Cameron Cloke Leaving.

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2 years is a long time to hold a grudge. Don't worry about it and keep posting.
I got a 5 day ban for saying that I wanted to punch a coach in the head. :eek:

I want to punch them all in the head at times. Ban me, please, I beg you, oh who am I kidding? I'm sorry, won't happen again.

Collingwood promise!

Edit: What I mean to say is... this thread is getting completely off topic and really isn't much to talk about anyway... Mods, any chance we can close this off until something fresh comes to hand? Otherwis this could get out of hand... Not that it already isn't.

Good work ODN, btw. I'm thinking two years may be a vague statement and perhaps more like the start of 2007 is a more accurate description? Anyone booted about the time we won the pre-season cup?

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15 pages on Cameron Cloke - WTF!!!! Surely there are other topics??!!??

Im just waiting for confirmation so we can show the Setanta Youtube clip from last year and get a good laugh :D
Otherwise I will lick his leather sandals at the holy temple of "Carlton
Forward Penetration" an ancient and often forgotten secular religion
we need Jezza to decipher the ancient symbols to understand !
I'm a bit of a romantic in that I wish we could keep him, he served us well for 3 years when we needed him, but there really isn't any place for him in our team anymore.
Lets hope they dont swap him for his brother travis from the Pies !
That dude is more unreliable than the sydney train network !!!!
Or is it just the glove suppliers who should be blamed ??
Geez, when I played footy you wore gloves when you played
cricket... Cant recall Papa Cloke ever needing velcro to take a grab ???

Has been a few over the years. Only one relatively close to this users registration date, was probably a couple of months before, and he sent me an extremely abusive PM over something I had nothing to do with. He probably didn't get an explanation PM sent to him.
haha dw ODN, you havn't even witnessed proper angry members yet. The site i'm Admin on had one of our team recieve threatening phone calls. Also had them bring the site down in its early stages a few times.

There are some real sensitive people out there.

I moderate several boards, mosty Rock and Roll.
Retired at 40 from web ventures. But I stil dig gettin into
the nuts and bolts. The Old Dark Navy's knows his stuff and
performs well at the supermod level. like em or hate em
you need these guys......

Not trying to get a leg in here, Im a webmaster/supermod
of a well known 80's band that have recently ressurected...
The theatre tours in Nth America blow away anything we can
think of....

But what was my point ??? From what I've seen you have a good
supermod here. Very reaonable in fact...

Roll with the punches to get to whats real !!

Caarn the blues ;0)
haha dw ODN, you havn't even witnessed proper angry members yet. The site i'm Admin on had one of our team recieve threatening phone calls. Also had them bring the site down in its early stages a few times.

There are some real sensitive people out there.


Yup, some of our mods and admins have had the threatening phone calls, had the threatening emails, one had their employer contacted to try and have them sacked, others have had personal details posted all over the net, and we have had accounts hacked, mod board compromised, you name it.
If we were having a conversation that lead you to believe that I was the moderator who did it, then there must have been something amiss in that conversation that tipped you off that something was up, at the very least.

Yes. I was correct.

I am kind of wondering if it is the same person.
Well considering that person joined around the time I made this account and is still active I would say your are a fair way off the mark there.

Maybe get ODN to do an IP match?
Oh, he'll have already done that.

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Well considering that person joined around the time I made this account and is still active I would say your are a fair way off the mark there.

Maybe get ODN to do an IP match?
Oh, he'll have already done that.

Not really, DBlues might still be active on other boards on this site, but he isnt allowed access to the Carlton board for being a bit of a dill and constantly slating Ratts, Hughes and the rest of the Carlton administration staff and board when he was supposed to be involved with a company that was making a significant financial contribution to the club.

Apart from that he was a bit of a w***er as far as I was concerned :)
Yup, some of our mods and admins have had the threatening phone calls, had the threatening emails, one had their employer contacted to try and have them sacked, others have had personal details posted all over the net, and we have had accounts hacked, mod board compromised, you name it.

