Conspiracy Theory Coronavirus #5: We're in this together!

About Covid vaccines: Opinion on mandates? Your personal situation?

  • I support vaccine mandates for all jobs

    Votes: 24 26.1%
  • I support vaccine mandates for health & aged care jobs

    Votes: 9 9.8%
  • I don't care either way, it's up to each company

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • Vaccine mandates are immoral and/or unjustifiable

    Votes: 46 50.0%
  • My employer has mandated the vaccine - I got it to keep my job

    Votes: 13 14.1%
  • My employer has mandated the vaccine - I decided to quit my job

    Votes: 8 8.7%
  • My employer has left the decision to get the vaccine optional

    Votes: 8 8.7%
  • I'm not sure where my employer stands on this issue

    Votes: 14 15.2%

  • Total voters

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This is all that was done?
Are you sure?

In W.A we literally have the premier of our state appearing in advertisements for Bunnings promoting a pandemic solution and you want to say that the capitalist framework exists in this narrow vacuum of large scale decisions not including the pandemic?

This does not equal up with reality im afraid. Dans lockdown laws clearly benefited big business over small. I mean can you explain how it didnt? New Zealand was even worse also.
You filling in the blanks on things I've never said nor things I believe. I never have said they were the only things done, or that small business hasn't suffered.
I don't think it's possible we can discuss this with your constant making things up.
Stay safe, good luck.
You filling in the blanks on things I've never said nor things I believe. I never have said they were the only things done, or that small business hasn't suffered.
I don't think it's possible we can discuss this with your constant making things up.
Stay safe, good luck.

I think you are not answering the question at all and are simply filling the space with hot air and ignoring them. I asked for a yes or no answer and you gave me a unrelated spiel about pre pandemic causes and simply went off topic from not only this thread but the question asked

Until you can stay on topic and answer the questions asked for you, your presence in this thread is not only strange but pointless somewhat too. If you are not willing to defend your views then why waste your own time?

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Health care workers don't have to be "in on it". They are likely genuinely concerned with the viruses dangers. But the fact of the matter is.. we don't let medical systems dictate personal choice or freedoms. If we did.. we wouldn't have smoking or drinking or sashimi or whatever.

The point is they've been weaponised and emboldened by a coordinated global political approach.

With smoking and drinking etc.. we recognise that these things may cause lives to be lost and we accept that as a function of society. A risk to be accepted.

Given the standards imposed in WA - that not one death from covid is acceptable (as is supported in polling over here thanks to McGowan's propaganda) if we take that standard the medical science would have us locked down and isolated for the flu or the common cold.

The point is.. we don't let medical consensus drive policy in a vacuum. Yet now we do.. or it appears that we do.. but it's actually not a vacuum. The other existing feature is the exploration of society for the greater expansion of political power.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is a precursor to the climate change schism. 14 days to stop the spread will become 14 days without the internet to stop emissions and before we know it you'll have to pay a carbon tax to the UN to leave your house. And this money wont be used to help the planet. It will be used to over fund inefficient green projects that leave Ecuadorian hospitals without power but give a billionaire another 100m dividends.

This is a briallant piece of work.

Right, ok, fair enough :thumbsu:

So when/if you do respond, in addition to addressing my reply to your initial post, how about actually contributing some of your own thoughts about the events of the last 20 months.

Perhaps you could also establish your position on a few key issues ~

Vaccine mandates? Yes, no?
Vaccine passports? Yes, no?
If you are against vaccine mandates and vaccine passports why don't you ever post about it? Pretty serious issue with far-reaching implications, yeah?
Restricted healthcare for unvaccinated? Yes, no?
Theory about what is happening last 20+ months?
What should happen going forward?

And please, take your time good sir. I eagerly await your response.

You asked me some similar questions that I responded to in post# 5581, in thread number 2.
My answers to above - I disagree with Mandatory Vaccination and passports, and have actually stated same on a number of occasions to the surprise of many here.
Also, definitely against restricting healthcare to the unvaxxed.

