No Oppo Supporters CAS hands down guilty verdict - Players appealing - Dank shot - no opposition - (cont in pt.2)

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This is a separate issue - The issue is WADA places substances on the prohibited list every year - There has never been such a rash of positive tests for a newly prohibited substance in the past - Something has gone wrong.

They just got all their strands in place to lay some serious cable.

This Sharapova warned 5 times thing seems overblown.

Appears to me that this warning was just some generic correspondence sent outlining the changing status of Meldonium. Apparently post the general WADA notice in September 2015.

Seems like a Brett Clothier warning after the fact to me.
How can it be a warning after the fact when it was given before it was banned, by three different organisations multiple times?

I also doubt WADA send out 'generic correspondence' unless you just mean it wasn't addressed to her personally but was emailed out to a list of athletes in which case, so what? Regardless I imagine all their correspondence would be pretty important to read and understand if you're a professional athlete.

Her lawyer does not believe the 5 notifications were correct. (Doesn't use warning).

Confirms she received at least 1 notification.

For me, the entire commentary around warnings, using the substance for 10 years, theroputic goods approval has many similarities to the EFC 34.
What her lawyer said was

But I do not believe the five notifications is correct. But we’re not here to dispute that. We’re here to say that Maria had a responsibility to check the list. She failed to do it and that’s that. She’s not going to make excuses for that. She did receive at least one notification, we’re still working on determining exactly how many more than that she received. But the reality, she was notified the banned list was available and she failed to go and check the banned list and search for the medicines she was on to see if any had made their way on to the banned list for 2016.

They're still trying to work out how many 'notifications' she received most probably because they have to try and retrieve them from her deleted items.

I can't see any similarities whatsoever to the 34 tbh.
How is Billy tearing up because the media briefly paid him some attention when his ol' mate Gaz plowed his ex wife? Poor old Bill wasn't quite as sensitive while sinking the boot into Hird as he copped media scrutiny Billy can only have nightmares about for 3 whole years.

Lyon did the same thing

they go both go and get ****ed for all i'm concerned. Both are campaigners
I can't see any similarities whatsoever to the 34 tbh.

I was referring to the commentary

For me, the entire commentary around warnings, using the substance for 10 years, theroputic goods approval has many similarities to the EFC 34.

It is moral outrage stemming from a healthy young individual taking some medication for 10 years that was not approved by some organisation. Even if you assume she took Mildronate for 10 years solely performance benefit so what?

The fact is a positive test was recorded at a time when it was banned. But the commentary shifts to supposed warnings, her nationality and past usage to imply guilt.

It's fine to have issue with young athletes risking their future health for our entertainment, but really, WADA is more about enforcement of their code.
I also doubt WADA send out 'generic correspondence' unless you just mean it wasn't addressed to her personally but was emailed out to a list of athletes in which case, so what? Regardless I imagine all their correspondence would be pretty important to read and understand if you're a professional athlete.

This appears to be exactly the case.

WADA must send out an awful lot of "warnings" then.
This appears to be exactly the case.

WADA must send out an awful lot of "warnings" then.
Maybe I'm just having a hard time understanding where people are coming from this morning but I don't get your point.

Warning/notification/communication/email/letter/note call it what you like it's the same thing. I imagine they send it to all athletes on their books or all sporting administrative bodies that are signed up to their code who then disseminate it to the athletes.
Though if Yaco is right & there is a multitude of positive tests on the way, then there must be a communication breakdown somewhere, they can't all be so stupid or careless.

Update - Russian athletes in October warned athletes to stop using meldonium as it stays in the system for up to 48 days -Further discussion suggests this could be even up to 120 days - I suspect its the hangover effect as opposed to limited communication by WADA - Though its still embarrassing for WADA.

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For those talking about heading towards 50 positive tests for Meldonium, well that was conservative, New York Times now reporting its now more than 60 athletes have tested positive to Meldonium this year!!

Gotta love Howman's ill-judged comments - There has never been such a number of positive tests for a newly added prohibited substance - The most interesting thing is how penalties are adjudicated - This could get messy.
Yet the Screamer pretty much confessed to having used it post it's ban...go figure

Which could prove to be in the end stupid. If it's proved it can stay in the system 120days she's still screwed. Yet everyone praised her for admitting it.
Gotta love Howman's ill-judged comments - There has never been such a number of positive tests for a newly added prohibited substance - The most interesting thing is how penalties are adjudicated - This could get messy.
It'll be interesting to see how much this taxes the anti-doping system. Russia's already shown it's not equipped to manage its anti-doping procedures - wonder where the other cases are. Also. how's CAS ging to cope?

Reading about the Worley case in Canada a couple of days ago, it looks like CAS could be overwhelmed (about 200 CAS cases heard throughout the entire 90s but over 400 in 2014 alone according to this article: If there's a back log of cases, I wonder if the high profile ones get heard first? Justice delayed is justice denied - especially when you're talking 4 year bans in a 10 year career.
Which could prove to be in the end stupid. If it's proved it can stay in the system 120days she's still screwed. Yet everyone praised her for admitting it.
Surely if she hadn't used it this year she would've said so.
Which could prove to be in the end stupid. If it's proved it can stay in the system 120days she's still screwed. Yet everyone praised her for admitting it.
I still do, if she took it and is honest about it, I respect her for that. In her case she didn't seem aware, even if she should have been, that it was banned.
maybe if she didn't take it she would have less oxygen in her body and the scream would tone itself down. If only they could get rid of Azurenka and womens tennis would be some much easier to watch with the volume on

I used to really like the womans game, mainly around the time of Graf, Hingis etc, but refuse to watch when those cheating screamers are on, which seems to be every time I've tuned in to watch the last few years.
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