Coreen and District Football League

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Yeh righto im on school holidays i dont need any of that crap...

I do sicerely apologise for my mistake in the amount of teams in the league, but what i was saying was that the crows 2's are fourth on the ladder of six.

Sorry im no Kevin Sheedy, but all i was tryin to say is that if the magpies can leave then whats stoping the crows.
The solution of adding a few clubs to the Coreen League would save these clubs (and more importantly, the communities supporting them). I can tell you that one family with a fair say in CDHBU have been pushing to go to the Hume League for years, but plenty of others out there want to stay put. Regardless of where eveyone else ends up I'll put my left nut on the CDHBU Club regretting their move to the Hume in a few years time.

Yeah - the Picola League (&/or) VCFL were probably looking for an excuse. Just a pity that the Billabong Crows gave them one! Beggars can't be choosers and we all know what category the Crows are in on that ledger. .

Hand Grenade, ur contradicting urself. seems like u agree that sides would not survive with moving to other leagues and that ultimately the best option would be bringing other clubs into the CDFL rather then the league folding. Yet u continue to whine about the crows for being the only club to fight for this. there is no way a struggling rennie side would survive in the PDFL. and i have my doubts for the future of jeldiere, crows and colly. Travel will be too much of an issue, making it to hard and expensive for teams to find willing players. u say that majority of coreen people did not want to move, and I know from talking to other people from other clubs that many of them don’t really want to move, so why has there been such a big push?? Why not put more pushing in the way of SURVIVAL of the league rather then destroying it, heck it has two more years to be a hundred years old! lets stop looking for a way out and look for a way to keep the league.

you put all the blame on the billabong crows when really they are the only team that has stood up and fought for the survival of the clubs and the league. And I don’t know how anyone could collectively call an entire club and all the people involved as d**kheads and pr*cks, u couldn’t possibly know everyone could you?? ur behaving like a little kid who hasn’t got their way, sooking and resorting to name calling. I pity you.

I hope when the billabong crows make it to the finals they stick it up whatever club it is ur apart of.
could anyone tell me how berrigan hav been going on and off the field this year and for the past 10 years??

as far as i kno they have struggled since joining the PDFL, and have only made finals once which was in 2005. when they looked strong and potential flag winners in the beginning goin 10 underfeated or something. however they have too many off the field issues and sadly they were put out in the first round. there location and travel make it hard for them to get players. and many of their young players of 2005 have moved away. i feel they could be more compettitve and successful in a CDFL competition...

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now hand grenade.. for your information CDHBU (sorry south corowa) player housie got injured in the third quater and had very little influience on the game. the lose of chalky may have been big.. but all tems get injuires (crows included) so you cant use that as an excuse for the lose..

Given Coreen, Daysdale, Hopefield and Buraja are all north of Corowa, Corowa South would be a pretty silly name for them!

I forgot, though, that Danny Kirchen, Ben Slattery, Cameron Bakes, Justin Hosie and blokes like that all live and prosper in the thriving metropolises of Oaklands and Urana.
Beat me to it flagpie!

I would have thought Wahgunyah would be more suitable of the nickname South Corowa?

But that would be disrespectful to the real South Corowa, who played in the Coreen and District league until 1951, with their home ground being inside the Corowa Racecourse and their colours being maroon with a blue V.
It’s finally nice to see that my post has generated such discussion by the people who actually involved to the comp and brought a few new users on board, It’s something this thread needs more discussion so those out there who make the decisions can really see what the supporters think.
Hand Grenade, ur contradicting urself. seems like u agree that sides would not survive with moving to other leagues and that ultimately the best option would be bringing other clubs into the CDFL rather then the league folding. Yet u continue to whine about the crows for being the only club to fight for this. there is no way a struggling rennie side would survive in the PDFL. and i have my doubts for the future of jeldiere, crows and colly. Travel will be too much of an issue, making it to hard and expensive for teams to find willing players. u say that majority of coreen people did not want to move, and I know from talking to other people from other clubs that many of them don’t really want to move, so why has there been such a big push?? Why not put more pushing in the way of SURVIVAL of the league rather then destroying it, heck it has two more years to be a hundred years old! lets stop looking for a way out and look for a way to keep the league.

you put all the blame on the billabong crows when really they are the only team that has stood up and fought for the survival of the clubs and the league. And I don’t know how anyone could collectively call an entire club and all the people involved as d**kheads and pr*cks, u couldn’t possibly know everyone could you?? ur behaving like a little kid who hasn’t got their way, sooking and resorting to name calling. I pity you.

