Caroline Wilson

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Senior List
Jun 12, 2008
AFL Club
North Melbourne
what gives caroline wilson the right to not make lou richards a legend and not to let wayne carey straight into the hall of fame?

she's a disgrace - they both should be legends straight away

she's done nothing in football compared to those 2
I would like to know the criteria to get on the hof panel Patrick Smith and Mike Sheehan r on it too :D. Both gun players thources tell me and both have given so much to the game :rolleyes::D
Its probably a good thing Lou wasn't added as a legend . If the main reason he was placed as a legend was due to his media commitments to the game does that mean 1 day Iron Mike , Man Hands and P Smith could also become AFL Legends. I am sure they would all acknowledge each others contributions to the game and back each other to become legends too ;)

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The criteria for inclusion as a legend is the player or coach needs to be in the super elite class, pure and simple. Lou dose not qualify as a coach and as a player he was good but nothing special. So don't have a go at Caroline Wilson or Patrick Smith for simply following the criteria.
This debate is based on sympathy and compassion for Lou and driven mainly by Collingwood, Channel 9 & the Herald-Sun.
Maybe there should be a separate category for media personalities and don't interfere with the legend criteria.
If Lou Richards is added as legend then we really should had people such as Alf Brown and Percy Beames as well. And then we can look forward to Caro and Mike Sheahan becoming legends. As you can see it opens up a Pandora's Box.
what gives caroline wilson the right to not make lou richards a legend and not to let wayne carey straight into the hall of fame?

she's a disgrace - they both should be legends straight away

she's done nothing in football compared to those 2

Because 'once upon a time' some imbecile appointed another imbecile called Adrian Anderson, who then appointed other imbeciles such as Caroline Wilson & Mike Sheehan to sit on the Hall of Fame selection committe, without any justification, only that it looked good & was politically correct to have a woman involved, regardless of whether she has any credibility as a football scribe. The moral of the story is to never appoint an imbecile cos the flow of imbeciles will be neverending.
Having idiots like the Cow and the on the legends committee cheapens and demeans the award. If I was Carey I would refuse to accept
any award decide by those clowns. Might as well buy some cheap $2 medals from the corner shop and engrave your own name on it.
what gives caroline wilson the right to not make lou richards a legend and not to let wayne carey straight into the hall of fame?

she's a disgrace - they both should be legends straight away

she's done nothing in football compared to those 2

Under the current Hall of Fame rules there is a fixed ratio of members to legends that cannot be exceeded. At present, they cannot induct another legend because it will exceed the ratio therefore no legend can be inducted this year. Its out of her control.
Haha. Well played, Horace.

IMO, the prospect of Lou's Hall Of Fame inclusion has been forever tainted by rumours that he tried to bribe the judges with Huttons Footy Franks and "the choccies from Ballantyne".
On another topic, is it just me or have other people noticed how in love Caro seems to be with Gary Lyon of FC?

Yep, but he has that authoritative look, which he displays on his business card:


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Under the current Hall of Fame rules there is a fixed ratio of members to legends that cannot be exceeded. At present, they cannot induct another legend because it will exceed the ratio therefore no legend can be inducted this year. Its out of her control.

I think it's 1 Legend per 10 Hall of Famers, and they're currently way off reaching the next full 10.

However, the AFL Commission have the power to appoint an individual to legend status "in extaordinary circumstances", even if the HoF committee have voted against the individual's inclusion. They chose not to do so in Lou's case this year, but could have. I expect there'll be a great deal of lobbying of the AFL commission members done over the next 12 months.
I would like to know the criteria to get on the hof panel Patrick Smith and Mike Sheehan r on it too :D. Both gun players thources tell me and both have given so much to the game :rolleyes::D
Its probably a good thing Lou wasn't added as a legend . If the main reason he was placed as a legend was due to his media commitments to the game does that mean 1 day Iron Mike , Man Hands and P Smith could also become AFL Legends. I am sure they would all acknowledge each others contributions to the game and back each other to become legends too ;)

Not sure what the criteria are for getting on the Hof Panel, but Piers and Sharon obviously met the requirements.

Some of you people need to take your blinkers off.

Lou is a legend of footy, whether or not he's recognised by the AFL.

I never saw him play but he played 250 games, kicked about 400 goals and captained Collingwood when they won a flag in 1953. Clearly he could play a bit. The fact that he is not in Collingwood's TOC, or that he doesn't fit the criteria, is just an excuse used by people who can't see the wood for the trees.

After he retired as a player,he was a pioneer with Ron Casey of the radio broadcasting of footy in a bright and entertaining way - day games and night games at South Melbourne. Then he did the same as a TV commentator under the most primitive of conditions.

He was a stalwart of World of Sport. Entire families grew up watching and being thoroughly entertained and informed by Lou and Jack Dyer (already a legend) on WOS on a Sunday at lunch time.

He was a superstar footy writer who publicised football as a sporting entertainment in a manner never seen before. He promised to sweep Collins St with a feather duster if a bottom team beat a top team. When the bottom team won, there he was sweeping Collins St with his feather duster. One morning he cut Ted Whitten's lawn with nail scissors after one of his big statements went awry. He was always pro-footy, always entertaining. IIRC, he was the first ever "Kiss of Death".

He has been a high profile footy person for over 50 years. He has promoted the game like nobody else has. There has never been a hint of scandal or bad behaviour about him. He is a unique person, a one-off.

As for the HOF Committee, I don't blame them. The AFL Commission could make him a legend overnight if it had the balls. The Commission makes the rules. It can change them whenever it likes. and then change them back.

