Vic Lidia Thorpe: Not the subject for every thread!

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Seeing as Lidia discussion is cropping up across multiple threads, let's have us a thread for people who want to discuss her contribution to Australian politics.

It should go without saying but seeing as she's a bit of a beacon for controversy - for a variety of reasons - let's just remind ourselves what the board rules are around racism and sexism, shall we?
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Standard board rules apply, but let's make this abundantly clear: let's play nicely in here.

Go nuts.
The media coverage of Hanson is bipolar you'd swear it's no accident. She's either standing up for the plucky Aussie battler or the outdated bigot depending on the particular issue.

I'm sure in her own mind she's convinced it's the former - while anyone with objective reasoning (and no care for generating click-bait) can see it's usually the latter. I don't think Hanson has ever considered society as a whole, regardless of race, gender, religion, family status, etc in any of her prognostications. Not that many other pollies do it much either, but the occasional pollie does - or at least most parts of society.
I'm sure in her own mind she's convinced it's the former - while anyone with objective reasoning (and no care for generating click-bait) can see it's usually the latter. I don't think Hanson has ever considered society as a whole, regardless of race, gender, religion, family status, etc in any of her prognostications. Not that many other pollies do it much either, but the occasional pollie does - or at least most parts of society.

Isn't she representing one those strange regional QLD electorates that probably think a lot like she does?

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Isn't she representing one those strange regional QLD electorates that probably think a lot like she does?

She's a senator, so theoretically, she represents ALL Queenslanders. I'd hope there's more Queenslanders that don't think like her, than those who do.

2022 Senate election saw 2 ALP, 1 Green, 2 LNP and Hanson, with the Green gain against an LNP loss.
PHON received 222,925 votes (out of a total 3,111,034, of which Hanson received 26,550 directly).

Of the total 12 senators from Qld in the senate, the breakdown is:
2 x Greens
3 x ALP
5 x LNP
2 x PHON

I suspect she's probably a higher preference of a lot of LNP voters than the Greens or ALP, and with a 7-5 split between LNP/PHON and ALP/Greens, maybe she does align with the thinking of a majority of Queenslanders?

You could also be right in describing the entire state of Queensland as "one of those strange QLD electorates"! :laughing:
And because of Wakefield they are tarred by negative credibility (due to his data falsification)
And the literal torture of children with painful, unnecessary, ineffective treatments and tests. The dude paid kids at his son's birthday party for blood samples.

He's a sociopath if ever there was one.
No, there isn't. You all keep saying there is. But there simply isn't.
There's plenty. Post#21 lists examples.
You just think there is because you've swallowed a narrative where the media have stretched everything she's said to make it look like an exaggeration, but in reality everything she says is mostly true.

THere's just a cohort of Newscorp believers on here who started piling on Thorpe when she raised the allegations and now you're all pretending that she has a history of lying to justify why you piled on because you got sucked in and don't want to sound like fools (but you do).

Even Newscorp is now ignoring the fact it was Thorpe who raised this, and praising Dutton for being decisive when that invertebrate was piling on too until Stoker gave him a call.
I see you as a reasonable poster, as 99.99% of Essendon supporters are, so I'm surprised to see you go down this ^ path. Deferring to Newscorp/Murdoch as a response to reasonable critique is silly.
So now he looks racist, sexist and politically inept (again) to most of us, unless you're a Newscorp believer of course and you think Dutton is the hero in all of this, when it's his idiotic decision to have somebody he knows has been alleged to have committed two counts of sexual assault stand up and speak about it.
Is anyone claiming Dutton as a hero? I'm confident every poster here accepts the legitimacy of LT's claims in this instance.
You honestly can't see that Thorpe gets more attacks from Newscorp than anybody? Compare her to Lambie or Hanson who have said way more stupid crap/

You think it's because of all these terrible things she's done? But you only think that because of the News narrative (and I think Thorpe was exaggerating one way in a couple of those instances, but not all).

You all think she's a liar, but have no evidence, you think she's seeing racism where there isn't, but you haven't been there and can't put yourself in her shoes.

I wouldn't vote for her, I disagree with most of her politics, but if you can't tell that she cops more attacks from News and in particular the Dutton-led Liberal Party than most and don't wonder why, then I can't help you.

Just use your own logic. She gets attacked by News where they either downplay or exaggerate her claims to attack her, over and over, then the cops pinned her to the ground and News said she was being dramatic, then they disbelieved and attacked her about sexual assault (even though the Libs took action over it), then when she's vindicated, they don't say a word in praise or support or take back their attacks, they just say what a good job Dutton did.

How much smoke about mistreatment is Thorpe supposed to take before she yells "racism"? hmm? And that's just the public stuff we've seen, not the span of her lifetime and lived experience.

