Caroline Wilson article re Swan and bad behaviour

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Look at it this way guys, if she has evidence of any our players dealing-taking drugs, then it's coming out anyway, nothing surer, and, why wouldn't we want to hear her evidence? (if she actually had it), this is a multi million dollar organisation, we don't harbour criminals/junkies, or do we? has the quest for a flag clouded our moral compass?

If Pert had evidence (like she said) then isn't it a matter for the police?, those saying we've decided to ignore her claims because refuting them will just add fuel to the fire are deluded IMO, every hour that passes by makes us more guilty in the eye of the public IMO, blind freddy can see there's something amiss here.

Maybe we aren't calling her out because we know what she has, and, we don't want it made public-or we gave it to her, it's obvious she's been spoon fed shit from the club, she even quoted pert in her latest article (pert told her he knows of drug dealing amongst players from different clubs) he never said that publicly, and if she has misquoted him, i find it unbelievable he wouldn't correct her publicly, Pert works for us, do the math.

Also, WTF is Pert doing talking to her anyway? Pert is far from a stupid man so i would think anything he said to her had the clubs blessing.

In summery, if high ranking club officials know of drug use by senior players and have chose to do nothing (except leak a story) they all must be sacked.

OK at the CEO conference thing at the Gold Coast the HUN reported this:

In emphasising the problem, he raised unconfirmed rumours about AFL footballers not just using drugs, but dealing them. "I can confirm that I spoke to the CEOs about the types of rumours that are out there and do damage to the industry, no matter how accurate," Pert said yesterday. "But there was absolutely no specific reference to any player or any club."

This is where she is getting her "scoop" from. There is no inside knowledge or discussions with Pert or references to Collingwood players. He was simply raising the point that there are various rumours out there about palyers using & dealing drugs etc - many that are posted here on BF, by the way - and whether true or not they are bad for the image of the game. Which is spot on.

There is nothing more Pert needs to say. The "knowledge" that Caro is referring to is the rumours that we have all heard anyway, she just writes it in a manner that makes it sound like Pert has specifically expressed factual information about players using & dealing to her or her "sources" with the inference its Collingwood players. When you re-read her statement, it like most of her articles of late, actually says nothing that was not already well known & publicly stated a week earlier.

Caro is having the last laugh on everyone who is joining the dots & screaming conspiracy. Its getting embarressing.

I don't expect the club to say anything regarding this and why would they. Something like this " Gary Pert would like to deny that rumours stemming form a poorly reported article by Caroline Wilson that Gary Pert has knowledge of drug dealing are untrue. His information was in fact from rumours. So the rumour coming from the rumours are untrue, however we can not confirm whether the original rumours are in fact untrue as they are just rumours & we don't know, but it sounds bad so we thought we would raise the issue."

Cue Jerry Springer style cut away editorial:

The bottom line is the reporting or raising of rumours in a public arena such as news papers (Caro) or press conferences (Perty) is counter productive and essentially defamatory where names are used. Unfortunately rumours reported in reputable publications (loose term for the Age & Hun) are taken by the general public to be 90% true when most of the time its 90% incorrect. To report on rumours feeds rumours and makes them bigger and in this case creates whole new rumours created by us.

I see what Perty was trying to do, addressing the public perception issue, but he has done more harm than good and probably got a bit big for his own boots & role - leave it to Andy D Perty. I think they have seen the error in their ways & shutting up shop so not to feed the people who want to throw petrol on the fire and create further perception problems - exactly what they were trying to hose down in the first place. Acknowledging the rumours out there (and there is a lot) has given them all credence.
Don't get me wrong, there's no doubt recreational drugs are around footy - why wouldn't there be? They're everywhere else and these guys have plenty of money to splash around on themselves and friends, but people are always quick to say "where there's smoke, there's fire" about something bigger or badder.

It may be that she is fanning a dead ember hoping it might create a wisp of smoke that gives the impression of a fire so she can write a series of articles over the summer. I'm actually far from her biggest critic, but I wouldn't put it past her doing just that regardless of who it might hurt through innuendo.
Don't get me wrong, there's no doubt recreational drugs are around footy - why wouldn't there be? They're everywhere else and these guys have plenty of money to splash around on themselves and friends, but people are always quick to say "where there's smoke, there's fire" about something bigger or badder.

It may be that she is fanning a dead ember hoping it might create a wisp of smoke that gives the impression of a fire so she can write a series of articles over the summer. I'm actually far from her biggest critic, but I wouldn't put it past her doing just that regardless of who it might hurt through innuendo.

Unless the smoke starts pouring out of Punt Road

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OK at the CEO conference thing at the Gold Coast the HUN reported this:

In emphasising the problem, he raised unconfirmed rumours about AFL footballers not just using drugs, but dealing them. "I can confirm that I spoke to the CEOs about the types of rumours that are out there and do damage to the industry, no matter how accurate," Pert said yesterday. "But there was absolutely no specific reference to any player or any club."

This is where she is getting her "scoop" from. There is no inside knowledge or discussions with Pert or references to Collingwood players. He was simply raising the point that there are various rumours out there about palyers using & dealing drugs etc - many that are posted here on BF, by the way - and whether true or not they are bad for the image of the game. Which is spot on.

There is nothing more Pert needs to say. The "knowledge" that Caro is referring to is the rumours that we have all heard anyway, she just writes it in a manner that makes it sound like Pert has specifically expressed factual information about players using & dealing to her or her "sources" with the inference its Collingwood players. When you re-read her statement, it like most of her articles of late, actually says nothing that was not already well known & publicly stated a week earlier.

