Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

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Originally posted by slyolddog
Seen a rough-cut preview of it today and I'd suggest Mark Latham should have a nice Sunday morning sleep-in because he mightn't have a job come Monday

???????? Explain...or do we have to wait till Sunday?

Interesting. It would be unfortunate if Latham were to lose his job now. I was quite looking forward to seeing 'Man boobs' spend another three years as opposition leader.

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Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Originally posted by MillerCHF
I was quite looking forward to seeing 'Man boobs' spend another three years as opposition leader.
A bit cocky considering he's in the lead on the polls, don't you think?
Re: Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Originally posted by bunsen burner
A bit cocky considering he's in the lead on the polls, don't you think?

I guess time will tell whether I'm right or wrong but Howard is making ground in the polls and I'm almost certain Howard will win, either through Latham screwing up or Howard displaying the political genius he has become renowned for.

I very much look forward to seeing the 'Man of Steel' John Howard leading our country for another three years. He's the greatest leader we've ever had so we all (and that includes Mr. Costello although I do to some degree sympathise with the treasurer) should cherish him while he is the leader.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Originally posted by MillerCHF
I guess time will tell whether I'm right or wrong but Howard is making ground in the polls and I'm almost certain Howard will win, either through Latham screwing up or Howard displaying the political genius he has become renowned for.
At the moment I think he'll win, but a month ago I didn't, then three months before that I thought he'd win, and a month before that I didn't.

Too close to call, too many twists so far, and probably still more to come.
Originally posted by bunsen burner
With the timing of this release it seems that there is a strong chance that the election will be called next week.

I'll agree with that. If it's not called for August 7 it will probably be called for September 4.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Originally posted by MillerCHF
I guess time will tell whether I'm right or wrong but Howard is making ground in the polls and I'm almost certain Howard will win, either through Latham screwing up or Howard displaying the political genius he has become renowned for.

I very much look forward to seeing the 'Man of Steel' John Howard leading our country for another three years. He's the greatest leader we've ever had so we all (and that includes Mr. Costello although I do to some degree sympathise with the treasurer) should cherish him while he is the leader.

you hope with every fibre in your conservative being 'the used car salesman' will win
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Originally posted by demon_dave
you hope with every fibre in your conservative being 'the used car salesman' will win

You and I both hoped Melbourne would do well this year (I'm presuming you also did because you're apparently a Dees supporter) despite the fact nobody believed it would happen.

John Howard, like the Melbourne Football Club, is a national treasure and symbolises what it is to be an Australian. Therefore he will prevail.

Also G-d is on Mr Howard's side because he stands for all that is good in the world.

And no matter how left you are, do you really want a PM with man-boobs?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Originally posted by MillerCHF
John Howard, like the Melbourne Football Club, is a national treasure and symbolises what it is to be an Australian. Therefore he will prevail.

I don't see why you regard intolerant, manipulative liars as symbolising Australians. Quite the contrary I would have thought.
Originally posted by slyolddog
Seen a rough-cut preview of it today and I'd suggest Mark Latham should have a nice Sunday morning sleep-in because he mightn't have a job come Monday

Care to enlighten us sly?

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Seems interesting, though the idea it will bring Latham down seems a bit optimistic. We will see.

Sunday will also be interesting because if the election is August 7 it has to be called then I believe.

I'd be offering 4-1 on it being August 7 though.
Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Originally posted by bozza
Care to enlighten us sly?

I only saw about a 5 minute promo of it, the whole story goes for 45 odd minutes apparently and 9 having had their 'investigative big guns' working on it for 6 months

Dodgy corrupt dealings while Mayor at Liverpool Council
Wife bashing
Standover tactics

all the usual good stuff ;)
Bullyboy claims to rock Latham

By Steve Lewis, Patricia Karvelas and Martin Chulov
The Australian July 2, 2004

THE Labor Party is bracing for fresh claims of physical violence by Mark Latham, potentially delivering John Howard a big incentive to call a snap election for August.

With the two major parties evenly poised in the polls, the allegations against the Opposition Leader, who infamously broke the arm of a Sydney taxi driver in July 2001, could be highly damaging for Labor.

The claims date back to Mr Latham's time as a local councillor and then mayor of the western Sydney Council of Liverpool from 1989-94.

Former friends and political rivals have alleged Mr Latham assaulted an older man in the lead-up to a state by-election for the seat of Liverpool in March 1989.

Mr Latham was alleged to have punched the man to the ground after he walked into the Labor campaign office and made a remark that the future Opposition leader objected to.

