Asia China's growing influence

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I didn't really know where to post this, I chose here because the current push to acquire nuclear weapons is all about the security challenge of a belligerent and rising China - and a bit about a declining and wobbly USA, I promise I won't say anything about Donald Trump. There has been a long standing rumour, without a shred of evidence, that we actually had a small secret stockpile of nukes. The Lowy have an article that discusses previous attempts of the land of Oz to acquire Nukes.

I couldn't possibly think the LNP new found interest in nuclear power has anything to do with obtaining nukes. Then I read this:

In 1969, Gorton proclaimed that “the time for this nation to enter the atomic age has now arrived” and committed to the construction of a 500-megawatt reactor at Jervis Bay. Publicly selling this as a measure to bolster energy self-sufficiency and build industrial capacity, Gorton and other advocates had their eye on the potential military applications: Gorton was to admit in 1999 that, “We were interested in this thing because it could provide electricity to everybody and it could, if you decided later on, make an atomic bomb”.
Article from the Interpreter discusses China’s economic interests in the Middle East and it's dependency on access to the region’s resources and markets. The Houthi's have not been helpful.

In the last part the author speculates how the PRC could apply pressure to reign in Iran, being it's largest trading partner.
Article from the Interpreter discusses China’s economic interests in the Middle East and it's dependency on access to the region’s resources and markets. The Houthi's have not been helpful.

In the last part the author speculates how the PRC could apply pressure to reign in Iran, being it's largest trading partner.
Ah yes Lowy, who fought to ethnic cleanse Palestine in 48, is supplying articles about how the PRC is going to get Iran in line, that'll happen

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Ah yes Lowy, who fought to ethnic cleanse Palestine in 48, is supplying articles about how the PRC is going to get Iran in line, that'll happen
Good point, but I suspect he has little to do with content. The author is not from the Lowy and I believe is independent. The concept that China can lean on Iran I think is correct, do you disagree? If the US can lean on Israel, it's possible for the worlds superpowers to influence the conflict, at least in principle?

How does one survive Chinese organ harvesting? No one usually survives organ harvesting, hence proof has been hard to come by. Chilling article from the Interpreter - they let you have 4 free articles a month. It's an incredible story.

"In 2021, U.N. human rights experts expressed concern over credible information about the practice. “Forced organ harvesting in China appears to be targeting specific ethnic, linguistic or religious minorities held in detention, often without being explained the reasons for arrest or given arrest warrants, at different locations,” they said. “We are deeply concerned by reports of discriminatory treatment of the prisoners or detainees based on their ethnicity and religion or belief.”

But hard evidence has been hard to come by. Analysts have had to rely on meticulous analysis of China’s organ donation statistics and medical records to investigate the issue.

Cheng’s testimony changes everything.
Good point, but I suspect he has little to do with content. The author is not from the Lowy and I believe is independent. The concept that China can lean on Iran I think is correct, do you disagree? If the US can lean on Israel, it's possible for the worlds superpowers to influence the conflict, at least in principle?
Independent ish, it's a think tank thats policy platform is clear

The two relationships aren't really comparable; Israel is an American(also British) creation (they also supply the vast majority of their arms), Iran is a multi millennia old civilisation that while heavily sanctioned has a trade relationship with China

Just for info Aus/china trade is around 300 billion, Iran/China trade is 15 billion
How does one survive Chinese organ harvesting? No one usually survives organ harvesting, hence proof has been hard to come by. Chilling article from the Interpreter - they let you have 4 free articles a month. It's an incredible story.

"In 2021, U.N. human rights experts expressed concern over credible information about the practice. “Forced organ harvesting in China appears to be targeting specific ethnic, linguistic or religious minorities held in detention, often without being explained the reasons for arrest or given arrest warrants, at different locations,” they said. “We are deeply concerned by reports of discriminatory treatment of the prisoners or detainees based on their ethnicity and religion or belief.”

But hard evidence has been hard to come by. Analysts have had to rely on meticulous analysis of China’s organ donation statistics and medical records to investigate the issue.

