Corona virus, Port and the AFL.

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Surprise, surprise just heard on TEN News that surveys show that many on JobSeeker do not want to go back to work.

Could it be that many people, particularly part timers in the hospitality industry are earning more from JobKeeper than they were doing 20 hours a week and what is more they do not have to work shifts to get it?

They hate working in a cubicle or being away from the kids they have gotten to know over the past few weeks. They are actually becoming normal human beings.
Not good at all. Really hoping it turns out to be an issue with the initial positive test on these guys. Otherwise the simpler versions of herd immunity are off the table.

On iPhone using recycled electrons, via mobile app
Dopy US Navy secretary sacked Captain Brett Crozier who called out US government that there were big issues on the aircraft carrier and all other ones might be the same. Think US have 12 aircraft carriers. He tested positive, wrote a scathing letter to senior naval official, think USPACOM admiral, it was leaked to one of the major US dailys and a day or two later was relieved of his post. I saw footage of Crozier walk off the vessel in full uniform cheered on by thousands of crew. There has been a huge backlash after the dopy secretary flew 12,000 kms to Guam a couple days after the sacking and delivered a 15 minute profanity-laced speech aboard the Roosevelt to the crew. The idiot thought nobody would film it. Before Trump got the chance to sack him he resigned. Navy brass recommended a reinstatement of the captain but I don't think it has happened.

Over 1,150 cases and 1 death to crew of USS Theodore Roosevelt.

other naval ships several countries not just USA.

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The Premier of a State with 192 positives tests since April 28th can announce that pubs and cafes will re open in two weeks while the Premier of a State with 1 positive test over the same time period says nothing.

All South Australians know at this stage is that we wait another three weeks before we get to Stage 2.
Yeah if Victoria opens everything up then we cannot keep everything shut.
There is no way you can argue against opening up with our numbers being what they are.
I think we'll find a quick change of tune.
I'd observe Victoria first they are struggling as it is.
That would make sense but there will be pressure from the fed gov, industry, media and ,as a result, the general public when Vic opens up.
I can't see Marshall holding out for too long when that begins.

Americans aren't the only ones protesting.
First day of 0's in SA was 12 April. then 2,2,0,1,1,0,0,0,2 and 1 on 22nd

From 23rd April is been 14 x 0's, then 1 mild case British immigrant, now 10 x 0's. That's 25 days and no community transmission. Time to fast track gatherings of 10 to be increased to 20. Lets some businesses survive and employ people. Don't need to wait until 8th June. Go 25th May like WA.

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First day of 0's in SA was 12 April. then 2,2,0,1,1,0,0,0,2 and 1 on 22nd

From 23rd April is been 14 x 0's, then 1 mild case British immigrant, now 10 x 0's. That's 25 days and no community transmission. Time to fast track gatherings of 10 to be increased to 20. Lets some businesses survive and employ people. Don't need to wait until 8th June. Go 25th May like WA.

I fully acknowledge the importance of not opening up too quickly, of not undoing the good work that has been done, but we are just playing this way too slow. We've essentially gone a whole month of no cases (except for one old case popping up) and our 'good behaviour' reward so far has amounted, to what, allowing us to sit outside a restaurant in the cold of nearly winter, with no more than 9 other people around, and we're not allowed to even have a beer there because there's potential we might get a bit silly. Every other restriction has remained in place, my hospitality friends still can't work, neither can my friends that work at a gym, etc. And we're going to keep this status quo going for another 3 weeks? I can just see, the longer this goes, the more people are going to feel disenchanted and just break the rules anyway.

At the very least (and I do know that some are pushing for this to be changed), the idea that restrictions open up just after a long weekend is ridiculous. My friends and I have tickets for the long weekend to go to Kangaroo Island, bought after the bushfires in a hope of at least giving a little something to a few people hit hard, and at that stage, we could be looking at around 40 days with just one case and on current timelines I still won't be able to go grab a bite of food inside or whatever. It feels unreasonable.

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I fully acknowledge the importance of not opening up too quickly, of not undoing the good work that has been done, but we are just playing this way too slow. We've essentially gone a whole month of no cases (except for one old case popping up) and our 'good behaviour' reward so far has amounted, to what, allowing us to sit outside a restaurant in the cold of nearly winter, with no more than 9 other people around, and we're not allowed to even have a beer there because there's potential we might get a bit silly. Every other restriction has remained in place, my hospitality friends still can't work, neither can my friends that work at a gym, etc. And we're going to keep this status quo going for another 3 weeks? I can just see, the longer this goes, the more people are going to feel disenchanted and just break the rules anyway.

At the very least (and I do know that some are pushing for this to be changed), the idea that restrictions open up just after a long weekend is ridiculous. My friends and I have tickets for the long weekend to go to Kangaroo Island, bought after the bushfires in a hope of at least giving a little something to a few people hit hard, and at that stage, we could be looking at around 40 days with just one case and on current timelines I still won't be able to go grab a bite of food inside or whatever. It feels unreasonable.
And meanwhile in the supermarkets, schools and trains we will pack them in.....Not an ounce of consistency, perspective or commonsense
Anyone know what this means? Do passengers still have to be only Australian citizens or permanent residents or have special exemptions to fly to Oz?? Still have to do 14 days quarantining on arrival? Or have some, or all those requirements, been removed??