I've said before, the last 20 months should be viewed from the lens of a PANDEMIC.
Everyone would have no issue with the last 20 months, if the original death rates seen in Italy in March of 2020, persisted.
The discord, is that GOVT has been seduced by their Medical Advisors ( who are basking with their time in the sun), into believing we are still in a Pandemic, and GOVT has not had the courage to challenge them, given the Italian death rates did not persist.
If Andrews in March 2020, when announcing expenditure of $1.4 billion on 4,000 ICU beds, was asked whether he would have the state locked down even with over 3900 of these beds empty - I doubt he would have answered yes.
But that's what happened in Nov 2020 - we were still in lockdown, proving the Medico's were dictating policy.

So this is a story of incompetence not Conspiracy IMO.

Going forward, I don't see any justification for lockdowns given the high Vaccination rates, nor do I see GOVT having the stomach for bigger deficits to fund the concurrent subsidies.

Re your earlier post:
Privatization - I'm in favour in non essential areas eg Airports. Melb Airport and other Australian Airports, would never have been developed to what they are today, while being run by Govt/Bureaucrats. Neither would the Public have found the billions being spent on Airports at the expense of Education or Health acceptable.

Totalitarianism - this depends on which side of politics you belong. The right say the left is to proscriptive and interventionist. The left says the right is lacks compassion for the poor and underprivileged.
Ultimate there is a struggle between freedom of the individual and social equality. When viewed from this perspective I don't see Govt policy as Totalitarian going fwd, (notwithstanding the events of the last 20 months), particularly as the voters have the ultimate discretion to arbitrate on over reach.
We do however live in an increasingly more complex world as technology becomes even more pervasive, and that will probably require more, not less legislation.
When you have new tools, you find ways to use them whether you're a criminal, Govt or parent.

Finally, on the issue of mandated lifestyle - its exists today with Alcohol and Smoking, our liberties with regarded to each are dictated by Govt.
Sweets and unhealthy food has been banned from School Canteens. Maccca's have been forced to put dietary information on burgers to assist with better choices by consumers. Tobacco companies forced to place horrific images on their packaging.

The social engineering in respect of health and lifestyle is everywhere, but where it should be MANDATED is arguable.

If ever there was an obvious example of willful determination by our public health officials to believe in something despite all evidence to the contrary, these injections are it.

Remember that “95% effective” story we were sold?
What a misplaced hope that turned out to be.

While we could look at compelling evidence of failure from the most vaccinated nations and states in the world (Vermont, Maine, Colorado, the UK, Wales, Chile, Seychelles, Ireland, or Mongolia), let’s just stick with the most glaring example of the utter failure of these shots—Israel.

With the belief that Israel would be the shining example of how to get back to normal, Netanyahu sold out his entire country in an exclusive contract with Pfizer.
Israel is a shining example all right, but not for vaccine effectiveness.

What am I talking about?
I’ll leave it to Dr. Peter Doshi (editor of the British Medical Journal—BMJ) for the mic-drop article about this ridiculous, efficacy sham.
Here is the inconvenient data of what Doshi calls “The elephant named ‘waning immunity’.”
  • In early July 2021 Israel reports the vaccine was 64% effective.
  • By late July 2021, Israel reported the vaccine was 39% effective.

That’s a major drop in less than a month.

Curious about the efficacy rate after that?
Me too…but Pfizer supposedly doesn’t have any data past six months into their trial—i.e. March 2021.
Um…how long have these trials been going on?

And that prompts another important question:
How could the clear signals of dramatically-waning immunity lead to a “full FDA approval”?

Side note: I’ll discuss the “full-approval” ruse shortly.
For now, let’s set aside that approval issue…

(and set aside 1. The reality that the un-injected, human immune system remains 99.9% effective at beating covid, and 2. The Lancet article that says the absolute-risk reduction a jab confers is a whopping 1.3% decreased risk at best)
…and stick with the mainstream narrative.

Given the waning efficacy, what sense do these shots make, and why in the world are they the only way back to normal?

One would think (in light of such concerning data) that world leaders would admit they picked the wrong (exclusive) strategy and at least give us more options besides mandating increasingly-worthless shots for a version of a virus that scarcely exists anymore.

