Conspiracy Theory Coronavirus #3: Vaccines

Where do you stand with COVID-19 vaccines?

  • I've already been vaccinated (at least once)

    Votes: 24 27.6%
  • I intend to get vaccinated soon (first shot)

    Votes: 12 13.8%
  • I'll wait for more studies or doctor's advice

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • I'll wait until old age or a safer vaccine

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • I don't intend to get any Covid vaccine

    Votes: 39 44.8%

  • Total voters

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Finally the Federal Government has done something. Anything. Even if it is fu** all.

This whole thing rests on job keeper. It is the thing that keeps it going. I think the Feds (not just Morrison but departments and those funding it) have snatched it at Victoria and said you're on your own. While it is expediency. Those white hot on Labor where now pissed at Liberal for not acting and have directed their anger towards them.

So now Victoria has a question to ask itself. Is this mutant super duper fatal highly contagious virus so dangerous we need to shut the state down at all costs or we all die OR Are we actually prepared to destroy ourselves for the sake of a virus? No free money anymore or free ride. As you said in another post we need to own our decisions. By all means lock up save lives. But you won't have anything to come back to.

Somewhere like Bali or India shutting down has literally cost lives due to starvation. Yet no grand roll out there. Whole concept of lockdown is ridiculous. It is a luxury pure and simple. And one at least now in Vic we can't afford.

The federal government will have to come through. Victoria can't now let the virus rip or even think about doing it any other way when the stupid states, in the last instance SA, slam the borders closed before it's even announced we're going in to a lockdown. Forget it.
The federal government will have to come through. Victoria can't now let the virus rip or even think about doing it any other way when the stupid states, in the last instance SA, slam the borders closed before it's even announced we're going in to a lockdown. Forget it.
Nope. The virus let rip last year. And no one extra died. It was a standard year. All the outbreaks were meatworks, hospitals, supermarkets, and aged care. Same places that need to stay open at stage 1000 or tier 111 AAAAAA.

So we pay for it oursleves. Finally a real risk assessment can take place.
Its cold here and viruses spread here like they have for the last 40 000 000 years. Literally.
Or lets lock up for winter? Stay home and warm. But we pay for it.

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Nope. The virus let rip last year. And no one extra died. It was a standard year. All the outbreaks were meatworks, hospitals, supermarkets, and aged care. Same places that need to stay open at stage 1000 or tier 111 AAAAAA.

So we pay for it oursleves. Finally a real risk assessment can take place.
Its cold here and viruses spread here like they have for the last 40 000 000 years. Literally.
Or lets lock up for winter? Stay home and warm. But we pay for it.

We didn't really let it rip, it was bubbling along for a while before we realised it was about to explode. Do you forget how long we were in lockdown for watching the numbers begin to double? 800 or so people died in Victoria.

I'm happy to go along with whatever is best and if that means letting the virus rip, fine I don't care but it isn't going to happen. We're under coercion to work in with the other states.
We didn't really let it rip, it was bubbling along for a while before we realised it was about to explode. Do you forget how long we were in lockdown for watching the numbers begin to double? 800 or so people died in Victoria.

I'm happy to go along with whatever is best and if that means letting the virus rip, fine I don't care but it isn't going to happen. We're under coercion to work in with the other states.

800+ people die of influenza every single year.

Add Influenza + Pneumonia + Covid in 2020 and any other year and there is no difference.

Wait, haven’t they said every variant after Wuhan has been more wildly infectious than the last? And yet...

Woah woah woah

There is no Wuhan variant? Thats racist. Watch yourself. It goes like this

- Covid-19
- Mink variant (when Denmark killed 17 million minks)
- South African variant
- UK variant
- Indian variant
- Double South African/India variant
- Hyper India/UK variant

And soon to come

- Victorian BBQ Galore variant
800+ people die of influenza every single year.

Add Influenza + Pneumonia + Covid in 2020 and any other year and there is no difference.

With life in general I mean, Does 800 = 800?

Why do we value life equally. Its just not true. A 8 year olds life is worth more then a 89 year olds life. We need to factor this in. Not doing so is somewhat pathetic of us
With life in general I mean, Does 800 = 800?

Why do we value life equally. Its just not true. A 8 year olds life is worth more then a 89 year olds life. We need to factor this in. Not doing so is somewhat pathetic of us
Exactly. We have sacrificed the young for the comfort of the old. Ridiculous.
The World Economic Forum has a meeting scheduled for June on how to deal with a cyber attack on a global scale, specifically supply chains.


Have you noticed we haven't been able to keep them out of our databases for a couple of years now?

