Conspiracy Theory Coronavirus #3: Vaccines

Where do you stand with COVID-19 vaccines?

  • I've already been vaccinated (at least once)

    Votes: 24 27.6%
  • I intend to get vaccinated soon (first shot)

    Votes: 12 13.8%
  • I'll wait for more studies or doctor's advice

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • I'll wait until old age or a safer vaccine

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • I don't intend to get any Covid vaccine

    Votes: 39 44.8%

  • Total voters

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I guess what you miss is that before this 1 situation, Dan Andrews and Mark McGowan had absolutely zero impact on anything meaningful. A part from building a train no one wants or will use, McGowan was floating around doing absolutely nothing of note. Dan was even worse. All he was doing was signing contracts with China that the Federal govt were cancelling since they were illegal in the first place

No one knew who these people were or the point of there existence. All of a sudden Covid came along and so did National Cabinet meetings. They saw this and latched on and latched on hard. Scomo invited these people to cabinet meetings and said, lets work as a team, who wants to do what and these guys who were literally doing nothing put there hand up for a myriad of things like border control, lockdown, etc and Scomo gave it to him. Scomo gave that up largely because he was crucified relentlessly for not being able to fight a bushfire (ie. State controlled things) so was happy to essentially actually make the states do something.

Since then its just spiralled out of control. Best thing for the country at this stage is a proper leader. Right now Australia would need a Mark Latham type hard ass who would whoop some ass. Instead we have 2 pushovers vying for who can be pushed over the quickest. The reason this will continue is because no matter how you dress this situation. Nothing will change as no change is near

I did miss a bunch of this but you could almost see the writing on the wall due to the number of leaders over the past 15 years. Put simply, politics doesn’t attract the best or most talented people.
Other way round imo, theyre giving the ultra cautious health professionals too much power and ignoring other experts like economists, business owners etc

That’s fair enough. I’m not close to it so guessing on what I see here. Best thing here is that Provinces haven’t made it a competition really. Premiers have taken a backseat and listened to advice of head docs and health ministers.
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That contract was not at all signed in good faith by the outgoing party, so whilst I think it was a joke that the money was paid to not build the road, when the road is actually needed, the Andrews' Government was setup to fail by the outgoing Liberal Government as well given the plan and contract was a jobs for mates setup.

Ironically they're now building almost the same thing and calling it something else, to pretend like they didn't blow $1bn on something that needed to be built anyway.

So you - as usual - have no actual discussion points or commentary and just go the personal attack.

A number of the issues you raised aren't things the State Government can do much to address, whilst public transport and road congestion are very relevant to many people in their daily lives, as we saw by the seats won by the Andrews Government going UP from the previous election.

No offence, but you come across as someone who thinks they know a lot, but knows very little.

I said no offense so relax.

This just is not true in the slightest. Housing issues is a supply issue in W.A and that is controlled by state govt. Hospitals are 100% a state issue. End of. Electricity and water price stoo. You cant argue this. Its basically in the laws ffs

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That’s fair enough. I’m not close to it so guessing on what I see here. Best thing here is that Provinces haven’t made it a competition really. Premiers have taken a backseat and listens to advice of head docs and health ministers.
This is our biggest problem. We are 7 countries within an island and each premier just wants to outdo the others. On top of that the CHOs are mental and Scomos party premiers get different again to opposition premiers. Its fully ****ed

But people cheer their man on instead of calling out the shitshow it is. Opinion polls dont move because of that and we are stuck with 18 months of utter bed wetting
Divide and conquer strategy working a treat. Get folks to blame each other for lockdowns rather than the governments that implement them.

Yes, completely agree. And to muddy the waters even further, a lot of the very same people slamming the govt - again, rightly so, they have been putrid nationwide and from the top down - are also saying trust the experts, who inform the govt decisions i.e. "trust the government". Some impressive mental gymnastics on display 🤪
This is our biggest problem. We are 7 countries within an island and each premier just wants to outdo the others. On top of that the CHOs are mental and Scomos party premiers get different again to opposition premiers. Its fully f’ed

But people cheer their man on instead of calling out the shitshow it is. Opinion polls dont move because of that and we are stuck with 18 months of utter bed wetting

I honestly only really know what is happening in other Provinces due to work and the fact my wife is from Alberta so I check out the news there. I know Montreal and Toronto had some trouble last year. News here focuses on British Columbia.
Unfortunately dickhead dans mates are the chinese communist party, if he had his way he would sell the whole state to those fascists.