Cheng’s testimony changes everything.
It's falun gong, you and I both know it's a CIA front and you've gotta take everything here with a grain of salt

So essential one bloke that admits to swallowing razor blades and a nail, after apparently getting put on a medieval rack

After hours of excruciating torture known as “the big stretch,” during which his limbs were painfully stretched from all corners, Cheng swallowed a small rusty nail and a blunt blade he had found in the torture room.

Required surgery which he consented to,

This was the second time the family had been given such information, but this time, neither Cheng nor his family were asked to consent to the operation.
This is apparently the first time hard evidence has been found of 'organ harvesting', hmmmmmm certainly smells like nonsense propaganda

But hard evidence has been hard to come by. Analysts have had to rely on meticulous analysis of China’s organ donation statistics and medical records to investigate the issue.

Cheng’s testimony changes everything.

So missing a chunk of liver and a small part of a lung, which he apparently didn't realise until he got a scan. I'm no doctor but if this was 'harvesting' a small bit of each isn't going to be useful. He was probably a heavy drinker and smoker that got some life saving surgery, joined a weird cult and fled the country(about as plausible as his story)

A professor of mechanical engineering from a catholic University is the one who drummed this up, colour me shocked
Nieh emphasized the importance of Cheng’s testimony, stating, “Nobody knows what we meant by a survivor of forced organ harvesting because 99.9 percent die after being organ harvested. This is the first case we have found of a survivor.”

Man it's clearly rubbish propaganda, get some media literacy. If it's falun gong related you have to realise it's 90% rubbish and CIA funded agitprop, which is why China cracks down on them
Independent ish, it's a think tank thats policy platform is clear

The two relationships aren't really comparable; Israel is an American(also British) creation (they also supply the vast majority of their arms), Iran is a multi millennia old civilisation that while heavily sanctioned has a trade relationship with China

Just for info Aus/china trade is around 300 billion, Iran/China trade is 15 billion

It's falun gong, you and I both know it's a CIA front and you've gotta take everything here with a grain of salt

So essential one bloke that admits to swallowing razor blades and a nail, after apparently getting put on a medieval rack

After hours of excruciating torture known as “the big stretch,” during which his limbs were painfully stretched from all corners, Cheng swallowed a small rusty nail and a blunt blade he had found in the torture room.

Required surgery which he consented to,

This was the second time the family had been given such information, but this time, neither Cheng nor his family were asked to consent to the operation.
This is apparently the first time hard evidence has been found of 'organ harvesting', hmmmmmm certainly smells like nonsense propaganda

But hard evidence has been hard to come by. Analysts have had to rely on meticulous analysis of China’s organ donation statistics and medical records to investigate the issue.

Cheng’s testimony changes everything.

So missing a chunk of liver and a small part of a lung, which he apparently didn't realise until he got a scan. I'm no doctor but if this was 'harvesting' a small bit of each isn't going to be useful. He was probably a heavy drinker and smoker that got some life saving surgery, joined a weird cult and fled the country(about as plausible as his story)

A professor of mechanical engineering from a catholic University is the one who drummed this up, colour me shocked
Nieh emphasized the importance of Cheng’s testimony, stating, “Nobody knows what we meant by a survivor of forced organ harvesting because 99.9 percent die after being organ harvested. This is the first case we have found of a survivor.”

Man it's clearly rubbish propaganda, get some media literacy. If it's falun gong related you have to realise it's 90% rubbish and CIA funded agitprop, which is why China cracks down on them
No, the story is not necessarily rubbish.

Clearly you are no doctor because both liver and lungs are transplanted in part, separated out carefully into their lobes which have a single blood supply to hook up to the host. This is often done for transplants in children. The description given in the article seem consistent with this and if this can be proven, then there is almost no other way to get into this state.

You seem to mock the fact he didn't know parts of his organs were missing. Again this shows your ignorance. If he's been under anaesthesia then you don't know what's been done. Even with well intentioned surgeons sometimes the wrong thing gets removed under GA.