If this is about anything imo, it's about "Hold still while we harvest all your data and see your systems tested".
Another staff member and one resident has just been confirmed as tested positive.
They feed these residents a diet of fish fingers and frozen veg and wonder why they drop dead whenever a regular coronavirus or flu comes along.

If people wanted the elderly protected they would lobby against these slaughter houses to feed them something that resembles nutritious food.

Vaccines saves lives, spare me, protect the community spare me, we treat elderly like they are an inconvenience.
Interesting conundrum. Need an injection tomorrow and need to request a back possibly spinal injection to deal with a pre existing condition.............But no doubt will be asked well while we're jabbing you do you want the Covid Vax?
-Should I straight out say No/ignore or ask the research?

Years since I've found a decent doc but really I am of the mind to say no. I have enough compications.

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Interesting conundrum. Need an injection tomorrow and need to request a back possibly spinal injection to deal with a pre existing condition.............But no doubt will be asked well while we're jabbing you do you want the Covid Vax?
-Should I straight out say No/ignore or ask the research?

Years since I've found a decent doc but really I am of the mind to say no. I have enough compications.

If you have a pre existing condition and you do happen to get a dose of coronavirus, it will hit you a lot harder. I've had the AZ shot, honestly I didn't even feel the needle going in it was so fine and there's only 5 ml of vaccine. No side effects at all yet, not even a red spot on my arm.
Interesting conundrum. Need an injection tomorrow and need to request a back possibly spinal injection to deal with a pre existing condition.............But no doubt will be asked well while we're jabbing you do you want the Covid Vax?
-Should I straight out say No/ignore or ask the research?

Years since I've found a decent doc but really I am of the mind to say no. I have enough compications.

Just visited my GP today for something (haven't been since before Covid) and was asked if I wanted Covid vax, said no. Was a asked a few questions but just said I didn't want to get a rushed, untested vaccine for something with a 99% recovery rate. She made a half hearted attempt to get me to have it but I just kept reiterating I didn't want to have it. I never have the flu vax and she knows that so probably knew it was pointless trying to push it.

If you have other health conditions it would be wise to avoid it IMO, they have done zero testing on people with other health issues.
Just visited my GP today for something (haven't been since before Covid) and was asked if I wanted Covid vax, said no. Was a asked a few questions but just said I didn't want to get a rushed, untested vaccine for something with a 99% recovery rate. She made a half hearted attempt to get me to have it but I just kept reiterating I didn't want to have it. I never have the flu vax and she knows that so probably knew it was pointless trying to push it.

If you have other health conditions it would be wise to avoid it IMO, they have done zero testing on people with other health issues.

That isn't really correct that they've done zero testing. The vaccines have gone through the same testing as they all do, they were fast tracked because funding was prioritised.
Just visited my GP today for something (haven't been since before Covid) and was asked if I wanted Covid vax, said no. Was a asked a few questions but just said I didn't want to get a rushed, untested vaccine for something with a 99% recovery rate. She made a half hearted attempt to get me to have it but I just kept reiterating I didn't want to have it. I never have the flu vax and she knows that so probably knew it was pointless trying to push it.

If you have other health conditions it would be wise to avoid it IMO, they have done zero testing on people with other health issues.
My simple question if I ever get asked is

" how long will the vaccine protect me for "

And when they can't give a definitive answer I will just say

" no thank you "
That isn't really correct that they've done zero testing. The vaccines have gone through the same testing as they all do, they were fast tracked because funding was prioritised.

They haven't tested for people with various pre-existing conditions. I know because I checked and also because a friend of mine with a specific condition was advised not to get it.
They haven't tested for people with various pre-existing conditions. I know because I checked and also because a friend of mine with a specific condition was advised not to get it.

Of course some will be advised not to get the vaccine because they know what risks there are with certain pre-existing conditions. Anyway, your doctor or specialist isn't going to advise you to get the shot if it isn't safe with a pre-existing condition.
Of course some will be advised not to get the vaccine because they know what risks there are with certain pre-existing conditions. Anyway, your doctor or specialist isn't going to advise you to get the shot if it isn't safe with a pre-existing condition.

No, it's because they don't know what the risks are.
No, it's because they don't know what the risks are.

There's risks with every vaccine.

We're not going to get off this merry go round though until 70 to 80% of us have been vaccinated but I think we'll eventually get there, you can be in the 20 to 30% that won't do it.

These are the 3 words and the implications that follow from it that have me worried about getting the vaccine >

Authorized vaccines-

Currently, three vaccines have received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the FDA and they all are recommended by the CDC. The vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech was the first vaccine to be granted EUA. The second vaccine is from Moderna, and the third is from Johnson & Johnson.
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