Coaching suggestions

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Re: Give Sheeds 3 years...

Just do it for FFS and lets get this list built. Who coaches us after that i dont really give a shit. Or better still have a ****ing bluerprint set from now on the future of the coaching panel. But the sooner we have Sheeds at the helm, the sooner he can cast his eye on prospects and the sooner we actually build this list with talent. ;)

No. Move on.
Re: Tim Watson - Sheedy has to take over now.

Sure is coach. I no longer think this is about finding a better coach. This is about sorting out the politics and offield issues that result in the players carrying on like they have this week and throwing games.

IMO this list has a lot of the same issues during Walls reign. I had the feeling in the 2nd half on the weekend that they were throwing the game on purpose. Loose men so many times in the 4Q taking marks in the 50m .....WTF?

I just reckon the off field issues now dominate what happens on the ground and there is only one bloke that can sort it out behind the scenes. Not saying Sheedy can still coach. Just that the priority is to sort out the backroom coterie blokes leaking and pumping up average players and only Sheedy could probably do it.

Then we can sack him and bring in Hird or Hardwick to actually coach the team ;)

You have won me, I say lets do it :thumbsu:

First we got rid of the possum poo now its time to clean out the real shit before we can move forward.

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Re: Jade Rawlings Caretaker

I've seen Coburg a few times, and what i've seen of Rawlings does NOT impress me at all. Yes, he will give players a spray, but his gameplan and structure are horrible. 2 of the things that we criticise Terry about. For those that watched the Coburg v Casey game on ABC a few weeks back, you should remember how bad Coburg looked. Players seemed lost and there wasn't much flow in the ball movement.

Sheeds >>>>>>>daylight >>>>>>>>trained spider monkey >>>>>>>> trained chimpanzee >>>>>>> daylight >>>>>> pet rock >>>>>>> Jade Rawlings.

Ok, a bit hard on the chimpanzee in that one as he may beat the spider monkey on his day.
Re: Tim Watson - Sheedy has to take over now.

I would prefer Malthouse to coach us next year, I mean look at the guys record.

First West Coast where he won 2 premierships in 10 years
Second Collingwood where he got them to 2 premierships in 10 years

he has been a long term coach at two clubs now and I think he is the right guy for the job if we go the experience route.
He will be signed up by collingwood, its allmost a given..
Re: Give Sheeds 3 years...

Cogga, Sheedy's list management at Essendon in his last five or six years was nearly worse than Frawley's.
Do we really need another coach who will reach for stop-gap measures?
We need to wipe the slate clean. And by clean, I mean spotless.

Not so sure about that now Tugg, I used to be of that school of thought, however this year they have recorded some fine wins and are looking every bit a finalist at this...More than 90% of the team that took the field on sat night would have been recruited during sheeds era as opposed to Knighters last 2 drafts
The only way Sheedy could coach Richmond is as a caretaker for the rest of the season, under the strict proviso that the remainder of 2009 WILL BE his only time at the helm.
My feeling is that our results will improve in the second half of the season, whoever is coach (even in the 1000 to 1 chance that Wallace is still there). We've played good footy in patches but haven't been able to put it all together. If Sheeds is caretaker and we win a few games, the 'unleash the geish' type of cries will be a crescendo and it will be impossible to quell the calls to appoint him.

On the other hand, there are a few things that sheeds brings that we love at Richmond:
  • a media circus on his appointment. Following the Cousins recruitment and ploughs tenure, we'll go cold turkey without another one.
  • hanging on to underperfomring players for years.
  • playing favorites like Mercuri even when they were hopelessly out of form
  • recycling players from other clubs.
Of course, unlike Richmond he had quite a bit of success even with those strategies. So I wouldn't underestimate the wiley old fox. He may just be the man for the job. But I'm still a long way from convinced.

Our approach to coaches has been much the same as recruiting players. 4 out of our last 6 coaches have been recycled from other clubs. The other 2 were bargain basement picks where we thought we could get value beyond their cost. Prior to that our coaches were all ex-Richmond players.

