COVID-19 / Coronavirus

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So who do you reckon is letting them in? Dan Andrews?

The buck stops with the rabble that control the borders by your very own definition of accountability. Andrews is just cleaning up their mess.

Spot on, SCOMO and the Feds fukd this up from the get-go, I called it out early on in the piece on the mainboard, stupid stupid decision. Let's stop short of saying Dan is cleaning it up, his handling and procedures for the hotel quarantine has been abysmal, lets be realistic here. Both sides of the fence fluffed it.
Spot on, SCOMO and the Feds fukd this up from the get-go, I called it out early on in the piece on the mainboard, stupid stupid decision. Let's stop short of saying Dan is cleaning it up, his handling and procedures for the hotel quarantine has been abysmal, lets be realistic here. Both sides of the fence fluffed it.
The hotel quarantine was thanks to Dan and was singled out by the Natiinal CMO as one of the biggest game changers ,if he could change anything it would be to have it in place earlier.
The weak link here is security guards,I dont know if its lack of fear or lack of knowledge/training
Last I heard Dan doesnt train them
He has lost faith in who does though by bringing in the Army
The hotel quarantine was thanks to Dan and was singled out by the Natiinal CMO as one of the biggest game changers ,if he could change anything it would be to have it in place earlier.
The weak link here is security guards,I dont know if its lack of fear or lack of knowledge/training
Last I heard Dan doesnt train them
He has lost faith in who does though by bringing in the Army

He continued to employ the contractors well long after the dozens of cases emerged, it ends with Daniel.

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Would Victoria be in the same position as other states if we didn't have any returned travellers? A very significant % of our current cases are linked to allowing Australian citizens to return home.

I do think we should send a clear message to any Australian citizens (and that includes dual citizens) who are currently outside of Australia that if they do want to return to Australia then they need to return by say July 31.

If the virus gets worse overseas and we are doing well in Australia (or maybe even have eradicated it) then it's perfectly reasonable to close the borders and say it doesn't matter if you are an Australian citizen, you've had a few months to come back to Australia and we respect your decision to not make your way home. It's now too risky to the people that are in Australia to bring you home now.
He continued to employ the contractors well long after the dozens of cases emerged, it ends with Daniel.

yeah just over react and send in a new set of victims. Casualisation of workforce is a major major factor here. Something unions have all ways been against

it needs to be looked at critically when the inquiries are held
Would Victoria be in the same position as other states if we didn't have any returned travellers? A very significant % of our current cases are linked to allowing Australian citizens to return home.

I do think we should send a clear message to any Australian citizens (and that includes dual citizens) who are currently outside of Australia that if they do want to return to Australia then they need to return by say July 31.

If the virus gets worse overseas and we are doing well in Australia (or maybe even have eradicated it) then it's perfectly reasonable to close the borders and say it doesn't matter if you are an Australian citizen, you've had a few months to come back to Australia and we respect your decision to not make your way home. It's now too risky to the people that are in Australia to bring you home now.
Is that legal? They can't just stay in other countries indefinitely, especially if that other country is actively trying to deport them.
Would Victoria be in the same position as other states if we didn't have any returned travellers? A very significant % of our current cases are linked to allowing Australian citizens to return home.

I do think we should send a clear message to any Australian citizens (and that includes dual citizens) who are currently outside of Australia that if they do want to return to Australia then they need to return by say July 31.

If the virus gets worse overseas and we are doing well in Australia (or maybe even have eradicated it) then it's perfectly reasonable to close the borders and say it doesn't matter if you are an Australian citizen, you've had a few months to come back to Australia and we respect your decision to not make your way home. It's now too risky to the people that are in Australia to bring you home now.

As long as we keep letting in duel citizens we’ll continue to have cases, insanity.
Is that legal? They can't just stay in other countries indefinitely, especially if that other country is actively trying to deport them.
Interesting question, but if all Australian planes are grounded and all our airports are closed, then we could say sure once we reopen the airports we will come and collect the people you are trying to deport.

If they are dual citizens then sure they can stay in the other country they are a citizen of.

