Rumour Carey v. Stevens II : The long awaited rematch

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not for a 23 year old partner it's not, really not sure why you're so hung up on defending this one Beery

Because his morals are dictated by what club someone plays for.

I can guarantee if Carey at 23 slept with a 17 year old schoolgirl Beerfish would be adding it to the list of scum acts that Carey has committed.

Also, what the **** is this nonsense about "if their parents are OK with it, it's alright" 😂😂 parents do ****ed up things to their kids, especially if a bit of fame is involved, they were probably Dogs fans just stoked to rub shoulders with the Package

if you dont like the laws of the country than go petition the high court for them to change it. But that is what governs what we can do in life.

it doesn't matter if they cant drink, vote etc etc. The age of consent is 16. there are plenty of things 17 year olds can do in life. They can certainly can drive, and they can also leave school to enter the workforce.

a 23yr old being with a 17 yr old is now immoral? There are worse things going on in the world mate.

jesus christ.

We aren't talking about Hugh Heffner here. We are talking about a bloke who was 6 years older. My dad is 6 years older than my mum. I'm going to go home and call him a sicko.

You are just mad "because she was a schoolgirl". had she left School at 17 and was a full time hairdresser, would that matter if she was with a 23 year old? Or is just because its jake stringer who has a public profile.

6 years old is a bit different if it's 31 and 25 obviously. If your 17 year old daughter came home with a 23 year old you'd be on the defensive, no doubt about it. All the guys I know who dated high schoolers when they were much older were pretty much after naive girls, essentially predatory behaviour.
My daughter recently turned 18 and I wouldn't have expected to have any say over her having a LEGAL intimate relationship while she was 17. Some people still live in the dark ages.

Yeah sure, if you weren't a shit dad you'd be definitely having a conversation about what her boyfriends intentions are.

Not controlling her life, but being like, hey the world is full of users and abusers.

Do you think at 17 she might not have the life experience to realize that? Or happy for her to just get burnt by another wet dick happy flog?

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Maybe cause he couldn't satisfy his wifey in bed, let's be brurally honest, Carey wasn't the only North teammate Kel slept with (allegedly), Duck was the only one unlucky to be caught in the act.

From an pragmatic, non emotional biased perspective I think North should have booted Stevens and his wife out of the club instead of Carey

Chicken (Ricky Nixon) knows what really went down, I think Carey is a pig and trash for later off field incidents, but I do believe he copped the rough end of the pineapple knowing what I know of Kel and and her mattress surfing antics.
Please elaborate
6 years old is a bit different if it's 31 and 25 obviously. If your 17 year old daughter came home with a 23 year old you'd be on the defensive, no doubt about it. All the guys I know who dated high schoolers when they were much older were pretty much after naive girls, essentially predatory behaviour.

the 17 yr old was OK with it

and so were her parents.

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Remove jake stringer from the argument.

How is a 23 year old male taking advantage of a 17 year old female? Men are notably dumber than women and reach maturity at much different ages, a 23 year old man probably have the same maturity level as a 17 year old girl.

The only thing you should be concerned about is CONSENT. Your opinion does not matter. If the girl consented too it, she is entitled to do as she see's fit under the law.

The fact jake was a dog to his partner (like Wayne Carey) is a completely different discussion to a 17 yr old consenting.

lets be real. The only reason you care is he is an AFL player with a public profile, for an opposing club.

If a 17yr old girl left school early and runs a successful hair dressing shop, and dates a random 23 year old in a happy relationship no one gives one s**t. The only reason you care is because its jake stringer.

you guys are acting like 6 year age difference is equivalent to some 70 year old billionaire marrying an 18 year old.
Hang on, if you're basing this on consent and law alone then why would you write this sentence "you guys are acting like 6 year age difference is equivalent to some 70 year old billionaire marrying an 18 year old" which sounds like you think there's a level where this becomes morally wrong...

So I guess, what age difference is that? You say 17 and 23 is fine. How's 17 and 26? 17 and 31?

For the record no 23 year old should be hanging around a 17 year old in that way in my opinion. I'm confused how people in here are basing their entire point on what is legally allowed but then putting in additional points that allude to law not being the only factor?
Hang on, if you're basing this on consent and law alone then why would you write this sentence "you guys are acting like 6 year age difference is equivalent to some 70 year old billionaire marrying an 18 year old" which sounds like you think there's a level where this becomes morally wrong...

So I guess, what age difference is that? You say 17 and 23 is fine. How's 17 and 26? 17 and 31?

For the record no 23 year old should be hanging around a 17 year old in that way in my opinion. I'm confused how people in here are basing their entire point on what is legally allowed but then putting in additional points that allude to law not being the only factor?

no, any age of consent is OK - i'm merely saying the age gap of 6 years is hardly as morally off putting as one of 50+, regardless though in any case if the women/man consents than really its their business.

You missed the worst/best part of that exchange.

Someone commented that Carey "Slept with his team mates wife" to which Wayne replied "3 times".

Absolute cretin of a human. Was clearly involved in some serious nose beers yesterday.

I am so glad he is finally persona non grata in the AFL media landscape. It only took some drug accusations, the glassing of his partner and myriad of other other slimy incidents clearly weren't enough...
You missed the worst/best part of that exchange.

Someone commented that Carey "Slept with his team mates wife" to which Wayne replied "3 times".

Absolute cretin of a human. Was clearly involved in some serious nose beers yesterday.

I am so glad he is finally persona non grata in the AFL media landscape. It only took some drug accusations, the glassing of his partner and myriad of other other slimy incidents clearly weren't enough...

Absolute stain of a bloke, same as Ricky Nixon. Both will continue to float around besmirching their name further until they die, when the media will suddenly publish a string of articles about what good blokes they were.
You missed the worst/best part of that exchange.

Someone commented that Carey "Slept with his team mates wife" to which Wayne replied "3 times".

Absolute cretin of a human. Was clearly involved in some serious nose beers yesterday.

I am so glad he is finally persona non grata in the AFL media landscape. It only took some drug accusations, the glassing of his partner and myriad of other other slimy incidents clearly weren't enough...
He'll be back. You just know it.
You missed the worst/best part of that exchange.

Someone commented that Carey "Slept with his team mates wife" to which Wayne replied "3 times".

Absolute cretin of a human. Was clearly involved in some serious nose beers yesterday.

I am so glad he is finally persona non grata in the AFL media landscape. It only took some drug accusations, the glassing of his partner and myriad of other other slimy incidents clearly weren't enough...

I don't condone what he's done, but you're not exempt from having dickhead forwards on your list involved in sordid public affairs.

Next we'll have Essendon fans on hear demonising players from other clubs for taking drugs.

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