For once I'd like to see us take a punt on a highly credentialled coach-in-waiting, rather than go down the old formula of recycled, cheap or ex-Tiger for a coach.
Re: Give Sheeds 3 years...

not so sure about that now tugg, i used to be of that school of thought, however this year they have recorded some fine wins and are looking every bit a finalist at this...more than 90% of the team that took the field on sat night would have been recruited during sheeds era as opposed to knighters last 2 drafts

exactly!!!! and they had probably 2 or 3 seniors in the team, with another one langusihing in the 2s, who would be a walk up start in our line up ATM.
When you have talent to work with, you dont end up relying on keeping senior players in the team, because of a lack of alternatives. I will again draw a comparison between Patto & Ryder. Both are of the same ilk, when talking mobile ruckmen. One has played CHB and CHF and then when called on, has in no uncertain terms, got the footy world going gaga, comparing him to the greats and the other is "still developing", and we hope he might "hold down" some kind of role. ;)
Re: Tim Watson - Sheedy has to take over now.

This is actually the reason I'm getting cold on Hardwick. Clearly Knighter read the list better. Hardwick was just following the Clarkson model he'd been part of at Hawthorn. I agree we need to throw some more money at the entire football department though.

Need to be aware that Knighter was already working for Essendon as the coach of Bendigo. So his appreciation and understanding of the list should in reality be better than Hardwicks as an outsider. Another good reason however why the Knights appointment was right for Essendon.
Re: Jade Rawlings Caretaker

I've seen Coburg a few times, and what i've seen of Rawlings does NOT impress me at all. Yes, he will give players a spray, but his gameplan and structure are horrible. 2 of the things that we criticise Terry about. For those that watched the Coburg v Casey game on ABC a few weeks back, you should remember how bad Coburg looked. Players seemed lost and there wasn't much flow in the ball movement.

Sheeds >>>>>>>daylight >>>>>>>>trained spider monkey >>>>>>>> trained chimpanzee >>>>>>> daylight >>>>>> pet rock >>>>>>> Jade Rawlings.

Ok, a bit hard on the chimpanzee in that one as he may beat the spider monkey on his day.

Now, im not a fan or Rawlings and would much rather Hardwick, Scott or Hinlkey. But Matthew Knights was not the best coach in any other coaching job he has had. But at AFL level, with better footballers the game plan works.....So Rawlings could be the same.

I've kept thinking and thinking about this. Of the older coaches, the only one i am 100% agaisnt getting is Mick Malthouse. Not a fan of him at all.

Matthews, Sheedy or Williams i could handle.
Re: Ken Hinkley

I know there are a thousand threads on a new coach etc and in all honesty I couldnt be bothered reading them all to see if Hinkley's name had been mentioned. I certainly havent read it anywhere.

Mark Thompson reckons he is ready to coach at senior level and lets face it, he couldnt come from a better apprenticeship than at the cats.

He has been involved directly with the best club of the last few years not to mention seen first hand the highs and lows of coaching a club severely under siege.

I for one think he could bring alot of knowledge to our club in desperate need of a strong leader with new and innovative ideas and who better than a man who has been riding shotgun at Geelong.


This article in the HUN this morning...

  • WHEN the media started to speculate about Terry Wallace's successor, a newspaper listed a dozen candidates without naming Ken Hinkley.
Insiders at Geelong were amazed . . . and a touch disappointed.

While the Cats value their senior assistant coach, they believe he deserves a chance at a senior job.
They think he should be of interest for any club looking for a coach and willing to take a risk on someone without senior experience.

"They" include senior coach Mark Thompson, who offered Hinkley an assistant role at Geelong in 2004.
Richmond and Wallace will part company at some point in the next three months.

Two or three other clubs also might be looking for a coach at the end of the season.

Hinkley, 42, is a former high-class player at Fitzroy and Geelong who has coached at five clubs in the past 14 years.
He was a dual premiership coach at Camperdown in the Hampden League (1999-2000), and took Bell Park to a Geelong League flag (2003).

He was an assistant to Malcolm Blight at St Kilda in 2001 and is in his sixth season at Geelong.

By any definition, it has been a long and thorough apprenticeship.

Who knows whether he would make a good senior coach.


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Re: Ken Hinkley

I was grabbing my lunch today, when I heard the afternoon SEN guy , talkning to another media type on SEN. The way they were talmking it sounded like Wallaces situation had been decided.

Did I miss something ?
Re: Ken Hinkley

I was grabbing my lunch today, when I heard the afternoon SEN guy , talkning to another media type on SEN. The way they were talmking it sounded like Wallaces situation had been decided.