Don’t hold your breath
Here’s why…

Predictably, instead of admitting the painfully obvious, ending the jab program, or pivoting to other treatments, Israel (and now the CDC) is doing the opposite:
Now the double-jabbed get to rejoin the “unvaccinated” group.
If you’re not TRIPLE jabbed, your vaccine passport is (or will soon be) invalid.
  • Not only that, Israel is now gearing up for their FOURTH shot.


Let that sink in…

The first and second shot didn’t work, the third isn’t working either, so let’s plan for four?

Um…remind me the definition of insanity again.

This is our life for now, in waves” said Salman Zarka, Israel’s chief covid-19 officer.

Here’s my question: Where does this jab treadmill end?
Do we really think they can outsmart nature and “booster” our way to zero covid?
Even more concerning, do we really think rushing out a (mandatory, one-size-fits-all, liability-free) jab every few months never risks producing (another) harmful product?
Did we forget how wildly ineffective (often as low as 10%) the annual flu shots are?

Did we forget that “fully approved” drugs (that were actually studied for years) frequently get pulled from the market—hello Vioxx, Celebrex, opioids, etc?

Are we really going to embrace the idea of a no-exceptions, twice-annual (or multi-annual) “immunity membership,” sacrament, I mean passport, in order to live our lives?

But here is a concerning situation, and a super-uncomfortable reality we have to face…

Mindbender alert: Could it be that it’s actually the vaccinated who are keeping covid going?

For those who want to get bogged down in the country-by-country stats, knock yourself out, (there are 68 countries in this study) but to not get too bogged down here, let’s observe the high-level, repeated pattern.
The more vaccinated a country (or state) becomes, the more there is a corresponding surge in covid deaths, and the surge is typically higher than the natural, pre-jab peak.

I could throw a bunch of graphs and headlines at you but suffice it to say they tell this story…

Regardless of how you want to look at the data, the bottom line is this:
The jabs are completely failing to make quantifiable difference in covid when compared to countries with low uptake rates.
The conundrum I see for anyone who still wants to believe in these shots is that you either:
  1. Have to swallow the dissonance that the shots are ineffective and necessary…
  2. Explain the data by saying the shots are working and the reason the death count is so high is because too many deaths are being mis-labeled as covid deaths, or…
  3. Believe that we didn’t get everyone on the globe vaccinated fast enough—which (even if everyone wanted it) would be logistically impossible given how fast the virus mutates.
Whichever way you go, the narrative/vaccine solution doesn’t work.
What’s worse, it appears those who take the shot are becoming super spreaders.
No wonder the CDC re-masked us and even revised the definition of a vaccine.

No wonder other nations are barring Israelis from entering their country.
How could this be happening?


If ever there was an obvious example of willful determination by our public health officials to believe in something despite all evidence to the contrary, these injections are it.

Remember that “95% effective” story we were sold?
What a misplaced hope that turned out to be.

While we could look at compelling evidence of failure from the most vaccinated nations and states in the world (Vermont, Maine, Colorado, the UK, Wales, Chile, Seychelles, Ireland, or Mongolia), let’s just stick with the most glaring example of the utter failure of these shots—Israel.

With the belief that Israel would be the shining example of how to get back to normal, Netanyahu sold out his entire country in an exclusive contract with Pfizer.
Israel is a shining example all right, but not for vaccine effectiveness.

What am I talking about?
I’ll leave it to Dr. Peter Doshi (editor of the British Medical Journal—BMJ) for the mic-drop article about this ridiculous, efficacy sham.
Here is the inconvenient data of what Doshi calls “The elephant named ‘waning immunity’.”
  • In early July 2021 Israel reports the vaccine was 64% effective.
  • By late July 2021, Israel reported the vaccine was 39% effective.

That’s a major drop in less than a month.

Curious about the efficacy rate after that?
Me too…but Pfizer supposedly doesn’t have any data past six months into their trial—i.e. March 2021.
Um…how long have these trials been going on?

And that prompts another important question:
How could the clear signals of dramatically-waning immunity lead to a “full FDA approval”?

Side note: I’ll discuss the “full-approval” ruse shortly.
For now, let’s set aside that approval issue…

(and set aside 1. The reality that the un-injected, human immune system remains 99.9% effective at beating covid, and 2. The Lancet article that says the absolute-risk reduction a jab confers is a whopping 1.3% decreased risk at best)
…and stick with the mainstream narrative.