There's also an additional step we could go to where we stop using Melbourne and Sydney and just use Christmas Island... Hamilton Island, French Island, Rottnest Island, Kangaroo Island...
And all of that makes it right ? Vic Labor is corrupt. Comrade Dan has of course known about this. He has only referred it due to 60 minutes.
Of course Dan knew about it, who do you think told the press to investigate it? Obvious power play to remove a threat and "clean" house.
BLM protestor who worked at H&M the following day is now linked to a cluster of 10 in his family, what a complete dimwit.
He continued to employ the contractors well long after the dozens of cases emerged, it ends with Daniel.
The quarantine hotel where the virus first escaped control, the Rydges on Swanston, led to an outbreak among 19 staff members. It was initially guarded by a company called Elite Protection Services, which had been subcontracted by one of the government's contractors. Elite was fired once the outbreak was identified.

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BLM protestor who worked at H&M the following day is now linked to a cluster of 10 in his family, what a complete dimwit.
He didn’t get it at the protest. And wasn’t infectious at the protest either. So why mention blm? To inflame the passions of yourself and others. Stop letting them control you. Don’t Misunderstand me, clearly he has done the wrong thing and gone into work sick. What are the odds he is casually employed with no sick leave?
**** me - she is so scared of Morrison that she refuses to close the border but suggests hotels turn them away, bans them from sporting events - anything else

suppose at least they’ll be getting a taste of what it’s like to be blak or Chinese
He didn’t get it at the protest. And wasn’t infectious at the protest either. So why mention blm? To inflame the passions of yourself and others. Stop letting them control you. Don’t Misunderstand me, clearly he has done the wrong thing and gone into work sick. What are the odds he is casually employed with no sick leave?

How can they categorically say the day before he worked he wasn’t infectious and then the next day he works whilst infectious and the store needs a deep clean? Sorry, I don’t swallow the bullshit government feeds us.
The quarantine hotel where the virus first escaped control, the Rydges on Swanston, led to an outbreak among 19 staff members. It was initially guarded by a company called Elite Protection Services, which had been subcontracted by one of the government's contractors. Elite was fired once the outbreak was identified.

And still nothing changed.. why has every other state been able to control quarantine processes? Like I said, it starts and ends with Daniel.
How can they categorically say the day before he worked he wasn’t infectious and then the next day he works whilst infectious and the store needs a deep clean? Sorry, I don’t swallow the bullshit government feeds us.
It is called science. Just because you don’t take the time to understand it, doesn’t mean it is an invention of the government.

the guy tested positive on the 18th which is 12 days after the protest. It is a 4 to 14 incubation period (most cases within 6 days). We know he had symptoms prior to the positive test but not at the protest and they estimate he worked Up to two shifts while contagious. Pre-symptom spread of the disease is considered minor compared to post-symptom.

there has been four cases where someone attended the protest and also tested positive to covid-19 in the entire country and none fit the likely timeframe for exposure at the event and two of them work at the one H&M store. Do you think maybe that is causal? It has been more than two weeks so if the blm protest were a factor we would expect to see cases emerging from it by now. We aren’t. Basically, on best evidence the chances of getting covid-19 at the blm protests were **** all.
It is called science. Just because you don’t take the time to understand it, doesn’t mean it is an invention of the government.

the guy tested positive on the 18th which is 12 days after the protest. It is a 4 to 14 incubation period (most cases within 6 days). We know he had symptoms prior to the positive test but not at the protest and they estimate he worked Up to two shifts while contagious. Pre-symptom spread of the disease is considered minor compared to post-symptom.

there has been four cases where someone attended the protest and also tested positive to covid-19 in the entire country and none fit the likely timeframe for exposure at the event and two of them work at the one H&M store. Do you think maybe that is causal? It has been more than two weeks so if the blm protest were a factor we would expect to see cases emerging from it by now. We aren’t. Basically, on best evidence the chances of getting covid-19 at the blm protests were fu** all.

I am confident that the catalyst for our outbreak here isn’t the BLM protests, I am not suggesting that, although I think it was inherently selfish. I do not, however, believe that any health official (the same guys who have fluffed every forecast model known to man regarding the virus) can tell us that he was not infectious or did not contract the virus from the march.

We have a lot more problems in the community regarding linguistic adaptations and efficiency within hot spots, that has been an categoric failure to this point.
Would have thought the contracts required people to follow procedure

and yes it did end with Dan and thats why he called in the Army
Why did Dan call in the he going to save us from China :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy:

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COVID-19 / Coronavirus

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