Current Celeste Manno Murder

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Here's another Sako involved in a Police assassination/murder 23 years ago in NSW.

'the Assyrian Kings, the gang that assassinated police officer David Carty in a savage 1997 stabbing murder during which gang members sliced off the constable’s nose.' .... in Fairfield’s Cambridge Tavern car park'

'Thamier Sako and Edward Esho served sentences of less than five and six years'

'Entity name SAKO, LUAY NADER'
'Main business location VIC 3064' (Roxborough Park)
'Business name DESTXIT'

'Donec mattis finibus elit ut tristique?

Why is what appears to be Sako's DestXIT, IT hardware online sales website's FAQ's all in Latin?

Silly text filling technique by the looks of things.

"When I first encountered this text, I did what any Latin geek will—set about trying to translate it. But it wasn’t long before I realized that Lorem Ipsum is mostly gibberish, a garbling of Latin that makes no real sense. "


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A socially deformed drip.

No filter capability for rejection but interprets it as an act of war & kills innocent party.

How do our government protective agencies not profile these freaks as public risks & not monitor them more heavily?? No it takes a senseless death for them to take notice.

It’s a ****ing disgrace of a system! Victoria continually fails these women!
One of the more disturbing recent murders for sure. A person relentlessly stalking a woman he barely knew then randomly breaking in and killing her in her room one night - very worrying.

We’re all reading between the lines a bit but seems like he was a lifelong loner and misfit who suffered endless rejection. I don’t really subscribe to the ‘monkey see monkey do’ school of thought - just telling a guy like this to stop doing what he’s doing is pretty useless.

Suspect some significant intervention was needed a long time ago. He’s probably been stalking and creeping out women for years and it sounds like he had priors.

Extremely sad for her family.
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Srsly is there anything we/I can do about this issue?

Im so sick of just complaining about it on this site. I want to actually do something- and trust me, im not the type of person to go to a protest or anything like that, but im just ******* over this sh*t.

Celeste had an intervention order on him I read, I don't know if that's enough for the Herald Sun to call the charges he was already on bail for 'serious charges'.

Maybe they could try monitoring these people with ankle bracelets. It isn't foolproof but it might save some.
Celeste had an intervention order on him I read, I don't know if that's enough for the Herald Sun to call the charges he was already on bail for 'serious charges'.

Maybe they could try monitoring these people with ankle bracelets. It isn't foolproof but it might save some.
Tough punishment and you hear the cries about loss of human rights. But what do Celeste’s family have? What right of protection did this poor lady have?

Seemingly another person with complicated issues that falls between the cracks and Celeste pays the ultimate price.
Celeste had an intervention order on him I read, I don't know if that's enough for the Herald Sun to call the charges he was already on bail for 'serious charges'.

Maybe they could try monitoring these people with ankle bracelets. It isn't foolproof but it might save some.
Have done a fair bit of work relating to intervention orders and sadly there are just so many of them. Some are serious, some are frivolous and sometimes it’s very hard to know which, so it’s a bit of a nightmare enforcing them.

It’s hard to know what anyone could have done here, although there might have been some significant breaches of the intervention order already, which would be jailable (and might be what his previous charges relate to), but if he’s that obsessed who’s to say a bit of time in a cell would change much.

We’ll no doubt find out more.
It would have been terrifying, thinking you're safe in your locked up house and the bastard smashes in through the bedroom window. I know she'd spoken to the police but it's hard to imagine someone as deranged as that hadn't done anything prior to have him put away.

His name is Luay Sako.
He looks like an absolute incel. These men that think they're entitled to the attention from women and don't take no for an answer are so dangerous. Dig deep into reddit sub forums if you want..yuck.
Celeste had an intervention order on him I read, I don't know if that's enough for the Herald Sun to call the charges he was already on bail for 'serious charges'.

Maybe they could try monitoring these people with ankle bracelets. It isn't foolproof but it might save some.

I meant myself- what can I actually do.. feel so powerless and am just fed up.
So sad,a year he stalked this young lady ffs.
If her brothers or boyfriend had taken matters into their own hands i bet something wouldve been done about them


Ive always wondered about stalking- and perhaps getting a man in your life, to perhaps turn the tables and stalk the **** out of the stalker- and perhaps rough them up a bit. But then again theyd probably serve a jail term and the stalker would be seen as the victim.
It appears he was on bail
No other media outlet is reporting this.

The Herald Sun now has a new article out on this as their lead online story.
It now only refers to a court order breach in the headline.

I think it's most likely a breach of a court restraining order involving Celeste Manno.

Screen Shot 2020-11-20 at 8.50.43 am.png
Celeste had an intervention order on him I read, I don't know if that's enough for the Herald Sun to call the charges he was already on bail for 'serious charges'.

Maybe they could try monitoring these people with ankle bracelets. It isn't foolproof but it might save some.
You know that's not a bad idea... you could start a campaign for mandatory ankle monitoring for those who breach an intervention order for certain offences. I'm in WA but I'm totally down for that. Contact a few lobby groups and make some noise.
You know that's not a bad idea... you could start a campaign for mandatory ankle monitoring for those who breach an intervention order for certain offences. I'm in WA but I'm totally down for that. Contact a few lobby groups and make some noise.
The problem with the idea as it stands now is that an Invention Order is a Civil order not a Criminal order and ankle bracelets only apply to criminal orders. For it become a criminal matter it could be too late because they have to breach the order for it become criminal...

I agree it is in theory a good idea but would require many law changes and the willingness to allow for the abuse of such system in the civil realm. The other side of the civil argument is that it in no way restrains or incapacitates the offender and is still a reactionary response from law enforcement. In other words it is a perceived deterrent rather than an actual prevention.

Another thought on another way is a panic button for the protected. It could be in a mobile phone or even a watch or pice jewellery etc that is worn that is very easy to get to when needed. No criminal or civil issue involved that way as it will be a personal choice to wear the panic button. It could link into the same tracking system as the electronic monitor system already in place for ankle bracelets and covid tracking...
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The problem with the idea as it stands now is that an Invention Order is a Civil order not a Criminal order and ankle bracelets only apply to criminal orders. For it become a criminal matter it could be too late because they have to breach the order for it become criminal...

I agree it is in theory a good idea but would require many law changes and the willingness to allow for the abuse of such system in the civil realm. The other side of the civil argument is that it in no way restrains or incapacitates the offender and is still a reactionary response from law enforcement. In other words it is a perceived deterrent rather than an actual prevention.

Another thought on another way is a panic button for the protected. It could be in a mobile phone or even a watch or pice jewellery etc that is worn that is very easy to get to when needed. No criminal or civil issue involved that way as it will be a personal choice to wear the panic button. It could link into the same tracking system as the electronic monitor system already in place for ankle bracelets and covid tracking...

Sako was already on bail for breaching an order. I'm not sure what the stats are but it seems to me there's nearly always a history of breaches and intrusions where they come to the attention of authorities before the last act. We see it time and again in these kinds of situations.
Looks like a complete psycho.

I can understand getting a bit obsessed with an attractive woman who has been nice, and maybe feeling a bit inadequate compared to her. I guess these people lack something, and it goes beyond just thinking about someone.

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Current Celeste Manno Murder

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