I agree that Falun Gong are not reliable in themselves, the evidence of the PRC using political prisoners as sources of organs is indisputable. Many years ago I had a colleague who was involved in censoring a couple of doctor involved in helping the Chinese set up a transplantation service. They were treated very well but over time evidence arose that it was prisoner organs being used. Unfortunately they kept working with the Chinese even after they knew this and further evidence came to light that they were political prisoners body parts were being used. They faced censure here for there activities and banned from cooperating with the PRC. At the same time Oz hospitals stopped training PRC transplant surgeons.

Actually I only came to post this. The PRC have finally confessed it was their freighter, NewNew Polar Bear that destroyed the Balticonnect pipeline last year. It was so stupid of them to deny it and go through the usual outrage they exhibit when called out on their actions. The Finns found anchor drag marks, part of an anchor and surprise, surprise, the NewNew Polar was missing an anchor. It was the only ship in the region.

No, the story is not necessarily rubbish.

Clearly you are no doctor because both liver and lungs are transplanted in part, separated out carefully into their lobes which have a single blood supply to hook up to the host. This is often done for transplants in children. The description given in the article seem consistent with this and if this can be proven, then there is almost no other way to get into this state.

You seem to mock the fact he didn't know parts of his organs were missing. Again this shows your ignorance. If he's been under anaesthesia then you don't know what's been done. Even with well intentioned surgeons sometimes the wrong thing gets removed under GA.

I agree that Falun Gong are not reliable in themselves, the evidence of the PRC using political prisoners as sources of organs is indisputable. Many years ago I had a colleague who was involved in censoring a couple of doctor involved in helping the Chinese set up a transplantation service. They were treated very well but over time evidence arose that it was prisoner organs being used. Unfortunately they kept working with the Chinese even after they knew this and further evidence came to light that they were political prisoners body parts were being used. They faced censure here for there activities and banned from cooperating with the PRC. At the same time Oz hospitals stopped training PRC transplant surgeons.

Actually I only came to post this. The PRC have finally confessed it was their freighter, NewNew Polar Bear that destroyed the Balticonnect pipeline last year. It was so stupid of them to deny it and go through the usual outrage they exhibit when called out on their actions. The Finns found anchor drag marks, part of an anchor and surprise, surprise, the NewNew Polar was missing an anchor. It was the only ship in the region.

You got me there, most definitely not a doctor. Knew about the living donor liver transplant, the lung thing was a surprise to me.

It's not indisputable; The evidence consists of some statistical anomalies and some eye witness from falon gong(which you've noted as not reliable). The US state department toured after some allegations and found no evidence, sure they could have covered it up also

The Chinese do use organs from prisoners put to death, which is fine imo, but if you think the regime does unethical death penalties then obviously you can't trade organs with them. I think this is where your friends got in trouble. It's not quite wholesale 'organ harvesting', which is atrocity propaganda

The whole cable thing. Yeh think we knew it was the Chinese flagged and crewed ship, failure/sabotage/accident? My money would be on the Russian's paying the capt to drop it for a nice pay day, revenge for nord stream, not necessarily state sanctioned. Will remain a mystery though I'd guess
Not much has changed with PRC belligerence in the South China Sea. Sabina shoal is 183km's offshore of the Philippines and within their EEZ, also claimed by Vietnam (500km away) and of course the PRC, more than 1000km away. Panda's don't change their spots or so they say.
Presidents Biden and Xi reached an agreement about the PRC controlling production of fentanyl precursors. This article suggests it's a waste of time.
Presidents Biden and Xi reached an agreement about the PRC controlling production of fentanyl precursors. This article suggests it's a waste of time.
The US opioid epidemic is as a direct result of the Sackler family and the massive marketing push on oxycontin as being addiction free lol

Since the crack down addicts have gone to heroin and fent. Fentanyl is a legit drug for end of life care and China's huge chemical supply dominance is obviously going to see them making most of it. The articles notes it comes through Mexican cartels into US ports, the issue is obviously demand and that's all on the US pharma companies. ASPI once again running China is at fault for a domestic US issue, what a surprise
The US opioid epidemic is as a direct result of the Sackler family and the massive marketing push on oxycontin as being addiction free lol