Says all we need to know about owen

Just here to cheer for the ALP. Good that he admits it. So far we have 3 down

Aristotle wants everyone vaccinated to prevent him from being sick as he is susceptible due to his chain smoking
owen87 sees this as a chance or ALP to reign supreme and take power.
Hawk Dork is shit scared of the vaccine and wants everyone else to have it before he does so he is aware of anything that could go wrong

The agendas are as clear as day when push comes to shove. I dont have any issue with this in the slightest. Just be open and admit it.
If people are still jumpy after 18 months then it's therapist time i'm afraid, covid is here forever and unless you learn to live with it you will be jumpy for the rest of your life.

These stupid arse governments have now got people frightened of exposure sites FFS, total madness.

And people keep complying, aussies really have been spooked beyond belief.
Just got off the phone to my parents who are in a border town. They’re basically at the stage of “annoying, but not much I can do about it”. They thought Australia was doing well but now are just throwing their hands in the air and trying just to enjoy quiet life in the country.

Gets me down sometimes. I’m a couple of years overdue visiting.
If people are still jumpy after 18 months then it's therapist time i'm afraid, covid is here forever and unless you learn to live with it you will be jumpy for the rest of your life.

These stupid arse governments have now got people frightened of exposure sites FFS, total madness.

And people keep complying, aussies really have been spooked beyond belief.

Too many proclaiming to be jumpy then having this narrow agenda that suits them and them only. Yet to really find a lockdown lover who isnt thrilled with certain aspects of this completely unrelated to the problem itself (ie. border closures because too many brown people, Scomo being lambasted in the media so ALP a better chance of winning) and then you have those who are doing the wrong things in life (smoking, being 40kg overweight) so want others to protect them because they cant protect themselves

Its less fear, more selfishness
I didn't give you a link to the studies I read on SARS cov 1 so you wouldn't have a clue.

The reason I don't want to debate you is because your excitable rants are next level, aggressive, falsely accusatory, wildly off point the majority of the time and you get personal. And then you cry when you have to be checked.

Have a nice night. Bye.
My excitable rants?? LOLZ!


I did read the 2004 SARS animal studies that you pretended to and posted fake information on.

To go with your other fake information that COIVD is 9 times more deadly than flu, Pfizer injections don't "shed" when their own product information says they do, injections are safe, and your fascist comments that ages care and disability workers should accept being forced to take experimental gene therapy injections or lose their jobs.

I'm curious if you've answered the question whether you're a so called social influencer being paid to promote the COVID-19 vaccine? It's manipulation of media and posters on here if not disclosed.

Social Media Influencer Exposes COVID Vaccine Pay-To-Propagandize Scheme – NewsWars
My excitable rants?? LOLZ!


I did read the 2004 SARS animal studies that you pretended to and posted fake information on.

To go with your other fake information that COIVD is 9 times more deadly than flu, Pfizer injections don't "shed" when their own product information says they do, injections are safe, and your fascist comments that ages care and disability workers should accept being forced to take experimental gene therapy injections or lose their jobs.

I'm curious if you've answered the question whether you're a so called social influencer being paid to promote the COVID-19 vaccine? It's manipulation of media and posters on here if not disclosed.

Social Media Influencer Exposes COVID Vaccine Pay-To-Propagandize Scheme – NewsWars

I wont be responding after this.

Being under absolutely no obligation to answer this because quite frankly I view it as just another trick of the disinformationalist to create rumours in questioning motives against a perceived opponent, no I'm not a social media influencer and if I was this would be one of the last places I'd be.

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I wont be responding after this.

Being under absolutely no obligation to answer this because quite frankly I view it as just another trick of the disinformationalist to create rumours in questioning motives against a perceived opponent, no I'm not a social media influencer and if I was this would be one of the last places I'd be.