Given the waning efficacy, what sense do these shots make, and why in the world are they the only way back to normal?

One would think (in light of such concerning data) that world leaders would admit they picked the wrong (exclusive) strategy and at least give us more options besides mandating increasingly-worthless shots for a version of a virus that scarcely exists anymore.

Don’t hold your breath
Here’s why…

Predictably, instead of admitting the painfully obvious, ending the jab program, or pivoting to other treatments, Israel (and now the CDC) is doing the opposite:
Now the double-jabbed get to rejoin the “unvaccinated” group.
If you’re not TRIPLE jabbed, your vaccine passport is (or will soon be) invalid.
  • Not only that, Israel is now gearing up for their FOURTH shot.


Let that sink in…

The first and second shot didn’t work, the third isn’t working either, so let’s plan for four?

Um…remind me the definition of insanity again.

This is our life for now, in waves” said Salman Zarka, Israel’s chief covid-19 officer.

Here’s my question: Where does this jab treadmill end?
Do we really think they can outsmart nature and “booster” our way to zero covid?

Did we forget how wildly ineffective (often as low as 10%) the annual flu shots are?

Did we forget that “fully approved” drugs (that were actually studied for years) frequently get pulled from the market—hello Vioxx, Celebrex, opioids, etc?

Are we really going to embrace the idea of a no-exceptions, twice-annual (or multi-annual) “immunity membership,” sacrament, I mean passport, in order to live our lives?

But here is a concerning situation, and a super-uncomfortable reality we have to face…

Mindbender alert: Could it be that it’s actually the vaccinated who are keeping covid going?

For those who want to get bogged down in the country-by-country stats, knock yourself out, (there are 68 countries in this study) but to not get too bogged down here, let’s observe the high-level, repeated pattern.
The more vaccinated a country (or state) becomes, the more there is a corresponding surge in covid deaths, and the surge is typically higher than the natural, pre-jab peak.

I could throw a bunch of graphs and headlines at you but suffice it to say they tell this story…

Regardless of how you want to look at the data, the bottom line is this:
The jabs are completely failing to make quantifiable difference in covid when compared to countries with low uptake rates.
The conundrum I see for anyone who still wants to believe in these shots is that you either:
  1. Have to swallow the dissonance that the shots are ineffective and necessary…
  2. Explain the data by saying the shots are working and the reason the death count is so high is because too many deaths are being mis-labeled as covid deaths, or…
  3. Believe that we didn’t get everyone on the globe vaccinated fast enough—which (even if everyone wanted it) would be logistically impossible given how fast the virus mutates.
Whichever way you go, the narrative/vaccine solution doesn’t work.
What’s worse, it appears those who take the shot are becoming super spreaders.
No wonder the CDC re-masked us and even revised the definition of a vaccine.

No wonder other nations are barring Israelis from entering their country.
How could this be happening?

This is what is really concerning me..
Months and months ago. Look it up you ignorant sook!

It was a verified VAERS report and there were more than one.

Perhaps you should try reading the editorial I linked discussing when there are no long-term randomized double blinded placebo-controlled clinical trials as in COVID injections, then you have to use “pharmacovigilance”; i.e. long-term post-market safety surveillance that is supported by widely accessible, passive vaccine adverse events tracking systems.

If those vaccine adverse events tracking systems leads to the inference or conclusion that vaccines might cause serious adverse events or death, then they have to be acted on.

FDA have ordered Pfizer to use the VAERS system while they have only just ordered Pfizer to start a pregnancy and fertility study that won't be competed until 2025, Epidemiologists Find CDC Study that seems to be used to recommend COVID doses in pregnancy to contains major errors and corrections.

Not only does TGA report up until 13th October 2021, 1 feotal cardiomyopathy,

View attachment 1277951
Injury, poisoning and procedural complicationsExposure via breast milk880

Injury, poisoning and procedural complicationsMaternal exposure during breast feeding660

Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsAbortion spontaneous81780
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsFoetal death441
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsFoetal hypokinesia441
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsStillbirth330
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsPremature delivery210
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsEctopic Pregnancy220
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsGestational hypertension220
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsPrematurelobour220
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsHaemorrhage in pregnancy220
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsAbortion missed110
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsFoetal placental thrombosis110
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsAbortion spontaneous incomplete110
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsPrematureseperation of placenta110
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsPolyhydramnios110
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsUterine contractions abnormal110
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsUterine contractions during pregnancy110
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsFoetal growth restriction110
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsPremature rupture of membranes110
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsThreatened labour110
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsAbortion threatened110
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsFoetal growth abnormality110

TGA's excerpt on Causality.

