So they are but from a Vic perspective they are still quite restrictive and only to the vaccinated. For example: theatres. Max 150 patrons that are fully vaccinated. Regardless of space. So big theatres with 6 or 700 seats will still be at max 25% full. We will still have to QR code and isolate if a primary close contact until those 90 and 95% marksOur 70% and 80% (16+) targets for staged reopening strike me as low but are better than those adopted by others. IIRC herd immunity rates for rubella are around 95%. The Delta variant has proved highly contagious and who knows with the next variants.
My hope (from an uneducated position in the medical field) is that when we do hit 95% of total population double vaccinated with whatever boosters that are required, it will just be treated like the flu and we all look back on this as an important learning experience