Covid-19 Covid Inquiry, why no Royal Commission?

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There is no way any country, except maybe North Korea, was ever going to stop Covid getting in, so don't pretend otherwise.

This is the biggest waste of money. An Inquiry into lessons about Covid that won't look at factors that impacted on Australian every day during the pandemic. How the **** will future generations learn any lessons? And why will this Inquiry take 12 months?

At least Brett Sutton has called it out for what it is...
We could have kept it out if we had:

Closed the borders much quicker rather than believing Xi's lies that there was nothing to see. Even though we knew brave Chinese doctors and others were being arrested and killed for trying to warn the world.

Stopped giving exemptions to the ban for anyone with money. No citizenship or diplomatic reason should have been no entry

Properly done quarantine not Dodgy Dan and the NSW version.

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Is the excess deaths inquiry done?

Think it is. And with it the weird obsession with blaming excess deaths on vaccine injuries.

Where is Babet now his inquiry has reported in?

Heeellllooo Babet... ?

"The report said the Actuaries Institute of Australia found overall vaccinations helped to prevent higher rates of excess mortality.

The committee also recommended speeding up the opening of the planned Australian Centre for Disease Control, and improving data-keeping to understand the impacts of health events on Indigenous people, those with disabilities and regional residents."

Overall, the bureau found excess mortality was down in 2020 due to strict lockdown measures enforced at the height of the pandemic.

In 2021 Australia recorded an excess mortality rate of 1.6 per cent, and the rate jumped to 11.7 per cent in 2022 due in part to the Omicron wave of COVID-19."

How many COV vax's you up to now brother? 8?....9?

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DO you have significant comorbidities or risks to an infection of Covid?

If you didn't it would have been almost unthinkable that you would have died from covid.

Anyone 50 years and over with a couple of reasonably common risk factors - including moderate asthma - is at a pretty high risk of becoming very sick and being hospitalised with Covid. This isn't just a nasty cold.

Though I have had all the heart tests, there is heart disease in my family. As there is in many people's family.

I'm not obese at all but about 2/3 to 3/4 of people over about 40 or so ARE in that range.

Meanwhile, my friend's primary school aged child with no risk factors ended up in hospital with Covid and now has permanent lung damage.

At no point am I going to nod in agreement listening to you pretend vaccination is pointless and Covid is harmless.

No point at all.
We could have kept it out if we had:

Closed the borders much quicker rather than believing Xi's lies that there was nothing to see. Even though we knew brave Chinese doctors and others were being arrested and killed for trying to warn the world.

Stopped giving exemptions to the ban for anyone with money. No citizenship or diplomatic reason should have been no entry

Properly done quarantine not Dodgy Dan and the NSW version.

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Almost like it should have been a federal government job. Blaming the states for coming up with shit that was entirely outside of their remit remains entirely insane though.

Imagine the states had to invent an income tax system overnight because the feds decided it was to hard to participate anymore. Nobody reasonable would expect it to be immediately good.
Almost like it should have been a federal government job. Blaming the states for coming up with shit that was entirely outside of their remit remains entirely insane though.

Imagine the states had to invent an income tax system overnight because the feds decided it was to hard to participate anymore. Nobody reasonable would expect it to be immediately good.
Feds are the first who should be blamed but Dan's negligence is hard to best given he didn't know who made decisions, appointed a donor to do the work despite them having failed easier tasks again and again, not knowing who was responsible leading to a confused response. All Dan seemed to know was he was leading but wasn't in charge and wasn't to blame.

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Covid-19 Covid Inquiry, why no Royal Commission?

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