  • The reports received by the TGA contain suspected associations that reflect the observations of the person reporting it.
  • Adverse events are suspected of being related to a medicine or vaccine, but this relationship is usually not certain - the symptom may be related to the underlying illness or to other factors.
  • There might be no relationship between the adverse event and the medicine or vaccine - it may be a coincidence that the adverse event occurred when the medicine or vaccine was taken.

So again I reiterate my point Correlation IS NOT Causation, and these reports are UNVERIFIED.
Last edited:

If ever there was an obvious example of willful determination by our public health officials to believe in something despite all evidence to the contrary, these injections are it.

Remember that “95% effective” story we were sold?
What a misplaced hope that turned out to be.

While we could look at compelling evidence of failure from the most vaccinated nations and states in the world (Vermont, Maine, Colorado, the UK, Wales, Chile, Seychelles, Ireland, or Mongolia), let’s just stick with the most glaring example of the utter failure of these shots—Israel.

With the belief that Israel would be the shining example of how to get back to normal, Netanyahu sold out his entire country in an exclusive contract with Pfizer.
Israel is a shining example all right, but not for vaccine effectiveness.

What am I talking about?
I’ll leave it to Dr. Peter Doshi (editor of the British Medical Journal—BMJ) for the mic-drop article about this ridiculous, efficacy sham.
Here is the inconvenient data of what Doshi calls “The elephant named ‘waning immunity’.”
  • In early July 2021 Israel reports the vaccine was 64% effective.
  • By late July 2021, Israel reported the vaccine was 39% effective.

That’s a major drop in less than a month.

Curious about the efficacy rate after that?
Me too…but Pfizer supposedly doesn’t have any data past six months into their trial—i.e. March 2021.
Um…how long have these trials been going on?

And that prompts another important question:
How could the clear signals of dramatically-waning immunity lead to a “full FDA approval”?

Side note: I’ll discuss the “full-approval” ruse shortly.
For now, let’s set aside that approval issue…

(and set aside 1. The reality that the un-injected, human immune system remains 99.9% effective at beating covid, and 2. The Lancet article that says the absolute-risk reduction a jab confers is a whopping 1.3% decreased risk at best)
…and stick with the mainstream narrative.

Given the waning efficacy, what sense do these shots make, and why in the world are they the only way back to normal?

One would think (in light of such concerning data) that world leaders would admit they picked the wrong (exclusive) strategy and at least give us more options besides mandating increasingly-worthless shots for a version of a virus that scarcely exists anymore.

Don’t hold your breath
Here’s why…

Predictably, instead of admitting the painfully obvious, ending the jab program, or pivoting to other treatments, Israel (and now the CDC) is doing the opposite:
Now the double-jabbed get to rejoin the “unvaccinated” group.
If you’re not TRIPLE jabbed, your vaccine passport is (or will soon be) invalid.
  • Not only that, Israel is now gearing up for their FOURTH shot.


Let that sink in…

The first and second shot didn’t work, the third isn’t working either, so let’s plan for four?

Um…remind me the definition of insanity again.

This is our life for now, in waves” said Salman Zarka, Israel’s chief covid-19 officer.

Here’s my question: Where does this jab treadmill end?
Do we really think they can outsmart nature and “booster” our way to zero covid?

Did we forget how wildly ineffective (often as low as 10%) the annual flu shots are?

Did we forget that “fully approved” drugs (that were actually studied for years) frequently get pulled from the market—hello Vioxx, Celebrex, opioids, etc?

Are we really going to embrace the idea of a no-exceptions, twice-annual (or multi-annual) “immunity membership,” sacrament, I mean passport, in order to live our lives?