Dubai, UAE: 13 May 2020 – Emirates has announced its plan to operate scheduled flight services from 21 May to nine destinations: London Heathrow Frankfurt, Paris, Milan, Madrid, Chicago, Toronto, Sydney and Melbourne.* The airline will also offer connections in Dubai for customers travelling between the UK and Australia. These flights will be available for booking on

Travellers will only be accepted on these flights if they comply with the eligibility and entry criteria requirements of their destination countries. This includes an approval from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) for UAE residents who wish to return to Dubai.

Adel Al Redha, Emirates’ Chief Operating Officer said: “We are pleased to resume scheduled passenger services to these destinations, providing more options for customers to travel from the UAE to these cities, and also between the UK and Australia. We are working closely with the authorities to plan the resumption of operations to additional destinations. We have implemented additional measures at the airport in coordination with the relevant authorities in respect to social distancing and sanitization. The safety and wellbeing of our employees, customers and communities, remain our top priority.”

Repatriation flights
In addition to the scheduled services, Emirates will also continue to work closely with embassies and consulates to facilitate repatriation flights for visitors and residents wishing to return home. This week, the airline plans to operate flights from Dubai to Tokyo Narita (15 May), Conakry (16 May), and Dakar (16 May).*

Health and safety on Emirates

The safety and wellbeing of passengers and employees is Emirates’ top priority. In preparation for the resumption of flight services, the airline has already enhanced various precautionary measures throughout the customer journey.

At Dubai International airport, customers and employees will have their temperatures checked via thermal scanners. Protective barriers have been installed at check-in counters to provide additional safety during interaction. Gloves and masks are mandatory for all customers and employees at the airport. In addition, Emirates’ cabin crew, boarding agents and ground staff who interact directly with travellers will don personal protective equipment (PPE) including a protective disposable gown and safety visor.

Social distancing protocols will also be implemented. At this airport, this includes physical indicators being placed on the ground and at waiting areas in the airport to ensure travellers maintain a safe distance.

For health and safety reasons and to minimise interaction on-board, Emirates will offer a modified in-flight service that focuses on reducing contact and infection risk. Magazines and print reading material will not be available during this time. Cabin baggage have to be checked-in, and customers can only bring essential items such as a laptop, handbag, briefcase or baby items on board. Emirates has initiated a stringent safety programme to ensure aircraft cabins remain clean and sanitary. The airline’s modern aircraft cabins have been fitted with advanced HEPA air filters which remove 99.97% of viruses and eliminate dust, allergens and germs from cabin air for a healthier and safer on-board environment. After its journey and on landing in Dubai, each aircraft will go through enhanced cleaning and disinfection processes to ensure safety and proper sanitation.

For more information on Emirates and on how to book flights, please visit
Anyone know what this means? Do passengers still have to be only Australian citizens or permanent residents or have special exemptions to fly to Oz?? Still have to do 14 days quarantining on arrival? Or have some, or all those requirements, been removed??

Dubai, UAE: 13 May 2020 – Emirates has announced its plan to operate scheduled flight services from 21 May to nine destinations: London Heathrow Frankfurt, Paris, Milan, Madrid, Chicago, Toronto, Sydney and Melbourne.* The airline will also offer connections in Dubai for customers travelling between the UK and Australia. These flights will be available for booking on

Travellers will only be accepted on these flights if they comply with the eligibility and entry criteria requirements of their destination countries. This includes an approval from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) for UAE residents who wish to return to Dubai.

Adel Al Redha, Emirates’ Chief Operating Officer said: “We are pleased to resume scheduled passenger services to these destinations, providing more options for customers to travel from the UAE to these cities, and also between the UK and Australia. We are working closely with the authorities to plan the resumption of operations to additional destinations. We have implemented additional measures at the airport in coordination with the relevant authorities in respect to social distancing and sanitization. The safety and wellbeing of our employees, customers and communities, remain our top priority.”

According to the Commonwealth Department of Health website

Australia’s borders are closed. Only Australian citizens, residents and immediate family members can travel to Australia.

There was a story on ABC news on the weekend about the number of resident non-naturalised Australians who can't get permission to enter or leave to be with family.
There was a story on ABC news on the weekend about the number of resident non-naturalised Australians who can't get permission to enter or leave to be with family.
I saw that. I don't understand why they can't leave if an airline is flying out of Oz. The German family I saw the story said it was the Oz government stopping the Oz father and 2 dual citizen sons 16 and 13 flying to be with mum in Germany, not the German government stopping them entering Germany. Why can't they leave if the transiting country and final country say its ok? doesn't make any sense to me.
I saw that. I don't understand why they can't leave if an airline is flying out of Oz. The German family I saw the story said it was the Oz government stopping the Oz father and 2 dual citizen sons 16 and 13 flying to be with mum in Germany, not the German government stopping them entering Germany. Why can't they leave if the transiting country and final country say its ok? doesn't make any sense to me.

Don't know. I guess the nanny state mentality is not confined to SA.
I saw that. I don't understand why they can't leave if an airline is flying out of Oz. The German family I saw the story said it was the Oz government stopping the Oz father and 2 dual citizen sons 16 and 13 flying to be with mum in Germany, not the German government stopping them entering Germany. Why can't they leave if the transiting country and final country say its ok? doesn't make any sense to me.
I don't think it's accurate. I know of 4 French citizens set to depart Adelaide.
I don't think it's accurate. I know of 4 French citizens set to depart Adelaide.
I missed the intro to the story, so don't know the full facts, but it was the Oz government that was stopping things because the boys wanted to go and be with their mum.
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