With all due respect your agenda isnt making much sense despite clearly having one

A part of this thread is really everyone here admitting what there agenda is. Ive admitted mine countless of times. Nothing wrong with admitting what yours is. I can understand you might not want to be bullied into it so maybe just come back later and do it or something. You shouldnt feel ashamed for having a agenda. Just be honest with it really
With all due respect your agenda isnt making much sense despite clearly having one

A part of this thread is really everyone here admitting what there agenda is. Ive admitted mine countless of times. Nothing wrong with admitting what yours is. I can understand you might not want to be bullied into it so maybe just come back later and do it or something. You shouldnt feel ashamed for having a agenda. Just be honest with it really

The only agenda I have is to moderate this thread and engage as honestly as I can but I will be stepping back a bit from engagement. I don't want to cramp the style in here.
The only agenda I have is to moderate this thread and engage as honestly as I can but I will be stepping back a bit from engagement. I don't want to cramp the style in here.

To be fair Im not seeing that myself. Maybe way you are engaging as I think its a bit pro-vaccine based and im not too sure what its based on. I mean you are not being I guess rude and aggressive about it so not the worst though and hence why I dont agree with BlueE saying you are in that influencerr style grouping

Only qualms I have is when people do have a agenda and refuse to admit it til its pulled out of them like ALP members doing the rounds here. Dont think you fit that bill myself but thats just my opinion only.
“Covid crisis”. You hear it over and over again.

There’s lots of crisis in the world. Covid isn’t one. Old people dying isn’t a crisis, it’s a fact of life. As a country, as a world, we have truly lost perspective. It’s sad how quickly and how easily we have lost touch of reality.
Says all we need to know about owen

Just here to cheer for the ALP. Good that he admits it. So far we have 3 down

Aristotle wants everyone vaccinated to prevent him from being sick as he is susceptible due to his chain smoking
owen87 sees this as a chance or ALP to reign supreme and take power.
Hawk Dork is sh*t scared of the vaccine and wants everyone else to have it before he does so he is aware of anything that could go wrong

The agendas are as clear as day when push comes to shove. I dont have any issue with this in the slightest. Just be open and admit it.

Jesus. You’ve been doing the same thing for how long now? When have I ever been particularly supportive of the ALP in my posting?

You made uninformed comments about Victoria’s government, I corrected them, you proceed straight to personal attacks.

Andrews’ is in his second term, winning more seats after his first, because he did some infrastructure work that the voting public cared about.

Very simple.

As Kurve called you out the other day, the way you post is absolutely appalling and toxic.
To be fair Im not seeing that myself. Maybe way you are engaging as I think its a bit pro-vaccine based and im not too sure what its based on. I mean you are not being I guess rude and aggressive about it so not the worst though and hence why I dont agree with BlueE saying you are in that influencerr style grouping

I haven't hidden it that I'd felt the fastest way out of this was vaccination and was quite upfront about it. BlueE likes to engage in smear, the kind of stuff that is best not encouraged.

Only qualms I have is when people do have a agenda and refuse to admit it til its pulled out of them like ALP members doing the rounds here. Dont think you fit that bill myself but thats just my opinion only.

Right, I'm not doing that so thanks.

Anyhoo, on with the discussion because it isn't about me. Cheers.
Jesus. You’ve been doing the same thing for how long now? When have I ever been particularly supportive of the ALP in my posting?

You made uninformed comments about Victoria’s government, I corrected them, you proceed straight to personal attacks.

Andrews’ is in his second term, winning more seats after his first, because he did some infrastructure work that the voting public cared about.

Very simple.

As Kurve called you out the other day, the way you post is absolutely appalling and toxic.

I said ive been supporting the need for health spending since day one? Im not hiding my agenda with snide remarks. Ill be upfront about it and be direct because honesty is the best policy

Uninformed comments that a state controls Electricity pricing. Yeah okay. I understand beauty is in the eye of the beholder but the falsehoods are just tiresome. He has done a terrible job based on every metric except the imaginary ones you are creating like crossing a road in 15 seconds and not 40 like it used to take.

My posting isnt really appaling or toxic. Its researched and honest. If you dont want that, I suggest you go back to the SRP board for some backslapping
I think Kurves views are fairly similar to mine. Perhaps more “mainstream” but that doesn’t mean an agenda.

I don’t think anybody really wants this crap to keep rolling on. This thread is great for hearing different points of view. I’m an ocean away but like to think I can contribute.
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