Pepole will say umpires, officials and journalists might become legends of the game. Well, in the unlikely event that they do, fine. But that's no reason to fail to recognise a real legend of the game while he's still with us.

Rant over!
Very well said Mr R :thumbsu:

The bloke is an icon of the game, and I fall into that category of having grown up with him being the greatest promoter and voice of our great game.

He was recognised throughout the nation well before we had teams in Perth, Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane and, dare I say it, Tassie.

He,of all people, deserves Legend status for overall service to the game. The Commission have woosed it imo!
If they ever put him in (which they won't for fear of opening a can of worms), I would hope like hell our club would be pushing to get Case in as well.


Ron Casey > Lou Richards.
If they ever put him in (which they won't for fear of opening a can of worms), I would hope like hell our club would be pushing to get Case in as well.


Ron Casey > Lou Richards.

Very good point Ryz. Old Ronnie has as much right to a spot in the pantheon of legends as Lou. If Lou was the original Sam Newman, without the negative controversy, Ron was the Eddie McGuire. He pioneered the entire footy show genre and reigned over the entire thing for many years.

Euge and JB should be pumping up that fact!
Some of you people need to take your blinkers off.

Lou is a legend of footy, whether or not he's recognised by the AFL.

I never saw him play but he played 250 games, kicked about 400 goals and captained Collingwood when they won a flag in 1953. Clearly he could play a bit. The fact that he is not in Collingwood's TOC, or that he doesn't fit the criteria, is just an excuse used by people who can't see the wood for the trees.

After he retired as a player,he was a pioneer with Ron Casey of the radio broadcasting of footy in a bright and entertaining way - day games and night games at South Melbourne. Then he did the same as a TV commentator under the most primitive of conditions.

He was a stalwart of World of Sport. Entire families grew up watching and being thoroughly entertained and informed by Lou and Jack Dyer (already a legend) on WOS on a Sunday at lunch time.

He was a superstar footy writer who publicised football as a sporting entertainment in a manner never seen before. He promised to sweep Collins St with a feather duster if a bottom team beat a top team. When the bottom team won, there he was sweeping Collins St with his feather duster. One morning he cut Ted Whitten's lawn with nail scissors after one of his big statements went awry. He was always pro-footy, always entertaining. IIRC, he was the first ever "Kiss of Death".

He has been a high profile footy person for over 50 years. He has promoted the game like nobody else has. There has never been a hint of scandal or bad behaviour about him. He is a unique person, a one-off.

As for the HOF Committee, I don't blame them. The AFL Commission could make him a legend overnight if it had the balls. The Commission makes the rules. It can change them whenever it likes. and then change them back.

Pepole will say umpires, officials and journalists might become legends of the game. Well, in the unlikely event that they do, fine. But that's no reason to fail to recognise a real legend of the game while he's still with us.

Rant over!

Could not agree more. Lou has done as much to promote footy and keep it on the front page of the newspapers as anyone else ever has. Hard for the younger folk here to really understand what Lou was to footy in the 60s 70s and 80s. He was football. Should be a legend and should be one now.
Under the current Hall of Fame rules there is a fixed ratio of members to legends that cannot be exceeded. At present, they cannot induct another legend because it will exceed the ratio therefore no legend can be inducted this year. Its out of her control.

That's a cop out. They exceeded it last year, but said it was a special year being the 150th year.

Seems like their much loved criteria is only there when convenient.

Carey not being put in the Hall of Fame is a joke anyway. Everyone knows he will eventually be put in so why delay the inevitable?

The whole Hall of Fame criteria is a joke. To get into the Hall of Fame you are judged on what you are doing outside of the playing arena (Carey), but to be a legend they don't take into account any contribution outside of playing?

As I said the criteria is a tool of convenience for these Journo knobs to weild some delusional power they think they have.
I would've thought this is a pretty simple scenario.

To qualify for the hall of fame - a very high honour which Lou Richards has had bestowed upon him already - you have been recognised for your deeds to football on or off the field. To qualify for legend status within this hall of fame, it must be on the basis of your on field performance either as a player or as a coach. What is so hard to comprehend about this? By changing the rules to allow a particular person in or out, you are actually lowering the honour itself for those already in there.
I would've thought this is a pretty simple scenario.

To qualify for the hall of fame - a very high honour which Lou Richards has had bestowed upon him already - you have been recognised for your deeds to football on or off the field. To qualify for legend status within this hall of fame, it must be on the basis of your on field performance either as a player or as a coach. What is so hard to comprehend about this? By changing the rules to allow a particular person in or out, you are actually lowering the honour itself for those already in there.

So the media has nothing to do with football then, despite the $780m from tv and all the radio and newspaper coverage, plus the internet?

Don't worry, Caro and those other turkeys are not going to become legends and allowing Lou in is not lowering anything. To suggest otherwise would be outrageous.
Lou Richards=Collingwood scum

Given time to do my investigation (which I am not going to do), I could probably come up with 100 people (if not 1000) more worthy to get a legend recognition before him if a spot opens up and within the current criteria.

I'm glad he isnt being inducted, ailing health or not.
Lou Richards=Collingwood scum

Given time to do my investigation (which I am not going to do), I could probably come up with 100 people (if not 1000) more worthy to get a legend recognition before him if a spot opens up and within the current criteria.

I'm glad he isnt being inducted, ailing health or not.

Can't you name one person out of the many hundreds of eligible legends?

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Caroline Wilson

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