Caro is having the last laugh on everyone who is joining the dots & screaming conspiracy. Its getting embarressing.

I don't expect the club to say anything regarding this and why would they. Something like this " Gary Pert would like to deny that rumours stemming form a poorly reported article by Caroline Wilson that Gary Pert has knowledge of drug dealing are untrue. His information was in fact from rumours. So the rumour coming from the rumours are untrue, however we can not confirm whether the original rumours are in fact untrue as they are just rumours & we don't know, but it sounds bad so we thought we would raise the issue."

Cue Jerry Springer style cut away editorial:

The bottom line is the reporting or raising of rumours in a public arena such as news papers (Caro) or press conferences (Perty) is counter productive and essentially defamatory where names are used. Unfortunately rumours reported in reputable publications (loose term for the Age & Hun) are taken by the general public to be 90% true when most of the time its 90% incorrect. To report on rumours feeds rumours and makes them bigger and in this case creates whole new rumours created by us.

I see what Perty was trying to do, addressing the public perception issue, but he has done more harm than good and probably got a bit big for his own boots & role - leave it to Andy D Perty. I think they have seen the error in their ways & shutting up shop so not to feed the people who want to throw petrol on the fire and create further perception problems - exactly what they were trying to hose down in the first place. Acknowledging the rumours out there (and there is a lot) has given them all credence.
And it comes as the AFL's illicit drugs policy - the policy Anderson revolutionised - is again under fire following the revelation by Collingwood chief Gary Pert that he has knowledge of amphetamine dealing among players between clubs, along with allegations of senior players not only regularly taking illegal drugs but passing them on to younger players.​

An unconfirmed rumour isn't knowledge, as i said, she's either mis-quoted him (which IMO Pert should publicly correct her) or that's what he told her, if he doesn't correct her then most will assume that's what he told her.
An unconfirmed rumour? More like a currently baseless piece of mudslinging she hopes will get her some air time by people reacting - and over reacting - to her fishing expedition.
And it comes as the AFL's illicit drugs policy - the policy Anderson revolutionised - is again under fire following the revelation by Collingwood chief Gary Pert that he has knowledge of amphetamine dealing among players between clubs, along with allegations of senior players not only regularly taking illegal drugs but passing them on to younger players.​

An unconfirmed rumour isn't knowledge, as i said, she's either mis-quoted him (which IMO Pert should publicly correct her) or that's what he told her, if he doesn't correct her then most will assume that's what he told her.

See you are getting caought up in her web of words, she is just giving it a slant so it looks worse than it is.

What she is saying there is old news - which is why this is a paragraph buried in an article about Adrian Anderson. Pert made a public statement a week before and this is what she is referring to. It is technically correct. We all have knowledge of drug taking in the AFL, whether its right or wrong is another thing.

So if Pert says no I don't have knowledge Caro he looks like he is back pedalling on what he said a week ago which is he had heard all the rumours. He is best to leave it otherwise it will be another headline "Pert U-Turn on Drugs"

I think its a bad mistake to believe Pert has disclosed to her that he knows factually that players are doing this. Thats just playing into the media hype.
See you are getting caought up in her web of words, she is just giving it a slant so it looks worse than it is.

What she is saying there is old news - which is why this is a paragraph buried in an article about Adrian Anderson. Pert made a public statement a week before and this is what she is referring to. It is technically correct. We all have knowledge of drug taking in the AFL, whether its right or wrong is another thing.

So if Pert says no I don't have knowledge Caro he looks like he is back pedalling on what he said a week ago which is he had heard all the rumours. He is best to leave it otherwise it will be another headline "Pert U-Turn on Drugs"

I think its a bad mistake to believe Pert has disclosed to her that he knows factually that players are doing this. Thats just playing into the media hype.
Agreed mate too many people get led up the garden path as it is.
See you are getting caought up in her web of words, she is just giving it a slant so it looks worse than it is.

What she is saying there is old news - which is why this is a paragraph buried in an article about Adrian Anderson. Pert made a public statement a week before and this is what she is referring to. It is technically correct. We all have knowledge of drug taking in the AFL, whether its right or wrong is another thing.

So if Pert says no I don't have knowledge Caro he looks like he is back pedalling on what he said a week ago which is he had heard all the rumours. He is best to leave it otherwise it will be another headline "Pert U-Turn on Drugs"

I think its a bad mistake to believe Pert has disclosed to her that he knows factually that players are doing this. Thats just playing into the media hype.

Excellent point, still pisses me off though lol.
Still no facts. All innuendo. No fire, just smoke.

Ox to Eddie on SEN:
"Did you call her, Ed?"

"Nah, couldn't be bothered...."
"Swanny is going fine... We're all going well at Collingwood...there's a really good feel down at the club ... you can't let the noise ... get to you, particularly in December."

Some other highlights for those that can't get it to play:
Talks about his meeting with Pickers. [Clearly wasn't too happy with his public comments].
Talks about Mick and Carlton too. "I get edgy just driving down Royal Parade..." :D
On possibly getting a Christmas card from Mick: "Don't think I'd open it without the bomb squad around..."
On Pert possibly being head-hunted by the AFL: "Don't know if he wants to go to a smaller financial concern..." ;)
swanny all smiles... haters gunna hate


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Caroline Wilson article re Swan and bad behaviour

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