Since the crack down addicts have gone to heroin and fent. Fentanyl is a legit drug for end of life care and China's huge chemical supply dominance is obviously going to see them making most of it. The articles notes it comes through Mexican cartels into US ports, the issue is obviously demand and that's all on the US pharma companies. ASPI once again running China is at fault for a domestic US issue, what a surprise
I well know about the Sackler family, there is a very good book called Dopesick, that looks at the destruction wrought by the Oxycodone pushed into American communities by doctors who say 'No patient should be in pain' (nice idea that one, but probably the single most effective propaganda used by Big Pharma to push Oxycontin). It also shows where Trumps support comes from, communities ravaged by decades of unrestricted dog eat dog capitalism, delusional American mythology and the unfortunate propensity of some folks brains to adore opiates. In short, it's very complex and I am sure if it had not been Sackler/Oxycontin it would have been someone/something else. To say it was all the Sacklers is simplistic.

Over decades there have been many different peaks and troughs in use of the different types opiates and other drugs in the USA. It mostly depends on supply. Fentanyl and it's precursors, like much of the chemical industry is now mainly Chinese run. There is a clear Chinese connection but as the article points out there is probably little the US can do. Nearly all the new troublesome synthetic drugs come from the PRC or precursors made in the PRC. Folks argue if it's simply because they dominate the chemical industry, are exploiting illegal drugs/precursors deliberately for profit or there is a complex government plan to destroy the west from within. You be the judge.

Added - didn't know Dopesick made it to streaming. I am an old fuddy duddy.
Article from ASPI looking at the difficulty the PLA faces overcoming the Taiwan straight, written in light of the somewhat unsuccessful floating pier the US briefly built in Gaza. A monumental task with an uncertain outcome.

First publicly reported Chinese incursion into Japanese Territorial Airspace. There have been a number of incursions around disputed islands, this is the first in undisputed terrain. Looking at the map the incursion appear around an island, so could be accidental or could be a test.
I well know about the Sackler family, there is a very good book called Dopesick, that looks at the destruction wrought by the Oxycodone pushed into American communities by doctors who say 'No patient should be in pain' (nice idea that one, but probably the single most effective propaganda used by Big Pharma to push Oxycontin). It also shows where Trumps support comes from, communities ravaged by decades of unrestricted dog eat dog capitalism, delusional American mythology and the unfortunate propensity of some folks brains to adore opiates. In short, it's very complex and I am sure if it had not been Sackler/Oxycontin it would have been someone/something else. To say it was all the Sacklers is simplistic.
So a US internal issue. Basically everyone loves opiates when they can get them, exposing them to addiction through wholesale prescription in economically depressed areas is entirely the US's fault
Over decades there have been many different peaks and troughs in use of the different types opiates and other drugs in the USA.
This is true, could low key prevent a lot of overdose deaths by opening the coke/crack trade while clamping the opiates. Obviously a little silly but its difficult to overdose on those, throw in meth

The peaks and troughs in drug addictions follow availability and levels of economic depression. They have literally created this current crisis because of corporate greed
It mostly depends on supply.
Yeh ok fair, ignore the last bit
Fentanyl and it's precursors, like much of the chemical industry is now mainly Chinese run. There is a clear Chinese connection but as the article points out there is probably little the US can do. Nearly all the new troublesome synthetic drugs come from the PRC or precursors made in the PRC. Folks argue if it's simply because they dominate the chemical industry, are exploiting illegal drugs/precursors deliberately for profit or there is a complex government plan to destroy the west from within. You be the judge.
I think the latter is fantasy/propaganda(as I'm sure you'd guess). They do dominate the industry and it's a useful drug in appropriate settings as well as the precursors having alternate uses.

