Caroline Wilson article re Swan and bad behaviour

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Could be, but also mentioned dealings between clubs..interesting paragraph to drop into this article.

And it comes as the AFL's illicit drugs policy - the policy Anderson revolutionised - is again under fire following the revelation by Collingwood chief Gary Pert that he has knowledge of amphetamine dealing among players between clubs, along with allegations of senior players not only regularly taking illegal drugs but passing them on to younger players.

Read more: [URL='[/quote'][/URL]

Can anyone actually see where Gary Pert came out & said this??? I think all Pert sadi was there is a drug problem/culture in the AFL (which wasn't really a revelation), not that he has knowledge of players dealing drugs. Thats one massive leap.
Can anyone actually see where Gary Pert came out & said this??? I think all Pert sadi was there is a drug problem/culture in the AFL (which wasn't really a revelation), not that he has knowledge of players dealing drugs. Thats one massive leap.

Well he hasn't refuted it, it's looking more and more likely she was spoon fed the Swan article by Collingwood.
Well he hasn't refuted it, it's looking more and more likely she was spoon fed the Swan article by Collingwood.
Refusing to refute a vague and unproven fishing expedition has always been used as proof of guilt by gutter snipe journalists to convince those of little discernment that there must be some truth behind the unproven allegations.

Arguing with a rabble rouser and sh1t stirrer just gives them the air time they crave, so simple but many can't grasp the concept.

She is a troll with a public voice, such a shame people giver her any credence.

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I think it's getting beyond Caro is a troll Jon. Drug problem is vague, mention of drug dealing is something quite specific and I can't see that getting through after the last hubbub, Fairfax would be pretty cautious about vetting.

Not saying it necessarily effects our players as sellers or buyers, but it seems a very long bow to draw that Caro is just making up a series of claims about the football community without some very serious sources.
I think it's getting beyond Caro is a troll Jon. Drug problem is vague, mention of drug dealing is something quite specific and I can't see that getting through after the last hubbub, Fairfax would be pretty cautious about vetting.

Not saying it necessarily effects our players as sellers or buyers, but it seems a very long bow to draw that Caro is just making up a series of claims about the football community without some very serious sources.
The same sort of thing gets said about EVERY article she writes Spicey, time and again she makes outrageous innuendos and gets away with them.

I don't believe ANYTHING she writes, simply because she wrote it.

When some corroborating evidence or a parallel investigation from a for real, honest to goodness reporter instead of a gutter snipe is written I will start to attach some credence to it.

Until then I see it as just another piece of gutter trash imitating its writer.
Guys, please educate me.

I thought that under the AFL tested for amphetamines in both the performance and illicit testing processes, that it is detectable in urine for 3 or 4 days and in the hair for 3 months? Is this true, and if so, can it's use be masked?
Refusing to refute a vague and unproven fishing expedition has always been used as proof of guilt by gutter snipe journalists to convince those of little discernment that there must be some truth behind the unproven allegations.

Arguing with a rabble rouser and sh1t stirrer just gives them the air time they crave, so simple but many can't grasp the concept.

She is a troll with a public voice, such a shame people giver her any credence.

No doubting what she is, but there's a few things that don't add up IMO, ie no backing of Swan by Edd-Pert not refuting the claims, doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
No doubting what she is, but there's a few things that don't add up IMO, ie no backing of Swan by Edd-Pert not refuting the claims, doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
To each their own Dis, you're entitled to believe it but there isn't always fire because you see smoke - especially when there is a confirmed and known journalistic fire lighter making the smoke.

But that's just my opinion.
To each their own Dis, you're entitled to believe it but there isn't always fire because you see smoke - especially when there is a confirmed and known journalistic fire lighter making the smoke.

But that's just my opinion.
You have to agree this looks bad on Collingwood though, why aren't we distancing ourselves from it?
You have to agree this looks bad on Collingwood though, why aren't we distancing ourselves from it?
Disagree completely Dis, we have decided NOT to feed the troll, which in a journalistic sense if far too nice a description for her. Every denial - or justification is more airtime for an as yet totally unproven wild accusation. The more you argue in the media about such a thing the more people are inclined to believe there is some kernel of truth there.
Disagree completely Dis, we have decided NOT to feed the troll, which in a journalistic sense if far too nice a description for her. Every denial - or justification is more airtime for an as yet totally unproven wild accusation. The more you argue in the media about such a thing the more people are inclined to believe there is some kernel of truth there.

