Club claims pressured by AFL to relocate in Tasmania

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Mascot Greggo

Senior List
May 5, 2007
Beaumaris, Victoria
AFL Club
North Melbourne
Here's a link to an interesting article in today's Hun.

Helps to explain WANM's motion to insert protection into the club's constitution against more than 4 home games being moved interstate per season without we, the members, having a vote on it first!

The club would currently still have two home games up its sleeve that it could play interstate before they would even have to ask! WANM being pretty fair on recognizing the commercial return justification I reckon. Especially, since many don't want any home games played interstate at all.

In fact, the club's board could even make it speedy child's play by arranging affairs so that there could be electronic voting by members on whether any more than 4 home games could be played interstate a season, provided a sufficiently juicy commercial case existed and was properly explained for it. That way members would have a say, and the club wouldn't be compromised and miss out on a commercial return though an extended wait for approval.

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Got it. It's a long article, but due to it's importance I will post it.

It has nothing to do with any "club claims"

Ron Joseph yesterday added his weight to a supporters' group demanding the club board limit to four the number of "home" matches that can be played outside Victoria each year.

"The fear of every North supporter is that the club is once again in the sights of the AFL," Joseph said.

Club chairman James Brayshaw gave supporters a "cast iron guarantee" on Saturday that North would not relocate while he remained in charge.

But the We Are North Melbourne supporters' group has put a motion to change the club's constitution and force the board to obtain the approval of members for any extra matches played outside Victoria. Members will vote on the resolution at the annual general meeting on March 19.

Brayshaw said his board did not support it because it would be too restrictive on future administrations.

Joseph said he smelt a rat.

"The resolution shouldn't be a problem for James Brayshaw - he is the one who boasts that he gave the club back to the members," Joseph said.

"Why wouldn't every member support it? All it is saying is that members have got a right to have their voices heard if there is any proposal to go to Tasmania or to merge.

"I don't trust the AFL and the way they go about things. North would be playing in gold stripes now on the Gold Coast if they had got their way (in 2007).

"The AFL is top-heavy, overpaid and dangerously unaccountable."

North will play two home games in Hobart this season under a three-year deal that began last year.

Former Kangaroos chief executive Eugene Arocca has also backed the supporters' group.

"Anything more than four home games interstate is a step towards relocation," Arocca said.

There's a few things I can get out of this.

1) Ron is definitely influencing WANM.
2) This article is sensationalist drivel designed to get the amendment in place.
3) Eugene should understand that he isn't the CEO any more and it's improper for him to publicly engage in this manner.

At the end of the day, Ron and Eugene are just members of the club like the rest of us.

Basically, it's rubbish.
Dunno HTB. Just posting it.

Doesn't affect the issue though, and if EA reckons its a threat - with his background knowledge - now that's sufficient to concern me!

Surely you should ascertain these facts before launching in to a conspiracy theory?

Eugene is just another member of the club. The only difference with Eugene is that it's possible that he has an axe to grind. As a former office holder, his public stance on this matter is inappropriate, and is the exact sort of behavior that saw his sacked from his position in the first place.
The only thing the article is missing is a quote from PDR.

Make it happen Euge.


After giving it more consideration, I have decided not to support the amendment. The club cannot be relocated without the members blessing, and that is good enough for me.

I'm not a fan of these cheap sensationalist manipulative stunts. Ron is undermining confidence in the club and is clearly out of line here.
Got it. It's a long article, but due to it's importance I will post it.

It has nothing to do with any "club claims"

There's a few things I can get out of this.

1) Ron is definitely influencing WANM.
2) This article is sensationalist drivel designed to get the amendment in place.
3) Eugene should understand that he isn't the CEO any more and it's improper for him to publicly engage in this manner.

At the end of the day, Ron and Eugene are just members of the club like the rest of us.

Basically, it's rubbish.

Perhaps HTB, you could also post the TITLE to the article if you are going to post the body of it to support your stance. I noted when I first read it that there was no mention of a quote from the club (not surprising really), but that's how the TITLE read.

