Werewolf Chess Werewolf 5 - Pawn Stars (BLACK KING’S SOLDIERS WIN)

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The good news is you don't get modkilled for one missed vote.
Good to know. I almost missed today’s voting, as I was in pain with my hip for most of today. I wasn’t sure of the deadline but I got my vote in though

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She's been seered as evil?
Cadsky literally posted in the thread by mistake instead of their PM lol. And any thought they were the Jester is gone by their deadline vote. They're flat out evil.
Cadsky literally posted in the thread by mistake instead of their PM lol. And any thought they were the Jester is gone by their deadline vote. They're flat out evil.

Can’t wait for the Cadsky amulet ;)
Cadsky literally posted in the thread by mistake instead of their PM lol. And any thought they were the Jester is gone by their deadline vote. They're flat out evil.
Hang on, then why are you copping votes for?

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