Pets Cats v Dogs

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Got a few cats and have had them for years, all they do is show up for food every now and then and then piss off for ages. When they stay inside for a bit they leave hair EVERYWHERE and just sleep constantly. Couple of them malt really badly and I hate it. Could do without them.

Got 2 jack russells. Very friendly and active and they love exploring. Only problem is they constantly chase the cats (live on a big property). Not good pets to keep together but it's just turned out that way.

Dogs for mine.

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Simply not true.

Cats ally themselves with people as much as dogs.

see the following post, the majority I have seen, come and eat and leave unless the weather is crap...BTW - jrussell, not Jack Russell :)

Got a few cats and have had them for years, all they do is show up for food every now and then and then piss off for ages. When they stay inside for a bit they leave hair EVERYWHERE and just sleep constantly. Couple of them malt really badly and I hate it. Could do without them.

Got 2 jack russells. Very friendly and active and they love exploring. Only problem is they constantly chase the cats (live on a big property). Not good pets to keep together but it's just turned out that way.

Dogs for mine.

Summed up to a tee, in my family w have had multiple of both and that is exactly ever cat we ever had...I still appreciated both :thumbsu:
dogs are like your 5 year old cousin who you can make do whatever you want, always happy to see you and will shut up when you tell them to.

cats are like a teenage daughter, moody as ****, squeel slap and scratch when they dont get their way and only interact with you when they want something.

i used to hate cats with a passion but now i just think they are different. they arent a real pet they are just something you look at or sit on your lap every now and again like a pillow. they can do some funny shit tho.

will always be a dog person tho. got a bull terrier atm and he is a mental always pushing over bins and running off with socks or shoes, but never destroying them just gettin me to chase him round a bit.
and flop down on the floor either side of your chair while you're on BF as I type now.

You can be having a shocker of a day but as soon as they spot you coming in the gate it's like you've been away for months not just a few hours and they're soooooo excited to see you that all those negative feelings fly away.

Pretty much this. As long as you treat a dog well and give it well defined boundaries as to what it can or can't do it'll grow up to be an awesome pet.

Cats are more into doing their own thing, which I can understand is fine for some, but I'll always be a dog person.
I've had this argument with my mates plenty of times(one of which has now turned full circle and has a Bengal kitten).

Cats are mini-people. They have the arrogance to only hang out with you when they feel like it, but also the need for companionship. I can dig that.
If they want a feed, or need to go outside they'll let you know, but for the most part they're just the silent sidekick that hangs around the house, perhaps laying on your lap, or sleeping on the couch beside you.

Dogs need to have their behaviour monitored so much more from a young age. Whether it's because they bark at every person that walks past the front gate or digging holes in the back lawn.
You get them as a puppy and hope that they aren't going to develop some trait that will render them impossible to live with. Obedience training is a must with many breeds.
The very trait that endears them to many people ('my dog follows me everywhere, can't get enough of their master') turns me off them in a lot of cases.
I hate going to mates houses and having their dog jump on me, lick my feet, or just generally 'suck up my arse' as soon as I walk in the door.

The position of a cat when you walk in the door is just like a human. "well, I'm pretty comfy over here, make yourself at home...but I'm not getting up unless I really have to."

The other Pros of a Cat.
Cats don't bite kids.
They don't eat your shoes.
They don't hump your leg.
They don't drag their arse on the carpet.
They don't bark at all hours of the night.
They don't need your constant attention.

Pretty crap generalisation. I have a Boxer (whom never went to 'puppy school' as much as I would have liked); he does none of these. He is fantastic with kids, has never chewed any of my property in his life (he just chews his toys), doesn't hump, doesn't drag his arse, doesn't bark unless someone is on our property and even then if he is told they're alright hes tops and becomes excited and he certainly doesn't need constant attention.

I take him for a walk and play with him twice a day and he is fine, comes in at 9 o clock at night and either wrestles with me or sleeps depending upon whether I'm up for it or not.
Although my dad practiced as a vet for many years, my mum and he were against any animals in the home.

I do enjoy the company of domesticated pets, but I also understand the devastating impact they can have on indigenous Australian wildlife.
Pretty crap generalisation. I have a Boxer (whom never went to 'puppy school' as much as I would have liked); he does none of these. He is fantastic with kids, has never chewed any of my property in his life (he just chews his toys), doesn't hump, doesn't drag his arse, doesn't bark unless someone is on our property and even then if he is told they're alright hes tops and becomes excited and he certainly doesn't need constant attention.