How would you know whether RJ is influencing WANM or not? You have stated that as fact. On what basis? Frankly, most if not all he has to say is common knowledge.

As for EA, since when is it inappropriate for a member of our club to have the freedom to express an opinion. You do. I do. There's no axe-grinding here. No criticism of the club. He's simply expressing (with more background knowledge than you or me will ever have on the issue) a justified concern about where he sees a "tipping point" in the number of interstate games where North begins to be vulnerable to being pushed further towards a relocation.

The article may or may not be rubbish. But the issue, which is real, certainly isn't. In fact its deadly serious for those who fought to retain the club as other than one re-born as a QLD "franchise" back in 2007.
Perhaps HTB, you could also post the TITLE to the article if you are going to post the body of it to support your stance. I noted when I first read it that there was no mention of a quote from the club (not surprising really), but that's how the TITLE read.

The title is clearly misrepresentative, but this falls back on you and the fact that you did not evaluate the content before launching onward with your preconceived agenda.

How would you know whether RJ is influencing WANM or not? You have stated that as fact. On what basis? Frankly, most if not all he has to say is common knowledge.

A person with baseline intelligence should be able to correlate that these are my views.

As for EA, since when is it inappropriate for a member of our club to have the freedom to express an opinion. You do. I do. There's no axe-grinding here. No criticism of the club. He's simply expressing (with more background knowledge than you or me will ever have on the issue) a justified concern about where he sees a "tipping point" in the number of interstate games where North begins to be vulnerable to being pushed further towards a relocation.

Eugene is only enjoying exposure here as he was a former office holder of the club, not because he is a member. He is an intelligent man and would be aware of this. It is therefore inappropriate that he engages in such conduct.

The article may or may not be rubbish.

It is rubbish.

But the issue, which is real, certainly isn't.

It's an issue which all North members have already been informed about.

In fact its deadly serious for those who fought to retain the club as other than one re-born as a QLD "franchise" back in 2007.

Stop utilising ridiculous words such as "deadly serious", and the assigning such terms to all who fought to stave off the relocation. I get the impression that WANM alone thinks it saved the club from relocation. Of course, this is complete and utter bullshit.

You need to give your adrenal gland a rest.

If Eugene, RJ, PDR and WANM are so concerned about matters then they should fork out the $5 million debt from their own pockets, instead of pissing and moaning about an odd game here or there.
I'm sick of these former administrators still trying to have an influence at the club. They dislike Brayshaw because he watered down their influence and power and they dont like it. People like PDR and RJ keep talking about a boys club at the club now but from what I remember when they were running the club, members didn't have much of a voice, if at all.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Joseph, DeRauch, Aylett et al have had their go now let JB and his team have theirs. While I initially agreed with the WANM proposal, like HtB, I have changed my mind.

These former administrators don't have the club's interest at heart, they have their own and I'm over all the public posturing they like to engage in. They should shut up and support the club or approach JB privately and give him the respect he deserves or they can all get stuffed.
The title is clearly misrepresentative, but this falls back on you and the fact that you did not evaluate the content before launching onward with your preconceived agenda.

A person with baseline intelligence should be able to correlate that these are my views.

Eugene is only enjoying exposure here as he was a former office holder of the club, not because he is a member. He is an intelligent man and would be aware of this. It is therefore inappropriate that he engages in such conduct.

It is rubbish.

It's an issue which all North members have already been informed about.

Stop utilising ridiculous words such as "deadly serious", and the assigning such terms to all who fought to stave off the relocation. I get the impression that WANM alone thinks it saved the club from relocation. Of course, this is complete and utter bullshit.

You need to give your adrenal gland a rest.

If Eugene, RJ, PDR and WANM are so concerned about matters then they should fork out the $5 million debt from their own pockets, instead of pissing and moaning about an odd game here or there.

So, if the title of the newspaper article is misrepresentative as you say, me unilaterally changing it would also be misrepresentative of what appeared in the paper - which is, in accordance with the normal BF process, simply what I was posting. I'm getting a sense however that your apparent strong aversion against misrepresentation is a one-way concern - especially when you're driving an agenda that is.

