Callan Ward

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Basically a poster who would rather an individual financially gain at the expense of the club he supports. :cool: When our membership hits rock bottom next year, well at least you'll be able to feel good about Ward's bank balance.

Our membership will hit rock bottom because of Ward potentially leaving us?

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Common guys it's pretty obvious he is leaving. Everyone that got speculated going to Gold Coast went last year. And if he was going to stay then he wouldnt be putting off signing a contract. Still people begrudging him is a joke. Yeah it does suck that you lose a player but anyone here and i mean anyone would leave there job for the same job somewhere else for an extra 60% salary.
During the Footy Show interview, Eade said he'd "asked him just last week" on whether Ward was going, and the reply was 50/50.

This raises so many questions. Why is the probably the most influential person on our side of the negitiations (til he left) only "asking" during a chat every once in a while? Ward would have Sheedy and Co knocking his door down pleading their case every week (if not every day), as well as his manager pushing GWS' case given his conflict of interest (working on percentage, he also wants to make as much out of this once in lifetime deal as possible) ... and our front line is our coach dropping a question in a once in a while during a casual chat?

And when the reply is "50/50", our on field figurehead just leaves it at that? Seriously? Why the hell wasn't he sitting him down and drilling home the benefits of staying and drawbacks of going? Differences in lifestyle, you won't know what it feels like to win a game for 18 months, 99% of Sydney chicks are either skanks or up themselves, the next 5 years will be spent living in your team mates pockets in a "club resort" which will drive you nuts, it's the most violent place in Australia and you'll be abused by random carloads just for walking down the street, in terms of investments, advice or anything else you need you'll have an entire network here whereas Sheedy and Williams are basically running on skeleton staff up there with no supporters willing to help players out, Western Sydney has one tenth of the interest in AFL compared to the Gold Coast (crowds of less than 5,000 people will be common) etc etc.

But no, our coach, upon hearing 50/50, said "ok".

The worst thing is, in the beginning, Ward was willing to listen. The whole Paul Connors interview that started all this was about how he couldn't believe that Ward was considering staying with such huge differences in pay offers - it was the first time he'd ever seen it. When GWS made the ultimatum, WARD came to the club and disclosed it. Someone without integrity and only thinking of the dollar, or someone who has already signed DOES NOT act like that. But when he did come to the club with that info, instead of realising it was do or die in the immediate future and pulling out our big guns and doing everything to convince him in the next week, we just went running to AFL and expected them to do something about GWS' dealings. During that time, would love to know if we at any point went directly to him (cutting his conflicted manager out) and asked "what's the lowest you'll stay for?" and worked from there.
He would still be on huge money if he stays playing for his local club a big chance to be captain and at a traditional club.If he goes it will be to a shit made up club, purely for the money.Im sick of this wish him well,well done Callan crap.Yeh footy is a proffessional but it is still a bloody game with passion and tradition.
Its an honour to pull on the bulldog jumper and either he vaues it or he doesnt.

Life isnt that black and white.

i have no doubt that cal loves the club and values playing for it, he's a local lad who seems not driven by money.

as i said he has never seeked a trade, they came to him with this offer.

you can not pass up an offer like that so lightley, not even if your EJ or Doug or even Sutton
I would like to know when we are likely to find out whether he is staying or going. Is there a meeting this week?
This is not necessarily applicable to you but:
Have you ever left a good job for more money?
Was the first job you secured the only job you have ever had?

I've done a bit of everything and loyalty should be measured on your output not if the right thing to do is to make the move.
I've considered myself very loyal to the companies I have worked for but I have left departments that I have been both productive in and well paid to get and even better income.

This is a great offer for Ward and whilst I hope like hell he stays with us if he goes then I wish him the best.

I rate Tony MacGuinness one of the best players I have seen at the club but I can see why he wanted to join the Crows. Same when Gary Dempsey and even the Hawk left us.

I just couldn't bring myself to belittle Ward if he makes the decision to go.

Sorry for taking so long, but I haven't really had a chance to reply.

To answer your questions, no and yes. I'm a farmer and will probably always be a farmer. If i have kids the farm will be handed down to them just like my father handed it down to me.

The point I was getting across is not all about loyalty though. Ward to me seems to be choosing between family, friends, the club etc with whole lot more money. He seems very very happy with where he is right now. His family is just down the road from Whitten Oval, he will miss that. I'm sure he still has old school friends that are also close by, he will miss that also.

If reports are true and Ward is 50/50 about it all, I'd be encouraging him to stick with where he is happiest living. I'm not being biased this is what I believe. More money doesn't always make things better, quite often it has the opposite effect with someone as young as Ward. People on here believe if he takes the money he's set up for life, but I he's already set up. He's seems very happy, he's got family and friends close by, he still will be receiving plenty of money with a big pay rise and he will gain much more respect for staying. He's a very lucky man already.

I understand why Ward wants to leave but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it. Money isn't everything.
Life isnt that black and white.

i have no doubt that cal loves the club and values playing for it, he's a local lad who seems not driven by money.

as i said he has never seeked a trade, they came to him with this offer.

you can not pass up an offer like that so lightley, not even if your EJ or Doug or even Sutton

How in the world can you possibly say he is not driven by money?
There is literally no other reason to entertain the GWS deal. He's basically Nathan Brown with a better personality.

Scott West, Brad Johnson, Luke Darcy, and Chris Grant (offered 1 mil a year) were all offered huge pay increases to go to other clubs and they stayed all the while knowing we could fold atany minute and that they were going to have their then salaries cut. Recently Ryan Griffen was offered huge money by the Crows but ended up staying for less than what Cal is being offered by the Dogs now, all the while being our second best midfielder (not just a good potentiallygreat player).