You may well say the US can do very little, the drugs come through US ports from Mexican cartels that manufacture it(largely). I would say China can do even less and they have openly tried some restrictions and increased regulations
Added - didn't know Dopesick made it to streaming. I am an old fuddy duddy.
Haven't read the book myself, the tv series is good though, would recommend

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Article from ASPI looking at the difficulty the PLA faces overcoming the Taiwan straight, written in light of the somewhat unsuccessful floating pier the US briefly built in Gaza. A monumental task with an uncertain outcome.
I mean, I'll try to stop soon but you keep linking ASPI, I can barely resist

For a start why use the pier when there's an allied port next door, bringing in other wars

The pier’s lesson for China is that invading the island would be a doomed endeavour.
Or more likely the lesson is that the US navy is far past it's peak and if maintaining an aid pier is too much then indefinite supply and resisting a blockade of Taiwan is probably beyond them. The failure to secure the Red sea against a non state actor would add to this.

The article seems to be based on the idea China would rely on floating piers in a Taiwan invasion, I can't see any evidence for this. ASPI using a US failure to suggest an entirely unrelated hypothetical future Chinese move would also fail, hmmmmm?

First publicly reported Chinese incursion into Japanese Territorial Airspace. There have been a number of incursions around disputed islands, this is the first in undisputed terrain. Looking at the map the incursion appear around an island, so could be accidental or could be a test.
Surveillance plane makes a micro incursion to an uninhabited inland airspace, big news.

Having said that all nations will make small incursions into non aligned airspace to test air defence/radar pings etc. It's pretty standard practice and no one considers it an act of war
Some fun stuff from China. Have to wonder how much of Xi's admin have similar Han chauvinistic viewpoints.

Al Jazeera reporter questions Chinese academic over Taiwan invasion

British-American journalist Mehdi Hasan questioned a Chinese think tank official over Beijing's justification for an invasion of Taiwan
Interview in question

Claim 10% of Taiwanese are of Japanese descent is fact-checked

It is reasonable to estimate that the number of people with Japanese ancestry in Taiwan today could be as high as 1 million people, or nearly 4% of the population. Even if that number is inflated, which it may be, a percentage of 1% to 2% of the total population remains probable.

The general consensus on ethnic demographics in Taiwan is that 70% are Hoklo, and 15% are Hakka, both groups with ancestors having arrived in Taiwan between the 17th and late 19th centuries. Meanwhile, the group that came to Taiwan from China after 1949 represents a little over 10% of the current population. Indigenous peoples account for almost 2.3%, while foreign residents account for almost 3.5%.

Genetics in Taiwan is quite interesting actually. I got a bit of a lesson on it recently from a doctor. I had tumor taken out, the type of which is common in older white men, but extremely rare in East Asians. Ok, I'm an expat WASP here so fits. Then she says that in all of Taiwan, this city, the first one on the island set up by the Dutch, has had a few dozen cases over the years. So the Dutch guys took native women, I knew that. But it dawned on me that when the Chinese pirate Koxinga defeated and kicked out them out, he took all the Dutch women, the wives of their officials etc. and made them concubines of his top officers. So those genes are swimming around here also.

In other news...cha bu duo f-up or sacrifice for Ghost Month?

China appears to have used a new type of drone

New Taiwan underwater drone

and a snapshot of China's regular activities around the island.

China sends 50 planes, ships around Taiwan

...Genetics in Taiwan is quite interesting actually. I got a bit of a lesson on it recently from a doctor. I had tumor taken out, the type of which is common in older white men, but extremely rare in East Asians. Ok, I'm an expat WASP here so fits. Then she says that in all of Taiwan, this city, the first one on the island set up by the Dutch, has had a few dozen cases over the years. So the Dutch guys took native women, I knew that. But it dawned on me that when the Chinese pirate Koxinga defeated and kicked out them out, he took all the Dutch women, the wives of their officials etc. and made them concubines of his top officers. So those genes are swimming around here also.
Interesting post. I do hope you are OK.