Other allegations, to be aired on Channel Nine's Sunday program this weekend, centre on Mr Latham's time as mayor, during which he is alleged to have repeatedly disparaged opponents and to have demanded one councillor step outside to fight him.

Mr Latham appeared nonplussed by the allegations yesterday, saying that airing them did the public a disservice because Australians were more interested in "good public policies for the future".

"They would much rather be interested in where the education system is going to be 25 months from now than what I might have done on a cricket or football field 25 years in the past," he said.

"I'm not exactly a recluse. My life is not exactly a closed book. I think people are writing six books about me. I don't think there are too many secrets, and I seem to remember in December when I got this job there was a fair bit of scrutiny on those issues."

However, senior Labor figures are privately extremely concerned the fresh claims against their leader will undermine the good work Mr Latham has done since taking over from Simon Crean.

"If they're true, they are diabolical," one Labor frontbencher told The Australian yesterday.

Rumours have circulated around Canberra for weeks of fresh allegations against Mr Latham, who has championed his own brand of family values and pledged to clean up politics since taking over the Labor leadership last December.

One Government minister told The Australian the Liberal Party was pursuing allegations that Mr Latham was involved in an incident during an earlier election that led to an unknown person breaking a collarbone.

The Prime Minister denied earlier this week that the Government was engaged in a smear campaign against Mr Latham.

But he indicated the Government would vigorously pursue Mr Latham over his tenure as mayor, amid claims he had left Liverpool Council's finances in a mess.

If any of this is remotely true then Mark Latham is in deep sh*t IMO.
Originally posted by Ray Nolan
Bullyboy claims to rock Latham

By Steve Lewis, Patricia Karvelas and Martin Chulov
The Australian July 2, 2004

THE Labor Party is bracing for fresh claims of physical violence by Mark Latham, potentially delivering John Howard a big incentive to call a snap election for August.

With the two major parties evenly poised in the polls, the allegations against the Opposition Leader, who infamously broke the arm of a Sydney taxi driver in July 2001, could be highly damaging for Labor.

The claims date back to Mr Latham's time as a local councillor and then mayor of the western Sydney Council of Liverpool from 1989-94.

Former friends and political rivals have alleged Mr Latham assaulted an older man in the lead-up to a state by-election for the seat of Liverpool in March 1989.

Mr Latham was alleged to have punched the man to the ground after he walked into the Labor campaign office and made a remark that the future Opposition leader objected to.

Other allegations, to be aired on Channel Nine's Sunday program this weekend, centre on Mr Latham's time as mayor, during which he is alleged to have repeatedly disparaged opponents and to have demanded one councillor step outside to fight him.

Mr Latham appeared nonplussed by the allegations yesterday, saying that airing them did the public a disservice because Australians were more interested in "good public policies for the future".

"They would much rather be interested in where the education system is going to be 25 months from now than what I might have done on a cricket or football field 25 years in the past," he said.

"I'm not exactly a recluse. My life is not exactly a closed book. I think people are writing six books about me. I don't think there are too many secrets, and I seem to remember in December when I got this job there was a fair bit of scrutiny on those issues."

However, senior Labor figures are privately extremely concerned the fresh claims against their leader will undermine the good work Mr Latham has done since taking over from Simon Crean.

"If they're true, they are diabolical," one Labor frontbencher told The Australian yesterday.

Rumours have circulated around Canberra for weeks of fresh allegations against Mr Latham, who has championed his own brand of family values and pledged to clean up politics since taking over the Labor leadership last December.

One Government minister told The Australian the Liberal Party was pursuing allegations that Mr Latham was involved in an incident during an earlier election that led to an unknown person breaking a collarbone.

The Prime Minister denied earlier this week that the Government was engaged in a smear campaign against Mr Latham.

But he indicated the Government would vigorously pursue Mr Latham over his tenure as mayor, amid claims he had left Liverpool Council's finances in a mess.

If any of this is remotely true then Mark Latham is in deep sh*t IMO.

I don't think so, its just Packer trying to do it for his mate 'dishonest John', I think you will find most Aussies will take this shyte with a grain of salt, just typical tory muckraking
Howard will play personality politics during this election, his blatant bribes to the electorate have not worked, the war is not helping him and he is seen as being to close to Bush by many.

So expect him to get the knife out and try some character assassination
Originally posted by BlueMark
Howard will play personality politics during this election, his blatant bribes to the electorate have not worked, the war is not helping him and he is seen as being to close to Bush by many.