Yes, Eugene is an intelligent man. He knows what he's talking about. So do I. Which is why I support WANM's motion.

I do find it interesting that you dismiss the views of an admittedly intelligent man - who as I say has more knowledge about this issue than you will ever have - and who was roundly applauded for what he did for our club.

That said, I couldn't give a stuff who makes a commentary on the issue, in the press or otherwise. Though it may irk the board somewhat the members deserve to have their say. If such a protection as is being sought against too many games interstate had been embedded in the Constitution pre-2007, we wouldn't have had the AFL/previous club board's cloak and dagger game virtually have us up on the Gold Coast before the real situation got out.

And yes, in 2007 it was actually WANM which first put what was going on with relocation (actually, the death of the club we know) out there into the public domain, and continued working behind the scenes for months. Did WANM exclusively save the club back then? Of course not. The fantastic work of Roosistance, and a host of others played their part as well. Make no mistake though, WANM was an important player and without its voice the deal may have been done and dusted before anyone was told. You do remember that the members were not being told the truth don't you? Which is why simply relying on a few occupants of the board at any given time is NOT enough for me as protection against relocation.

You really are disconnected from what 80-odd percent of members think about "the odd game here or there" aren't you. Remember that BF poll about a week ago? Wouldn't be acting as a voice of the board by any chance would you?

And as for my adrenal gland. You let me worry about that, even with my apparently "baseline intelligence".

I see you have a card. I do hope it changes its colour.
RJ's support of the WANM issue is more likely to be a hindrance. I reckon the club would be happy with the article.

If the Sun runs a deRauch/Aylett quote tomorrow you can pretty much guarantee the board vote will get up. JB still has the blue rinse brigade clapping and cheering him on.

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I'm sick of these former administrators still trying to have an influence at the club. They dislike Brayshaw because he watered down their influence and power and they dont like it. People like PDR and RJ keep talking about a boys club at the club now but from what I remember when they were running the club, members didn't have much of a voice, if at all.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Joseph, DeRauch, Aylett et al have had their go now let JB and his team have theirs. While I initially agreed with the WANM proposal, like HtB, I have changed my mind.

These former administrators don't have the club's interest at heart, they have their own and I'm over all the public posturing they like to engage in. They should shut up and support the club or approach JB privately and give him the respect he deserves or they can all get stuffed.

Bigeasy I quite often read your posts and usually respect the logic behind them.

But, whilst I understand the point you are making, I think you changing your view regarding support for the motion itself, because of the actions of individuals no longer even associated with the club is, with respect, kind of missing the point a little bit.

I have noticed that (especially in the AGM it's going to be a belter thread) consideration of whether the members should have a vote on how many games are played interstate and the (admittedly, not total) protection that gives against a relocation, gets muddled with opinions on certain previous (and current for that matter) club identities, and the general performance of JB and our current board - which I personally think has been pretty good.

Obviously we are all entitled to our opinion and to vote how we wish, but I think the issue, which is really quite a confined one about members' entitlements, and clearly expressed as not being an attack on our current board, needs to be judged on its merits and not what various others have to say as background chatter.

As I say, I respect your posting, but would urge you and others not to "throw the baby out with the bathwater". This attempt to give the members some say on the issue is highly unlikely to happen again, and a vote against it could in the future be seen (in fact I personally fear it will be seen) as a vote of encouragement to the board to move however many games they think fit - on the basis that the members had, in a sense, already voted on the issue.
There are some otherwise discerning people who seem to develop a blind spot on this topic.

WANM's initiative isn't just some tinfoil hat overreaction. It's a hedge against history repeating.

But no doubt there'll now be 2 weeks of slander and discrediting of PDR, Ron Joseph etc as the blind faithful and short-sighted types.
Agree, getting bitter old f****** to promote an agenda is full of fail. I agree with the proposal but won't vote for it.

Do these cranky old people still barrack for the club? Have not heard a public utterance from one of them saying they are thrilled and excited by what lies ahead for us.