Serious??? Thats f***ed
Not really, DBlues might still be active on other boards on this site, but he isnt allowed access to the Carlton board for being a bit of a dill and constantly slating Ratts, Hughes and the rest of the Carlton administration staff and board when he was supposed to be involved with a company that was making a significant financial contribution to the club.
Well if you checked with my posts you'd probably see I'm a big fan of Ratten as a coach, and he's probably close to my fav all time Carlton player, so that distances me from Dblues somewhat.
Yes. I was correct.

So you say, but the rest of us don't have to believe it, since it is only your word saying that I banned you for no reason.

You've been most cooperative in this thread too. I can't imagine anybody would get annoyed by you.

I've never banned anybody for no reason. Some do tend to live in denial however.
Well if you checked with my posts you'd probably see I'm a big fan of Ratten as a coach, and he's probably close to my fav all time Carlton player, so that distances me from Dblues somewhat.

:thumbsu: fair do's mate... I really cant stand people who purport to support our club and spend all their time sharpening their knives to stick into players, coaches and administrative staff at the club.

Those types need to get a life and go support another club if they dont like the way Carlton is being run because I am happy with our progress forward.
I've never banned anybody for no reason.
Well, to use another's words, I'm not going to accept what you say on face value.

I've been on the receiving end once and wasted money on a membership, why would I tell you of my previous account that you banned for no reason when it had a completely clean infraction record (apart from one of Chiefs funny haha "post in here for a red card" threads in the Limbo club where nearly every1 there copped 24 hours including all Mods who posted).

If you did it again I'd simply change my IP and join again like most do who get banned. I have no care for my username or identification. I just wanted to read the Carlton board - and you took that away for no reason whatsoever.

edit: and if you actually did care, as you initially stated, you would have PMed me by now.
Well, to use another's words, I'm not going to accept what you say on face value.

I've been on the receiving end once and wasted money on a membership, why would I tell you of my previous account that you banned for no reason when it had a completely clean infraction record (apart from one of Chiefs funny haha "post in here for a red card" threads in the Limbo club where nearly every1 there copped 24 hours including all Mods who posted).

If you did it again I'd simply change my IP and join again like most do who get banned. I have no care for my username or identification. I just wanted to read the Carlton board - and you took that away for no reason whatsoever.

edit: and if you actually did care, as you initially stated, you would have PMed me by now.

Wouldn't matter what your username was, you'd still be a whiney little tool.
Well, to use another's words, I'm not going to accept what you say on face value.

I've been on the receiving end once and wasted money on a membership, why would I tell you of my previous account that you banned for no reason when it had a completely clean infraction record (apart from one of Chiefs funny haha "post in here for a red card" threads in the Limbo club where nearly every1 there copped 24 hours including all Mods who posted).

If you did it again I'd simply change my IP and join again like most do who get banned. I have no care for my username or identification. I just wanted to read the Carlton board - and you took that away for no reason whatsoever.

edit: and if you actually did care, as you initially stated, you would have PMed me by now.

Wait .... What? Why would I PM? I have asked all relevant questions here and I can do no more. You keep making unsubstatiated accusations publicly, but you want me to leave that as the final word? If you really wanted feedback, you would let me know when this was from. I have done all the work here. I have searched back through the archives in the mods board and look at each thread where I requested board removal, and looked for ones where there was no infraction, and looked at my reasons for the request. All you have done is said you were treated unfairly, and provided no evidence.

You honestly think I randomly decided to flick somebody on a whim? If it was me that flicked you, I had a reason alright. Most that cop an infraction or a banning have very selective memories when it comes to the retelling.

I am finding you extremely disingenuous right now and have tired of it. If you won't give any more feedback, then don't bother carrying it on.
You honestly think I randomly decided to flick somebody on a whim?

I am finding you extremely disingenuous right now and have tired of it. If you won't give any more feedback, then don't bother carrying it on.
Good. I've already previously apologised to the ppl in the thread for my interruption. I simply disagreed with what you said based on previous actions. You were the one who carried it on. I simply responded to your questions.

Good. I've already previously apologised to the ppl in the thread for my interruption. I simply disagreed with what you said based on previous actions. You were the one who carried it on. I simply responded to your questions.
Actually, you just kept restating something that can't be proven either way, and avoided most of my questions.

If you want to snipe about moderating in future, you probably need to be prepared to follow through in order to be taken seriously.

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