I take him for a walk and play with him twice a day and he is fine, comes in at 9 o clock at night and either wrestles with me or sleeps depending upon whether I'm up for it or not.
Of course, they're generalisations that I made, and have used many times when arguing, but the thing is a Cat will do none of these.

I remember a Boxer living on the corner when I grew up, it had this unbelievable knack of biting the tyres of cars as they slowed down and turned the corner and puncturing them. I don't know how it never got it's head ripped off.
It use to chase my sisters on their bikes too. Scary ****er.
Just to be argumentative.

Cats scratch kids
True, but can you name the last Cat that scratched a child to death? Or attacked the neighbours cat and had it destroyed?

They scratch couches and carpets and curtains
Yeah, and about the worst they can do is pull a thread, not destroy a couch as Ross Prunster has posted in this thread.
Anyway, a scratching post is all a cat requires to stretch it's claws out.

they meow ... much more annoying than a bark
I can't think of many times I've been kept awake by the guy over the back fences cat.

the times they do want attention they're annoying if you're not in the same mood whereas a dog can be told no.
A cat can be told no. They pick up on the tone of your voice very quickly.

I don't hate either but i'd much prefer a dog.
I don't hate Dogs either, but I think Cats are cooler, and the amount of ways a Cat can 'go bad' are far less harmful than a dog.
Just to be argumentative.

True, but can you name the last Cat that scratched a child to death? Or attacked the neighbours cat and had it destroyed?

Yeah, and about the worst they can do is pull a thread, not destroy a couch as Ross Prunster has posted in this thread.
Anyway, a scratching post is all a cat requires to stretch it's claws out.

I can't think of many times I've been kept awake by the guy over the back fences cat.

A cat can be told no. They pick up on the tone of your voice very quickly.

I don't hate Dogs either, but I think Cats are cooler, and the amount of ways a Cat can 'go bad' are far less harmful than a dog.

Yeah, but at least dogs have never caused the systematic extinction of a species before*. ;)

*may or may not be true

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Just to be argumentative.

I can't think of many times I've been kept awake by the guy over the back fences cat.

I don't hate Dogs either, but I think Cats are cooler, and the amount of ways a Cat can 'go bad' are far less harmful than a dog.

At the last place I lived there was a cat that kept me awake all hours of the night. It used to make the most horrendous noises.

The good uses a dog can be put to far outweigh the good uses a cat can be put to. Whoever heard of a guide cat or a sheep cat?
I had a cat that was near immortal. Lived 19 years, survived countless backyard cat brawls and the resulting infections, and brushed off 2 massive car accidents (one of which was when a 4-wheel drive STOPPED on top of it). Through it all, was loyal as **** and never bit or scratched anyone.

On the day we had to put it down she could hardly walk, it's health was near zero and it couldn't eat because his teeth had broken off making her almost unable to keep her own body weight up. Despite all this, it exerted what little energy and strength it had to try and climb on the couch to sit on my lap - I had to help it get up, and when it did it purred even though she woulda been in serious pain.

Not hating on dogs but cats can be pretty damn dedicated too.

Now I got a cat that used to sleep like this:

My cat chews on my clothes (that i've left on the floor) in the middle of the night, purrs insanely loud, carries them between his legs (looks ridiculously funny) and puts them near the washing machine.

Good boy.
I have a dog and cat currently and I must say that the dog is recognized as a family member whereas my cat just goes AWOL all day and hardly knows me. :rolleyes:
I used to be a dog person till we brought home a kitten from the RSPCA. Now i'm pretty much a cat person, he never bites me or anybody else and always comes up and wants a cuddle.

The only annoying thing he does is he wants to be inside..then outside then inside again aghhh lol
I think what most people dont understand about cats is that they like respect, if you respect them they will respect you, if you just ignore them all the time because you think that the just wanna do there own thing they WILL go and do there OWN thing.

Don't really find cats fun to be around at all. For instance I have a mate, and I probably went over his house 5-6 times before even realising he had a cat, that's how often it actually came out of hiding or doing it's own thing.

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Pets Cats v Dogs

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