when we talk to him he is not responding to stimulus. While the doctors are preparing us for the end we know a God who loves us and has a good plan for our lives. We pray that includes a recovered husband, father, grandfather and friend who will enjoy all our company in the future here on earth. Our children and Bill (Melvon) and I thank you for your continued prayers and love.

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Not sure how much this is 'new'......
Ah damn it. Hadn't heard that.

I was saying it was for the Big Man because Bruce was pointing to and staring at the image of him a lot during Tenth Avenue. And at one point he yelled "Come on Clarence!"
You guys should have seen Cruyff14 last night. He was beside himself.

Didn't match the energy of the first show IMO, but then again, being in two completely different spots I'm sure makes a difference (was on the rail in front of Tom for night one).

You're not wrong about the different spots part.

If I had been down below in the pit, nice and close to the front like I was on Saturday night, I would have been a complete basketcase, jumping around to a setlist that I could only dream about.

In the stands, it was a different story altogether. Although it was great to share the night with my family, I found that as the end of the third hour ticked over, Bruce had completely lost the interest of the casual punters all around me and they were all either leaving, talking or texting and I actually found myself hoping that would finish soon so I get the kids home and get some good sleep.
The Born in the USA album on Saturday was an absolute masterstroke, it sent the energy levels in the stadium through the stratosphere and it stayed that way until the end of the night. It didn't even get close to that level last night and there really wasn't any song that would have tempted anybody in the stands to get up and dance until Waitin on a Sunny Day.

Still a truly brilliant show though and I loved it, but that's it for me. I'm all Bruced out and now need to get back to the shitload of other stuff that I've got going on at the moment.

So glad that our man here got to witness Backstreets.
You're not wrong about the different spots part.

If I had been down below in the pit, nice and close to the front like I was on Saturday night, I would have been a complete basketcase, jumping around to a setlist that I could only dream about.

In the stands, it was a different story altogether. Although it was great to share the night with my family, I found that as the end of the third hour ticked over, Bruce had completely lost the interest of the casual punters all around me and they were all either leaving, talking or texting and I actually found myself hoping that would finish soon so I get the kids home and get some good sleep.
The Born in the USA album on Saturday was an absolute masterstroke, it sent the energy levels in the stadium through the stratosphere and it stayed that way until the end of the night. It didn't even get close to that level last night and there really wasn't any song that would have tempted anybody in the stands to get up and dance until Waitin on a Sunny Day.

Still a truly brilliant show though and I loved it, but that's it for me. I'm all Bruced out and now need to get back to the shitload of other stuff that I've got going on at the moment.

So glad that our man here got to witness Backstreets.

At about 8-30 SA time I saw the set list and saw Growin' Up and thought about you paddy18 and wondered where you were in the crowd - the smile on you face - and if you were up dancing and upsetting people if you were in the stands.
At about 8-30 SA time I saw the set list and saw Growin' Up and thought about you paddy18 and wondered where you were in the crowd - the smile on you face - and if you were up dancing and upsetting people if you were in the stands.

It was a blessed relief when the song finally started.

The introductory story that he told contained about 90% jibberish and 10% substance. Was possibly the lowlight of the evening for me.....the story seemed to go on and on without getting anywhere and to be honest, it was as boring as batshit (and I love, love, love Bruce's storytelling). You would hope that it doesn't make the download.

But yes, I did sing along very loudly. It was awesome.
You guys should have seen Cruyff14 last night. He was beside himself.

I hung around up the back of the pit last night with my friend. Found some randoms to dance with when dancing was required. Had a great time! Didn't match the energy of the first show IMO, but then again, being in two completely different spots I'm sure makes a difference (was on the rail in front of Tom for night one).

As soon as I saw he was doing BTR I thought about Cruyff14 and wondered if he could survive the second half of the show. He was a little shitty that Adelaide got to hear Backstreets and Jungleland. He can rest for the remaining 3 shows knowing he has heard his 2 favourite songs.

Cruyffy have you recovered yet??????????

Oh, went back to Bruce's hotel after last night's show, there were heaps of fans in the bar, nobody really got a pic with him though - he was talking to his girls majority of the time. Stevie was there too for a while. Was cool to see Bruce there but I must say I'd feel very uncomfortable going up to him and asking for a photo in those circumstances. With Tom it was okay because there were only a couple of other fans there, but someone did it last night and it turned into open slather. After that, Bruce went into the private section for a while then left. I'd rather respect the man's privacy than hassle him, all for the sake of meeting him for 15 seconds.

You have a big advantage being a female, if you felt comfortable doing it. The guys I met from Melbourne in Adelaide, said that they went to the Intercontinental after show 1, Bruce was talking to 3 off to the side - they got prime spots for night 2 in the pit, and the rest of the band were together talking. I asked if they went up and chatted to them and they said no, they were happy to be at the bar having a drink and a chat in their presence just like a concert. Which hotel did they stay at in Melbourne?

If I had been at the hotel in Adelaide or Melbourne, I would have made a bit of a bee line for Stevie and asked him about the work he does with the Little Kids Rock Foundation who get mainly guitars but other musical instruments out to kids especially from the disadvantage schools, and his Rock and Roll Forever Foundation which is working with the National Music Education Board to teach the history of rock n roll and pop music and its cultural impact on US society. They have written a book and teaching guides and CD's/DVD's and web based resources for the kids to learn. If my technology development group ever gets its funding, we will be setting up a music foundation to do something similar with supporting music education especially in public schools, where thanks to dumb arsed politicians and bureaucrats have slashed music funding over the last 30 years as its seen as an easy target and an unnecessary part of school education. If that conversation went well, I'd ask Stevie for an introduction to the great man.
It was a blessed relief when the song finally started.

The introductory story that he told contained about 90% jibberish and 10% substance. Was possibly the lowlight of the evening for me.....the story seemed to go on and on without getting anywhere and to be honest, it was as boring as batshit (and I love, love, love Bruce's storytelling). You would hope that it doesn't make the download.

But yes, I did sing along very loudly. It was awesome.
He talked for so long because his teleprompter was screwed. Just beforehand he was screaming backstage about it.
Well he went well past 11pm again. I think at one point around 11 he said something like 'we've got 20 minutes'.

But regardless, another incredible show.

Yeah he said that at about 10.55. Then he played until about 11.45 :D

I'm struggling today after that show, I'm very sore and very tired. One of the most amazing shows I've seen.

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Bruce Springsteen

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