I hope when the billabong crows make it to the finals they stick it up whatever club it is ur apart of.

Gees TOKE you're into me aren't ya. I can't see where I'm contradicting myself anywhere. With CDHBU (that's North Corowa for those who know a bit about the league) and Wahgunyah making it clear early on that they were looking to go it has been clear to all of us that the CDFL is in trouble. Noone expexts other clubs to just come into the CDFL - they wouldn't. But we had a pretty good solution with our remaining clubs joining with some PDFL clubs from along the river where we could ultimately (and quite rightly) give the comp a new name.

Rennie probably has a better chance iof survival n the PDFL - 90% of their players are drawn from Yarra/Mul, and now and in the future those players would find it easier to travel that way. Jerilderie and Coly (as towns) will go anywhere to get a game but like any club, they'll draw more players to a comp where they at least have some chance of a flag (and that won't be in the Hume any time soon will it). That's probably why Jerilderie has weighed it all up and has applied to fo to the PDFL.

And I'll keep hooking into the crows over this. They weren't fighting for the survival of the CDFL. They were only for themselves. That may be fair enough but they did this at meetings in defiance of the other clubs who agreed to and saw a future of a merging with some of the PDFL clubs. as originally proposed. I haven't called them all those names TOKE - if you read back a bit you'll see where I stated that there are some great people out there. But they're out of line on this issue and when I bag them for it I am speaking not only for myself. I am expressing the sentiments of players, officials and community members from 3 CDFL Clubs, all of whom I have a fair bit to do with. A lot of people aren't happy with them and are frustrated more by the fact that they have had such an effect on the issue when they have been and remain a year to year proposition.

Despite that TOKE I still hope they do well this year (can't hold it against the players) because it is good to see the clubs (like them and Jer who have been down) up and running a bit for a change. But the reality of it is that the crows have really got a lot of people (who are strongly involved in the comp) fairly annoyed.

Anyway, despite the sniping at each other it is good to see some passionate discussion on this thread.
Yeh righto im on school holidays i dont need any of that crap...

I do sicerely apologise for my mistake in the amount of teams in the league, but what i was saying was that the crows 2's are fourth on the ladder of six.

Sorry im no Kevin Sheedy, but all i was tryin to say is that if the magpies can leave then whats stoping the crows.

Yeah listen here mate u are no kevin sheedy so you have to no when to keep it shut
Now Big Hawk. I hate to be smart about it but I reckon I know (notice how I spelt the word "know" dopey?) a fair bit about the comp than you old mate. I won't let on too much about me but I've played for 2 clubs in this comp and still have a prominent role on matchday. Hey, enough about me though Big Hawk. Let's do some maths: CDHBU + Crows + Coly + Jerilderie + Wahgunyah + Rennie = 6 teams you nuff nuff!

And ..... perhaps you might care to check the Hume Thread ..... you might notice that the Murray Magpies are part of that competition these days.

And no I'm not a Coreen man, never have been, never will be. Don't like them much, but I know them pretty well and respect their club, players and success of recent years.

Now run along off to another thread and dazzle someone else with your mind boggling knowledge of their comp. Or go back to school and this time listen to the teacher instead of daydreaming out the window.

Now to somone who knows what they're talking about - hey Here It Is. How's the player ratings going? Always look forward to it.

Hand grenade your a joke mate, have you ever played footy or do you know anything about it

keep ya smart comments to yaself
Gees TOKE you're into me aren't ya. I can't see where I'm contradicting myself anywhere. With CDHBU (that's North Corowa for those who know a bit about the league) and Wahgunyah making it clear early on that they were looking to go it has been clear to all of us that the CDFL is in trouble.