The fact is that Ward is most likely leaving for financial gain and financial gain only. The fact is that this rarely happens. Don't sugar-coat it with niceties because he seems like a nice bloke. It is an insult to the names I mentioned above as well as those such as Selwood, Swallow and Thomas who chose tradition and mateship over money.
The Ward Neurosis thread seems a bit slow today. Only 11 posts in 13 hours.

Come on guys, lift your game!

Or is it that the last 600 posts (and several other threads) have now just about covered the 2 or 3 positions being argued here?
i'll post something a little different which hasn't got alot to do with the money being offered.
From one of his close friends on the weekend. He is still weighing up the options. GWS obviously offered a hell of alot of cash, but the one of the main sticking points for him with their deal is a requirement that he needs to do a min of somewhere around the 60 public/promotional apprearances per year for the club, which is something he is not a fan of. This basically means he would be one of the main faces of GWS.
With us offering leadership/captaincy, would this be any different to the GWS requirement?
i'll post something a little different which hasn't got alot to do with the money being offered.
From one of his close friends on the weekend. He is still weighing up the options. GWS obviously offered a hell of alot of cash, but the one of the main sticking points for him with their deal is a requirement that he needs to do a min of somewhere around the 60 public/promotional apprearances per year for the club, which is something he is not a fan of. This basically means he would be one of the main faces of GWS.
With us offering leadership/captaincy, would this be any different to the GWS requirement?

With Ward definitely in line for Captaincy at the dogs in the coming years if he stays, I suppose public appearances will be apart of his role at some point. It's quite obvious the lime light is not his thing though.
Good one, Butabi and an interesting way to look at what might be going on. Thanks.

Silence doesn't necessarily mean he's gone, he might still be genuinely undecided.

However it suggests that offering him the captaincy in a couple of years might not be the best tactic right now.

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How in the world can you possibly say he is not driven by money?
There is literally no other reason to entertain the GWS deal. He's basically Nathan Brown with a better personality.

Scott West, Brad Johnson, Luke Darcy, and Chris Grant (offered 1 mil a year) were all offered huge pay increases to go to other clubs and they stayed all the while knowing we could fold atany minute and that they were going to have their then salaries cut. Recently Ryan Griffen was offered huge money by the Crows but ended up staying for less than what Cal is being offered by the Dogs now, all the while being our second best midfielder (not just a good potentiallygreat player).

The fact is that Ward is most likely leaving for financial gain and financial gain only. The fact is that this rarely happens. Don't sugar-coat it with niceties because he seems like a nice bloke. It is an insult to the names I mentioned above as well as those such as Selwood, Swallow and Thomas who chose tradition and mateship over money.

Here Here. Leave Wardy alone , he is a good bloke, **** him, good luck to him but **** him. Should be dropped this week if he announces that he is going.

Every year stars of the comp are offered double their salary at other clubs, rarely do they leave.
I for one am sick of hearing the cliche " you would leave if you tripled your money in the same job you were doing " the big difference is in his position, he has 30+ thousand members to consider aswell, you dont have this in the real world. As far as im concerned, i for one will place him in the Nathan Brown category should he leave the club. I do still hold some faint hope of him staying though fingers crossed
I for one am sick of hearing the cliche " you would leave if you tripled your money in the same job you were doing " the big difference is in his position, he has 30+ thousand members to consider aswell, you dont have this in the real world.
Whyyyy should he give a shit about the members or anything other than his future? What do we have to do with anything? He's seen out his contract, in his eyes he owes us nothing. For gods sake anyone who says they wouldnt do the same thing in his position are in denial.
Whyyyy should he give a shit about the members or anything other than his future? What do we have to do with anything? He's seen out his contract, in his eyes he owes us nothing. For gods sake anyone who says they wouldnt do the same thing in his position are in denial.

We the members are the life blood of the club, thats what we have to do with it.
Whyyyy should he give a shit about the members or anything other than his future? What do we have to do with anything? He's seen out his contract, in his eyes he owes us nothing. For gods sake anyone who says they wouldnt do the same thing in his position are in denial.

Not necessarily, lots of factors would be considered by Ward apart from money I would think.Family,friends,lifestyle,maybe even the future prospects of the club he is joining,he could genuinely think with all their draft picks that
they will win a flag before the Dogs.

And I must be one of those people in denial.

I earn 100k a year, I live in the inner West, close to family and friends.
If a company offered me 250k a year to move to Western Sydney, I would
consider it but there would a less than 10% chance I would go.

But if I was a 22 year old professional footballer, I would be tempted, no doubt.

To name a few.
Many of the top echelon blokes you've listed are/have been on $600K, $700K, $800K, $900K, so you're suggesting that they were offered, and turned down contracts between $1.2mil-$1.8mil per year?

Interesting, given that in many of the last few years, NOT ONE player in the league was on more than $1mil.

And also good to know so many clubs have had around 15%-20% of their salary cap to play around with to blow on one player.

I don't have the details of offers thrown at Joel Selwood and Cotchin during their last contract negotiations, but AFAIK Brown is the only one you've listed that has turned down anywhere near a doubling of salary to stay.
I for one am sick of hearing the cliche " you would leave if you tripled your money in the same job you were doing " the big difference is in his position, he has 30+ thousand members to consider aswell, you dont have this in the real world.
Well, members = shareholders = owners, and in most situations we do have this in the real world.

Do you give a shit about your company's owners or shareholders, and what they would think of one of their staff members leaving for more money?

WESTERN Bulldogs president David Smorgon last night admitted he was ''not confident'' of retaining star 21-year-old Callan Ward against the weight of a substantial long-term offer from Greater Western Sydney.

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Prob sums up the situaton best. GWS huge monetary offer, Dogs trying to be responsible with their offer looking at the list moving forward and we rely on the home factor etc to keep Callan.

Either way its decision time I say.
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