Just like politicians and others with power, they are using a genuine issue to promote themselves. The powerful couldn't give a f*** about us or our club, just the prestige and power they can gain.

If anything we need a Board position for a non qualified 9-5 supporter who can call an ass clown an ass clown without fearing the trough being pulled from under their snout.
Teffy, whatever you think of WANM or RJ, what is wrong with the members having a say in extra games?

To me it's simple - it doesn't stop 5 games in Tas, if it was so vital down the track. It simply gives the members the final say, which is how it should be IMO.
The article is just another scaremongering attempt to destabilise the current board by a few disenfranchised people with an axe to grind.

Ironically, the same people who jump up and down about the "caros" and "fatpricks" of this world seem to have no problem with engaging in the same low level tripe when it suits their agenda.
Teffy, whatever you think of WANM or RJ, what is wrong with the members having a say in extra games?

To me it's simple - it doesn't stop 5 games in Tas, if it was so vital down the track. It simply gives the members the final say, which is how it should be IMO.

I don't know how anyone could fathom that a Brayshaw administration would ever approve such a relocation move, and i'm not a rabid believer of another game sold = closer to relocation psychology. We sell games to make money to ensure our stability as a Melbourne club.

As for future elections, if candidates don't ensure their position as supporters of an Arden Street only club, then they would be committing political suicide.

If RJ, EA, PDR, WANM and whoever think they can run the club better then get together an alternative ticket & policies and run for election. It's as simple as that.
I don't know how anyone could fathom that a Brayshaw administration would ever approve such a relocation move, and i'm not a rabid believer of another game sold = closer to relocation psychology. We sell games to make money to ensure our stability as a Melbourne club.

As for future elections, if candidates don't ensure their position as supporters of an Arden Street only club, then they would be committing political suicide.

If RJ, EA, PDR, WANM and whoever think they can run the club better then get together an alternative ticket & policies and run for election. It's as simple as that.

I dare not try to speak for HtB, but for me the issue isn't the motion per se (notwithstanding that I think the wording is poorly thought through) but that it has an anti-JB smell about it now, and is potentially disruptive to our season.

The last half dozen anti-JB/pro-PdR articles in the Hun have been written by Warner (teddy bear article etc), and so I have no doubt that he is PdR's mouth-piece. Given PdR is also a shareholder in SEN, I expect he'll have some air time on the issue soon enough, which will be just grand as we try to build optimism, re-sign sponsors etc.

And so for me, my major problem with the motion is quickly becoming that it is providing all of the old JB-haters another platform to lay the boots in and get their 5 minutes in the sun and pour fuel on a fire that was otherwise under control.

And as former Board members and executives, RJ and Euge ought to know better.
For clarity sake I'd be curious to hear from WANM people of they have any significant links with former club administrators and if any of those administrators are involved in influencing the activities of the group.
If RJ, EA, PDR, WANM and whoever think they can run the club better then get together an alternative ticket & policies and run for election. It's as simple as that.

Well if someone wanted to bring this to a head they would offer 7 games with one hand and threaten withdrawal of 4 with the other and deliberately trigger the member vote where the board would be in a state of paralysis.

Board would be in a lose, lose, lose position. If North had $4M revenue and say 8 - 10 k members in Hobart it would be compelled to go to a potentially polarising and messy member vote.

Any vote to the contrary could easily be manipulated as a no confidence in the board or it is weak and so on by Squealer aka Caro or Fatpig Smith.

Meanwhile Napoleon aka Vlad or the AFL would be sending please explain letters to the board on how they plan to replace the $4m revenue and question the ability to grow the membership.

If people want to peddle doomsday scenarios to support this amendment they should actually go through the exercise of having a member vote and what the possible outcome is.

The scenario described above is exactly the type of thing that happened on the GC where the shareholder structure, GC games, $1.2 M revenue and everything under the sun was used against the NMFC.

All I have read so far is the boogeyman will be some Trojan horse member elected to an unpaid position where the majority of the board will be brainwashed towards relocation.

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Club claims pressured by AFL to relocate in Tasmania

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