First time for everything i suppose :D

But in saying that, i reckon a hell of a lot of members are waiting for perts reply, this isn't one of those things you just let slide IMO, if it is true, fine, sack those who are involved, who ever it may be, but don't just sit there and do nothing, either way something has to be done.
I think it's getting beyond Caro is a troll Jon. Drug problem is vague, mention of drug dealing is something quite specific and I can't see that getting through after the last hubbub, Fairfax would be pretty cautious about vetting.

Not saying it necessarily effects our players as sellers or buyers, but it seems a very long bow to draw that Caro is just making up a series of claims about the football community without some very serious sources.

I agree that putting something that specific in intimates that she has something, but if she had something why would you put it in about the 6th paragraph of an extremely boring article about Adrian Anderson. Which as with MMD I stopped reading after the first para and didn't realise what was said until someone posted it on here.

If she had something, anything that pointed towards Gary Pert admitting that he knew of drug dealers in the players ranks (pies or any other) do you not think that would not be front & back page news?

The fact she buried it deep in a crap non-relevant article on the back of a previously terrible attempt days earlier that amounted to nothing more than throwing on people (monkey style), tells me she has zip, nada, zilch & is fishing for a response that she can spin as proving she is onto something.

The problem is she is throwing mud knowing that it sticks & stinks even if untrue or unverified. I am sure there are players out there doing drugs across all clubs & codes, we shouldn't be surprised and I am pretty convinced she knows as much as we do, but no more. If you fire enough arrows (yes pun intended! Footy Classified losers.. i mean viewers) you will hit a target and be a fantastic journalist, while at the same time killing some innocent, well paid arrogant, footballers.

There is my Caro Arrow for the day !

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I find it funny that you had enough time to take your hand of your junket pumper to post.

Have a nice day.:D
None of you find it funny that Eddie chucks a fit if someone pots Collingwood or tries to pinch their players yet when Caro says something serious he's pretty quiet on the matter.. :cool:

I find your club funny.
As has been mentioned, if there was any ' real' evidence as claimed to be stated by Pert, surely such evidence would warrant not only its own article by Wilson, but Page one Headline?
But lets throw one piece on confetti and then celebrate the nuptials...
I'm with Jon, sub standard journalism, in keeping with her usual standard.
None of you find it funny that Eddie chucks a fit if someone pots Collingwood or tries to pinch their players yet when Caro says something serious he's pretty quiet on the matter.. :cool:
Read the whole thread before you post BJ. Most of us are obviously somewhat suspicious of Ed's reserved reply to the original news piece and what that means. Whether he's keeping his powder dry, or whether there's something in it and the Club leaked the story is yet to be seen
Read the whole thread before you post BJ. Most of us are obviously somewhat suspicious of Ed's reserved reply to the original news piece and what that means. Whether he's keeping his powder dry, or whether there's something in it and the Club leaked the story is yet to be seen
No worries, I'd scanned the past page and seen a number of people attacking Caro, I wasn't posting to stir the pot (sorry to those who thought I was), I just found it interesting.
First time for everything i suppose :D

But in saying that, i reckon a hell of a lot of members are waiting for perts reply, this isn't one of those things you just let slide IMO, if it is true, fine, sack those who are involved, who ever it may be, but don't just sit there and do nothing, either way something has to be done.

I suspect we've learnt from the circus that surrounded the Cloke situation this year and have decided not to give these stories any oxygen. That's my feeling.
I suspect we've learnt from the circus that surrounded the Cloke situation this year and have decided not to give these stories any oxygen. That's my feeling.
Unless we've come up with a prototype muzzle strong enough to control Edds mouth i'll have to disagree.
Look at it this way guys, if she has evidence of any our players dealing-taking drugs, then it's coming out anyway, nothing surer, and, why wouldn't we want to hear her evidence? (if she actually had it), this is a multi million dollar organisation, we don't harbour criminals/junkies, or do we? has the quest for a flag clouded our moral compass?

If Pert had evidence (like she said) then isn't it a matter for the police?, those saying we've decided to ignore her claims because refuting them will just add fuel to the fire are deluded IMO, every hour that passes by makes us more guilty in the eye of the public IMO, blind freddy can see there's something amiss here.

Maybe we aren't calling her out because we know what she has, and, we don't want it made public-or we gave it to her, it's obvious she's been spoon fed shit from the club, she even quoted pert in her latest article (pert told her he knows of drug dealing amongst players from different clubs) he never said that publicly, and if she has misquoted him, i find it unbelievable he wouldn't correct her publicly, Pert works for us, do the math.

Also, WTF is Pert doing talking to her anyway? Pert is far from a stupid man so i would think anything he said to her had the clubs blessing.

In summery, if high ranking club officials know of drug use by senior players and have chose to do nothing (except leak a story) they all must be sacked.

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Caroline Wilson article re Swan and bad behaviour

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