Race is only completely ignored because you want it to be, because it makes you feel uncomfortable to acknowledge that it still exists. Dutton is relevant, because he's got more than 3 racism strikes to his name.
Her dad thinks she's racist. Is he a Newscorp plant too? SMFH.
Both are equally racist and dishonest IMHO. I view supporters of either as political extremists.

Dunno man. There isn't much difference between Dutton and Hanson either, yet you are parroting his talking points.

I suppose it's just a coincidence that Dutton's talking points are the Newscorp narrative.
Her dad thinks she's racist. Is he a Newscorp plant too? SMFH.
The man who's been estranged from her for years "though she does ring him on fathers' day and his birthday".

Do you ever read these stories, or just the headlines Sky or News put up and just draw the implication they want you to?

You're a textbook case of what happens when you skim headlines on tabloids but don't read the details.
The man who's been estranged from her for years "though she does ring him on fathers' day and his birthday".

Do you ever read these stories, or just the headlines Sky or News put up and just draw the implication they want you to?

You're a textbook case of what happens when you skim headlines on tabloids but don't read the details.
The approach you're taking in this discussion is so typical of SRP lefties. Ask a question, make a couple baseless assumptions, then answer the question yourself.

No wonder you got a like from AP for that post.
Dunno man. There isn't much difference between Dutton and Hanson either, yet you are parroting his talking points.

I suppose it's just a coincidence that Dutton's talking points are the Newscorp narrative.
I am? Can you provide examples.

I'm no fan of Dutton, Hanson, or Thorpe. What about you? Do you have anything positive to say about Thorpe?

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Were you standing around taunting and baiting and menacing women at the time?
Were you inside the club when she was walking around being aggressive and rude to people who had gone to the venue to have a good time only to be accosted by a bad tempered look-at-me exhibitionist?
What are you laughing at Chief ? You are very selective in your coverage of Thorpe. You don't want to talk about what she was like inside Maxines? She was going up to white fellas saying that they had stollen her land. Some **** outside a night club says to her "How the hell does someone get into parliament like you?" after her disgraceful behaviour inside the club and the Senator goes off her nut. What the person said to her was very, very mild in comparison to what politicians cop every day of the week when out of doors and it is part of the $200,000 plus job they have.

Shelley Johnson and Stacie Piper who were with her don't want a bar of her behaviour and have made themselves very scarce and refused to discuss what happened.

She is a self absorbed embarrassment to Aboriginal people. She wants to be the Queen of the First Nations people and behaves just like the racist, supremacist non indigenous people who have no respect nor any regard for anyone who doesn't conform to their view of the world.

She bangs on about respect but she rocks up to the Referendum Council’s Uluru talks with a pre-determined agenda to make herself the center of attraction.

She deliberately provokes all the people gathered there for the talks by saying that the overwhelming consensus to ask to gain constitutional recognition was wrong and then promptly walks out with her minions - straight into the arms of the gathered media who somehow, had been tipped off that a group of people would be walking out of the talks. In a prepared speech she said to the awaiting media, “We as sovereign First Nations people reject constitutional recognition. We do not recognise occupying power or their sovereignty, because it serves to disempower, and takes away our voice." This is astonishing stuff considering that the consultations and the talking that had been going on for years amongst Indigenous people from all over Australia was as a response to the fact that the "occupying power" had disempowered and taken away their voice and that the best way to be empowered, was to be recognised in the Constitution and gain the inalienable right to have a voice.

Alison Hunt, upon whose land the meeting was held, said that her people had supported the gathering on their land “to have a quiet meeting and an opportunity for the people to talk to government, and tell white Australia that we are ready and need support”. She reminded people that the gathering was belong held on sacred land "where you are talking on and standing on, and visitors need to understand that”. There was tension right from the off when Thorpe's mob put up banners saying, “we oppose recognition” and “vote no to constitutional reform”. The elders of the land said that this was grossly disrespectful. The elders of that land wanted them to come back and rejoin the gathering and talk peacefully but no, not for Thorpe and her lot.

I suppose you also think it's funny that your darling Thorpe is now begging to have a say in writing the official No pamphlet after spewing bile, a little while ago, at the other collaborators Price and Mundine for quoting her shit to progress the NO campaign.
I suppose you also think it's funny that your darling Thorpe is now begging to have a say in writing the official No pamphlet after spewing bile, a little while ago, at the other collaborators Price and Mundine for quoting her s**t to progress the NO campaign.
But WHY does she want people to vote no?

Because she thinks the voice doesn't go far enough.
What the person said to her was very, very mild
You've seen the video of a group of men crowding around them, throwing insults?

I mean, you seem to think it was broad daylight and a polite gentleman said it to her over a cream tea.

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Vic Lidia Thorpe: Not the subject for every thread!

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