So expect him to get the knife out and try some character assassination

True. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Prime Minister is more interested in clinging to power by any means available, than acting in the interests of Australia. And the Tampa election showed there's no limit to how low he can go. To be honst I'm surprised he hasn't tried this tactic against Latham earlier.
before Iraq, I would never have wanted latham to be PM

but now, I hope and pray howard is smashed and humiliated in the federal election.

Howard IMO is a war criminal and a traitor.
Originally posted by Rodion
True. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Prime Minister is more interested in clinging to power by any means available, than acting in the interests of Australia. And the Tampa election showed there's no limit to how low he can go. To be honst I'm surprised he hasn't tried this tactic against Latham earlier.

Its alright the government is about to start a new campaign costing US millions, to warn us to be careful and watch out for any dodgy looking people. Expect a new fridge magnet in the post.

Be alert and alarmed about taxpayer funded election advertising
Robert McClelland - Shadow Minister for Homeland Security,

Media Statement - 23 June 2004
Labor supports the need for a national security hotline.

However another $20 million, “Be Alert and Not Alarmed,” advertising campaign is all about politics, and very little to do with national security.

Simply ask yourself, how many be households still have the, “Be Alert and Not Alarmed,” fridge magnet on their fridge at the home?

The Australian people understand the seriousness of the threat posed by international terrorism. They don’t need another $20 million fridge magnet campaign to tell them all about it.

Australians want their tax dollars spent on ensuring Australia’s has the most accurate intelligence and the most advanced operational capacity to defend them from terrorism, they don’t want another fridge magnet.

Every dollar spent on fridge magnets, is one dollar less to spend on police officers and intelligence agents, its one dollar less to spend on a Coastguard and regional airport security.

John Howard has already committed to spending $123 million on advertising in the lead up to the next federal election.

This latest national security fridge magnet campaign will just be one more tax payer funded liberal party plug.
excerpts from article

Former friends and political rivals have alleged Mr Latham assaulted an older man in the lead-up to a state by-election for the seat of Liverpool in March 1989.

Mr Latham was alleged to have punched the man to the ground after he walked into the Labor campaign office and made a remark that the future Opposition leader objected to.

and to have demanded one councillor step outside to fight him.

because Australians were more interested in "good public policies for the future".
No shyt. So why so slow with releasing his tax plan?

"They would much rather be interested in where the education system is going to be 25 months from now
So why hasn't Mr Latham been clear about his policies?

"I'm not exactly a recluse. My life is not exactly a closed book.
But I removed all documentation regarding past policies before I became leader?

This guy is just as sneaky as Mr Howard. It's amazing that the ALP faithful can't stop crying about Howard's sneaky tricks. Latham's already developed a good portfolio of sneaky tricks and he's not even in office yet.

Mr Latham was involved in an incident during an earlier election that led to an unknown person breaking a collarbone.
Is there no end to Mr Latham's talents? Maybe he should be on the WWE tour? Mark "Maaaaan Boooobs" Latham!

The Prime Minister denied earlier this week that the Government was engaged in a smear campaign against Mr Latham.
Riiiiight. Just happened to conveniently surface just before the election.

But he indicated the Government would vigorously pursue Mr Latham over his tenure as mayor, amid claims he had left Liverpool Council's finances in a mess.
And so they should. Reports say that latham left Liverpool with record debt levels and that he completely screwed it up.


Dishonest (same as all politicians)
History of violence
Possible wife basher
History of bad management
Backflip extraordinair
Re: Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Originally posted by slyolddog
I only saw about a 5 minute promo of it, the whole story goes for 45 odd minutes apparently and 9 having had their 'investigative big guns' working on it for 6 months

Dodgy corrupt dealings while Mayor at Liverpool Council
Wife bashing
Standover tactics

all the usual good stuff ;)

Interesting to see what comes out. A few initial observations:

1) The media never attacked Beazley or Crean in this manner. It's obviously a smear campaign, but with obvious merit. Accusations of continued violence and dodgy deals need to be investigated.

2) It seems likely that as there are many separate violence claims against Mr Latham that they will stick. If there is in fact claims of wife beating without doctors reports, the other violence claims will put doubt in many peoples minds of Mr latham's innocence. If there are any doctors reports, he'll be history.
maybe we need Mike Moore to do a hatchet job on Johnny Howard!

looks like early reports suggest f9/11 is having a massive detrimental effect on Bush!


I would love it if someone with as much flair did the same to Howard.

certainly enough material.

Tampa, never never, lies about high court judge kirby, lies about WMD, lies about the torture incedents, lies about the FTA, lies about the Abrams tank, etc etc

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Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

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