Did I miss something ?
No announcement yet, but it was conveyed to TWs management that he would be paid in full, regardless of when TW or the club pulled the pin on the season. Pretty much crossing the T's and dotting the I's before they make the announcement. As I said in another thread, I get the feeling it may be as early as tomorrow or Friday that we find out whats going on.
Re: Jade Rawlings Caretaker

Now, im not a fan or Rawlings and would much rather Hardwick, Scott or Hinlkey. But Matthew Knights was not the best coach in any other coaching job he has had. But at AFL level, with better footballers the game plan works.....So Rawlings could be the same.


fwiw rawling record to date at coburg has been admirable with afinals appearance last yr and set for another this year, probaly twice the win/loss rate that knighter experienced at Port and Bendigo...not sure where the parallels's a tricky business, he's worth a shot to test his mettle
Re: Tim Watson - Sheedy has to take over now.

This is actually the reason I'm getting cold on Hardwick. Clearly Knighter read the list better. Hardwick was just following the Clarkson model he'd been part of at Hawthorn. I agree we need to throw some more money at the entire football department though.
Essendon wont do shit, they havent got enough talent or polish to get a flag.
To not be such a blunt **** I will add more detail to my post. Essendon have a good list but not good enough list. They have however what is an exceptional gameplan. People need to realise how badly they were rated at the start of the year. We need to adopt a similar fast-flowing risk taking gameplan too. Knights is a good coach, but Hardwick was better to realise Essendon will just peak Adelaide style and never win a flag and just be a good side in the future.
If Wallace goes in the next few weeks, my preference for caretaker would be Sheeds just for the rest of the season, (cultural thingy) but it appears that wont happen. So the only logical choice is Jade Rawlings. Why is their an anti Rawlings sentiment here? Far as im concerned, he has had more experience with our younger team list than even Wallace. On this board, the screaming is so loud to “play the kids” but the same vocalists are the ones who won’t have a bar of Rawlings. I hope he gets the gig. Their will no doubt be some minor on field changes, but hopefully a major positional and game plan change. He will be the one who gives the lesser lights a chance to shine
While I respect the opinion of some that Rawlings is the right guy and even agree with a lot of the points for him I can't have him. In my opinion its not his knowledge or his strategies it's plain and simple the respect he would get from the group. I think we need a coach with not necessarily an aura but one who commands respect. Someone who can take control of this group and not for a second be questioned. A coach the group truly believes that if they follow them they will be successful. In my opinion Rawlings doesnt do this. I'd love Mark Williams.

If Jade is doing such a good job, leave him at Coburg. Stop the speculation. Let the world know Terry is not coaching next year, release the pressure. If TW thinks its workable and will play the entire list, giving extended runs to those in danger- Hughes, Sarge, JON etc let him finish the year.
If Wallace goes in the next few weeks, my preference for caretaker would be Sheeds just for the rest of the season, (cultural thingy) but it appears that wont happen. So the only logical choice is Jade Rawlings. Why is their an anti Rawlings sentiment here? Far as im concerned, he has had more experience with our younger team list than even Wallace. On this board, the screaming is so loud to “play the kids” but the same vocalists are the ones who won’t have a bar of Rawlings. I hope he gets the gig. Their will no doubt be some minor on field changes, but hopefully a major positional and game plan change. He will be the one who gives the lesser lights a chance to shine

I will stand corrected but if true, then try that he is a senior FL coach, on for size. ;)
Re: Tim Watson - Sheedy has to take over now.

Essendon wont do shit, they havent got enough talent or polish to get a flag.

Not sure about that. I hate Essendon but they have a stockpile of young talls that are the best in the AFL right now. Ryder, Hooker, Pears, Hurley, Daniher, Gumbleton and Neagle. They are set with KPP's for 6-10 years. If they start getting in some serious midfield prospects to add to this look out.

Seems like thay had a recruiting plan. Wouldn't that be a good idea?
Something about a 'younger' coach is appealing. Whether its because the game has changed and suits players that have 'recently' come out of the game im not sure.

So whose that then: Hinkley, Bond, Hardwick?

Looks like its worked with knights, Ross Lyon etc

Whats your opinions?

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Coaching suggestions

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