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Just told mum that I want to move out. She has used all the arguments you have listed there lucifer and more to try and convince me it is best to stay home.

The main reason I want to move out is to live closer to uni and the majority of my mates live close to the city. It would also be great fun living out of home and with a couple of mates.

I have been doing the calculations in my head and this is what I think.
Rent - $120
Food - $100
Bills - $80

So that is $300 a week and probably on the conservative side. Will have around $6000 saved up by the time I move out and between that, study allowance and part time work it should be enough to survive. On the plus side I would save a shitload on petrol and taxis.
Just told mum that I want to move out. She has used all the arguments you have listed there lucifer and more to try and convince me it is best to stay home.

The main reason I want to move out is to live closer to uni and the majority of my mates live close to the city. It would also be great fun living out of home and with a couple of mates.

I have been doing the calculations in my head and this is what I think.
Rent - $120
Food - $100
Bills - $80

So that is $300 a week and probably on the conservative side. Will have around $6000 saved up by the time I move out and between that, study allowance and part time work it should be enough to survive. On the plus side I would save a shitload on petrol and taxis.

Thailand ftw....

where you looking at moving out? how close to city? areas?

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Caulfield, ftw.

Before you move out of home you think it will be awesome having your own independance, get pissed all the time etc. but it is far more responsibility financially than i took it for. if i had my time again, i would have saved my money & put a deposit on a house rather than renting. now i'm about to try & do both. goodbye sportsbar. i am having my last real big one for a while on the weekend. i am going to get absolutely munted. after that, i'm saving for a house.
Well you guys have been no help at all other than to say how good rooting hookers in Thailand is. For what it is worth i think I am going to move out. Feel bad for dogging the other guys on the trip but that happens some times.

It also may spell the end of my career at lang lang/bigfooty gippy forum.
The other thing about moving out is who you move out with.

This hasnt even been considered here yet.

To move out with a mate is bad news. I speak from experience.

When I was 19 I moved in with probably my best mate and we thought it was great.... for a while. Then he lost his job, was mooching money of me... I was payin the rent, he got a girlfriend who was there all the time.... and a major pain in the arse eventually. She was fine to start with cause she was cleaning and stuff, but then I couldnt get rid of her.

It all turned to shit after a massive argument and he moved out, leaving me with all the costs. We havent spoken in 17 years.

I then moved in with a shiela and it was perfect. She was too proud to live in a pigsty and I was scared she would punch me up if I didnt keep up my end of the deal. I lived with her for 6 months and it was only that I found a girl who would be my eventual wife that I left , and moved in with her.

Think about it, mate.

By all means, move out, but be wary with whom. Mates change pretty quickly if the equlibrium is upset.
Thanks for that plugger.

From what I have heard when you move in with mate/s one of two things happen. You either become even closer or as in your case the relationship sours. I guess you have to take the chance to find out.

The mate I am planning on moving in with we used to go out together every week but not so much now. Not sure if that is a good or a bad thing.
I've changed my mind

Move out if your moving to those areas.... GREAT IDEA

will give me somewhere to crash close to the city when messy
I've changed my mind

Move out if your moving to those areas.... GREAT IDEA

will give me somewhere to crash close to the city when messy
good post. living, or being away from home.

kings cross is the shit every night club is open every night till 4am and 7am on the weekends.

i went to the club next to the hostel and there was more people out the front smoking than there would be out in the whole in warragul on a saturday night and its a wednesday.

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oh yes i am living in the cross went to a club last night and there were more people out the front smoking than there would be at the mersh and sporty put together and it was only a "quiet" wednesday night
Goal Sneak, you said that you have already booked the holiday, have you payed anything towards it? Once you get into full time work/living away from home/get a mrs/whatever else comes along, it will be pretty difficult, if not impossible to come up with the money/time to go overseas with the boys and run wild. If you have put some cash towards Thailand, and you are in a position to be able to go through with it, I would probably suggest that you should take the chance whilst it is there.
The cross is scary when you are on footy trip with drunk blokes that have never really been out of Lang Lang before.
Goal Sneak, you said that you have already booked the holiday, have you payed anything towards it? Once you get into full time work/living away from home/get a mrs/whatever else comes along, it will be pretty difficult, if not impossible to come up with the money/time to go overseas with the boys and run wild. If you have put some cash towards Thailand, and you are in a position to be able to go through with it, I would probably suggest that you should take the chance whilst it is there.

Have paid $200 or so deposit. The way I see it is running amok for a year or so while I move out vs 2 weeks running wild in Thailand. While the two weeks will be awesome I reckon I would prefer a year or so out of home with mates.
here is a picture of me drinking a bottle of aftershave in a dusties t-shirt. gross.


Here is me and my girlfriend after a few beers
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