The only problem with thise comment HG is that CDHBU wants to stay in the Coreen league if it is humanely possible.
If the CDFL can survive, the Saints will stay.
The club only put in the application to join the Hume league to cover its own arse so it would have somewhere to go if the CDFL went under - the application only made clear their decision not to go to the Picola league.
I'm yet to hear anyone from within the Saints say they want to go if there is any other option.
IMO Jerilderie will stay as well if the league finds a way to survive and pick up a few new clubs.
Is it possible for CDFL to survive? Yes. Is it likely to happen? Time will tell.
The only problem with thise comment HG is that CDHBU wants to stay in the Coreen league if it is humanely possible.
If the CDFL can survive, the Saints will stay.
The club only put in the application to join the Hume league to cover its own arse so it would have somewhere to go if the CDFL went under - the application only made clear their decision not to go to the Picola league.
I'm yet to hear anyone from within the Saints say they want to go if there is any other option.
IMO Jerilderie will stay as well if the league finds a way to survive and pick up a few new clubs.
Is it possible for CDFL to survive? Yes. Is it likely to happen? Time will tell.

Very very intelligent comment, but u left Wahgunyah out of it. Were do they stand in this, are they as good as gone??

And I am also curious are you the same bloke that dose “Jontys Jottings” on the Sporting pulse website?
The only problem with thise comment HG is that CDHBU wants to stay in the Coreen league if it is humanely possible.
If the CDFL can survive, the Saints will stay.
The club only put in the application to join the Hume league to cover its own arse so it would have somewhere to go if the CDFL went under - the application only made clear their decision not to go to the Picola league.
I'm yet to hear anyone from within the Saints say they want to go if there is any other option.
IMO Jerilderie will stay as well if the league finds a way to survive and pick up a few new clubs.
Is it possible for CDFL to survive? Yes. Is it likely to happen? Time will tell.

Ah some sense from Here It Is after being whacked by Big Hawk, Footy Mad and Tiger Spirit! Hey Tiger Spirit, the people who ask such questions as "Have you played any footy mate" are usually the type who haven't played much themselves and hide behind the anonymity of a sites such as this! Are you one of those people? Give us your stats mate, or let me know who you are so I can see how we stack up! We might even get the chance to meet on the field ..... Or are we going to keep sniping? Is it just a coincidence that it school holidays. Start talking footy eh?

Here It Is I agree that CDHBU probably would've stayed if the CDFL was going okay. But there has been a few out there pushing to go to the Hume League for a few years as they saw the Hume League as a better comp and with the probable demise of the CDFL it is fair enough that they want to go. And with Wahgunyah who have applied to go to the Tallangatta the last 2 years now CDHBU probably saw that as the final straw for the CDFL. As I stated on a previous comment, a Wahgunyah person informed me that they wanted to leave the CDFL not because it was stuffed, but because they felt they could get more players and supporters by going into the Tallangatta League. Yes Jerilderie would stay if the CDFL had a future (and a few more clubs coming in) and that would apply to Coly and Rennie. But the almagamation of those CDFL clubs with some of the PDFL Clubs (Blighty, Berrigan, Deni, etc) has been stuffed hasn't it and we know why. Seems every time I state those reasons a few get a bit sooky themselves.

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Jonty's Jottings - one and the same, I don't hide who I am. I just wish I had time to keep that full column going this year.
As for Wahgunyah, yes, they have been trying to get out for two years. Originally they said it was because Tallangatta had a better junior structure, but that has been fixed.
However, IMO they are too proud to change a decision once they have made it, and they will go through with it, with their immediate past president I believe being the one who has pushed the hardest for the move.

With the Saints, when Wahgunyah made their intentions clear, it became obvious that the comp was not going to survive without them.
A six team comp is viable and is worth persisting with (although not ideal) but a five team comp just cannot work unless you are the Upper Murray and you have no other choice.
And that's not a dig at the guys in the hills, they've done a great job to keep a competitive competition going with what they have, and with six teams are now stronger than they have been in years.
If any blame is to be apportioned to the possible/probable/likely demise of the CDFL (which I don't think there is), then Wahgunyah is the established club that started it.