OT - Taiwanese genetics are interesting. Eastern Taiwan was the source for the Austronesians who pushed into the pacific over 4000 years ago. There is a lot of Austronesian DNA in folks in southern China and nearby countries. Some of the indigenous groups in south east Asia are predominately of Austronesian stock. Bill Chalker's famous 'Alien Hair' allegedly had a weird DNA mix from indigenous Taiwan and the Basques.
Interesting post. I do hope you are OK.

OT - Taiwanese genetics are interesting. Eastern Taiwan was the source for the Austronesians who pushed into the pacific over 4000 years ago. There is a lot of Austronesian DNA in folks in southern China and nearby countries. Some of the indigenous groups in south east Asia are predominately of Austronesian stock. Bill Chalker's famous 'Alien Hair' allegedly had a weird DNA mix from indigenous Taiwan and the Basques.
Thanks, not a worry just a scare. More for the wife than me honestly. :) The doctor is a hoot, loves to talk. She had a lot of info on pre-1949 families and neighborhoods. Her patients, myself included tend to have to wait a while. lol

Yes the Austronesian populating of SE Asia and Oceania is fascinating, as is the Ice Age migrations to Aus and Alaska. Taiwan has had several waves of prehistoric ones and there are some interesting archaeological mysteries. There are indigenous legends of little people ala Flores Island hobbits. Recently the theory of the Oceanic continent, since submerged, is also intriguing. There is a lot we don't know yet.
China trying to do a land grab
The PRC are getting more threatening to the Philippines wrt Sabina Shoal.
This SCMP article fails to mention the Sabina Shoal is within the Philippines EEZ. The Philippines is acting within it's rights, the PRC is acting illegally. The concept of an EEZ was ratified by the UN in 1982. Here is a short definition:

An “exclusive economic zone,” or “EEZ” is an area of the ocean, generally extending 200 nautical miles (230 miles) beyond a nation's territorial sea, within which a coastal nation has jurisdiction over both living and nonliving resources.
The PRC are getting more threatening to the Philippines wrt Sabina Shoal.
This SCMP article fails to mention the Sabina Shoal is within the Philippines EEZ. The Philippines is acting within it's rights, the PRC is acting illegally. The concept of an EEZ was ratified by the UN in 1982. Here is a short definition:

An “exclusive economic zone,” or “EEZ” is an area of the ocean, generally extending 200 nautical miles (230 miles) beyond a nation's territorial sea, within which a coastal nation has jurisdiction over both living and nonliving resources.
A lot of Anglo- Australians who support China have never worked there and have no real idea what China is like.
A lot of Anglo- Australians who support China have never worked there and have no real idea what China is like.
They wouldn't care if they had experienced Xis leadership because-
1) They only care about the money they make from investment and immigration
2) They don't care what Xi does to the Chinese people, Xuighars, Tibetans, Bhutanese, Japanese, Taiwanese, Philippinos etc because they are actually racist
3) America is bad so anyone America says is bad must be good
4).Some are actually CCP bots or staff pretending to be Austalians including some very pro Xi/Putin people on this site
5) Influencers are directly paid by the MSS hence why they have so much access to social media in China unlike the Chinese people living under Xis dictatorship

It doesn't help when people say China is bad, it is Xi's dictatorship that is bad which is very different from the Chinese people.who have no say especially given Xi has thrown out historic rules that would have limited him to two terms. The MSS uses blanket statements like China is bad to say that criticism of their human rights abuses and aggression is racist.

On SM-A136B using mobile app
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The PRC are getting more threatening to the Philippines wrt Sabina Shoal.
This SCMP article fails to mention the Sabina Shoal is within the Philippines EEZ. The Philippines is acting within it's rights, the PRC is acting illegally. The concept of an EEZ was ratified by the UN in 1982. Here is a short definition:

An “exclusive economic zone,” or “EEZ” is an area of the ocean, generally extending 200 nautical miles (230 miles) beyond a nation's territorial sea, within which a coastal nation has jurisdiction over both living and nonliving resources.
China doesn't give a stuff about the UN.

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Asia China's growing influence

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