Not reallyIt’s relative tho. Someone not in great shape can lose 7ish kgs quickly (and then next x amount would be much harder).
Someone who is in relatively ok shape shouldn’t have 7 kgs to lose, much less a professional athlete.
If he had 7kgs that could be lost that quickly the only explanation is that he was in horrid not remotely close to afl shape to begin with.
You can bulk up too much, eg Greg Anderson
Then strip weight back & go for a leaner body shape. Duursma did that & it doesn’t mean he was in terrible condition when bulky.
A lot of players used to like carrying a few kgs of extra muscle in the middle of winter then strip back later in the season.
Anyway I am one of Dixons biggest critics but happy to give him another chance.
Interesting to see how he moves & plays. It’s kind of last chance hotel for him & he is our best backup ruckman