And don't get me started on the Magpies.
Ah some sense from Here It Is after being whacked by Big Hawk, Footy Mad and Tiger Spirit! Hey Tiger Spirit, the people who ask such questions as "Have you played any footy mate" are usually the type who haven't played much themselves and hide behind the anonymity of a sites such as this! Are you one of those people? Give us your stats mate, or let me know who you are so I can see how we stack up! We might even get the chance to meet on the field ..... Or are we going to keep sniping? Is it just a coincidence that it school holidays. Start talking footy eh?

well who are you then and we will line up on the footy feild??? wat are ur stats?? wat team you play for??? ur fulla shit mate!! plain and simple!!
Let wahgunyah go, make CDBHU stay and bring berrigan from the PDFL and BB Saints from the Hume into the CDFL and have a 7 team comp. thats enough teams, furthest traveling would be coly. and teams would get a bye or two. i dont think any country teams from around here (rennie, billabong crows etc) could ever be competitive with deni rovers, they would dominate in a 'nothern Picola league' or whatever it was goin to be called. they have way too much money.
Let wahgunyah go, make CDBHU stay and bring berrigan from the PDFL and BB Saints from the Hume into the CDFL and have a 7 team comp. thats enough teams, furthest traveling would be coly. and teams would get a bye or two. i dont think any country teams from around here (rennie, billabong crows etc) could ever be competitive with deni rovers, they would dominate in a 'nothern Picola league' or whatever it was goin to be called. they have way too much money.

Deni Rovers are a good club, but I wouldn't think that they spend too much $$. They have also been down for a while, this year much improved.

IMO, run with 5 or 6 teams if you can. If the league folds, it is impossible to bring it back. Keep dangling a carrot infront of the NSW Picola League teams, like Berrigan, Blighty, Mathoura & Deni Rovers.They might come around, especially if the 'Shepparton' teams keep monopolising the premiership cup in the PDFL.
Who will win the premiership in the ones, twos, thirds and fourths?

With all things being equal and all teams being full strength, I'd be tipping the four current ladder leaders.
Saints, Tigers, Tigers, Saints

Main dangers are Blues (Crows if Blues can't get back to full strength), Saints, Demons and Crows.
With all things being equal and all teams being full strength, I'd be tipping the four current ladder leaders.
Saints, Tigers, Tigers, Saints

Main dangers are Blues (Crows if Blues can't get back to full strength), Saints, Demons and Crows.

THE 1s
the blues cant get back to full strength with there best player shane pound out he leaves a large hole in that team and without him it is not looking good at the moment and i would be surprised if the colly even make the grandfinal!!!

i personally think that the grand final showdown will between the crows and the saints and the game will defintally be a game to get to!! will be a RIPPER!!!
Who will win the premiership in the ones, twos, thirds and fourths?
Hey Tigerspirit#21 who do you think will dominate the junior inter-league this weekend. Josh Bryce and Brodie Avard both ripped it up last year and now Josh is playing Bushies and Brodie Sydney 2s. Ive heard that Lane kid from Wahgunyah is awesome!
Hey Tigerspirit#21 who do you think will dominate the junior inter-league this weekend. Josh Bryce and Brodie Avard both ripped it up last year and now Josh is playing Bushies and Brodie Sydney 2s. Ive heard that Lane kid from Wahgunyah is awesome!

The chances I have had, I have been down to watch the under 16s and I actually can tell you that Jarred Lane is an exceptional ruckman. Unfortunately he can’t win his own ball. He relies to heavily on in and under players such as Rhylee Deas and Luke Moloney, therefore when they have bad days he has bad days.

Best in league:Jake Burdon
Hey Tigerspirit#21 who do you think will dominate the junior inter-league this weekend. Josh Bryce and Brodie Avard both ripped it up last year and now Josh is playing Bushies and Brodie Sydney 2s. Ive heard that Lane kid from Wahgunyah is awesome!

I have been down and watched wahgunah play a few times and Jarrod Lane is a top player for their side as he gets to most contests and provides the crummers with the ball and is also a key target when he plays in the forward line so i think he will play a big role in the coreen inter-league under 17s side.
Hey Tigerspirit#21 who do you think will dominate the junior inter-league this weekend. Josh Bryce and Brodie Avard both ripped it up last year and now Josh is playing Bushies and Brodie Sydney 2s. Ive heard that Lane kid from Wahgunyah is awesome!

Hey sent off
yeah lane from wahgunyah does go pretty good, good ruckman to play in the guts with always providing a great tap to advantage. Dureya will be the key for the 16s he is in ripping form in the seniors and will definley take it on to the field on sunday not doubt.
With matt rogers coaching the under 14s i believe they should get up and have a good win:thumbsu:

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Coreen and District Football League

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