But here is a concerning situation, and a super-uncomfortable reality we have to face…

Mindbender alert: Could it be that it’s actually the vaccinated who are keeping covid going?

For those who want to get bogged down in the country-by-country stats, knock yourself out, (there are 68 countries in this study) but to not get too bogged down here, let’s observe the high-level, repeated pattern.
The more vaccinated a country (or state) becomes, the more there is a corresponding surge in covid deaths, and the surge is typically higher than the natural, pre-jab peak.

I could throw a bunch of graphs and headlines at you but suffice it to say they tell this story…

Regardless of how you want to look at the data, the bottom line is this:
The jabs are completely failing to make quantifiable difference in covid when compared to countries with low uptake rates.
The conundrum I see for anyone who still wants to believe in these shots is that you either:
  1. Have to swallow the dissonance that the shots are ineffective and necessary…
  2. Explain the data by saying the shots are working and the reason the death count is so high is because too many deaths are being mis-labeled as covid deaths, or…
  3. Believe that we didn’t get everyone on the globe vaccinated fast enough—which (even if everyone wanted it) would be logistically impossible given how fast the virus mutates.
Whichever way you go, the narrative/vaccine solution doesn’t work.
What’s worse, it appears those who take the shot are becoming super spreaders.
No wonder the CDC re-masked us and even revised the definition of a vaccine.

No wonder other nations are barring Israelis from entering their country.
How could this be happening?

Your doom and gloom is massively overstated.

BNT162b2-induced protection against infection builds rapidly after the first dose, peaks in the first five weeks after the second dose, but then gradually wanes in subsequent months. The waning appears to accelerate ≥15 weeks after the second dose, with protection being reduced to a negligible level by the 20th week. While the protection diminished faster against asymptomatic infection than against symptomatic infection, no evidence was found for any appreciable waning of protection against hospitalization and death, which remained robust at about 90% for six months following the second dose.


80% vaccinated rate, 2 cases. Going into lockdown

Did you want to apologise to us now? We were right and you. Not only were you wrong. You were actually more wrong then you ever dreamed of

80% vaccinated rate, 2 cases. Going into lockdown

Did you want to apologise to us now? We were right and you. Not only were you wrong. You were actually more wrong then you ever dreamed of
These cases always fizzle out, nothing to see here. Bit of fearmongering from AP and the media. They just can't help it.
I love how people can simultaneously acknowledge that corrupt police officers exist who plant evidence. Or that politicians are self interested in passing salary increases during debt crises etc. Or that Donald Trump is allegedly a peadophile engaged with Epstein. Or that Pfizer spreads misinformation about its medicine upside in in interest to sell more product in in hyper capitalised US medical system.

But now.. suddenly.. in a never before seen global event. The police and politicians and the global elite and big pharma are all to be fully trusted?
I could throw a bunch of graphs and headlines at you but suffice it to say they tell this story…
An increase in deaths of this magnitude couldn't possibly be concealed. These figures have to be wrong.

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It’s an increase of 3 in a million
I see no reason to doubt it
Oh an increase. That sort of makes more sense. They seem to be getting their latest wave under control... until the next wave comes :$

God you must be an awful lawyer? Let me guess - you work for legal aid and your speciality is traffic violations? You job is essentially to argue that your client is financially stricken. A great day for you is to convince the magistrate to adjudicate a community service order instead of a repayment plan. Am I right?

Even if that were 100% true - he'd still be leagues in front of you and the pseudo-intellectual arm chair psychobabble drivel you produce.
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Drawing from these decisions that the virus is therefore somehow 'just the flu' and the vaccines don't work or are of only limited utility is a huge leap to make. As is the position that 100s of thousands of healthcare workers, epidemiologists and medical researchers are 'all in on it'.

Who thinks this?

Kareem Abdul-Jabar has spent countless hours slagging off everyone who doesnt get the vaccine as endangering the health of others while his flesh and blood wanders the streets stabbing people

Perhaps Kareem needs to protect the health of others by controlling what he can control in his son. Just goes to show that within the debate, its impossible to not find a hypocrite
When youre under 30 and ring your health department

The on hold music

Another one bites the dust
And another one bites
Another one bites
Another one bites the dust

Hey the jabs gonna get you to

Anorher one bites the dust

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